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CH 8 Assignment



1. Why is communication important?

Communication is needed for everyday living, whether at home, work or elsewhere and can be
very helpful for us in many ways. It allows for the flow of knowledge and information to be
shared and flow through many people and can motivate workers into doing their jobs more
efficiently and effectively.

2. What are 5 good communication skills?

Active Listening: Make sure that you are hearing and understanding the conversation as it
Non-verbal Communication: Gestures and body movements can give a lot about how you are
participating in communicating.
Asking Questions: Asking questions proves that you are actively engaged in the conversation.
Being Clear and Understandable when speaking: Make sure that your words are clear and
understandable to the other person so they won't feel lost or uncomfortable when listening to
Being Present: Being in the conversation mentally and not distracted by other interference can
allow for the other person to feel that they are being listened to.

3. Search a video and the topic is about communication. Write down your insight about the

In the video that i watched, it focuses on how managers or higher positions in an organization or
company uses communication as a means of improvement. Communication is, in a way, like
planning how your words will be conveyed when talking to a person and the video's emphasis
on how important it should be for your message to be clear and concise. It also shows the
process of communication, where the sender sends a message, receiver receives the message
and the receiver sends back feedback or their input about the message. The video also shows
that many managers say that communication is one of the most important skills to have in their
positions and many problems happen due to miscommunication or their employees
misinterpreting the message. To have improved communication skills and learning to prevent
error in sending and receiving messages can greatly embolden the company's ability to work
effectively and efficiently.

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