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Name of the Organization

The hotel that was used was the Banasura Hill Resort, Wayanad, Kerala.

Short Description of the Product

The service that can be developed for making this resort more popular can be a show for local
music which can be organized here, along with story sessions. For 2 nights, the hotel needs to
give the customers an immersive experience which can be provided by, for example, having
karaoke sessions with local celebrities. The local event that is organized in the hotel can attract
people through word of mouth communication. There can also be a 10% discount for the
customers who stay at the hotel for these 2 nights when the event is going to be organized.

Target Market

The target market for the hotel is high income families and honeymoon couples who come for
vacations in Kerala. This resort has a picturesque view over the Banasura Hill, located 3500 feet
above sea level, and thus is popular among people with a lot of disposable income or honeymoon
couples who are sharing a special time. They can be interested in romantic music nights and
story sessions that will make their stay more entertaining, especially if there are children around.

Why is it innovative?

The initiative to conduct karaoke sessions with local celebrities and story sessions can not only
attract the tourists, but also local people who want to be a part of such an experience. The
discount as well as the event itself can attract people to participate in the innovative service. The
beautiful location can also be enjoyed by the tourists in this way.

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