HRM1 - Group 5 - Written Report - Group Project

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Student name: Hoàng Thu Thủy Student ID number: B1112015119

Student name: Thân Kim Quy Student ID number: B1112015138

Student name: Trần Đình Tuấn Student ID number: B1112025099

Student name: Lê Đỗ Mạnh Hưng Student ID number: B1112016470

Student name: Trần Vỹ Khang Student ID number: B1112015128

Student name: Nguyễn Đức Duy Student ID number: B1112016448

Student name: Võ Vương Mỹ Tuyền Student ID number: B1112015126

Student name: Phan Thụy Ngọc Duyên Student ID number: B1112025082


Unit name: Human Resource Management Unit number: HRM-T321WSB-1

Tutorial group: Group 5 Tutorial day and time: Thursday 12:00

Lecturer or Tutor name: Le Thi Thanh Xuan


Title: Written report about Performance Management

Length: 3926 words Due date: 2/12/2021 Date submitted: 1/12/2021

Home campus (where you are enrolled): Vietnam


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signature: Tuấn


signature: Hưng


signature: Khang


signature: Duy


signature: Tuyền


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Table of Content

1. Introduction of the report ............................................................................................ 5

2. Introduction of the Que Dong Building Materials Co., Ltd ......................................... 5
3. Brief overview about Performance Management literature ......................................... 6
3.1. Definition .............................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Process of Performance Management ................................................................... 6
3.3. Purpose of Performance Management .................................................................. 6
3.4. Criteria for the effective performance management systems ............................... 7
3.5. The approaches for performance measurement .................................................... 7
4. Brief overview about Performance Interview .............................................................. 9
4.1. Purpose of Performance Interview........................................................................ 9
4.2. Steps to conduct a performance interview ............................................................ 9
5. Introduction evaluation system/ method of Que Dong Building Materials Co., Ltd . 10
6. Use information from interview as example to illustrate (JD, JS) to identify criteria for
evaluation .................................................................................................................. 11
6.1. Sale Consultant ................................................................................................... 11
6.2. Business Manager ............................................................................................... 13
7. Comment and conclusion ........................................................................................... 15
7.1. Sale Consultant ................................................................................................... 15
7.1.1. The evaluation of sale consultant based on the company evaluation
criteria ............................................................................................................ 16
7.1.2. Sale consultant’s challenges and how can the company support ......... 16
7.1.3. Conclusion and Recommended Solution ............................................. 17
7.2. Business Manager ............................................................................................... 20
7.2.1. The evaluation of business manager based on the company evaluation
criteria ............................................................................................................ 20
7.2.2. Business Manager’s challenges and how can the company support.... 20
7.2.3. Conclusion and Recommended Solution ............................................. 22
8. Conclusion of the report............................................................................................. 23
Reference 24

Appendix 24

1. Introduction of the report

Our group report's main purpose is to help people understand better about the Performance

Management System and especially how to conduct a Performance Interview. The report

includes a Literature overview about Performance Management in detail, and to make it more

practical and understandable, we have chosen a company that we would do research on their

Performance Management System and make a comparison with the literature. Finally, a role-

play scenario is also included in the report to demonstrate the theoretical work.

2. Introduction of the Que Dong Building Materials Co., Ltd

Que Dong company was established on August 30, 2008. Starting at a small store selling

cement and constructing bricks, the company has developed itself for over 20 years to be one

of the most significant companies in providing construction material in Ho Chi Minh City

(Tran, 2018). The company is credible for abundantly supplying all types of construction

materials with the ultimate standard as Que Dong is proud to be the main distributor of 6 major

brick and tiles brands of Vietnam, which are Viglacera Ha Long, Tuildonai, Gom My, My

Xuan, Dat Viet, Ruby and the tier 1 agent of more than 15 domestic and foreign brands of

construction materials (Tran, 2018). In addition, Que Dong also gives service of ground filling,

constructing roads, and supporting the preparation process of different constructions. The

company strategy is focusing on the experience of customers with Que Dong services and the

ever-expectation of customers on the products’ standard. For the company culture, Que Dong

takes their credibility as prior with the slogan “Credibility creates trademark”, uses

professionalism to operate ultimate goals, and leverages unity to form effectiveness and


3. Brief overview about Performance Management literature

3.1. Definition:

Performance management is the process for employers in ensuring the employees’ activities

and outputs match with business goals.

