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© 2018 IJRAR October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


P.G.Scholor, 2Associate prof. M.D(Hom), 3PhD.(Hom), Principal, Head of the Institute,
1 &2
Department of Case taking and Repertory.3 Bharati Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College& Hospital Pune ,
Maharashtra ,India.
Abstract –
A clinical study was conducted to assess the role of rubric “Ailments from” in Acute cases using Synthesis repertory in

Background and Objectives:

Finding out the Similimum is the core of Homoeopathy. Our stalwarts had given different approaches for finding out the
similimum to the case . Selecting the similimum through the process of repertorization by finding out the Ailment factor of the
acute illness.
The eliminating method is one way to find out the similimum from the group of the similar remedy after repertorization
process.Homoeopathic Materia Medica is final court to appeal after finding the similar group of remedies.
In this study synthesis repertory is used by applying the knowledge of reportorial totality and using the Ailment factor of the
illness with Eliminating method for treating the case make the prescription in Homeopathy more substantial. Benefits of rubric
“AILMENTS FROM” in considering it into totality and its presentation in synthesis repertory for effective prescribing to know
the cause and effect relationship in finding out the simillimum and cure. The objective of study is to identify the importance of
the rubric “ailments from” in clinical practice as a PQRS symptoms.

30 acute cases were studied presenting with rubric ailments from, in each case totality of symptoms was formed, followed by
formation of repertorial totality, analysis of repertorial result and by considering the “ailments from” for selection of similimum
for the case is done. Age wise above 18 years patients were enrolled in study. Gender wise incidences in the study out of 30
patients, 11 (37%) were Females and 19 (63%) Males. Out of total 30 cases, 28cases showed Good improvement, while 2 cases
showed moderate improvement, there was no any cases which showed mild improvement or poor result. In the case study of 30
patients the remedies which were indicated in maximum cases are Arsenic album, Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum, Nux.vomica,
Belladonna, Lycopodium, Sepia,Gloninum etc and the potency and repeatation of medicines was done according to the need of

From the above results and observations it is concluded that if the remedy is prescribed on the basis of rubric “ailments from” in
acute illness then there is marked result. It is helpful for the curative purpose.

Keywords- Acute illness, Ailments from, Homoeopathy, Repertory.

According to Oxford dictionary word “ailment” means minor illness and the synonym for “ailment from” are cause, causation,
reason, antecedent occasion
The definition of ailment is a stimulus to change inertia of a living organism.
As the science firmly believes on cause and effect phenomenon, for every disease there is presence of some antecedent cause.
Universal law of cause & effect phenomenon-The universal law of cause & effect states that for each & every effect there must
be a definite cause, likewise for each & every cause, there is a definite effect. Your thoughts, behaviors, & action creates specific
effects that tends to manifest & create your life as you know it.

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© 2018 IJRAR October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

In Homoeopathy “ailments from” means cause of the disease or illness, which can be present at the mental level as well as
physical level to produce disease.
In Homoeopathy, Dr.Boger has introduced about doctrine of causation and time modality & gave importance to causation,
time, and general modalities and according to him this approach is more practical and proved.
Dr.Boger emphasized that, causative and time modality factors are more important and reliable in cases as well as medicines.
According to Dr.Boger, causes could be miasmatic cause and exciting cause. In Boger’s synoptic key, He has emphasized that
‘while taking the cause we should first try to elicit the evident cause and course of sickness and all which now to interfere with
the patients comforts. Even though there is no separate section for causation in the repertory. The section aggravation also
includes the factors that excites or brings on symptoms.

II. Materials and Methods-

Case definition–
Cases presenting with complaints of acute illness & having specific ailment factors for illness, cases of both genders and more
than18 years of age will be taken in my studies after filling the patient consent form & informed consent form

Study type-
non randomized prospective clinical trial

Study setup
Study is conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Hospital, Pune, India. Cases of acute illness & having specific ailment
factors for illness,

Inclusion Criteria
 Patients fulfilling the case definition.
 Patients having an specific ailments factors for illness.
 Patients having acute illness.
 Patients of both genders and and more than 18 years of age.
 Patients on concomitant treatment/medications like anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetes.

Exclusion criteria
 Patients without any ailments from factors for illness.
 Patient suffering from life threatening disease & those who need emergency medical intervention.
 Female patients who are lactating or pregnant.
 Patients having or using other medications for the same illness/disease.

