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GD Topic-5

Is Remixing Good Trend in Music?

from my point view, Remixing music is not good because it reduces the quality of original song and the
level of the
song is decreased before past time song feel calmness and freshness if we heard the song remix song
are not a good idea because it shows our weakness of music site it shows the lack of thinking of music
writer they do not think deeply and last I conclude that new song invention better option than remix
song people are boring seen recreate son thank you.

According to my point of view, we are living in the 21st century, everything has been
changed so the trend of music also has been changed.Today's generation such as children prefers to
listen the remixing songs. Most of the people want to listen to remixing songs at the time of the party.
But according to the senior citizens, remixing is not good. They think that it is decreasing the feeling
of the original song. Because they listen to music only peace and calm. what's your opinion sagar.

Actually, in my opinion remixing of music is not a better option because original song or music has the
capability to make a person calm but it doesn't mean that remixing of music is totally bad sometimes
good artists like Arijit Singh, AR Rehman etc has the capability to make a song or music better than
the original with the help of remixing and some small but talented artists also make a good song like
little Shah Rukh Khan song.So, the conclusion is, remixed music can never replace the original music
but sometimes remixed music can be better.Thank you.

Hello everyone,In my point of view, remixing is good because it is a new way to change old fashion to new
fashion. Some people like to listen
to old song and some listen to remix song it is own choice. It gave a life in an old song.But in some
cases, remixing gone wrong b/c it reduces the power of song so it all depends on how remixing is.

Ketan,I obey with you.the basic aim of remixing music is to draw the attention of youth. Many content
YouTubers are also doing this so efficiently and earning not only wealth but fame also but to be very
honest this remixed music can't replace the old melodies. Old conventional music will always remain in
heart of every people.

My dear friends with lots of respect I want to give my opinion as follows.
remixing isn't a bad idea at all. People are coming up with innovative and
creative thinking just for the sake of entertainment. We should always appreciate and welcome new
ideas. Remixing is nothing but an old product in a new package.

wait wait! remixing of music is good because humans are creative in nature and if they have the
opportunity to show their talent it can never be bad, some people feel good to listen to this music
some not so it totally depends on us.Actually, in this modern era, a new generation has no idea about
songs of 1950s. They never listen to old song that is why by remixing they listen to the new version
and almost enjoy too, so remixing of music is not bad we should feel proud by listening to this music
because it becomes more beautiful enjoyable than the old one.what's your opinion guys!
I want to state my opinion regarding this topic. I do not agree with it
Music is a geometrical series of words and sounds if we just mess its order then we find only noise.
Sound & words have a dirrect connection to our feeling so first, we set these words to make a sense &
feeling full but now after setting them we are mixing it where we are going.

right radhika i am agree with you,
Whether it is Remix or Original. Its all depends on our taste and Preferences.
If we are interested for remix song, we can go for remix song. It is the source for fun and entertainment.
Now a days, there are remix of new songs like "SHEELA KI JAWANI", MUNNI BADNAM HUI
is available in the market.right or wrong guys..

I totally disagree with this point,
the remixing of the song is a good trend, and there is no contest between old song and
remix song.Because it upon the people interest what they like. If someone like old songs he/she can
listen old and If someone like remix songs he/she can listen old but what about the people who like
both old and remix songs?So, I think remixing is a better way to alive the old song in an advance way.
thank you...!

Add topic:-

1.According to me, remixing old music has both positive and negative impact, the word remixing means
add on of new catchy lyrics and tunes which may b good or may b foul, generally the foul language lyrics
music is adopted by youths of our generation, which are somehow disobeying the feelings of elders,
because they are making that old beautiful song with foul language just for entertaining youths, but remix
has some positive impacts too like some old song was not much famous that time, so they got an identity.
Now we go and search for the old version of music but according to section 2 p of the Indian copyright act
of 1957, we must have the permission of the creator who has spent their time for that masterpiece.

2.According to me, remixing of music is interesting for someone and it can be irritable to others. Everyone
has their own point of view.

The older people can not bear this remixing even a second (exceptions also present) due to bass used in
these type of songs which disturb their mental health. So in this regard remixing of music is bad.

But some youths (not all) love this remixing because it creates interest in them to listen to the old songs
also. Although it gives the opportunity to music lovers to recreate a song according to their own interest and
also earn money by this practice.

Remixing also makes dull listening to songs sounds very good. But also makes peaceful and heart touching
songs (like of Arijit Singh) irritating and barbarous.

Every coin has two aspects, this one has also.

