10A 1 Units 2,3

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I. Complete each blank with a verb from the box.

1. _______________: bleeding, unconscious

2. _______________: medicine, painkillers
3. _______________: something quickly, something slowly
4. _______________: an accident, an operation, an X-ray
5. _______________: a leg, a finger
Complete the passage with the verb from above.
I’ve never (6) an accident, or a serious illness, but my brother isn’t so lucky.
First, he (7) his leg playing football. He didn’t (8) it quickly, and in the
end he (9) two operations. Finally, his leg got better, but six months later he fell off
his motorbike. His head (10) bleeding.

II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1. Have you got a tissue? I think I'm going to .

2. I played tennis for two hours yesterday and now my arm .
3. My daughter feels very hot. I think she’s got a .
4. My throat hurts because I can’t stop .
5. I shouted a lot at the concert and now I’ve got a(n) .
6. I had a dive for 20 minutes yesterday, and hours later it resulted in .
7. I’ve eaten too much and I think I’m going to be .
8. I got soaking wet yesterday and I think I'm getting a(n) .
9. My mouth really hurts because I’ve got .
10. Can you turn the music down please because I’ve got a(n) .
III. Complete each blank in the passage with the word in the box.

The Many Benefits of Fasting

Fasting can be a safe way to lose (1) as many studies have shown that
fasting allows the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just regular dieting.
Fasting has shown to allow you to tolerate (2) or sugar better than if you don’t fast.
A study showed that after (3) of fasting, insulin becomes more effective in telling
cells to take up (4) from blood.
Fasting gives your (5) system a rest. Fasts can regulate your digestion and
promote healthy bowel function, thus improving your metabolic function.
Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. Studies have shown how the (6)
of people in certain (7) increased due to their diets.
Fasting helps to regulate the (8) in your body so that you experience what
true hunger is. We know that obese individuals do not receive the correct (9) to let
them know when they are full due to excessive (10) patterns.

IV. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

Acupuncture (1) from China and has been practised there for thousands of
years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin (2) through the patient's
skin at specific points on the body, and the needles are inserted to various (3)
According to WHO (World Health Organization), acupuncture is (4) for treating 28
conditions, while evidence indicates it may have an effective therapeutic value for many more.
Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the
complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force. Illness is said to be the consequence of
a(n) (5) of the forces. If needles are (6) into these points with
appropriate combinations, it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper balance.
Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and
connective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture practitioners say that the (7)
increases blood (8) while at the same time triggering the activity of our own body's
natural painkillers.

V. Complete the following sentences with “be going to” or “will”. Sometimes both are
1. A: I can’t come during the day.
B: I (see) you tomorrow evening.
2. The method is quite simple, and I’m sure it (be) familiar to most of
you already.
3. That cheese smells awful. I think nobody (eat) it.
4. A: Did you get the theatre tickets?
B: No, I forgot all about them. I (book) them tomorrow.
5. Wherever you go in Viet Nam, you (find) the people very friendly.
6. Phong says he (be) a policeman when he grows up.
7. Are these your new racket and shuttlecock? (you/ take up) table
8. The sky has gone really dark. There (be) a rain.
9. A: What is the milk used for?
B: I (make) some yoghurt.
10. You can’t play football in the garden. I (cut) the grass.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive.
1. Our body cannot make essential fatty acids or vitamins, so we must obtain them through diet.
2. Low fatty acid levels cause a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.
3. The consumption of blueberries and tomatoes can delay short-term memory loss or
4. Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day provides you with your recommended daily amount of
zinc. _______________________________________________________________________
5. A good intake of vitamin E prevents thinking decline, particularly in the elderly.
6. Nuts supply us with a great source of vitamin E.

I. Match the headings (A-E) to the correct group of tips (1-5).
First aid tips
A. How to treat a cut finger
B. How to treat a sprained ankle
C. How to treat a minor burn on your hand
D. How to treat a nosebleed
E. How to treat someone who has fainted
1. _________________________________
 Sit down and put your head between your knees.
 Squeeze your nose with your finger and thumb for five minutes.
 Put an ice pack on your nose.
2. _________________________________
 Wash the finger under the tap to remove any dirt.
 Wrap a paper towel round the finger to stop the bleeding.
 Put some antiseptic cream on the cut.
 Put a plaster or a bandage on the finger.
3. _________________________________
 Lift the ankle off the ground.
 Put an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas on the ankle for fifteen minutes.
 When the swelling disappears, put a bandage round the ankle.
4. _________________________________
 Lift your friend’s legs off the ground a little.
 Loosen any tight clothes.
 Open the window.
 Don’t throw water on the face.
5. _________________________________
 Put the hand under a tap of running cold water.
 Cover the burn with a bandage.
 Take a painkiller if it hurts.
Tick the boxes to show which treatments are correct for the situations.
II. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below.
Just breathe
The movement of your blood through your heart and around your body is called circulation.
The process of circulation is fast: it takes less than a minute to pump blood to every part of your
When we breathe in, oxygen goes into your lungs. Blood from your lungs fills with oxygen
and moves into the left side of your heart. The left side of your heart pumps the blood with
oxygen in it out through tubes called arteries. Arteries carry blood away from your heart to your
body. Your body takes the oxygen out of the blood and uses it to stay healthy and strong. We
need oxygen for everything we do: moving, growing, speaking, and thinking. If we do not have
oxygen, we cannot live.
When your body uses the oxygen from your blood, it makes carbon dioxide. Your body
doesn’t need this carbon dioxide, so the blood takes it away. Other tubes, called veins, carry the
blood with carbon dioxide in it back to your heart. The blood from our body goes into the right
side of your heart. Then the right side of your heart pumps this blood into your lungs which
remove the carbon dioxide from the blood. When you breathe out, the carbon dioxide goes back
into the air.
1. From which was blood with oxygen pumped throughout the body?
2. What does our body need oxygen for?
3. Where does blood come back to the heart?
4. What are the functions of arteries and veins?
5. How can our body remove carbon dioxide?
III. Read the article and write the names of the treatments.
Consider the choices ...
Conventional medicine: The beginning of conventional medicine can be traced back to the fifth
century B.C. in ancient Greece. It is based on the scientific study of the human body and illness.
In the last century, there has been great progress in what doctors have been able to do with
modern surgery and new medications. These scientific advances have made conventional
medicine the method many people choose first when they need medical treatment.
Homeopathy: Homeopathy was founded in the late eighteenth century in Germany. It is a low-
cost system of natural medicine used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. In
homeopathy, a patient’s symptoms are treated with remedies that cause similar symptoms.
Herbal therapy: Herbal medicine, often taken as teas or pills, has been practised for thousands
of years in almost all cultures around the world. In fact, many conventional medicines were
discovered by scientists studying traditional uses of herbs for medical purposes. The World
Health Organization claims that 80% of the world’s population uses some forms of herbal
therapy for their regular health care.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture originated in China over 5,000 years ago. Today, it is used
worldwide for a variety of problems. Acupuncture needles are inserted at certain points on the
body to relieve pain and/or restore health. Many believe acupuncture may be effective in helping
people stop smoking as well.
Spiritual healing: Also known as faith healing, or “mind and body connection”, various forms
of spiritual healing exist around the world. This is a form of healing that uses the mind or
religious faith to treat illness. A number of conventional doctors say that when they have not
been able to help a patient, spiritual healing just may work.
1. When modern medicine and surgeries are unsuccessful, a person might try one of these
treatments. __________________________________________________________________
2. A person who is afraid of needles would not want this treatment. _______________________
3. A person who needs surgery would want this treatment. ______________________________
4. A person who feels strongly that there is a mind and a body connection would choose this
treatment. __________________________________________________________________
5. A lot of conventional medicines are based on the study of this treatment. ________________
6. A person who is using a remedy that can actually cause the symptoms the person suffers
from is using this treatment. ____________________________________________________

IV. Read the passage and fill in the columns with the food that has the corresponding
Foods to boost your brainpower
Like everything else in your body, the brain cannot work without energy. The ability to
concentrate and focus comes from the adequate, steady supply of energy in the form of glucose
in our blood to the brain. We can achieve this by choosing whole grains such as “brown” cereals,
bread and brown pasta which release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally
alert throughout the day.
Essential fatty acids which assist in the development and function of the brain and nervous
system cannot be made by the body and must be obtained through diet. Oily fish contains fatty
acids in a ready-made form, which enables the body to use it easily. The main sources of oily
fish include salmon, trout, herring, and sardines. Low fatty acid levels have been linked to a
higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.
Evidence suggests that the consumption of blueberries and tomatoes may also be effective in
improving or delaying short-term memory loss or Alzheimer's.
Certain B vitamins - B6, B12 and folic acid - are known to reduce levels of homocysteine in
the blood. Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with increased risk of stroke, thinking
impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.
Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day is all you need to get your recommended daily amount
of zinc, vital for enhancing memory and thinking skills.
A study suggests that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent thinking decline,
particularly in the elderly. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables,
asparagus, olives, seeds, eggs, brown rice and whole grains.
V. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
Junk Food's Effect On Our Body
Fast food nutrition should make up a minimal part of a healthy diet. Fast foods and junk
foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to obesity and a range of health
problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
Junk food doesn't contain the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you
may feel fatigued and lack the energy you need to complete daily tasks. The high levels of sugar
in junk food puts your metabolism under stress. Because fast food and junk food don't contain
adequate amounts of protein and good carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly
after eating, leaving you feeling annoyed, tired and craving sugar.
Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and because fat accumulates in your body, you'll
gain weight and could become obese. The more weight you gain, the more you'll be at risk for
serious illnesses. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or
In the short term, high levels of dietary fat lead to poor mental performance. You'll feel tired
and have trouble concentrating because your body might not be getting enough oxygen.
The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food and fast food can contribute to heart disease
by raising blood cholesterol levels and contributing to arterial plaque build-up. The high levels of
fatty acids found in many junk foods and fast foods can lead to fatty liver deposits, which, over
time, can cause liver disease.
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each
Task 2: Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
6. The amount of sugar in fast food is .
A. providing you with enough energy to complete daily tasks
B. so high that it puts your body under stress
C. leading to obesity and a range of health problems
D. so low that you want to eat much more sugar
7. The main reason that we shouldn't eat much fast food is that .
A. it should make up a minimal part of a healthy diet
B. it contains too much protein and carbohydrate
C. it has high levels of sugar
D. it doesn't contain the nutrients that keep our body healthy
8. Fast food contains the following items EXCEPT .
A. high blood cholesterol levels B. high levels of fat and sodium
C. high levels of sugar D. high levels of fatty acids
9. Fast food is not good for our heart because .
A. it can lead to fatty liver deposits
B. it may raise blood cholesterol levels and cause high blood pressure
C. it can cause liver disease which can lead to heart disease
D. it makes you feel tired and have trouble concentrating
10. Large amounts of fat in fast food are harmful because .
A. your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating, leaving you feeling annoyed, tired
B. they contain too many nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy
C. you are at risk for serious illnesses and you have poor mental performance
D. they only make up a minimal part of a healthy diet

