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List down your goals as regards to your personal, family and community involvement in
basketball and team sports in general. This activity aims to reaffirm your commitment in making
team sports your lifetime fitness endeavor.

Personal Goals:
1. To be at possible physical and mental peak and to live a healthy lifestyle.
2. To forge friendship and cooperation amongst fellow players or participants.
3. To create memorable moments or events when participating any team sports.

Family Goals:
1. Increase Family bonding time and encourage friendly familial competition.
2. Promote familial physical exercise among the family, immediate and extended.
3. To promote healthy life style with team sports and cooperation amongst family.

Community Goal
1. To promote physical activities that are accessible to the public.
2. To promote physical education and doing the process as interactive and fun as possible.
3. To encourage cooperation with the people of the community and to foster healthy
relationships with one another.

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