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K. Young / Chemistry 17.

1 (2021) P a g e |1

Persulfate-Iodide Reaction Kinetics

K. Young1
Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101

Performed 01 October 2021; Submitted 13 October 2021


The iodine clock reaction was used in this experiment to determine and observe the effects of changes in concentration
and temperature, and the presence of catalysts on reaction rates. Using the Rate Law equation, as well as its linearized
form, the experimenter was able to determine the reaction orders for S2O82− and I−. Through a scatter-plot diagram, the
directly proportional relationship of concentration and reaction rates was shown. The Arrhenius equation was used to
explain the relationship between the temperature of the reaction and its rate constant. Its scatterplot diagram showed an
inversely proportional relationship between the rate constant and the reaction temperature. Through the comparison
between the calculated results of uncatalyzed and catalyzed reactions, it was proven that catalysts hasten the rate of a
chemical reaction. It is recommended that future experimenters try various catalysts to find differences in their reaction

0.1 M K2SO4, and 4.0 mM Na2S2O3. Solutions of varying

Introduction volumes were used in each run, with KI and KCl in beaker
A and K2S2O8, K2SO4, and Na2S2O3 in beaker B.
Chemical kinetics focuses on understanding the rates of
chemical reactions. Additionally, it explores the factors Run 1 used 10 mL KI in beaker A and a mixture of 5 mL
that affect these reactions, such as changes in temperature, each of K2S2O8, K2SO4, and Na2S2O3 in beaker B. Run 2 used 5
concentration, and the addition of catalysts, or substances mL each of KI and KCl in beaker A and 5 mL each of K 2S2O8,
that speed up the reaction without being consumed [1]. K2SO4, and Na2S2O3 in beaker B. This served as Set 1 of Run
2. Run 3 used 2.5 mL KI and 7.5 mL KCl in beaker A and 5
mL each of K2S2O8, K2SO4, and Na2S2O3 in beaker B. Run 4
The iodine clock reaction is an experiment commonly
used 5 mL each of KI and KCl in beaker A and 7.5 mL
conducted to demonstrate the principles of chemical K2S2O8, 2.5 mL K2SO4, and 5 mL Na2S2O3 in beaker B. Run 5
kinetics. The quick change from colorless to blue of used 5 mL each of KI and KCl in beaker A and 10 mL K 2S2O8
involved solutions allows the experimenter to measure the and 5 mL Na2S2O3 in beaker B.
exact rates of reactions. This technique can be made to
react to various reagents such as hydrogen peroxide, All five runs were done in room temperature (29°C).
persulfate, and chlorate. Contents of beaker A were mixed into beaker B and were
timed until reaction turned blue. Temperatures of the
In this experiment, the persulfate-iodine clock reaction is mixtures were measured.
used. The reactions of K2S2O8, KI, and Na2S2O3 were
investigated (1 and 2): Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate
Two additional sets of the second run were used in this
2−¿+ I ¿
−¿→2 S O4
section of the experiment, Set 2 and 3. Beakers of Set 2
S2 O 2−¿+2 I ¿
2−¿+ 2 I
were heated at around 50°C, were mixed and timed until
2−¿+I 2 → S4 O 6 ¿
2 S2O 3 (2) reaction turned blue. Beakers of Set 3 were cooled at
around 5°C, were mixed and timed until reaction turned
The goal of this experiment is to demonstrate the effects of blue.
concentration and temperature change, and the presence
of a catalyst on the chemical reaction rates. Effect of Catalyst on Reaction Rate
Another set of the second run was used in this section, Set
Methodology 4. Four drops of 0.01 M CuSO 4 were added as soon as
contents of beaker A were poured into beaker B. Reaction
Effect of Persulfate and Iodide Concentrations on Reaction was timed until mixture turned blue.
Results and Discussion
Five runs done in this section of the experiment. Each run
had specific mixtures in two beakers, A and B. Three drops Raw data for the experiment can be found in Appendix 1.
of starch were also added in beaker B. The runs included Table 1 shows the computed reaction rates and rate
the following molarities: 0.2 M KI, 0.2 M KCl, 0.1 M K 2S2O8,
K. Young / Chemistry 17.1 (2021) P a g e |2

constants for each run, including the different sets of Run

2. ln Rate vs. ln Iodide
-4 -3
Table 1. Calculated values of reaction rates and rate -11
constants -
Run Rate Rate Constant
1 8.32E-06 5.20E-03 -12
2 (Set 1) 3.81E-06 4.76E-03 -
2 (Set 2) 3.90E-05 4.88E-02
2 (Set 3) 1.89E-06 2.37E-03 -13
2 (Set 4) 5.18E-06 6.48E-03 -
3 1.71E-06 4.27E-03
Figure 2. Effect of concentration change in reaction rate of
4 5.88E-06 4.90E-03
5 7.54E-06 4.71E-03
In this section of the experiment, reagents Na 2S2O3, K2SO4,
As previously stated, one of the factors that affect chemical
and KCl were used. Na2S2O3 was used in order to reduce
reaction rates is the concentration change of reagents. This
the formed I2 in the K2S2O8-KI reaction back to I-. Starch
is exhibited in the Rate Law equation (1), wherein ‘[A]’ and
was used as an indicator, making the mixture blue. The
‘[B]’ are concentrations of reagents, m and n are reaction
color change indicates that the thiosulfate (S 2O32−) has been
orders for A and B respectively, and k is the rate constant.
used up and the reaction is complete. K 2SO4 and KCl were
However, to determine the reaction orders of each
used to stabilize ionic strength of reaction. Ionic strength
concentration, first-order integrated rate law equation (2)
greatly affects the equilibrium of a reaction, thus needs to
was used:
be maintained to avoid deviations from the ideal reaction
m n [2]. Additionally, ionic strength can also affect the rate
rate=k [ A ] [ B ] (1) constant of a reaction [3] and for this reason, must be
ln rate=m ln [ A ] +n ln [ B ] + ln k (2) controlled to avoid complications in computation.