I. Complete the conversation, using the words and phrases from the box. You will not use
all of them. Then answer the questions about the conversation, checking yes (Y), no (N)
or not given (NG).
Receptionist: Hello, Dr. Winter’s office.
David: Hello. I’m calling because I’d like to make (1) to see the doctor. I
have (2) in my (3) .
Receptionist: I think you might need (4) . Let’s see - I can fit you in this
afternoon. Would you be able to come in at 4:00?
David: Yes, that’s great. I really (5) it.
1. Does David have chest pain?   
2. Does the receptionist need an appointment?   
3. Is David a student?   
4. Does David need a checkup?   
5. Can the doctor see David today?   
II. Complete the conversation about the ways to get rid of bad habits, using the sentences
(A-F) given. There is one sentence that you do not need.
A. You mean we should make connections between stopping the bad behaviour with what
good things we’ll get from doing so.
B. To tell the truth, some people want their bad habits to stay on for a while.
C. We don’t turn back when we have some problems but pick ourselves up and get going
D. Write it down for them and have them ask you on regular intervals about your progress.
E. The point is whether we’re capable of a change for the better or not.
F. In my opinion, we start with small steps consistently in order to get the planned goal.
Nam: Do you think everyone has bad habits, Scott?
Scott: I absolutely agree with you. (1) ______________________________________________
Nam: I think the first thing to do is to make up a list of all reasons why you want to quit your
bad habits.
Scott: (2) _____________________________________________________________________
Nam: Right. If you want to lose weight, then picture yourself slim and looking good in those
skinny jeans. And then you come down to one thing: take action - you must go all or
Scott: (3) _____________________________________________________________________
Nam: That's right. In this way, we get the goal eventually. Do we follow our plan alone? I think
the answer is 'no’. We should tell someone about it.
Scott: Tell them your goal and tell them your plan. (4) _________________________________
Nam: Certainly. That person becomes your reliable partner. This will prove invaluable.
Scott: Most people may have failures. (5)____________________________________________
III. Fill in each blank of the pieces of advice (1-8) with the headlines (A-H), and discuss
whether you agree or disagree with them.
A. Make barriers to your habit
B. Spend more time with people who encourage you
C. Stay positive
D. Break one habit at a time
E. Staying patient
F. Team up with your friend
G. Choose a substitute
H. Find out the causes
1. _________________________________
If you have a few habits, don’t try to break them all at once. Break one bad habit at a time,
starting with the worst one. Find out which habit is harming you the most and begin with that
one. If you get rid of one habit, it will be easier to break the other bad habits.
2. _________________________________
It’s important to know why your habit is harming you and why you can’t break it. Find out
your emotional triggers and work on clearing them.
3. _________________________________
If your friend or family member is going through a similar problem, join them. Help one
another get rid of the bad habit. After all, it’s always better to deal with the problems together
than alone.
4. _________________________________
Stop using up your energy and time feeding your bad habit, look for a healthier habit instead.
If you are trying to quit smoking, you can satisfy the craving by munching on a healthy
snack. It will help to distract you and get rid of your bad habit. Just be patient because it will
be hard the first few months.
5. _________________________________
When you are trying to get rid of your bad habits, surrounding yourself with people who
encourage you to live a happier life is a must. Spend more time with positive people and you
will become more positive as well.
6. _________________________________
If you want to stop eating unhealthy food or biting your nails or whatever, ask your friend or
family member to monitor your bad habit. This action will help make it hard to turn to this
bad habit.
7. _________________________________
Getting rid of a bad habit can be extremely difficult and even painful at times, so remember
that you won't break your bad habits overnight. Everything is possible, when you have this
characteristic to do it.
8. _________________________________
No matter what others say or think about you, you should believe in yourself and do what
you think is right. Believe that you are strong and you are able to break any bad habit.
Compliment yourself every day and tell yourself that you’re the master of your own life and
you have the power to make your life what you want it to be.
E. WRITING: Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
Home Remedies To Treat Obesity Naturally
1. Drinking green tea/ twice/ three times/ day/ bring/ you/ visible results/ days.
2. You/ drink/ glass/ lukewarm water/ one teaspoon/ apple cider vinegar/ and/ one teaspoon/
lemon juice/ every day/ two/ three months.
3. This/ help/ burn/ body fats/ effectively.
4. You/ drink/ glass/ hot water/ a teaspoon/ honey/ when/ you/ get up/ and/ empty stomach.
5. If/ you/ habit/ drinking cold water/ try/ replace/ it/ hot water.
6. Hot water/ help/ eliminating/ fat deposits/ your body.
7. A glass/ lukewarm water/ a few drops/ mint leaf juice extract/ effective/ weight loss/
prolonged use. _______________________________________________________________
8. Eating regularly food/ hotels, restaurants or roadside food stalls/ increase/ weight/ so/ you/
stick/ home-made foods.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. breath B. health C. heart D. head
2. A. intestine B. mind C. spine D. reliable
3. A. yoga B. young C. yin D. rhythm
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. oxygenate B. ability C. complicated D. regularly
5. A. allergy B. sleepiness C. additive D. papaya
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Foods and drinks which strongly the body can cause stress.
A. boost B. develop C. encourage D. stimulate
7. Some foods and spices may your breath for days after a meal.
A. spoil B. harm C. damage D. reduce
8. by the brain and nerves, the nervous system allows us to move, talk, and feel
A. Leading B. Being led C. Led D. Having been led
9. Broccoli supplies a great source of vitamin K, which is known to thinking function and
A. stimulate - decrease B. enhance - improve
C. encourage - improve D. develop - stop
10. Yoga increases endurance, and flexibility.
A. strong B. strength C. powerful D. blood
11. Most herbal medicines are well by the patient, with fewer side effects.
A. tolerate B. tolerating C. tolerated D. being tolerated
12. It that half of your plate consists of vegetables and fruit.
A. suggests B. suggesting C. is suggested D. is suggesting
13. I an interview for a scholarship tomorrow morning.
A. will have B. am going to have C. will be having D. will have had
14. Not brushing your teeth regularly plaque build up on your teeth.
A. is going to let B. is going to allow C. will let D. will get
15. I a good hot bath in ten minutes in order to take good care of my skin.
A. will have B. will have had C. will be having D. is going to have
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive.
16. The human brain can read 1,000 words per minute.
17. In 30 minutes, the human body gives off enough heat to bring a gallon of water to the boiling
point. _____________________________________________________________________
18. If the human brain were a computer, it could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations per
19. Your body produces 25 million new cells each second.
20. The human brain uses 20% of the entire body's oxygen and calorie intake, despite only
accounting for about 2% of an adult's body mass.
V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
I believe in the old saying: “healthy body, healthy mind”; it really has a place for me. For
anyone that has had personal experiences with (21) health, it is so true that by keeping
active and keeping fit, you feel stronger not just in your body but so much stronger in your (22)
as well. By keeping active. I’ve personally found that I now sleep much better and can
(23) my daily activities with so much more (24) and less stress. I have also
had a boost to my own self-confidence (25 ) I have managed to lose a considerable
amount of weight.
There are health benefits, too. Being active could possibly mean I am less (26) to
develop diabetes or any other weight related issues. As I grow older, I want to (27) as
independent as I possibly can. I don’t want to be dependent on other people.
The final benefit is the (28) side to keeping fit. Whether you choose (29) a gym,
a walking group or a football club, these clubs are often so friendly, warm and welcoming to new
members. I’ve met so many like-minded and positive people through getting fit. It has been great
(30) , too.
21. A. mental B. brain C. mind D. physical
22. A. heart B. mental C. brain D. mind
23. A. deal B. deal with C. solve D. achieve
24. A. ease B. easy C. easily D. easier
25. A. if B. when C. as D. although
26. A. like B. likely C. unlikely D. alike
27. A. delay B. begin C. seem D. remain
28. A. social B. society C. sociable D. socially
29. A. to join B. to join in C. joining D. joining in
30. A. fun B. funny C. enjoyable D. fitness
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Reflexology is a natural treatment dating back to ancient times. It is based on the idea that
there are zones, or areas, in the feet and hands that are related to other parts and systems of the
body. For example, the tips of the toes or fingers are related to the head and neck, and the ball of
the foot is related to the heart and chest. A reflexologist applies pressure to specific areas in a
patient’s feet and hands to relieve symptoms or pain in other related areas.
This type of treatment does not cure or diagnose specific health problems, and it does not
involve any medication. Yet many patients find that it successfully relieves symptoms of stress
and disease. Reflexology is effective for pain, headaches, and sleeping difficulties, among other
ailments. Applying pressure to the feet and hands relieves tension, improves blood circulation,
and relaxes muscles. It promotes the natural, healthy functions and well-being of the entire body.
Reflexology is often used along with other types of treatments, including conventional medicine.
This gentle therapy is safe and simple. A reflexologist’s only tools are his or her hands.
Pressure is strong, but not uncomfortable. It’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during
A typical treatment session lasts one hour. Treatment is usually focused on the feet for most
of the session. A patient is asked to remove his or her shoes and socks, to sit in a comfortable
reclining chair, and then to relax as the reflexologist warms the patient’s feet with his or her
hands and applies pressure to the appropriate parts of the foot. The last ten minutes of the session
are dedicated to the hands.
After relieving specific problems, many patients continue a regular programme of treatment
to maintain good health. Some reflexologists suggest building at least a five-minute reflexology
session into every day for long-term relief of stress and pain.
31. Reflexology is a natural treatment which is based on the idea that .
A. there are zones or areas in the feet and hands that are related to any parts of the body
B. the pressure in certain areas in the feet and hands will affect other parts of the body
C. we can apply pressure to specific areas in a patient’s feet and hands to cure diseases
D. pressure on the ball of the foot can cure heart diseases and chest pain
32. All of the following may be the benefits of reflexology EXCEPT .
A. giving up using other conventional treatments B. improving blood circulation
C. relieving tension, pain, sleeplessness D. relaxing muscles
33. Reflexology offers the therapy that is .
A. simple and uncomfortable B. gentle and uncomfortable
C. safe and comfortable. D. too strong but safe
34. In a typical session of reflexology, about is spent on the feet.
A. one hour B. fifty minutes C. ten minutes D. half the time
35. In order to have good effect, we should .
A. have a long-term relief session combined with medicine
B. remove our shoes and socks every day
C. have a regular five-minute reflexology session every day
D. try to avoid specific problems in our daily life
VII. Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation, writing the letter
(A-J) in each blank. The conversation starts with (0).
0 Scott: I just spent last night writing the essay on “The food pyramid”.
36. ____ A. Scott: I am feeling tired and sleepy now because I stayed up to three in the
37. ____ B. Scott: I see. We should have an effective working style in order to be successful in
the future. Thank you, Nam.
38. ____ C. Scott: Yeah, I can show my ability in such a situation. Last time, I got a B grade
for my essay.
39. ___ D. Nam: It’s also risky and dangerous. What will you do if you get sick or someone
in your family get sick the day before you hand in your assignment or you
have more than one deadline at the same time?
40. ___ E. Scott: I work better when I am under pressure. I only spent four hours writing the
essay, and before that I had a lot of free time.
41. ___ F. Nam: You can get a better result than that if you have plans to do the task. By
leaving work to the last minute, you can never realize all your abilities.
42. ___ G. Nam: Really? Our teacher gave us the topic last week. Why didn’t you prepare for
it earlier?
43. ____ H. Nam: You have denied the opportunity to test the limits of your abilities. How do
you know you can do belter when there is never enough time to do your best
or put in your best effort? And it’s harmful to your health.
44. ____ I. Nam: You worked better under pressure? It’s a matter of the study method. In fact,
it’s a highly stressful way to work and live, Scott.
45. ____ J. Scott: I don’t agree with you. I can realize my real abilities under the pressure of