3.2. Process of Performance Management:

There are five steps in the performance management process, including:

1. Identifying important performance outcomes of business

2. Understanding how to achieve goals in the first step through identifying employees’

appropriate behaviors, activities, and measurable goals

3. Providing support and feedback communication between employees and


4. Performance evaluation, including two-way evaluation through performance

conversations between employees and managers and one-way evaluation by


5. Identifying improvement needed and providing for performance results

3.3 Purpose of Performance Management:

There are three main purposes of performance management:

1. Strategic purpose: link employee activities with the organization’s goals

2. Administrative purpose: to make a decision relating to administration such as salary

administration (pay raises), promotions, retention–termination, layoffs, and recognition

of individual performance

3. Developmental purpose: to develop employees. When employees are not performing

as well as they should, performance management seeks to improve their performance.

The feedback was given during a performance evaluation process often pinpoints the

employee’s weaknesses

3.4. Criteria for the effective Performance Management systems:

1. Strategic congruence: the congruence between performance management systems

and business goals, strategies, and culture.

2. Validity: maximizing the overlap between actual job performance and the measure

of job performance

3. Reliability: the consistency of performance measure

4. Acceptability: the acceptability of users with the performance measure

5. Specificity: is the extent to which a performance measure tells employees what is

expected of them and how they can meet these expectations.

3.5. The approaches for performance measurement:

1. The comparative approach: The comparative approach to performance

measurement requires the rater to compare an individual’s performance with that of


• Ranking

• Forced distribution

• Paired comparison

2. The attribute approach: The attribute approach to performance management focuses on

the extent to which individuals have certain attributes (characteristics or traits) believed

desirable for the company’s success.

• Graphic rating scales

• Mixed-standard scales

3. The behavioral approach: The behavioral approach to performance management

attempts to define the behaviors an employee must exhibit to be effective in the job.

• Behaviorally anchored rating scales

• Behavioral observation scales

• Competency models

4. The resulting approach: The results approach focuses on managing the objective,

measurable results of a job or workgroup

• The Use of Objectives

• Balanced Scorecard

• Productivity Measurement and Evaluation System (ProMES)

5. The quality approach: Fundamental characteristics of the quality approach include

customer orientation, a prevention approach to errors, and continuous improvement.

Improving customer satisfaction is the primary goal of the quality approach.

4. Brief overview about Performance Interview

4.1. Purpose of Performance Interview

A performance appraisal interview is the first stage of the performance appraisal process and

involves the employee and his or her manager sitting face to face to discuss threadbare all

aspects of the employee’s performance and thrash out any differences in perception or

evaluation. Performance appraisals interviews have become one of the primary management

tools for improving employee performance, setting total quality standards, and communicating

organizational values through

• Clarifying job requirements and standards based on JD, JS, and evaluation criteria

• Giving feedback to the employee regarding his or her progress toward meeting these


• Guiding future performance for employees by making action- plans and allocating

rewards and opportunities.

4.2. Steps to conduct a performance interview:

1. Base on JD, JS to do evaluation criteria for specific positions

2. Give employees a chance for performance self-reflection by giving them a self-

assessment form

3. Conduct a performance interview as a chance for both employee and manager to

share, listen and debate with each other. Each interview question serves purposes,

but in general, it is to define the employee’s side of the story or difficulties as well

as managers’ perception.

