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The Impact of costumer

Satisfaction on
Businesses and enterprise

Practical research 2

Accountancy, Businesses And Management

September 2021

Customer satisfaction refers to how well you, as a product or
service provider, fulfil the needs and expectations of your
customers. … : “A measure of how happy customers feel when
they do business with a company.”
Costumer satisfaction is important because Satisfied customers
are your biggest advocates. Their positive word-of-mouth lends
your brand credibility, popularity, and helps acquire new
customers. This saves brands a lot of money that they would
spend on marketing and promotional campaigns to acquire new
Customer satisfaction doesn’t just impact the business’ bottom
line, it also impacts team morale and retention rate.

While your business might survive with angry, single-purchase

customers, only businesses with a focus on customer
satisfaction will thrive. Customer satisfaction is the difference
between surviving and thriving
Customer satisfaction is critical for the growth of a business; if a
customer is satisfied, the number of clients a business has will
increase as a result of having a loyal customer, and the
company’s sales will increase.
My strategy is to simply ensure that my customers are happy so
that they are content with my company, and if they provide any
feedback, I will keep it so that I can determine what else I need
to modify or better.
I choose this title to keep Costumer satisfied with a business
and to prevent customer misunderstanding when looking for a
reliable organization.

Significance of the study

The goal of this study is to increase the number of satisfied

customers. Costumer satisfaction is important to a business
since customer input may help it expand, as well as lower the
number of disgruntled customers, so that customers know who
they can trust and like for their needs. They have a good idea of
what to look for.

Statement of the problem

What are the critical issues leading to customer satisfaction?

How is customer satisfaction ensured?

Measure customer satisfaction regularly. Ask for feedback
across all touchpoints. Actively ask customers for feedback.
Share feedback across all your teams.
How do you address problems on customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is a very poor predictor of future

customer behaviors. … Just because a customer says they’re
satisfied doesn’t mean they’ll come back to buy a company’s
products or use their services. A different (and counter-
intuitive) approach bears more fruit.

Scope and Delimitation

In order to provide an accurate data regarding the topic,
the following scope and delimitations should be imposed:

1. The respondent is the business owners for the customer’s

2. This research is to focus on the costumer if they are
3. The Research study used quantitative type research to
focus on the respondent
4. The study will use descriptive survey method as its
research design.
Research Design
The researcher used Quantitative research is the
process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. …
Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative
research, which involves collecting and analyzing non-
numerical data . Phase I of the study will use descriptive
survey method while the phase II will use interview

The data gathered from this research came from four
(4) respondents, which are the current business owner,
manager, the business man’s . The researcher used non-
probability sampling technique, particularly purposive
sampling technique.

The study used a survey questionnaire in gathering
the data necessary in answering the research questions.
Part I focused on gathering information to describe the
profile of the respondents. Part II used a four-point Likert
scale in determining the perception of the respondents
regarding labor relations. Part III and IV utilized interview
questions to gather the statements of the respondents
regarding conflict and grievance management and
professional development.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked permission to conduct the study
from the office of the Business owner . After securing the
approval letter, the researcher distributed questionnaire
to the selected respondents. After which, the researcher
collected the questionnaire and gather the information,
which will be subjected to data analysis and statistical
Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment
In order to interpret the data gathered, the following
data analysing tools were used:
For the quantitative part, frequency and mean were
used. Also, after gathering the mean, the numerical data
will be subjected to interpretation.

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