VIII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

46. Cholesterol/ need/ by the body/ keep producing healthy cells.
47. However/ having/ high cholesterol/ put/ you/ at risk/ heart disease.
48. Fast food/ like/ hamburgers, fries and fried chicken/ high/ fat/ but/ you/ replace/ these foods/
healthier options/ broiled sandwiches, or salads.
49. Meat, poultry and fish/ good/ health/ when/ taken/ regulated quantity.
50. We/ avoid/ all the foods/ which/ contribute/ the cholesterol/ body/ not use.
I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. therapy B. respiratory C. medical D. vessel
2. A. almond B. sesame C. avocado D. massage
3. A. allergy B. imagine C. sugar D. oxygen
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other.
4. A. alternative B. acupuncture C. original D. respiratory
5. A. stimulate B. skeleton C. pyramid D. digestive
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Fish, poultry, beans, or nuts half of the dinner plate.
A. make B. make out C. make up D. make of
7. Ailments are caused by a(n) of yin and yang.
A. imbalance B. unequal C. abnormal D. ineffectiveness
8. In some remote parts of the world, herbs may be the only treatment to the
majority of people.
A. leading B. available C. easy D. access
9. There are foods that can help you fall asleep or keep you .
A. wake B. waking C. waking up D. awake
10. Liver is a large organ in the body which the blood.
A. cleans B. cleans up C. is cleaning D. is cleaning up
11. The Healthy Eating Pyramid reminds us to our intake of salt and added sugar.
A. limit B. stop C. avoid D. remove
12. When acupuncture correctly, it is very safe for patients.
A. performs B. will be performed C. is performed D. will have performed
13. You should see a doctor if your nosebleed by an injury, such as a punch.
A. caused B. were causing C. was caused D. will be caused
14. If your retina records the image well, your brain the image, and you image
A. will interpret - will see B. interpret - see
C. is going to interpret - are going to see D. is interpreting - are seeing
15. At your eye exam, you to read from an eye chart.
A. will probably ask B. are going to ask
C. will probably be asked D. are asking
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive.
16. The acupuncturist will ask the patient to lie down.
17. The acupuncturist should use single-use disposable sterile needles.
18. As the acupuncturist inserts each needle, the patient will feel them, but initially without pain.
19. Sometimes people heat the needles or stimulate them with electricity after insertion.
20. People keep the needles in acupoints for about twenty minutes.
V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Benefits of spiritual healing
Spiritual healing can be very effectively used to solve numerous physical, mental and
emotional problems. Spiritual healing can help eliminate physical and mental problems and give
great health benefits.
Spiritual healing is often confused with (21) healing. Although many techniques
in spiritual healing encourage believing in a greater power and positive universal forces, it does
not force any particular faith or religious belief. Spiritual curing has been around in all (22)
The most obvious health benefits of spiritual healing can be seen on the (23) level. People
with high blood pressure, cholesterol, body pains, migraines, back aches etc. have cured their
(24) by means of spiritual healing techniques. One can see considerable (25)
of blood pressure and cholesterol, better sleep patterns, less worrying, and healing of aches
and pains of the body after using spiritual healing techniques.
The mind and body are interconnected, involved elements and the well-being of one can have
a great (26) on the other. Therefore, a healthy mind is resided in a healthy body and a
healthy body is a (27) of a healthy mind.
Once a person eliminates the worrying habit and incorporates positive thinking, the mind can
do (28) . It can help you imagine and create wonderful things, (29) goals and
achieve them. This process of focusing (30) the positive to improve the mental health
can boost your creativity.
21. A. faith B. faithful C. belief D. believable
22. A. land B. heritage C. cultures D. nation
23. A. mental B. physical C. exercising D. medicine
24. A. feelings B. viruses C. therapies D. ailments
25. A. stopping B. lowering C. cutting D. controlling
26. A. result B. affect C. impression D. effect
27. A. cause B. result C. effect D. action
28. A. wonders B. wonderful C. awesome D. progress
29. A. score B. make C. set D. reach
30. A. on B. in C. at D. Ø
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Teenagers and Sleep
Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity occur.
Skipping sleep can be harmful, even deadly, particularly if you are behind the wheel. You can
look bad, you may feel moody, and you perform poorly. Sleepiness can make it hard to get along
with your family and friends and hurt your scores on school exams. Sleepiness can lead to
aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at your friends or being impatient with your
teachers or family members.
Sleep is vital to your well-being, as important as the air you breathe, the water you drink and
the food you eat. It can even help you to eat better and manage the stress of being a teenager.
Teenagers need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best. Most teens do not
get enough sleep: one study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 hours and a half on school
nights. Not getting enough sleep or having sleep difficulties can limit your ability to learn, listen,
concentrate and solve problems.
Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week - they typically stay up late and
sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of
their sleep.
Consuming caffeine close to bedtime can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, soda and
chocolate late in the day, and you can get to sleep at night. Nicotine and alcohol will also
interfere with your sleep.
A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel less tired since it allows your body to get in
synchronization with its natural patterns. You will find that it’s easier to fall asleep at bedtime
with this type of routine.
31. Sleepiness is harmful because .
A. our scores at school may be low and the relationship with others becomes worse
B. important body functions and brain activity occur during sleep
C. you can look bad behind the wheel
D. can lead to appropriate behaviors or being patient with your teachers or family members
32. In order to function best, teenagers need .
A. at least 10 hours of sleep each night B. over about 10 hours of sleep night
C. about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night D. 8 hours and a half on school nights
33. All of the following are bad sleeping habits EXCEPT .
A. having coffee or tea close to bedtime B. staying up very late on the weekends
C. having nicotine and alcohol D. having the same sleep pattern
34. A consistent sleep schedule is very important because .
A. it will helps you feel less tired during daytime
B. you have less difficulty in falling asleep at bedtime
C. nicotine and alcohol will not interfere with your sleep
D. it is easier for you to fall asleep at any time
35. The word “consistent” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to .
A. not changing B. agreeing C. similar D. changeable
VII. Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation, writing the letter
(A-J) in each blank.
36. ____ A. Anna: And after all, I think both of us have a good habit - we never skip breakfast.
37. ____ B. Mai: Pho is the most popular dish for breakfast in Viet Nam. It is said that
breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Right, Anna?
38. ____ C. Anna: With problem-solving ability and good memory, we can get high scores in
subjects and on tests.
39. ____ D. Mai: Have you had breakfast yet, Anna?
40. ____ E. Mai: Yes, thinking activities need a lot of energy. Studies show that breakfast
helps improve attention, problem-solving ability and memory.
41. ____ F. Anna: Yes, I've had a bowl of beef noodle soup.
42. ____ G. Mai: You're absolutely right. Studies have found children who regularly eat
breakfast are less likely to struggle with weight problems.
43. ____ H. Mai: Breakfast is not only important to students but also to workers. My father
often says that people who forget breakfast are not as productive at work as
people who regularly eat a healthy breakfast.
44. ____ I. Anna: I think so. It's an important tool in maintaining effective thinking activities.
45. ____ J. Anna: Besides productivity, eating breakfast may be an effective component of a
weight-loss programme.

