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Related Studies

Investigating the Impact of using Moodle as an E-Learning tool for Student in an English Language

Using technology for teaching. The study discussed the use of several teaching and instruction
methods as needed to minimize the costs of growing class size, limited resources, and diversity of class
subjects. The test case of this research involved the use of lecturing, online contribution, group study,
group work, and online discussion as compared with the purely traditional face-to-face instruction
method. With the aid of such schemes and study surveys, the researchers concluded that blended
methodology can be a more effective tool for education and learning, especially for subjects that
required group and discussion work (Moore and Gilmartin, 2010).

Web-based tools provide many ways to increase communication between class members and
faculty. Adding these elements to a course can increase student motivation and participation in class
discussions and projects (Hoskins, 2010). Therefore, it seems that the benefits of online learning
depend on the way instructors deliver the content of the course to students. He described the
differences between online learning and traditional face-to-face learning as “The way the content is
delivered” (Hoskins, 2010, p. 4).

Enhancing the language learning. Learning a secondary language is a complex ordeal mainly
because of the different challenges that a person or a group of people trying to accomplish (Baskervill &
Robb, 2005). There is also a wide range of factors that may significantly affect the process of learning a
new language to be used either for everyday or academic purposes. For one, people prefer different
approaches when it comes to the learning process of not just a new language but of basically any other
new skill or topic. Some people’s learning outcomes may prove to be more positively influenced by the
use of visual aids and other visually stimulating materials; there are some people, on the other hand,
who prefer and actually show improved learning outcomes whenever they are in learning situations
wherein the main modality used are those that stimulate their auditory senses. There are also some
people in the large pool of students in the entire educational system that enjoy the privilege of being
versatile and or balanced when it comes to their preferred learning approach (Su, 2006)

Moodle as an online learning platform. Moodle is the short name for Modular Object Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle is a learning management system (in some literatures, it is
called a virtual learning environment. In general, it is considered as a freeware, which means that it is
relatively free to use(, 2014). However, the Moodle features that free users can utilize are
much more limited compared to that of premium users. Nonetheless, it is a good thing that Moodle
users can choose the type of subscription (which can either be free or premium) that they want. This
subscription freedom is often not available in other learning management systems or virtual learning
environments (, 2014). The original or the first version of Moodle was developed and
introduced to the public by a man named Martin Dougiamas. Martin Dougiamas is a prominent educator
and computer scientist in Australia (, 2014). For a brief background about the type of
education he had, he has postgraduate degrees in Education and Computer Science. (NADA IBRAHIM
A Study about Using E-learning Platform (Moodle) in University Teaching Process

According to Gabriela Carmen Oproiu, 2015Moodle can be successfully used both in the
educational system, and in private or public institutions. Moodle can be used in universities in various
purposes, both in full-time and part-time learning, e-learning or blended learning, both in the initial and
continuous formation. This e-learning platform provides users with a series of communication facilities,
such as forum, chat and message system, wiki space and so on ( By means of
forums we can communicate in a non-synchronized manner, which can enable students to communicate
with their mates or their professors at any time, provided an Internet connection exists. The forum
discussions can be related to general interest topics or can be focused on a certain topic, where any user
can initiate a discussion. Unlike forum, the Chat system provides the opportunity of synchronized, real-
time communication between the users on the course platform. By the message system, private
communication between users is completed.

Although it cannot replace traditional education, the internet opens new teaching-learning-
assessment opportunities. The information obtained in this manner, the mobility of its use, makes e-
learning come up as a completion and continuation of traditional education. Although initially created
for distance education, Virtual Learning Environments are at present used as auxiliaries for the
traditional didactic activities, known as Blended Learning. The increase in the use of VLE by universities
and other formation institutions is a reality and will definitely have an important impact on the learning
process. The Moodle platform, which has become more and more used in Romania, comes as a support
for the educators who aim at increasing the quality of online courses, but also as a support for students
in order to facilitate their learning

The use of Moodle e-learning platform

There are different expressions used to describe educational computer applications, such as e-
learning Systems, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Course Management System (CMS) or even
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The Moodle represents one of the most widely used open-source e-
learning platforms, that enables the creation of a course website, ensuring their access only to enrolled
students. This platform allows the exchange of information among users geographically dispersed,
through mechanisms of synchronous (chats) and asynchronous communication (discussion forums). In a
functional perspective, it has easily configurable features, allowing the creation of student assessment
processes (quizzes, online tests and surveys), as well as managing their tasks with their timetable,
besides offering a wide variety of complementary tools to support the teaching and learning process.
(Carolina Costa, Helena Alvelosa, Leonor Teixeiraa, 2012)

Difficulties in Remote Learning

According to Erwin E. Rotas, Michael B. Cahapay, 2020, Most educational systems across the world have
migrated to remote learning modality as a measure against the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). This phenomenon is causing a lot of difficulties especially as voiced out by students in the
context of developing countries. This paper attempts to describe the difficulties in remote learning of
university students in the Philippines in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. The result of the content
analysis revealed the some following categories:

Unstable internet connectivity. One of the most recurring difficulties experienced by the students in
remote learning is unstable internet connectivity. Most of the time, this problem is caused by the
geographic location. Another times, it is compounded by the weather (It rains here that cause of lack of
internet connection.

Inadequate learning resources. Another difficulty that repetitively appears in their responses of the
students is the inadequacy of learning resources. Most students use only phone and need other
resources. Others have a challenge in terms of the storage capacity of their available gadgets.

Electric power interruptions. Furthermore, since remote learning relies on electronic gadgets in this
context, the students were challenged with electricity interruptions. This is especially difficult in areas
where regular interruptions occur or such interruptions are unexpected.

A Move to Moodle: A Perspective of Academics in the College Of International Tourism and

Hospitality Management

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to strengthen the pedagogical skills
and fortify teaching and learning across all areas of the curriculum done in a classroom set-up (Bate,
2010). It is highly stressed that the implementation of Moodle is not a technical migration from an old
system to a new one, but rather, an opportunity for the University to transform the incumbent model of
teaching. Moodle can be used to integrate a course with online activities that both teachers and learners
can use to increase the efficacy of learning and competence in ICT. Moodle also enhances student
autonomy. Students can access web-based media, and files uploaded/downloaded by their teachers
including textbook materials, quizzes and other supplementary learning tools.

The foremost challenge in adopting MOODLE as a supplement to teaching and learning is

internet connection. Both faculty and students mention this as the topmost challenge. It is also
mentioned that there is lack of technical support coming from those that maintain the program.
(Maureen D. Perez, 2015)

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