Duration of study
18 months

Study procedure
A detailed history of each case comprising of information from the patient and others including the family will be taken and the
symptoms will be carefully analysed ,evaluated and formed the reportorial totality giving the higher importance to the rubric
“ailments from’ at the top(Eliminating method). Medicine will be selected on the basis presenting complaints, constitutional
features and reportorial totality. Medicines has been given in globule(sucrose) & powder(lactose) form & follow up has been
taken according to the state of patients.

Criteria for assessment -

Marked: When there is more than 75% disappearance of the symptoms.

Moderate: When the patient has symptomatic relief with more than 50% reduction
Mild: When the patient has symptomatic relief with less than 50% reduction.

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© 2018 IJRAR October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Dropped out: The patient does not fulfill the requirements of the project or attending physician does not want to keep the patient
under study on valid reasons.

III. Results -
30 cases were enrolled from Pune, Maharashtra for the study.
In the case study of 30 patients the remedies which were indicated in maximum cases are Nux

nux vomica ars.alb nat.mur phosphorus arnica

belladona rhus tox aconite silicea

8% 24%



8% 12%

Fig 1:commonly used remedies in this study(n=30)

In this study we can categorize the causative factors basically under –1)Mental & social stressors, 2)Food & drinks ,
3)Environments & 4)Others factors are also there.( injury, accidental & occupational )

In this study following causative factors were commonly seen-

Table 1: showing most prone Ailment factors in this study (n=30)

Mental social & emotional 3

Food & drinks 5
Environmental 15
Others 7

Null hypothesis-
There is no effect of homoeopathic medicines if prescribed on the basis of rubric “AILMENTS FROM” or if prescribed on the

basis of cause effect relationship.

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© 2018 IJRAR October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)




Fig.1 Percentage wise result

Table 2: Gender wise distribution of the included cases and mean age(n=30)

Gender Number of patients Percentage Mean age S.D

Male 19 63% 27.47 9.12
Female 11 37% 23.66 9.14
Total 30 100% 26.1 9.15

During this study this rubrics are most frequently found from synthesis repertory.

Table 3:First grade remedies with rubrics in this study from synthesis repertory.


GENERALITY Food & Agg.spices Nux .vomica
GENERALITY Food & Aggravation Aco,Ant.c,Carb.v,Hep
GENERALITY Weather Chang of Bry,Dulc,Nux.v,Phos,Psor,ran.b,Rhodo,Rhus.t,Sil,Tub
GENERALITY Air draft Aggravation Bell,Calc,Calc.p,Kali.c,Lyco,Rhus.t,Sulph,Sel,Puls,sil
GENERALITY Seasons Summer Ant.c,Ars,Bell,Bry,Camph,Carb.v,,Gels,Glon,,Lach,Nat.c,Puls

GENERALITY Wet Aggravation Alum,Calc,Caust,Puls,Rhus.t,Nat.s,sep.

MIND Ailments Death of Acon,Ars,Ign,Lach,Op,,Staph
from loved once

MIND Ailments Cares & Nux.v,Cocc

from worries
HEAD Pain Sun – Ant.c,Bell,Bry,Glon,Lach,PUL,Nat.c,
exposure to

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© 2018 IJRAR October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

sun from
HEAD Pain Summer Bell,Carb.v,Glon, Nat.c,Puls

IV. Discussion-
When the remedy had prescribed on the basis of rubric “ailments from” there was marked improvement in patients.
Subjective & objective symptoms are also required along with the Ailments factor. Eliminating method plays
important role in final selection of the remedy. Characteristic mental symptoms during the acute illness guides us to
reach the indicated remedy.

V. Conclusion
It is concluded that if the remedy is prescribed on the basis of rubric “ailments from” in acute disease then there is marked
improvement. It is helpful for the curative purpose. No adverse effects were recorded when remedy prescribed on basis of rubric
ailments from but the characteristic symptoms should be considered before prescribing the remedy. However more trials are
required on large sample size to make firm recommendations in treatment of acute diseases.

VI. References –
1) Essentials ofRepertorization by Prof.Dr.Shashi Kant Tiwari.
2) Reperire by Dr.Vidhyakar R. Khanaj.
3) Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum- by Dr. Frederick Schroyens.
4) A synoptic of Homoeopahic Materia Medica –Dr.C.M.Boger.
5) Principles of prescribing by Dr. K. N Mathur.
6) Lectures on Homoeopathic philosophy by Dr. J. T. Kent.
7) Organon of Medicine sixth edition.Aphorism no.-5 & 6.
8) Synopsis on Aetiology by Dr. Eswar Das.
9) Homoeopathic practice at home –Dr.B.B.Jadhav
10) Google scholar

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