VIII. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

Foods to boost eye health
46. Cold-water fish/ such/ salmon, tuna, and sardines/ rich/ omega-3 fatty acids/ which/ help/
protect against/ dry eyes/ even cataracts.
47. Leafy greens/ such/ broccoli, peas and avocados/ lower/ risk/ development/ macular
degeneration/ and/ cataracts.
48. The vitamins/ nutrients/ eggs/ protect/ against/ night blindness and dry eyes/ and/ promote
eye health and function.
49. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and berries/ high/ vitamin C/ which/ reduce/ risk/ cataracts and
macular degeneration.
50. Nuts/ such/ almonds/ rich/ omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E/ which/ boost/ eye health.
Unit 3: MUSIC
I. Choose the odd one out, then read the rest of the words aloud.
1. A. moment B. content C. parent D. talent
2. A. latest B. contest C. request D. suggest
3. A. debate B. commemorate C. certificate D. educate
4. A. current B. moment C. talent D. comment
5. A. protest B. arrest C. establish D. nest
II. Read the following sentences aloud, and write the words with the sounds /est/, /ənt/, or
/eɪt/ into the correct line.
1. They will launch the contests, and cooperate with the City’s Cultural House to look for
talented artists.
2. The Voice Kids, with the passionate nature of The Voice, offers a lifetime opportunity for
talented children to develop the talent from beginning to end.
3. One of the ways the Eurovision Song Contest is different from others is that all the
contestants have the same chance to show their best talents.
4. Up to 8 participants were allowed on stage in Junior Eurovision Song Contest until 2008, but
lately 6 singers from different nations.
5. Cao Van Lau Awards are given to talented musicians and composers who have got best
achievements and made great contributions to the development of ‘Cai Luong’ and ‘Vong
/est/: _________________________________________________________________________
/ənt/: ________________________________________________________________________
/eɪt/: _________________________________________________________________________
I. Match a type of Vietnamese traditional music (A-J) with its description (1-10), writing
the answer in each blank.
A. Xoan singing F. Quan Ho singing
B. Hat Then G. Southern Amateur Traditional Music
C. Hat Xam H. Tuong
D. Hat Van (Hat Chau Van) I. Ca Tru
E. Vietnamese Lullaby Songs J. Vi-Giam folk music
1. _________________________________
It is a practice that brings people together and evokes their lifestyle and work on the land and
rivers of the Mekong Delta region. It is often played in special celebrations. It is also played
at night by the local people after a long and tiring day at work. It was recognized as the
World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2013.
2. _________________________________
It is a traditional folk art which combines trance singing and dancing, a religious form of art
used for extolling the merits of beneficent deities or deified national heroes.
3. _________________________________
It is a very rich and beautiful musical storehouse of our people, which has a very long lasting
history. During all its existence, successive creations have unceasingly changed the type of
the folk song. It was recognized as the World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in
4. _________________________________
It is a repartee sung while working. It reflects the work, cultural lives and feelings of the
residents in the central coastal provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh. It was recognized as the
World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2014.
5. _________________________________
It is religious epics of long poems, performed by the Highland Tay and Nung minority
groups. Those songs tell the story of the path to paradise to ask the Jade Emperor to settle
troubles for the head of household.
6. _________________________________
It is also called Hat Boi in the South, It is a kind of drama of the national theater. It came into
being over five hundred years ago, reflecting the rich and special culture of Vietnam.
7. _________________________________
It was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi” (literally songs of the women singers).
Originally, attractive young singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes
serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” inn with friends to
celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son. It was recognized as the World
Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2009.
8. _________________________________
It is a folk cultural product of Phu Tho Province. People sing it in communal houses of the
villages in spring. UNESCO recognized it as the World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2012.
9. _________________________________
A sort of folk music is often heard in Vietnam, especially in the countryside. They are used
not only to lull small children to go to sleep but also to express human feelings such as
homesickness, wife missing her husband, etc.
10. _________________________________
It is the song of the blind artists, and it has existed since the Tran Dynasty in the 13th century.
II. Match a type of music with its definition, writing the answer in each blank. There are
two groups: I-10 corresponding to A-J, and 11-20 corresponding to K-T.
A. blues F. hard rock
B. classical music G. heavy metal
C. country music H. hip hop
D. disco I. jazz
E. folk music J. pop music
1. _________________________________
a type of popular music based on the traditional music of the southern US, usually containing
singing, guitars, and violins
2. _________________________________
traditional music from a particular country, region, or community, especially music
developed by people who were not professional musicians
3. _________________________________
a type of loud rock music that developed in the 1970s, played on drums and electric guitars
4. _________________________________
a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with many people
because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes that are easy to
5. _________________________________
music written according to standard European forms or structures by people such as Mozart
and Beethoven
6. _________________________________
It is the second type born from African traditional music. It is believed to have started after
the Civil War, when the black people were free to travel and seek employment.
7. _________________________________
a type of music that developed among African-American musicians using rap and samples (=
short pieces of recorded music or sound) that are repeated and combined with musical
8. _________________________________
a type of slow and sad music that developed from the songs of black slaves in the southern
9. _________________________________
a type of music with a strong beat that is easy to dance to, popular especially in the 1970s
10. _________________________________
a type of rock music that is loud and has a strong beat
K. raga P. rock ‘n! roll
L. rap Q. soul music
M. reggae R. swing
N. R&B (Rhythm and Blues) S. techno
O. rock music T. world music
11. _________________________________
a type of popular music that African American musicians developed from blues and jazz
12. _________________________________
a type of music that was popular in the 1950s and combined simple blues structures played
on guitars with strong regular beats
13. _________________________________
popular music which has been influenced by the music of traditional cultures
14. _________________________________
a type of African-American music that developed in the 1960s, combining R&B with pop,
rock ’n’ roll, and gospel styles. It usually has a strong beat and places emphasis on singing
15. _________________________________
a way of talking using rhythm and rhyme, usually over a strong musical beat
16. _________________________________
a type of music that is a mixture of early rock ’n’ roll and traditional country music
17. _________________________________
a type of popular music that developed in the 1980s from reggae and uses a singing style
similar to rap
18. _________________________________
a type of dance music that developed in the 1980s, consisting of hard repeated beats, heavy
drum sounds, and funk influences
19. _________________________________
a type of music that developed in Jamaica in the 1960s with songs about social and political
subjects and heavy bass sounds
20. _________________________________
a type of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, played by large groups
of musicians and combining simple tunes with more complicated improvisation

III. Choose the correct words to complete the text.

James Blunt biography
James Blunt was in the army for four and a half years before he left and (1. signed/ made)
a music contract. He plays the guitar and the piano, he also (2. writes/ makes)
a lot of his own lyrics and music. He (3. sent/ released) his
first album Back to Bedlam in 2005. It has been sold more than three million copies. His single
You're Beautiful (4. went/ made) to the top of the charts and stayed there for
six weeks. He also became the first UK artist since Elton John to reach number 1 in the US. He
(5. won/ had) two awards at the 2006 Brit Awards for ‘Best British Male’.

IV. Complete the text with the appropriate words from the box.

As a child My Tam was (1) about singing and left her hometown, Da Nang, for
Ho Chi Minh City to learn vocal music at Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory in 1997. People
realized that she was a(n) (2) singer when she got the bronze medal at the “Asian
Music Festival” held in Shanghai at the end of 2000. She started her (3)
singing career in 2001 when she was 20 years old and has since won millions of hearts with her
(4) and distinctive voice. She is not only a (5) singer, but also a
musician who has composed her own hits such as Toc Nau Moi Tram (Brown Hair and Purple
Lips), Hoa Mi Toc Nau (Brown-haired Nightingale), Uoc Gi (Wish), Hat Voi Dong Song (Sing
with the River), etc.
Later in 2004, My Tam was the only Vietnamese singer to participate in the “Asia Song
Festival” in Seoul, Korea, and she was very (6) in herself to perform in front
of the Korean crowds.
Considered as “V-Pop Queen”, My Tam has won three Viet Nam’s Devotion Awards, 11
titles “Most Favourite Singer”, and three titles “The Face of the Year” of the Blue Way Music
Her fans think that My Tam is a great singer with a (7) voice and (8)
personality, but she is very (9) in her daily life. She works seriously
to give (10) quality music product. She is beloved for doing a lot of charity

V. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Shakira - A Star In Two Worlds
Shakira, who was born in Columbia, is one of the best pop stars to come from Latin America.
She had an (1. interest) childhood. Her mother was Colombian and her father was
Lebanese, so she listened to a lot of different styles of music. As a result, her own music is very
(2. origin) . Shakira is also (3. usual) because she records songs
both in Spanish and English. Her first album Magia was released in 1991. It wasn’t as (4.
success) as she hoped, so she changed careers for a while and took a part in
Colombia’s biggest TV soap opera. This made her (5. fame) and sales of
her second album were much better. The album sold millions of copies in Latin America, Spain,
and the USA. Since then, Shakira has become an international star.

