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Descriptive Essay

My family's worst nightmare

Jose David Diaz Garzon

Prof. Daniel Ernesto Gonzalez Martinez

Cauca University

Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications College

Department of Systems engineering

English III

My family's worst nightmare
Some of my family members have very special abilities, Some of them can predict events in
the future, some of them have seen numbers of lotteries, see people they are going to meet
in the next few days and many things they sometimes do not understand but the worst thing
that has happened to them is when they feel that someone is going to die, it has happened
to them a couple of times.

A few days ago when my mother was sleeping she felt a person holding her shoulder, at that
moment she woke up and felt a cold that paralyzed her. The next morning he received a call
from some cousins who needed blood donors urgently because an uncle was very sick.
Directly she thought the worst, she contacted me to donate blood, along with her and a close
family friend who had the same blood type.

When we arrived at the donation site my cousin was waiting for us with some papers, he
was wearing old jeans and a gray shirt, his face was a bit pale and it was obvious that he
hadn’t slept all night. We went in to donate but he didn't mention anything about what was
happening to my uncle and left the site.

Meanwhile, my grandmother stayed at home crying thinking that my uncle was going
to die, and for that reason, nobody wanted to give her a reason for what was
happening and the truth is that we didn’t know anything, except for my mother's
premonitory dream. Which she didn’t mention to her so that she wouldn’t worry my

After a while my uncle arrived and told us that it was not so serious and that they
needed the blood for a low-risk surgery for the following week but that none of them
had the same blood type as my uncle and those who had the same blood type
couldn’t for many reasons, it was a small and not the worst nightmare he could

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