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Brittany Bower

LA 101 H

I Believe in the Power of a Supportive Family

Everybody has one. Some are large, some are small. Some are all you have, and

some can even drive you crazy. When it comes down to it, they always are and always

will be a part of you. That’s why I believe in the power of a supportive family.

Everyone is bound to face some sort of challenge in their life that will be hard to

face. Every person goes through times in their life when everything just seems hard and

the future seems bleak. I have had this feeling many times throughout my life, but

luckily, my family has always been by my side to pick me up in these tough situations.

Very early on, I learned that I could depend on my family to be there whenever I

needed them the most. When I was little, my dad abandoned my family leaving us with

nothing. To try to reestablish our lives, we moved in with my grandparents so that my

mom could work full time and regain the finances we had lost from my dad’s

disappearance. For years they supported us until my mom was able to on her own. If my

grandparents weren’t there, I can’t even imagine where we’d be now. We were able to

make it through this rough time thanks to the power of a supportive family.

As I grew older, life threw more obstacles in my path. As high school started,

which was already stressful enough, I learned that my father had passed away before I

had gotten to see him again. Months later, my Aunt KK, who I always turned to for

advice, passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. To make matters worse, my

great grandma also passed away a few months later. We all know that death is

imminent, but that doesn’t mean that it is not very difficult to handle, especially when it

is out of the blue. My family was very upset to say the least.

Even when faced with heartache, my family was able to come together to deal

with the misfortunes at hand. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people together. In
Brittany Bower
LA 101 H

my family’s case, it’s more than just one. Throughout these tough times, we were always

there for each other, whether it was a shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to. The

support I received from my family let me know that life would eventually get easier,

especially since we had each other. I learned that even in tough situations, there is

always a brighter future ahead, even if it is just spending the afternoon with the people I


So, it really doesn’t matter if you consider your family to be just your relatives or

even your closest friends, having support in your life makes everything feel a little

easier. Even if it seems as though nothing can get better, just knowing that someone else

is there for me helps me get through each day. I always appreciate everything that my

family does for me, in good times and in bad. I see what their help can do for me and

what we can do for each other. That is why I believe in the power of a supportive family.

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