VI. Use to-infinitives or bare infinitives to complete the following sentences.

1. The Vietnamese authorities decided files on “Don ca tai tu Nam bo” to
UNESCO. (submit)
2. In “Hat Gheo”, the boy and girl look at each other because they would like their
feelings during the performance. (express)
3. With an oar, the actor of “Tuong” try the viewers the boat fast sailing,
wavering due to waves, making the viewers feel as though they were on the boat. (show)
4. This type of acting in Tuong makes the actors their individuality and
transform themselves into the characters of the play. (give up)
5. 21st Century Fox decided “American Idol” after the last season of 2016.
6. Aguilera’s hit single “Genie in a Bottle” made her a Grammy Award for Best
New Artist. (get)
7. Aguilera continued , and in 1990, she earned the second place in the TV
programme “Star Search”. (perform)
8. Adele has planned her new album after the success of “Hello” and “25”.
9. Vietnamese viewers expect foreign-origin reality shows a “breath of fresh air”
to TV channels. (bring)
10. TV viewers could see the contestants of the Vietnam’s Next Top Model
confidently on the catwalk. (perform)

VII. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

Dan Bau - the monochord of Viet Nam
It is said by many that the first Dan Bau was made in 1770, (1) many scholars have
thought it originated in the 8 century. A popular legend of its beginning tells that a blind
woman played it in the market to earn a (2) for her family while her husband
was at war. Whether this tale is based on facts or not, it is true that the Dan Bau has historically
been played by blind (3) .
The word “monochord” means “one string”. In the monochord, a (4) string
is stretched over a sound box. The string is fixed at both ends while a movable bridge alters
pitches. Originally, the Dan Bau was made of four parts: a bamboo tube, a wooden rod, a
coconut shell half, and a silk string. The (5) was tied on one end to the rod,
which is perpendicularly attached to the bamboo. The coconut shell was attached to the rod,
serving as a resonator.
The Dan Bau is a musical (6) that touches our (7) . Its music has the
power and charm from the emotion attraction of love songs (8) on this instrument.

VIII. Complete the sentences, using the coordinating conjunctions from the box.

1. Traditional musical forms are often performed on contemporary stages, “Don

ca tai tu Nam bo” is presented at homes of the local people.
2. Professor Nguyen Vinh Bao, a master of “Don ca tai tu Nam bo”, had great emotions
wish to share them with the public.
3. Both the father and grandfather of Beethoven were professional singers,
musicianship was in the family.
4. Later on, Beethoven became an assistant organist, also played viola for a
famous orchestra.
5. My mum and dad hate my long, dyed hair strange clothes I’m in
a band I need to look cool!

IX. Combine each pair of sentences, using the correct coordinating conjunctions.
1. Cheo tells tales of chiefs, heroes and lovely maidens. It offers a mix of romance, tragedy and
2. A Cheo play could be put on stage in a large theater. It could also be performed successfully
on one or two bed mats spread in the middle of a communal house.
3. The props of a Cheo play are simple. There is a close interchange between the performers
and the spectators.
4. On the stage of Tuong, the scene may be the officials at the royal court. The scene may be
two generals with some soldiers fighting in battle.
5. Trong Hieu, the champion of Vietnam Idol 2015, tried his luck at the 2008 Eurovision Song
Contest. He didn’t succeed.

I. Read the passage about telephone songs and the artists, and then answer the questions.
Telephone Songs
The first telephone song appeared in 1899 and was called Hello My Baby. In the song, a man
phones his girlfriend every morning to talk to her. But first he has to speak to the operator and he
has to talk very loudly because the line is so bad. Phone calls appeared in a lot of pop songs in
the 20th century, like Stevie Wonder’s I Just Called to Say I Love You in 1984. The famous
American soul singer’s song was number one in several countries, like the USA, Britain,
Germany and Italy and won an Oscar for Best Original Song in 1985.
In the last few years, phone songs have been about mobile phone calls. The most famous is
Lady Gaga’s Telephone. A woman is dancing at a club when her boyfriend calls. ‘I can’t hear
you and I’m busy,’ she says. The boyfriend rings again and again but the woman doesn’t answer
because she is dancing and having fun.
What will pop songs be about in the future? There will probably be more songs about social
networking, like New Friend Request by Gym Class Heroes. But they will still be about love!
1. What problems does the man in the first song have?
2. Who does he talk to first?
3. Where did Stevie Wonder’s song do well?
4. What type of music is it?
5. Why does the woman in Lady Gaga’s song not answer the phone?
II. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
The Voice
“The Voice” is a two-time Emmy Award winning, the number one series on NBC, featuring
the country’s best unknown artists and four of the biggest names in music as coaches.
The show’s innovative format features five stages of competition: the first begins with the
blind auditions, followed by the battle rounds, the knockouts, the live playoffs and finally, the
live performance shows.
During the blind auditions, the decisions from the musician coaches are based solely on voice
and not on looks. The coaches hear the artists perform, but they don’t get to see them - thanks to
rotating chairs. If more than one coach pushes his/her button, the power then shifts to the artists
to choose which coach they want to work with. If no coach pushes his/her button, the artist is
eliminated from the competition.
Once the teams are set, the battle is on. Coaches dedicate themselves to developing their
teams of artists, giving them advice and sharing the secrets of their success, along with help from
their celebrity advisers. During the battle rounds, the coaches pit two of their own team members
against each other to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience. After the vocal
battle, the coach must choose which of his/her singers will advance to the next round of
competition, while the losing artist is available to be stolen by another coach. Each coach has
two steals available during the battle rounds.
At the end of the battles, only the strongest members of each coach’s roster remain and
proceed to the knockout rounds. Here, the artists are paired against a teammate once more, but
this time, they select their own songs to perform individually, while their direct competitor
watches and waits. They are competing for their coach's confidence and decision to take them to
the live shows.
In the live playoff rounds, the Top 20 artists compete to secure a spot in the live shows.
Artists perform live, and Americans vote to save their two favorite artists from each team. The
coaches then save one remaining artist to complete their roster. The remaining contestants move
on to the final phase of the competition, the live shows.
In the final live-performance phase of the competition, the Top 12 artists compete each week
against each other during a live broadcast. The television audience votes to save their favorite
artists. In the end, one is named “The Voice” and receives the grand prize of a recording
Task 1: Find the words or expressions in the text which have the following meanings.

Task 2: Read the passage again, and answer the questions below.
6. What is the format of The Voice?
7. When is the artist able to choose the coach during the blind auditions?
8. What do the coaches do to prepare for the battle rounds?
9. What should the contestants do to succeed in the battle rounds?
10. What is the role of the audiences in the playoff rounds and the final live-performance phase
of the competition?

I. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (A-F) given. There is an extra one.
A. And I’ve got a good singing voice, too.
B. What do you want to play?
C. You have to practise and rehearse all the time.
D. I like lots of different kinds of music.
E. I have been listening to pop music for years.
F. But you have to be talented to be in a band.
Tim: I think it’s really cool to be in a band.
Becky: I don’t. I think it’s really hard work. (1) ____________________________________
I don’t think you have time for going out.
Tim: I disagree with that. When you’re in a band, you go out all the time. I want to start a
Becky: (2) _________________________________________________________________
In my opinion, you’re not a talented musician.
Tim: You’re right, but I can learn.
Becky: (3) _________________________________________________________________
Tim: I really like the guitar but I don’t know how to play it.
Becky: I do.(4)______________________________________________________________
Tim: Really? Great - you can be in my band. What sort of music do you like?
Becky: (5) _________________________________________________________________
Tim: Me too.
Becky: But I’m not really into hip hop or rap.
II. Complete the interview between Thu Huong, the reporter, and Sharon Pereira -
Vietnam Idol’s executive producer about the second season, using the responses (A-E)
given. There is one extra.
A. I was very touched by some of the difficult life experiences the top 10 have gone through.
B. I believe Vietnam Idol has a faithful audience who are keen to follow the journey of an
ordinary person who becomes a star.
C. In the near future, I will be the managing director of a game show with a new format.
D. We had more than 15,000 people attend the auditions which is three times more than last
E. I enjoy working with young people. They are full of enthusiasm and promise.
F. I’ve been in Viet Nam since July 2008 and I’m impressed by the people and the unique
culture of Viet Nam.

Thu Huong: How long have you been in Viet Nam? What made you come and work here?
Sharon: (1) ______________________________________________________________
Thu Huong: You’re known as a very experienced media practitioner, with 15 years working in
the industry. Why did you choose youth to be your target audience? And why
Vietnam Idol?
Sharon: (2) ______________________________________________________________ .
Vietnam Idol is a good opportunity to discover new talent and find an inspiring
person for the youth of Viet Nam.
Thu Huong: A reality show is still a new concept for a majority of Vietnamese, so there isn’t
much interaction between the audience and the show. But after spending over six
months on Vietnam Idol, a show which has managed to gain public attention,
what do you think of the status now of such shows?
Sharon: Reality shows have managed to capture the imagination of the Vietnamese
audience. (3) ______________________________________________________ .
As reality shows become more popular, I believe this audience will increase.
Thu Huong: Could you share the most memorable and the most difficult experiences related to
your work on the programme?
Sharon: (4) ______________________________________________________________ .
They spoke of their families, hopes and dreams. It was difficult to say goodbye to
someone every Friday.
Thu Huong: Do you think the second season of Vietnam Idol has been a success? What makes
the programme unique from other countries’ versions?
Sharon: I think this season of Vietnam Idol has been successful in several ways. (5) ____
_________________________________________________________________ .
The defining factor of Vietnam Idol, other than the music, are the people in the
show. They bring the unique blend of Vietnamese culture to life.
Thu Huong: Thank you very much for the interview, Sharon.
Sharon: You’re welcome.
III. Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation about “The X
Factor”, writing the answers (A-J) in each blank.
1. ____ A. Scott: It started in 2004 by the record company executive, Simon Cowell.
2. ____ B. Scott: That’s right, Nam. The mentors play an important role. Each week, live on
a Saturday night, all contestants perform one or two songs based on a
weekly theme. By the final, the judges no longer decide who must go
home and the results are entirely determined by the public vote.
3. ____ C. Nam: I have just watched a TV show of “The X Factor”, but I only get a little bit
information about it. It’s very awesome, Scott?
4. ____ D. Scott: In that case, the head judge - Cowell or later Gary Barlow - has the
deciding vote.
5. ____ E. Scott: There are several rounds of judging before the final stage and the final
decision is left to a public vote. The four judges sit behind a desk equipped
with large red buzzers. If the judges do not like the act, they press their
buzzer and an ‘X’ is displayed above their name. If an act gets a full-house
of Xs, they must stop performing and take some heavy criticism from the
6. ____ F. Nam: It’s really a very popular reality music competition. When did it start,
7. ____ G. Nam: And the next round of judging is called “bootcamp” in four categories -
“Boys”, “Girls”, “Groups” and “Over 25s”. Each category is then assigned
to a judge, who takes contestants to the last stage before the live final with
the help of their potential mentor and a celebrity guest.
8. ____ H. Nam: I like him a lot. He has worked with a panel of 3 or 4 judges that decide
who will reach the live final stage.
9. ____ I. Scott: Certainly, Nam. The X Factor competitions take place in over 40
countries, including the UK, the USA, Australia, Italy, Russia, and so on.
10. ____ J. Nam: What will happen if there is a tied vote? It didn’t happen in the show I