4. After the interview, the Manager make a performance evaluation based on criteria

and story behind employees performance, then make comment and do plan for

employees’ future performance (can be training or promotion)

5. Introduction evaluation system/ method of Que Dong Building Materials Co., Ltd

Que Dong’s operating system includes 4 main departments namely Accounting, Business,

Transporting, and Constructing (Tran, 2018). In particular, our project will choose 2 positions

in the Business department to make visual examples of the Performance Interview and evaluate

the following results. The two chosen positions are the Sales Consultant and the Business

Department Manager. Que Dong company has different criteria to assess each department,

which depends on the actual context of the job in the current business environment. Moreover,

Que Dong also evaluates their employees' performance based on certain methods, which our

team can link to the Performance Measurement Approaches. According to the HRM textbook

(11e), a company can apply multiple methods to selectively leverage the functions of the

methods and minimize its drawbacks on evaluating processes. Similar to Que Dong, they have

combined the Comparative, Behavioral, and Results Approach. The company rates each

employee on certain teams in terms of the level of their performance in the current working

context and also depends on the KPI or the assigned goal to justify the results of different

departments. Crucially, leaders tend to carefully oversee and observe the working spirit of

specific employees in order to see if they have put all of their efforts into completing the tasks

or committing to the responsibilities of the company.

6. Use information from interview as an example to illustrate (JD, JS) to identify

criteria for evaluation

6.1. Sale Consultant:

• Department: Construction

• Job purpose: This position is responsible for selling all types of construction

materials as well as communicating effectively with customers and managing the

company’s website; therefore, maximizing profits for the company.

Job Description (JD) Job Specification (JS)

• Duties and responsibilities: • Required skills:

o Advertising and selling decorative o Proficient in using office

materials for construction computers and software related to

o Finding, maintaining and developing a this job

network of potential customers and o Communication skills

working with customers in two different o Negotiation and persuasion skills

ways: o Relationship management skills

▪ On Zalo, Facebook, company’s o Enthusiastic, dynamic and

website or hotline responsive

▪ Directly o Have ability to self-motivate, set

o Setting up a price list and sales strategy specific goals and focus on

based on the company’s formula achieving them

o Conducting monthly sales business plan • Education:

o Planning to coordinate with the o Possess at least a bachelor’s

warehouse department to arrange the degree in Economics, Business,

showroom better Marketing or related subject

o Checking sales slips of the day and • Abilities:

processing based on company policy o Analyzing and handling complex

• Working hours: situations

o Weekdays: 8A.M - 5P.M (full-time) o Organization and time

• Benefits: management

o Chance to work and learn the energetic o Results-focused mindset

environment o Understanding of business and

o Learn more useful technical skills and construction industry

knowledge about construction’s o Customer-centered attitude

materials • Special requirements:

o Comfortable and convenient working o Have a good and well-groomed

conditions with dedicated support from appearance

the managers o Must be from 22 to 32

o Competitive salary with occasional gifts

for employees, KPI bonus if reached

o Chance to participate in the company’s

after-hours activities

According to the information from the JD and JS about a sales consultant, the criteria evaluation

are organized the following:

• The KPI of each employee had each month

• The commitment of employees at their assigned goal

• The working spirit in different business circumstances in a competitive environment of


• Comply with the company’s working hours and labor rules

• Compliance with rules and regulations of the company work

• Maintain good relationships with superiors, colleagues, and customers

• Respond to customer requests quickly and professionally

6.2. Business Manager:

• Department: Construction

• Job purpose: This job is aimed to supervise and lead a company's operations and

employees. A manager has to perform a range of tasks to ensure company

productivity and efficiency including implementing business strategies, evaluating

company performances, and supervising employees.

Job Description (JD) Job Specification (JS)

• Duties and responsibilities: • Required skills:

o Setting up a price list and sales strategy o Strong communication skills

based on the company’s formula o Leadership skills

o Conducting monthly sales business o Excellent organizational skills

plan o Ability to manage complex project

o Preparing monthly sales reports and and multi-tasks

discounts that based on individual Sales


o Calculating monthly the commission of o Proficient in using office

individual sales based on computers and software related to

o Developing a growth strategy focused this job

both on financial gain and customer o Ability to build and maintain

satisfaction rapports

o Conduct research to identify customer • Education:

needs o Possess at least a bachelor’s degree

o Promote the company’s products in Economics, Business,

addressing or predicting client’s Marketing or related subject

objectives o Having earned an MBA license

o Keep records of sales, invoices, and similar qualifications is also a

revenue, etc competitive advantage

o Provide trustworthy feedback and after- • Previous work experience:

sales support o Have at least 1 year working as

• Working hours: business manager

o Weekdays: 8A.M - 5P.M (full-time) o Should be from the business

• Benefits: department (especially in

o Developing your leadership skills with construction department)

senior leaders who have significant o Have at least 6 months experience

experience in entrepreneurship with construction’s materials or

o Annual training program and courses related products

about specific profession knowledge • Abilities:

o Convenient and comfortable working o Analyzing and handling situations

environment with modern facilities o Results-focused mindset

o Chance to work with large corporations o Understanding of business and

and famous business leaders construction industry

o Chance to be promoted to higher o Customer-centered attitude

positions within the company o Able to motivate employees

o Competitive remunerations with o Planning and strategic thinking

additional performance rewards

According to the information from the JD and JS about a business manager, the criteria

evaluation are organized the following:

• Accomplish the company’s annual target

• The commitment of the manager to the company

• Able to build a comfortable workplace

• Comply with the company’s working hours and labor rules

• Compliance with rules and regulations of the company work

• Maintain good relationships with employees, colleagues, and customers

• Can operate strongly alone and deal with customers positively

• Constantly review business activities of the company

• Be able to provide coaching if needed

• Help the employees understand and achieve the goals that the company expected

7. Comment and conclusion

7.1. Sale Consultant

7.1.1 The evaluation of sales consultant based on the company evaluation criteria

Strengths Weaknesses

• Accomplish the assigned KPI of the sales team • Do not have a leadership

• Online working skills: can maintain contacts and spirit to get to a higher

develop customer network during COVID-19 position

pandemic • Cannot use her working

• Flexible reaction with a different situation: know ability to motivate her

how to make valuable deals with customers by a colleagues

suitable discount in the COVID period

7.1.2 Sale consultant’s challenges and How can the company support them?

Due to the external effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are uncontrollable circumstances

that the company in general and the managers cannot expect to give out the solutions


a. The deduction of demands

The deduction of demands for construction materials and construction services is one of the

most identified difficulties. As the pandemic has spread out all over Ho Chi Minh City and the

government has to put new regulations for locking down all kinds of business activities

including construction, this situation severely affects the business plan of the sales team and

creates significant obstacles for the development of sales revenue.

For the support, the company could change its operating and marketing strategy to approach a

wider folder of clients in other provinces through online platforms such as Facebook and

Website selling. There are constructions in other places of Vietnam that are still in progress

and working so the demand is not extinct and the company could leverage the chances when

distributors cannot run their business continues to create a competitive advantage. The

company also should research the alternative demand tendency of customers after the pandemic

in order to prepare for a boosting development when the city has regularly activated.

b. The constraints in supply chain

Moreover, the supply of goods and services is also affected by the disease when many factories

and construction teams had to stop their manufacturing activities as their employees had been

infected by the viruses. Thus, the delay of orders is unavoidable.

To support, the company should completely leverage its inventory to create product abundance

for the company and effectively collect returns. Besides, the warehouse team can seek the

products from other sources that have enough ability to adequately provide the products.

c. Overloading work tasks

The shortage of employees forms a larger amount of tasks for this employee and as a high and

dedicated performer, she has to handle more crucial missions of the company.

For the support, the company could organize recruitment of sales representatives and select the

most appropriate employees for the sales teams. This action could lower the pressure for the

sales and the team can reorganize the working structure to become more efficient and effective.

7.1.3 Conclusion and Recommended Solution

a. Conclusion

• All in all, the performance appraisal interview of the sales consultant and the sales

manager could bring out some broad information about the current attitude,

consideration, and expectation of employees for Que Dong. However, the information

is slightly vague in evaluating all of the aspects of the employee and figuring out a

certain developing pathway for the person.

