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Describe the current prevalence data of HIV/-AIDS worldwide.

Describe the current prevalence date of HIV/-AIDS in the Philippines

1. Worldwide, the total sum of people that have HIV/AIDS are around the scale of 38 to 45
million people infected.

 From the total sum, 30 to 43 million are adults and 1.8 to 2.2 million are children aging
from 0-14.
 53% of the infected are females differing from various ages.
 Ranging from 65-90% of HIV are aware of their HIV status.
 About 5 to 7.3 million people are not aware that they were living people with HIV.
People infected with HIV/AIDs who are on the Anti-retroviral treatments (ART) ranged from 26-
27 million, which makes up about 73% (55-88%) of the HIV infected.

 57% to around 90% are aged 15 and beyond had access to the ART, along with 54% aged
0-14 as well.
 61-95% of female adults 15 to older had access to the treatment as do the 52-82% of
the male adults.
 63-90% of pregnant women were able to obtain the treatment and prevent the
transmission of HIV to their newborns.
In the rise of COVID-19, the situation had become worse as many people with HIV didn’t have
access to COVID-19 vaccines.

 In England and South Africa, there are studies that people with HIV have doubled the
risk of death than normal people.
 The Sub-Sahara African hold two-thirds of people with HIV, but vaccines for COVID-19
aren’t reaching them fast enough to protect them, with only around 3% of the
population having one dose of the vaccine.
In key population, like workers in the sex industry, prostitution, and drug abuse activities, along
with their partners account for 65% of HIV globally.
Chances for getting HIV with people who inject illegal substance and transgender people are
about 34-35 times greater and with gay men and other men having sexual activities with other
men are 25-26 times greater.
For women ranging from 15-24 years old, every week about 5,000 are infected with HIV.

 In Sub-Sahara Africa, young women aged 15-24 are twice as likely to be infected with
HIV than the men, and around 4200 are infected weekly.
 The females make up the total of 63% of the HIV infection in Sub-Sahara Africa.
A strategy that is implement by the UNAIDS is the 90-90-90, in which the idea that by 2020,

 90% of people who have HIV will be diagnosed.

 90% of the diagnosed will be on antiretroviral treatments.
 90% of the people who received the antiretroviral treatments will be virally suppressed.
In 2020, there were 20.6 million people with HIV with 55% in eastern and southern Africa, 5.7
million (15%) in Asia and the Pacific, 4.7 million (13%) in western and central Africa, and 2.2
million (6%) in Western and Central Europe and North America.
2. In the Philippines, as of August 2021, there are about 878 confirmed cases for people with
HIV/AIDs, adding to the total of 90,031 since January of 1984.

 96% of cases were male, along with the 2% (21) reported themselves as transgender as
of testing.
 Over half of the cases (427) were ages ranging from 25-35, while 33% (291) were 15-24
years old, 16% (138) were ages 35-49. 2% were ages older from previously mentioned
and <1% were under the age of 14.
 96% of the HIV cases were transmitted via sexual intercourse, around 1% that were
infected via needles or injection of illegal substances and about 4 were infants
transmitted from their mothers.
 For ART program, there were around 843 people that had access to the treatment, with
a total of 53,286 people infected with HIV attended the ART program and 96% were
males, (51, 242), and the ages ranging from 0-81 years old with 32 years old as the
For OFW, there were a case of 51 newly infected, with 48 of them being male. 94% were
infected through sexual activities, with 7 being with women, 20 being with men, 21 with both
genders, the remaining cases had no further data. The ages ranged from 23-56 years old.
For Youth and children combined is a total of 341, with 291 being the youth ranging from 15-24
years old and the children ranging <14 years old. For youth, 97% and children, 94% were
infected via sexual transmission with both having 11 cases having no further data. Three
children and one young adult were infected via childbirth.
There are a total of 142 deaths regarding the HIV/AIDs cases, 87% (124) were males and the top
three regions are NCR with 66%, Region 3 with 16% and Region 4A with 9%. The cases were 14
that were 15-24, 66 that were 25-34, 53 that were 35-49, and 9 that were 50 and older.

For Worldwide:
Fact sheet - Latest global and regional statistics on the status of the AIDS epidemic. (
Global Statistics |
Hiv Rates By Country 2021 (
For Philippines:
EB_HARP_August_AIDSreg2021.pdf (

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