Write complete sentences of the biography of Luu Huu Phuoc, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use
all the words given.
1. Luu Huu Phuoc (1921 - 1989)/ born/ Can Tho/ the Mekong Delta.
2. He/ study/ Ha Noi/ and/ serve/ the army/ the anti-French and American resistance wars.
3. The musician/ leader/ youth’s movement/ and/ always have/ a tendency/ associate/ his music/
his political tasks.
4. He/ hold/ important positions/ including/ Head of the Music and Dance Department at the
Ministry of Information and Culture/ Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of
Vietnamese Musicians/ Director of the Music Research Institute.
5. Friends/ remember/ him/ a simple, friendly and kind-hearted musician/ leader.
6. He/ write and compose/ many famous songs/ such as: Bach Dang Giang (Bach Dang River),
Tieng goi thanh nien (The call for the youth), Giai phong mien Nam (Liberating the South).
Hon tu si (Martyr’s soul), Hoi nghi Dien Hong (Dien Hong Congress), Thanh nien hanh khuc
(March of the Youths), Len dang (Let’s go), Bai ca giai phong quan (Song of Liberation
Army), Thanh nien san sang (Youth to be ready), Tien ve Sai Gon (Heading for Sai Gon) etc.
7. He/ also write/ children songs/ the occasional opera.
8. Luu Huu Phuoc/ considered/ musician/ most popular Vietnamese Revolutionary songs.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. pop B. idol C. contest D. top
2. A. compare B. album C. talent D. fan
3. A. franchise B. release C. contest D. post
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. contest B. talent C. album D. debate
5. A. concert B. award C. release D. compose
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The tragic end of “Swan Lake” shows that magic is over love.
A. power B. powerful C. powerless D. powerfully
7. Van Cao’s Tien Quan Ca was made into the national of the Socialist Republic of
Viet Nam.
A. song B. music C. melody D. anthem
8. Chopin is one of the greatest Romantic piano composers whose works are often technically
A. demand B. demanding C. undemanding D. demanded
9. Fantasia Barrino, the winner of American Idol’s season 3 in 2004, released her Free
Yourself which earned three Grammy Award nominations.
A. debut album B. live performance C. local version D. live programme
10. That teen idol was to win second place in the Idol Contest in 2010.
A. talent B. being talented C. talented D. talentless
11. Her teachers and schoolmates noticed her a deep love of music during her childhood.
A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. developed
12. A playoff is an extra game in a competition played between two teams or competitors who
both have the same scores the winners.
A. decide B. to decide C. deciding D. to deciding
13. Hat Boi involves singing with distinctive vocal production techniques, symbolic gestures,
it is extremely difficult to perform requires special training in the art form.
A. and - but B. so - but C. so - and D. but - and
14. Scenes in Cai Luong are elaborate they are changed frequently throughout the play.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
15. Many “American Idol” contestants went on to become huge stars, the popularity
of “American Idol” began to decrease.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box.
Vietnamese Traditional Theater
Despite being strongly influenced by Chinese opera and other art forms, Vietnamese theater
with three special (16) : Tuong singing, Cheo singing and Cai Luong singing,
which have been modified to be suitable for Vietnamese people.
Tuong singing is a form of art imported from China around the 13th century. Tuong singing
(also known as Boi singing) was originally used as entertainment for the (17) and
was later performed by traveling troupes for commoners and (18) . One typical
feature of Tuong singing is the use of well-known stock characters who wear elaborate make-up
and (19) to represent the (20) that they are performing.
Cheo singing is a satirical (21) dating back to the 12th century under the Ly
Dynasty. Traditionally, Vietnamese peasants in northern Viet Nam usually danced when singing
folk songs and another (22) plays fiddle, flute and drum.
Cai Luong (Renovated Opera) appeared in the southern part of Viet Nam in the 1920s and
flourished as an entertaining theatre of the middle class under the French colonial period. The
special imprints of this (23) on audience are the harmonious combination of
southern Vietnamese (24) , classical music, Tuong singing and modern drama
as well as the use of extensive vibrato (25) .
Note: genre (n) = a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics
V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Quan Ho - Typical Northern Vietnamese music
It is hard to talk about the origin of Quan Ho singing, but it was first (26) in the
13th century. Quan Ho is a singing battle where “lien chi” (female singers) sing “cau ra” (a
challenge phrase), then “lien anh” (male singers) will (27) by selecting and singing
“cau doi” (a matching phrase). The order will be (28) in the next time.
(29) Quan Ho was unaccompanied by instruments but only (30) of singers to
compose rhythm. Quan Ho performances today are accompanied by some (31)
instruments, such as monochord or bamboo flute, etc.
Themes of most of the songs are love songs with romantic and sentimental lyrics which have
been (32) by (33) .
Quan Ho songs possess the spirit of local people and help tighten (34) among
villages. Quan Ho singing is an old Vietnamese type of art that needs (35) .
26. A. recorded B. broadcast C. performed D. written
27. A. answer B. say C. respond D. tell
28. A. changed B. turned C. varied D. reserved
29. A. Tradition B. Traditional C. Traditionally D. Tradition of
30. A. voices B. songs C. music D. volumes
31. A. music B. musical C. musically D. musician
32. A. passed B. passed by C. passed on D. passed away
33. A. mouth B. mouth of word C. word of mouth D. words of mouth
34. A. distances B. space C. roads D. bonds
35. A. preserve B. to preserve C. being preserved D. preserving
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each question.
Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female
singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men
might have visited a “Hat A Dao” inn with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the
birth of a son.
Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal
palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars. Later, it was performed in communal
houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity. These performances were mostly
for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese
Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru
means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance.
After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards
Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the
“phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A
musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and
10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer
or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the
drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the
“dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.
36. Ca Tru was first performed .
A. to serve drinks and snacks to men B. to entertain male guests on special
C. in a relaxed environment without any drink
D. when “Hat A Dao” and “Hat Noi” disappeared
37. Ca Tru developed and became very popular in the society when .
A. it was only performed in royal courts and palaces
B. it took the name Ca Tru from Chinese and became a favourite hobby of aristocrats and
C. its performances were mostly for men
D. it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes
38. The “tally card” in the meaning of Ca Tru helped .
A. the singer to be paid after the performance
B. the men to purchase bamboo tally cards
C. the singers to show appreciation for the performance
D. each singer to receive the number of cards given
39. The singer plays the essential role because .
A. she accompanies the other musicians with the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or
B. she makes the drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs by hitting the side of
the drum twice
C. the drummer only shows his approval or disapproval to the song and the “dan day“ player
must follow the rhythm of the drummer
D. the “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”, and the drummer only shows
his approval or disapproval of the singer or the songs
40. All of the following are true about Ca Tru EXCEPT that .
A. it flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam
B. the “dan day” is now only used as a souvenir for tourists
C. the meaning of Ca Tru partly originated from Chinese Vietnamese
D. Ca Tru requires at least three performers
VII. Complete the conversation, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra.
A. I like that British judge with his critical remarks about the contestants.
B. Fox said the long-time host, Ryan Seacrest, will be joined by the judges - Jennifer Lopez,
Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr.
C. The audience for “American Idol” is now one-third of what it was at its peak in 2006
with 30 million viewers.
D. Well, I don’t think the main sponsors of the programme including Coca-Cola and AT&T
have left. And 21st Century Fox is a big corporation.
E. What a pity! That talent competition was Fox’s most popular entertainment programme
since 2002.
F. NBC’s “The Voice” has emerged as a powerful alternative to “American Idol” and its
summer show “America’s Got Talent” has also developed its popularity.
Mai: Have you heard that “American Idol” will come to an end after its 15th season next year?
Anna: Yes. (41) _______________________________________________________________
Mai: I see. When it was launched in 2002, “American Idol” soon became an instant success. It
also made a household name out of Simon Cowell.
Anna: (42) ___________________________________________________________________ .
Mr. Cowell also starred in “Pop Idol”, a British show that “American Idol” is based on.
Mai: That’s right, Anna. I also like other judges and the host, Ryan Seacrest. Do you know the
reason why Fox will shut down “Idol”?
Anna: Well, there are several reasons, Mai. In recent years, its popularity has dropped quickly.
(43) ___________________________________________________________________ .
Mai: Maybe the viewers have chosen other reality TV shows. Do you think so, Anna?
Anna: It’s the truth. (44) ________________________________________________________ .
Mai: Yeah, “The Voice” is very fantastic. Can we see the same judges and the host in the last
Anna: The last season of “American Idol” will begin in January, 2016. (45) ________________
_______________________________________________________________________ .
VIII. Write complete sentences of the biography of Do Nhuan, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have
to use all the words given.
46. Do Nhuan (1922 - 1991)/ great Vietnamese classical composer.
47. He/ first Vietnamese/ who/ trained/ Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
48. He/ lay/ foundation/ Vietnam’s opera/ based/ Western traditional opera/ and/ he/ write/ first
Vietnamese opera “Co Sao” (Miss Sao).
49. His typical songs/ that/ help/ build/ reputation and image/ “Ca Ngoi Ho Chu tich” (Singing in
praise of President Ho Chi Minh), “Du kich song Thao” (Guerrillas on Thao River), “Chien
thang Dien Bien” (Dien Bien’s Victory)/ “Viet Nam que huong toi” (Viet Nam - My
50. Do Nhuan/ who/ first Secretary General / the Vietnam Musicians’ Association/ and/ awarded/
Ho Chi Minh Prize/ remembered/ pioneer/ modern Vietnamese music.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. platinum B. format C. stage D. smash
2. A. composer B. solo C. post D. love
3. A. solo B. music C. single D. song
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. platinum B. melody C. contestant D. instrument
5. A. achievement B. audience C. performance D. recording
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. “Don ca tai tu Nam bo” is a practice that helps people together on the land
and rivers of the Mekong Delta region.
A. bringing - work B. to bring - to work
C. to bringing - working D. be brought - to working
7. To celebrate 60 years of the Eurovision Song Contest, Australia has been given a place in the
A. end B. stop C. final D. bottom
8. Indonesians really enjoy Dangdut, a kind of Indonesian popular music, because the
beat compels listeners to dance together in the Ghoomar style.
A. power B. powerful C. powerless D. powerfully
9. The first ever Junior Eurovision Song Contest (JESC) in Denmark, in 2003.
A. took part B. took place C. took advantage D. took care
10. Vietnam Idol, a music reality show, is becoming popular among young who
love to watch their generation on TV.
A. spectators B. singers C. audiences D. teenage
11. Some contestants manage the fame from the TV game shows.
A. gain B. gaining C. to be gained D. to gain
12. The local authorities will cooperate with the Department of Education and training
the traditional music in the schools next year.
A. to teach B. teach C. teaching D. taught
13. My Tam made her fans surprised when she was given the title of “Asia’s Music
Legend” in 2014.
A. feel B. felt C. feeling D. to feel
14. The clown in a Cheo play seems to be a supporting role, actually he or she is
very important to the performance.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
15. The main sponsors of “American Idol” including Coca-Cola and AT&T have left,
finance becomes a big problem.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.