Using the computed concentration values for each reagent Another factor that can affect reaction rates is the change
and the isolation method, the experimenter was able to in temperature. The rate constant k is dependent on
obtain reaction orders for S2O82− and I−, both being 1. Figure temperature, as seen in the equation Arrhenius equation
1 shows the relationship between ln rate and ln S 2O82−. The (1), wherein k is the rate constant, Ea is the activation
equation of the line is y = 0.99x – 8.592 with r2 = 0.997. energy, R is the gas constant, T is temperature, and A is
Arrhenius constant. In order to derive the Ea and A, the
integrated Arrhenius equation (2) was used:
ln Rate vs. ln Persulfate
- −Ea
k = A e RT (1)
- ln k = + ln A (2)
- Figure 3 was derived by plotting ln k vs. 1/T. The equation
of the line is y = -7607.2x + 19.92 with r 2 = 0.997. The
graph shows an inversely proportional relationship
- between the two, which explains why Set 2 (heated
mixture) reacted faster than Set 1 (room temp) and 3
Figure 1. Effect of concentration change in reaction rate of
(cooled mixture). This can be further explained using the
Collision Theory, which states that for a reaction to occur,
the total kinetic energy of particles in a solution must be
Figure 2, on the other hand, shows the relationship
equal to or greater than the Activation Energy [4].
between ln rate and ln I−, its equation of the line being y =
Increasing temperature also increases the total kinetic
1.14x – 8.810 with r2 = 0.999. Both figures show a directly
energy of particles hence, faster reaction rates for hotter
proportional relationship between the ln rate and ln
reagent concentrations.
K. Young / Chemistry 17.1 (2021) P a g e |3

ln k vs. 1/T
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 3. Effect of temperature change in reaction rates

Lastly, the presence of catalysts in a chemical reaction can

speed up the reaction rate. Comparing both sets of Run 2,
Set 4 is notably faster than Set 1. Catalysts provide another
way for reactions to occur with lower activation energy.
Lower activation energy results in an increase in reaction
rate, as exhibited in the Arrhenius equation. Catalysts
allows for the reaction to achieve equilibrium faster
compared to uncatalyzed reactions [3].

Possible sources of error may lie in the timing of reactions,

molarities of reagents used, and variability in
temperatures for each run and set.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The experimenter was able to determine and observe the

effects of concentration change, temperature change, and
addition of catalyst in chemical reaction rates through
experimental and computational means. With the use of
regression analysis and scatter-plot diagrams, the
researcher was able to establish the relationships of these
factors to reaction rates.

The author recommends conducting experiments using

various catalysts to find differences in their reaction rates
and why this happens.


[1] Soustelle, M. (2011) An introduction to chemical

kinetics. ISTE. pp 1-24.
[2] Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J., Crouch, S. R.,
and Skoog, D. A. (2013) Chapter 10, in Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, pp 235–248. Essay Brooks/Cole,
Cengage learning. Belmont, California.
[3] Liu, Y., Sheaffer, R. L., and Barker, J. R. (2003)
Effects of temperature and ionic strength on the rate and
equilibrium constants for the reaction i•aq + i-aq ↔ i2•-aq.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107, 10296–10302.
[4] Atkins, P., Paula, J. de, Atkins, P., and Paula, J. de.
(2006) Chapter 22-23, in Atkins' Physical Chemistry 8th ed.,
pp 791–861. Oxford University Press Oxford, Oregon.
K. Young / Chemistry 17.1 (2021) P a g e |4


A. Raw Data Table

Appendix 1. Calculated concentrations of reagents

Run [S2O82−] [I-] [S2O32-] Reaction time, s
1 0.02 M 0.08 M 0.0008 M 48.05
2 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.0008 M 105.00
3 0.02 M 0.02 M 0.0008 M 233.00
4 0.03 M 0.04 M 0.0008 M 68.00
5 0.04 M 0.04 M 0.0008 M 53.00

Appendix 2. Regression data

Run ln [I-] ln [S2O82−] ln rate
1 -2.525728644 -3.912023005 -11.6968483
2 -3.218875825 -3.912023005 -12.47814387
3 -3.912023005 -3.912023005 -13.27901719
4 -3.218875825 -3.506557897 -12.0439598
5 -3.218875825 -3.218875825 -11.79528838

Set ln k 1/T
1 -5.347507611 0.00330961443
2 -3.020537392 0.003019779556
3 -6.045392889 0.003422899196

MS Excel File for Regression Data

B. Working Equations
m 1 v 1=m2 v 2

Rate= Δ¿ ¿

m n
rate=k [ A ] [ B ]


ln k = + ln A

C. Sample Calculations

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