• Particularly, the Performance Management method of Que Dong is now missing the

Developmental Purpose which is one of the three general purposes in Performance

Management. According to the HRM textbook (11e), giving high ratings to employees

is acceptable but the developmental purpose of the performance management system is

not fully achieved. Development does not just focus on poor performers but it also

involves helping good performers get the training and other opportunities they need to

enhance their skillset and advance in their career.

b. Recommended Solutions

• The first remedy could be the action of sharing the burden for the sales team. The human

resources of this department need to be implemented. When the employees have to

work overloaded and handle a lot of paperwork, the effectiveness and efficiency of their

tasks cannot be ensured at the highest level. This solution can help the employees who

have experience and high knowledge about the products to concentrate on their

profession within their department and wholly use their working potential to maximize

their productivity. Moreover, when the company implements the recruiting and

selecting process, they should clearly clarify and classify the employees with the right

skills for the right tasks and purposes and also ensure they can work under high


• Secondly, the company could set up more challenging business goals and plans for the

team to elaborate and leverage all of the abilities of the sales department. When the

pressure of overloading tasks has been solved, the employee would have more space

and time to deal with the significant tasks that the company needs their experiences and

knowledge to determine the issues. Furthermore, in some cases, the employee's

capability is over the assigned objectives and the manager has to figure out a way to

fully pull out all of their abilities to develop the current results of the company, not just

simply keep the profit level always stable and also to improve the employee working

ability that can help them on their career development.

• For instance, the company can let this employee make and handle pivotal proposals

from large corporations with high value. The employee must take care of the VIP

customers carefully and create potential returns in each valuable proposal for the

company, which could significantly affect the company’s monthly revenue target.

• By doing that, Que Dong could let the employees see their ambition to be more

significant in the market, which can provide them more passion and commitment with

the company orientation and prove the potential value the company can give to the


• Crucially, to make the challenging goal possible, the company should consider

increasing the wage level of the employee. This could be one of the most effective tools

to incentivize the employee to highly complete the job. According to the management

textbook, increasing the pay level could improve the job satisfaction of the employees.

As a result, it can also positively affect employee engagement and organizational

commitment and lower absenteeism and turnover rate by making the employee perceive

the company's support and recognition.

7.2. Business Manager

7.2.1. The evaluation based on the company evaluation criteria

Strengths Weaknesses

• Accomplish the company’s annual target • Online management platform

by motivating employees to achieve the • Unable to manage the workload

KPI goals that the company expected. compared to offline

• Help employees with providing a • Have not provided on-time and

comfortable workplace: reduce appropriate solutions for employees

employees’ pressure and allow them to when the company ask for staff cuts

speak out.

• Good English skills: a strength when a

company considers to develop in the

international market.

• Having a progressive spirit to learn more

& be promoted.

7.2.2. Business manager’s challenges and how can the company support?

a. Online management:

Because of his poor adaptability, the sales manager finds that the impact of the Covid-19

pandemic is one of the biggest challenges for him. As in the table above, he has difficulty with

the online management process.

The company can support him by providing an updated Digital Management System (DMS),

which is mentioned in the interview, can be an appropriate solution in this situation.

Nevertheless, the more essential thing is to give the business manager training on how to use

that DMS effectively. The company should use the system due to some advantages such as:

• Easily assign tasks with clear instructions: Assigning tasks properly, people may know

the task priority, how much time to spend on each task, and when is the deadline.

• Manage resources and work for the organization: What is the possibility? How many

employees do not have enough work to do?

• Consistency: No need to manage in many places but focus on one platform.

Besides just the management system, other organizing skills are also the need for more

effective online operation. For example, training managers on how to organize an effective

online meeting is essential.

b. Team member’s performance:

Another obstacle that the business manager has is that due to the underperformance of one of

his sales consultants, he can not be promoted to the position of Vice president of the Sales and

Marketing department.

In this case, the support from the company is that they can continuously observe to see where

the problem is so that they can consider whether to promote him or not.

In addition, Que Dong should focus more on providing management training programs for the

sales manager to support him with better leading & management skills.