America's Got Talent

Originating in 2006, America’s Got Talent (also known as AGT) is an American (16)
television series on NBC. The show was developed with the help of Simon
Cowell but due to Idol and Fox obligations, he has never judged. The show is a talent
competition which has no restrictions to age or act, with the main focus on whether or not it was
entertaining. It is divided into three main rounds. The acts first compete on stage in front of an
audience and the three or four judges. Each judge has a loud ’X’ buzzer which they can press if
they feel an act is not meeting expectations. If an act gets all the judges to buzz, it is immediately
over and they are out of the (17) . These remain active throughout the show, but
during later rounds frequently get used.
It starts off with the audition week held across the country where acts have roughly 90
seconds to impress the judges and an area audience. Following each act, the judges quickly vote
and based on majority rules decide if the contestants go to the next round or are cut on the (18)
Following the audition week, the show and accepted acts move to Vegas where the acts
perform again, only this time in front of only the judges and no (19) . Following
Vegas week, the judges cut the competition aggressively to 48 acts to move onto the next, most
important round. The 48 acts chosen go onto the live quarter-finals in various cities to compete
on live television for the audience (20) as the power now shifts away from the
judges. There are 4 quarter finals with 12 acts performing each week (4 advance each), followed
by two semifinals (4 advance each) followed by the final where the winner is declared. The
grand prize winner will receive one million US dollars and a chance for their own show in

