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(1) Distinguish sex, gender and sexuality and provide examples on how each is manifested in real life

Sex is the term we use to refer to a person's sexual anatomy (his or her sexual body parts). So if a doctor
were to say that a girl is female in terms of her sex chromosomes, her sex organs and hormonal make-
up, the doctor is referring to the girl's sex (her body). For example, societies think that there are only
two genders that people identify with, either male or female and it manifested in real life situations
because of society's expectations towards a person's sexual anatomy. Therefore, sex refers to a person's
physical characteristics at birth.

Gender is a term we use to refer to how a person's feels about himself as a boy /man or feels about
herself as a girl /woman. It is the sociocultural division of people traditionally based on an assumed
difference between the sexes. As a system, gender conveys social meaning that is typically encoded as
feminity and masculinity. For example, of how he /she expresses their gender using signs and signals like
the way how he /she wears a clothes, his /her way of expressing physical appearance, behavior and
mannerisms. Many of the ways present ourselves to the world carry a gendered meaning especially
nowadays that we're already upgraded.

Sexuality is the term we use to refer to a person's sexual (erotic) feelings. So when we talk about
sexuality it is comprised of three separate but interconnected dimensions : attractions, behavior and
identity. For example, a woman who has sex with men (behavior) to whom is sexually attracted
(attraction) and who identifies as straight (identity) would be a heterosexual woman. It manifested in
real life situations by viewing that attraction, behavior and identity because people nowadays are having
sex to anyone whom they are attracted to so that it cause an early pregnancy.
(2) Look atleast three (3) articles dedicating their discussion on human sexuality. Write down an
essay comparing how these materials define sex, gender and sexuality. Attached the printed

Human sexuality has a different way to learn about their sexuality. Some learned it from the
media, some learned it through their peers and some learned it through their parents. As for
me, I learned it from observing myself and confirming it. As these three (3)articles, it compared
to define sex, gender and sexuality by discussing particular things and understanding the
psychology behind it. From the articles that I've found, it defines the sex and sexuality because
it explained the one's behaviors, thoughts and feelings. It defines the means of biological
reproductions describes psychological and sociological representations of self and orients a
person's attraction to others. As important it is often viewed as a taboo topic for personal or
scientific inquiry. On the articles, gender defines the issues of gender discrimination, relations
and their status in the household. Like for example, male and female in life and all living things
are classified as male or female depending on their physiology and their psychology. Females
are supposed to act as feminine as possible and males are supposed to act as masculine as
possible though most females and males act in between.


(1) Differentiate sex, gender and sexuality

Sex refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female or intersex. A
person typically has their s3x assigned at birth based on physiological characteristics including
their genitalia and chromosome composition. This assigned sex is called a person's "natal sex".

Gender, on the other hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike natal sex, gender is not
made up of binary forms. Instead, gender is a broad spectrum. A person may identify at any
point within this spectrum or outside of it entirely.

Sexuality refers to a person's sexual orientation or preference. Also refers to a person's capacity
for sexual feelings. More than the need to reproduce, sexual drive is an important part of
human emotional expression and deep connection with another.

(2) Discuss the implication of these differences ; and

Sex and gender are not the same. Sex is implicated to a person's physical characteristics at birth
and gender's implications encompasses a person's identities, expressions and societal roles.
While sexuality may be experienced and expressed in a variety of ways including thoughts,
fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships. It
implicates to everything from religion to philosophy and change throughout history and are
continously evolving.

(3) contemplate about your own sexuality and on the importance of appreciating sexual

Sexuality is unique to everyone. And as I contemplate my own sexuality, I can express it by who
I am, of how I feel and to who I am attracted to. Sometimes it takes a while for me to know or
define my sexuality and then it still can change but it is ok. Sexuality is not a static thing it is
only natural that it will develop and change as I grow and have new experiences. Most
importantly, my sexuality is about what feels right for me and what makes me happy and not
simply conforming to the expectations of other people. As to importance of appreciating sexual
diversity, in being able to express those parts of my sexuality it is very important and should be
respected. In sexual diversity where it is claimed as the acceptance of being different but with
equal rights, liberties and opportunities within the Human Rights Framework. And as I am
contented on what sexuality I am born with.

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