3.Remixing music is not good because it reduces the quality of original song and the level of the song is
decreased before past time song feel calmness and freshness if we heard the song remix song are not a good
idea because it shows our weakness of music site it shows the lack of thinking of music writer they do not
think deeply and last I conclude that new song invention better option than remix song people are boring
seen recreate son thank you.
4.Music is a geometrical series of words and sounds if we just mess its order then we find only noise.
Sound & words have a dirrect connection to our feeling so first, we set these words to make a sense &
feeling full but now after setting them we are mixing it where we are going.

But it depends only on people' intrests.

5.Actually, in my opinion remixing of music is not a better option because original song or music has the
capability to make a person calm but it doesn't mean that remixing of music is totally bad sometimes good
artists like Arijit Singh, AR Rehman etc has the capability to make a song or music better than the original
with the help of remixing and some small but talented artists also make a good song like little Shah Rukh
Khan song.

So, the conclusion is, remixed music can never replace the original music but sometimes remixed music
can be better.

6.Music is the very memorable things in life. Music change our bad activities.

Some of the music is very sweet to hearing. Old songs very nice compare this days.

Some old songs remix hearing some one is good some one is not good. It change by Song wise. Old songs
gives lot of meanings and advises. But that type of songs now.

Changed to remix is not good. That type of old songs creative minds and big life.

Thoughts have it.

7. Hai,

Music is a art of creativeness, innovative one, remixing of song like rebirth of song with new energy, it do
not change any content of song or feel in the song,

Remixing of song not only of old songs, but it may be any song with mixing of effectiveness were many
listeners like the song.

8. Remixing is good. According to me it helps in giving same sort of lyrics with different compose which is
quite interesting to hear and more knowledge gaining that for the same lyric you can compose many tunes
to it. As any music learner.

9. Remixing is not a really bad idea, after all, its just something creative, something innovative. Just as
spices add flavor to the food, remixing, in my opinion, does exactly this to music. Its good to hear a song,
maybe an antique, or a latest one in a different way.

But excessive remixing scraps out the soul of the song. I mean, its not that you make a remix of any song.
Like a soulful, serious song, on remixing may not sound that good as compared to the original version.

Nowadays, there is a blind craze for remixes and so the music albums include remix version for almost
every song, unmindful of the very essence and feel of the song.

But we can't be too conventional towards any change. We need to keep pace with the fast changing world
scenario. And so remixing should be encouraged to an extent up to which it is not MONOTONOUS. We
just need a bit of COMMON SENSE to come into play.

According to my view, remix is a good trend in music because we get a lot of stuffs to listen. No one wants
to listen to old songs and our young generation don't have enough information about old songs. So I think it
is the best way in which they are capable to know about our old generation.

Some people think that remixing is very loudly and it spoils the original composition and we can't listen to
remixes in a sad mood because they are loud. I mean what's this ? if you are able to get an remix songs then
their is original songs also we can download or get them.

11. I don't prefer this remixing it destroys the originality and beauty of the songs. It actually destroys the
hardwork of our great old musicians.

12. Look my dear friend ajay! Here we are discussing about the Remixing is a good trend or not, we are not
talking about the mood of individuals.

Who told you that when peoples are in good mood they require remixes songs only & how you can decide
the mood of peoples. Fact is old songs are not composed by Electronic musical devices, they are composed
by different type of our ancient instruments which is still very melodies. So why we remixed the songs, did
you heard one thing- "old is gold". I think there is no need to exhaust the reputation of old songs just for
high frequency musical beats.

If people wants high beats compose new songs that's it.

13. it is very good concept, because mainly songs are listened for enjoyment, and type of enjoyment
depends on mood, so some type we become very happy, and to enjoy that moment we need remixes as fast
music, and sometime to get relief from stress we need soft music or old music, so there should not be any
problem with them.

14. there is one benifits that it reminds old songs which are almost forgoten.but it lost sweetness of the
original songs. but this not case each time.sometimes remixed songs are better than old one as their lyrics
suit in fast music rather than slow music

15. The concept of remixing is good and it is necessary in todays situation. nowadays this concept destroys
the original theme and morality of older songs.To improve their name and fame these songs have been
damaged. the art of creation is good but at the same time we should not disturb or damage the already
existing one.

16. Sometime it is good because it revives some old songs which are almost forgotten but are such classic
one such that they should be remembered throughout. On the other hand the dance and scene which we call
glamor is added which deteriorate the classic beauty of the song, while when we use to compare those
songs with old one the guys who were familiar with old songs tend to avoid these remixes because they
don't like the fast beats and the kind of glamor which is added to it.

Others who were unaware of those songs use to like them because they are with surety that the quality is
good and all that what present generation want is there in those. So it is good at one point but bad at other,
considering all the aspects of this we can say that it's generally liked by present generation while musician
of old times don't appreciate them much.

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