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Xam - A Tale of Vietnamese Folk Music
Xam is known in Viet Nam (21) folk music usually performed by blind
street singers (22) their living. As it originated from the working class and poor
people, Xam has become an intellectual part of the folks’ cultural life. Its most distinctive (23)
lie in the simplicity and popularity of its lyrics which often tell daily-life stories,
satirizing and criticizing severely the social evils while highly praising education and
humanitarian (24) .
Therefore, Xam doesn’t care so much about (25) and stages like other types of
traditional arts. Xam singing can be performed (26) , on any street or corner where large
numbers of people pass. It is so simple that anyone can sing some verses to express their inner
(27) on life.
After a long period of (28) , Xam has recently been revitalized by a programme titled
“Tale of Xam” performed by master artists of Vietnamese traditional music through their
beautiful vocals and talented musical skills.
The artists performed in such a simple way without accompaniment in order to (29) the
soul of Xam performed by our forefathers. The effect of the programme could (30)
through the joy of audiences and their enthusiastic talks with the artists.
21. A. for B. as C. of D. with
22. A. to earn B. to make up C. to do D. to work
23. A. things B. fame C. features D. importance
24. A. measures B. beliefs C. judges D. values
25. A. dress B. cloth C. clothing D. costumes
26. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. wherever D. nowhere
27. A. senses B. feelings C. opinions D. attitudes
28. A. refusal B. raise C. rise D. decline
29. A. prove B. explain C. express D. record
30. A. see B. be seen C. realize D. be realizing
VI. Read the article, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Underage Festival
Are you a music-lover between the ages of fourteen and eighteen? Would you like to go to a
festival with friends of the same age as you? Then this music festival is for you! For most music
festivals, you have to be eighteen before you can go without an adult, but the Underage Festival
is different. You must be between fourteen and eighteen.
The Underage Festival is a day of music and fun for teenagers. It takes place in Victoria
Park, London, in August. It’s a one-day festival - it starts at 11.30 a.m. and the music goes on
until 8 p.m.
Sam Kilcoyne is the main organizer of the festival. He started the Underage Festival in 2007
when he was only fifteen years old. It’s a small festival with 10,000 people but the best thing
about it is that there are no adults! Parents can wait for their children outside the gate, but they
can’t come in to the festival.
But parents don't need to worry! The organization is great and it's a safe and peaceful
festival. You can’t bring food or drink into the festival, but there are lots of restaurant tents with
a variety of food and drink - from pizzas to burgers and Chinese to Mexican. We recommend the
pizza tent. On the festival website, there's a page for parents with all the information they need.
There's a big variety of music, everything from indie to hip hop, electronic to heavy metal.
There’s even a silent disco where everyone wears headphones. There are six stages. The main
stage is outside and the other five are in huge tents. Sometimes, it feels a little crowded in the
tents, but the big names usually play on the main stage. Sometimes it’s difficult to choose which
band to watch because they only play for thirty minutes. But in general, the music is fantastic
and the teenagers are happy.
Note: indie (n) = pop or rock music produced by small, independent record companies
31. What is the author of the article trying to do?
A. give practical information about travel and cost
B. recommend the festival
C. review the music
D. describe his/her experiences
32. Why is the Underage Festival different from other festivals?
A. It’s for music-lovers. B. It’s for teenagers and adults.
C. It’s just for teenagers. D. It’s just for adults.
33. Where can parents find information about the festival?
A. outside the gate B. from Sam Kilcoyne, the organizer
C. from their teenage children D. on the festival website
34. Which of the following can’t you have at the Underage Festival?
A. a Chinese meal B. a pizza C. a burger and chips D. your own food
35. Why is it difficult to choose which band to watch?
A. There are six stages. B. The bands only play for a short time.
C. There’s a big variety of music. D. The music is fantastic.
VII. Complete the conversation about “The Voice of Viet Nam”, using the responses (A- J)
A. The champion will receive a cash prize of 500 million VND and a recording contract.
B. The blind audition ends when each coach has fourteen artists to work with.
C. In 2012, and it is produced by Cat Tien Sa Media Group.
D. Yeah, if more than one coach turns the chair, the artist chooses the coach he or she would
like to work with.
E. In the semi-final round of the competition, the top contestants from each team compete
against each other during a live broadcast.
F. The format is Dutch and the original Dutch version of the programme was broadcast in
the Netherlands for the first time in 2010 as The Voice of Holland.
G. The competition then enters into a battle round, when the coaches ask two of their own
team members to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience.
H. Season 3, which took place in March 2015, has the same changes of coaches as Thu
Phuong, My Tam, and Tuan Hung joined the show.
I. The show’s format features three stages of competition.
J. Finally, each coach will have his/her best contestant left standing to compete in the finals,
singing an original song.
Anna: I watched a TV show of “The Voice of Viet Nam” yesterday evening. It was very
exciting with several sweet voices from the contestants and the four famous judges.
Mai: Wow, it’s my favourite game show on TV.
Anna: Is it of the same version of “The Voice” in America?
Mai: That’s right, Anna. (36) ___________________________________________________
Anna: And in the US, “The Voice” is broadcast on NBC. When was it first broadcast in Viet
Mai: (37) ___________________________________________________________________
Anna: Who are the four coaches? Have they been the same since the first season in 2012?
Mai: Well, in 2012, four coaches were chosen, namely Thu Minh, Tran Lap, Ho Ngoc Ha, and
Dam Vinh Hung. The second season saw the departures of Thu Minh, Tran Lap, Ho
Ngoc Ha due to professional reasons, and they were replaced by My Linh, Hong Nhung,
and Quoc Trung respectively. (38) ___________________________________________
Anna: So Dam Vinh Hung is the only coach to stay on the show since the first season.
Mai: That’s right. Anna. The show is hosted by Phan Anh, the former host of Vietnam Idol.
Anna: How many rounds or stages are there?
Mai: (39) ___________________________________________________________________ .
The first is the blind audition, in which four coaches listen to competitors without seeing
Anna: And they turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist.
Mai: (40) ___________________________________________________________________
Anna: How many contestants will each coach choose for their own group?
Mai: (41) ___________________________________________________________________ .
Coaches will dedicate themselves to developing their singers, giving them advice, and
sharing the secrets of their success. They can ask the mentors to help them.
Anna: What is the second round, Mai?
Mai: (42) ___________________________________________________________________ .
After the one-on-one battle on stage, the coach must choose which singers will advance.
Thus less than half of original artists, that is six, survive to live shows lasting 10 weeks so
Anna: What will happen next?
Mai: (43) ___________________________________________________________________ .
The television audience vote to save one contestant on each team, leaving the coach to
decide live who they want to save and who will not move on.
Anna: So in this phase of the competition, the public directly chooses between the two artists
left on each team based upon an online music video produced and released by the
executive producers.
Mai: Correct. (44) ____________________________________________________________ .
From these four, one will be named “The Voice of Vietnam”.
Anna: What is the prize for the champion of the season?
Mai: (45) ___________________________________________________________________
VIII. Write complete sentences of the biography of Beethoven, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have
to use all the words given.
46. Beethoven/ born/ 1770/ Bonn, Germany/ and/ he/ start/ learn piano/ age of 4/ taught/ his
47. When/ he/ 22/ he/ move/ Vienna/ study/ famous composer Haydn.
48. When/ he/ 30/ he/ start/ become/ well-known composer/ and/ he/ write/ heroic works/
struggle and revolution.
49. his late 20s/ he/ start/ lose his hearing/ and/ he/ become/ quite ill/ during/ last years/ his life/
and/ die/ age of 57 in Vienna.
50. Beethoven/ compose/ many symphonies/ well-known piano sonatas/ and/ become/ master
composer/ all time.
I. Match a type of Vietnamese traditional instrument (A-J) with its description (1-10),
writing the answer in each blank.
A. Dan Bau (monochord of Viet Nam) F. Trong Com (Rice Drum)
B. Dan Nhi (Two-string fiddle) G. T'rung
C. Dan Nguyet (Two-string guitar) H. Hmong Pen Pipe
D. Dan Ty Ba (Four-string guitar) I. Gongs
E. Dan Tranh (16-string zither) K. Dan Da (lithophone)
1. ___________________________
It gets its name from the practice of placing a pinch of hot steamed rice in the middle of the
drum skin to "tune" the instrument.
2. ___________________________
It is also known as Dan Thap Luc or sixteen-stringed zither. Its shape resembles a bamboo
tube that has been sliced vertically in half.
3. ___________________________
It is one of the popular musical instruments closely associated with the spiritual life of the
Bahnar, TSedan, Giarai, Ede and other ethnic minority groups in the Central Highlands of
Viet Nam. It is made of short bamboo tubes differing in size.
4. ___________________________
It is a musical instrument of the wind family with the free vibrated reed, popular among
almost all of Vietnam's ethnicity in different forms. The Kinh (Viet) group call it Khen, while
the Hmong ethnic minority call it the Kenh, and the Ede in the Central Highlands use a
similar instrument called Dinh Nam.
5. ___________________________
It is a set of stone slabs of different sizes and shapes. It is composed of a set of eleven
resonant stones.
6. ___________________________
It was a very simple instrument comprised of a bamboo section, a flexible rod, a calabash or
half a coconut.
7. ___________________________
The Southerners of Viet Nam refer to this instrument as Dan Kim. It has two strings and the
resonator resembles the moon.
8. ___________________________
It is a kind of musical instrument casted from mixed copper. It consists of a bossed part in
center (bossed gong) and flat gongs around it.
9. ___________________________
It is popular among several ethnic groups in Vietnam. It is also referred to as Dan Co in
southern provinces of Viet Nam.
10. ___________________________
It is a four-string instrument which is frequently present in a traditional orchestra.
II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
Extract 1: “An apple a day keeps the doctor (11) ” - This line (12) from
an old poem that was told to children to encourage them to eat (13) foods like
fruits and (14) . It’s still a common saying today (15) English.
Extract 2: Pictures taken with X-rays (16) inside the body because different
parts of it absorb the rays of radiation at different rates. Calcium in bones absorbs the most
radiation, so bones look (17) on an X-ray image (also called a radiograph). Fat
and other softer body (18) absorb less and look gray. Air absorbs the least
(19) of radiation, so lungs look (20) on an X-ray.
III. Read the articles, and answer the questions.
A. Dirty body - healthy body
Do you like to be clean? Italian doctors think it could be making you sick. “Bathing removes
our natural protection from germs,” said Dr. Giancarlo Pagnozzi. “Nature gave us protection, but
we keep washing it away.”
For seven years, researchers studies 300 people. One half took the bath or shower every day
using soap. The other half washed once a week in plain water. The super-clean team had several
minor illnesses, including 876 colds, 167 cases of flu, 49 sore throats, and various skin diseases.
The dirty group had only 29 colds, 3 cases of mild flu, and one sore throat - but no friends.
B. Pets on prescription
In the future if you go to your doctor with high blood pressure, he or she might prescribe not
medicine but a cat or a dog. Australian scientists have found that owning a pet brings lower
blood pressure and lower cholesterol. The results are confirmed by research at Cambridge
University, which showed that people who were given cats and dogs to look after were ill less
often than people who did not have a pet. Researchers believe that keeping a pet helps because it
reduces stress.
C. What’s good for the heart might not he good for the mind
Low-fat diets prescribed to reduce heart disease may be bad for mental health, a report
claims. A low level of cholesterol appears to affect a person’s mood and increases the risk of
suicide, according to researchers. The new findings reinforce an earlier US study which showed
a connection between low cholesterol and depression.
 germ (n) = vi trùng, mầm bệnh
 depression (n) = sự chán nản; suicide (n) = sự tự vẫn
 prescribe (v) = kê đơn thuốc; prescription (n) = đơn thuốc, việc cho đơn thuốc
21. Why does bathing too often is not good for you?
22. What does owning a pet bring you?
23. What do researchers think about keeping a pet?
24. What is the effect of a low level of cholesterol on mental health?
25. What was the conclusion of the US study?
IV. Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation about the benefits
of taking a good hot bath, writing the letter (A-J) in each blank. The first (0) has been
done for you.
0 Mai: It’s good for our health to dip our body in hot water to the neck at the end of
a hard-working day.
26. ______ A. Mi: A healing for headaches? Mow can it work?
27. ______ B. Mi: And the result is a fresh feeling and cleaner skin.
28. ______ C. Mi: Our heart beats faster, but a recent study has shown that soaking in a hot
bath can lower your blood pressure. It’s a great way of bringing down your
blood pressure.
29. ______ D. Mi: A hot bath is useful for our heart, and muscles. Do you think it’s also
cleaner than a shower, Mai?
30. ______ E. Mi: That’s right, Mai. Dipping the body in a hot tub is a kind of exercise for
your blood vessels.
31. ______ F. Mai: It’s certainly right. A good soak in hot water after a shower can open up the
pores in our skin, and if the water is clean then they can come in and clean
some of the dirt and toxins in our skin.
32. ______ G. Mai: I think this is because water creates physical pressure on the body and so
increases the capacity of our heart. In other words, when we're inside the
water, the heart works faster and stronger.
33. ______ H. Mai: Most types of headaches are caused by the narrowing of blood vessels in the
head. The positive effect of the hot water on our blood vessels can be used
to alleviate the pressure on those blood vessels and cure our headache.
34. ______ I. Mai: Yeah, it’s a good way to keep cleanliness for our body. And what’s more, it
offers a cure for headaches.
35. ______ J. Mai: Besides the heart, a good hot bath is also good for our muscles. When a
tense body enters a warm bath, the hot water increases the body temperature
and relaxes the muscles. Relaxing the muscles not only helps us relax
physically, but also mentally, and many of us need that peace of mind at the
end of the day.

V. Match the reporter’s questions (A-F) with DJ Rocky’s answers, writing the answer in
each blank. There is one extra question.
A. What kind of music do you listen to relax?
B. What’s your favourite festival?
C. How many hours do you work every day?
D. How did you start being a DJ?
E. How often do you go to festivals?
F. Do you enjoy your work?
36. ______ Reporter: _________________________________________________________
DJ Rocky: When I was at school, I was into music. In fact, music was my best
subject at school - music and English. I loved English too, and I always
wanted to be an English teacher. But then I got more and more interested
in music and I bought CDs every week. Then I played CDs at my
friends' parties and that’s how I started.
37. ______ Reporter: _________________________________________________________
DJ Rocky: I travel all over the world now. East week I was in Japan, Australia, and
New Zealand. I play in clubs and festivals with other DJs from all over
the world. It’s great. I usually work for about three hours a night.
38. ______ Reporter: _________________________________________________________
DJ Rocky: I love small festivals in hot places. Last year I went to Festival in the
desert in Africa. I didn't play there, I just went to listen to the music. I
love world music and there are some very talented and exciting bands in
Africa. It was really hot there during the day, and very cold at night. It’s
the best festival I’ve been to.
39. ______ Reporter: _________________________________________________________
DJ Rocky: It’s a great job but it’s difficult if you’re married or have young children.
You have to travel so much and you have to work really late. I
sometimes finish at five or six o’clock in the morning. I’m single, so
there’s no problem, but sometimes I just want to stay at home.
40. ______ Reporter: _________________________________________________________
DJ Rocky: I’m a DJ so I play dance music at work. But when I’m at home I listen to
classical music and world music. I love ballet, and in my free time I
sometimes go to the theater to see opera or ballet. The last CD I
downloaded was Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky! I feel really relaxed
when I listen to it.
Read the conversation again, and then decide whether the following statements are true (T)
or false (F).
41. DJ Rocky wanted to be a musical teacher.  
42. He only plays in clubs in Europe.  
43. DJ Rocky loves small festivals.  
44. He’s got young children so his job is difficult.  
45. He listens to classical music to relax.  
VI. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.
This week's nutrition tips
46. Eat/ five/ six times/ day. If/ you/ hungry/ you/ not concentrate.
47. Popular snacks/ crisps or biscuits/ not healthy. If/ we/ a lot/ these foods/ we/ have problems/
weight. Choose/ healthy snacks/ fruit.
48. Cook/ meals/ home/ fresh foods. If/ you/ fresh foods/ your meals/ not have/ a lot/ bad
chemicals/ and/ they healthier.
49. Fish/ good/ brain. When/ you/ not eat fish/ memory/ get worse.
50. Broccoli/ tomatoes/ a lot/ vitamins/ minerals. They/ help/ us/ stay healthy/ if we cat/

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