• Management training needs to be adaptive

It should also focus on building soft skills and developing relationships over the long term

rather than teaching a static set of technical skills.

• Management training programs have to be personal

Design & adapt the management training using unique personality indexes and profiles of the

manager (specific skills they need)

• Management training should cycle

Instead of giving information in 1 training session, Que Dong company can consider the more

effective cycle of training-application-assessment-training. This flow of training can provide

managers with more application than only knowledge information.

The management training program may include:

• Conflict management

• Emergency procedures

• Creating an inclusive workforce

• Cyber-security: When using Digital Management System

• Nurturing talent, and employee retention: For the existing well-performing employees

• Identifying training needs: For the underperforming employee (Being able to provide

coaching if needed is the criteria evaluation for Business Manager)

7.2.3. Comments and Conclusion

In general, this is a good and nearly enough performance feedback interview session. The HR

manager has created the right context for the discussion, by asking the interviewee to rate his

performance first as well as having collaborative conversations.

From the business manager’s side, he has achieved his goals last year. He knows exactly what

his strengths and weaknesses are and also has a progressive spirit of the promotion and learning

more master skills which are beneficial for both him & the company.

Finally, one of the criteria for an effective performance feedback process is focusing on solving

the problems. However, the HR manager and business manager have not come up with a

solution to the existing problems. For a more effective and meaningful performance interview,

they should also have a detailed solution for what they meet.

8. Conclusion of the report

In conclusion, our report should be able to provide crucial knowledge about Performance

Management. Generally, in order to have an effective Performance Interview, managers should

be aware of some of these factors. They should give their feedback frequently to provide the

employee with a formal evaluation. Some companies nowadays have Daily Performance

Conversations and they have removed their Annual Performance Meeting and shortened the

feedback time. Having a collaborative conversation focused on solving problems and

minimizing criticism is also important. Managers should realize that the feedback is not used

for furnishing them because of their poor performance, but to help them fix the current problem

and achieve more in the future. Last but not least, managers should set a specific goal to create

the motivation for employees to achieve, to improve.

Our report also has several inevitable limitations that are mostly due to the Covid-19 pandemic,

with the lack of possibility to meet face-to-face, we can not directly work with people in the

company. The role-play of the Performance Interview has to be transferred to an online

meeting, which still is able to describe the realistic situation but lacks the physical and real-life

touch to the interview.


Bleich, C. (2020). 10 Topics To Include In Your New Manager Training In 2020. Retrieved


Brownell, J. (1994). The performance appraisal interview: A multi-purpose communication

assignment[Electronic version]. Retrieved [insert date], from Cornell University School of

Hotel Administration site:

Tran. H. (2018). Introduction of Que Dong Building material Ltd., Co. vlxdquedong. Retrieved



Appendix A: The interview between Business Manager and Employee



Script of the Interview

For sale consultant_employee: ( questions for manager/answer for employees)

Manager: Hello, _____. How are you today?

Employee: To be honest, I’m a little nervous.

Manager: That’s normal. I tense up before my reviews, too. ____, you have been with the

firm for a while now and I very much appreciate your work. Can we get started with our

review today?

1. Did you achieve the goals that were set for you during your last performance

appraisal? What did you do to achieve them?

I had two major goals to accomplish over the last year as part of my annual performance

planning. The goals included conducting a sales strategy and expanding the market share of

our company. I achieved all two.

• Setting up a price list and sales strategy based on the company’s formula. I'm flexible

in discounting for consumers in order to attract and get order in this special pandemic


• Finding, maintaining and developing a network of potential customers and working

with customers in two different ways -> making use of social media, calling, face-to-

face communication through trials. I had meet KPI that set last year

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the last year?

• Lack of demand→ having difficulties in storing large amount of inventory

• Increasing selling price ( caused by social distance→ increasing delivery/material

price) → losing potential customers but I expand selling and promote online it can

help reduce expense and still get order enough to meet KPI

• Many coworkers are on leave → more working burden. However, I still tried my best

and was able to overcome these obstacles.

3. What are your long-term career goals?

• Currently, I have no intentions to be promoted yet. I’m rather satisfied with my

job/position right now. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, I just

wanna be a sales consultant.

4. Do you have everything you need to perform your job? Or what resources or support

do you need from the department to reach your goals?

• More place and events like trials → customers can physically try products, can show

and enhance customer shopping experience

5. What do you like the most about your current role?

• Working environment: friendly colleagues, good facilities

• Benefits: many bonus, work-life balance, vacations

• Performance evaluation: based on actual performance, employees can share opinions

and get appropriate feedback and support

For business manager: (general review for employee)

• You finished your work quite well, not too excellent but still enough. The problems

you face are from external factors like the Covid Pandemic, which is out of control for

all companies, not your fault. Normally, you might be considered to be promoted,

but you have no intentions of being promoted yet. However, I’ll still make a note of

your achievements in case you change your mind in the future.

Appendix B: The interview between HR Manager and Business Manager

Script for the Interview


HR Manager ask for self-evaluated:

HR manager: Hello, _____. How are you today?

Manager: I’m ok, it's such a tough time that we have go through but by the way I’m ready for

this performance interview

1. Did you achieve the goals that were set for you during your last performance

appraisal? What did you do to achieve them?Or Why you cannot achieve them?

Well in the last appraisal, my goal that i have set for myself is to be able to work with

my sales employees more closely to help them with any difficulties that they could

have faced with. Having a monthly one-to-one conversation with employees helps me

understand more about my employees and also helps them to speak out, to alleviate

the pressure that builds up inside.

I know how to motivate my employees and encourage them to work harder. especially in

covid, the remaining employees is quite nervous and discourage

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the last year?

The biggest challenge was probably the distancing due to the Covid pandemic, it was

inconvenient to keep track of the business because most of the managing process has

moved to online platforms. I think my adaptability is not pretty good. As the sudden

of covid, I see myself unable to manage workload well and have not provided on-time

and appropriate solutions for my employees when companies ask for staff cuts as a

way to reduce labour expenses. But now I have been able to get used to it and

probably not as hard as before anymore.

3. Do you have everything you need to perform your job? Or what resources or support

do you need from the department to reach your goals?

• Updated software for management is what I need. As you know, we need to digitalize

the management system to make it more efficient and effective. Also it's a good way

for us to communicate and exchange information even when employees work from

home. So A Digital Management System (DMS) should be applied

4. What are your long-term career goals and how can the organization help you achieve


• Achieve promotion: Vice President for the Sales and Marketing department

• Master new skill: risk-management, digital management

5. What do you like the most about your current role?

As a business manager, being able to manage the sales department and running it

smoothly is my goal. One task that I have to do is that I have to research to identify

the customer’s need, and the more I study about it, the better I understand about the

customers and that is what I am really interested in.

6. Which of the organizational goals do you think are more aligned with your personal


• Company want to go global, export to Asian countries and my goal is to work with

these oversea companies to put my English skills into practice, management skill in

international market

HR manager generally review performance for sale manager

So as far as we have discussed, there seems to be no major problems with your working

abilities. You are able to manage your employees for the most part. The only discernible

problem you’re facing right now is the lack of an online management system, which is in the

company’s HR department. Since most of your difficulties come from this, we will try to

implement an effective system as soon as possible.

(take notes to see if we can rearrange your schedule in order to give you time to improve your

management skills)

I think you have done your best possible for the past pandemic, however, due to the

underperformance of one of your employees as a result of your inability to communicate to

them, we cannot promote you yet. But no worries, we will continue to observe you and your

work in the future and see how to handle the work once the management system is carried

out. If you do well in the future, which means the results of your employees meet or exceed

the company requirements, we will definitely consider promoting you to become a Vice

President for the Sales and Marketing department.

Appendix C: The assessment of the process of performing the work in 2021

Appendix D: The self-assessment of the process of performing the work in 2021 of a business


Appendix E: The self-assessment of the process of performing the work in 2021 of a sale



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