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UNIT #07


Azlan khan
Table of Contents
2 SDLC: (SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE)....................................................................................1
2.1 HOW THE SDLC OPERATES..............................................................................................................2
3.0 SDLC's VARIOUS METHODS.................................................................................................................2
3.1 WATERFALL......................................................................................................................................2
3.2 AGILE................................................................................................................................................2
3.3 ITERATIVE..........................................................................................................................................3
3.4 SDLC V- METHOD...............................................................................................................................3
5.0 RISK MANAGEMENT METHODS OF THESE LIFECYCLES..........................................................................4
5.1 RISK Management OF WATERFALL....................................................................................................4
5.3 Iterative...........................................................................................................................................5
5.4 V-Method.....................................................................................................................................5
4.0 Bibliography.........................................................................................................................................6


SDLC represents the System Development Life Cycle. It is a process that provides a complete
overview of the design, and maintenance of a software project by ensuring that all operational
and user needs, objectives, and end objectives are addressed. With SDLC, the software project
quality and the entire software development process are improved. By
SDLC works by reducing software development costs while simultaneously improving quality
and shortening production time. SDLC achieves these seemingly different goals by following a
program that removes the common pitfalls of software development projects. That program
begins by checking for existing error programs.
Next, It outline the requirements for the new system. It then creates software through stages of
analysis, planning, design, development, testing and distribution. By anticipating costly errors
such as failing to ask the end user or client for feedback, SLDC can eliminate unwanted
redundancies even after the fact.
(Alexandria Alvander, April 8,2019)


• Waterfall
• Agile
• Iterative
• V-Shaped
Some experts say that the Waterfall model was never designed to be a real project model. No
matter, the Waterfall model is widely considered to be the oldest planned SDLC method. And it's
a very straightforward approach: finish one phase, then move on to the next. There is no going
back. Each section relies on information from the previous section and has its own project plan.

The downside of Waterfall is its toughness. Indeed, it is easy to understand and easy to handle.
But premature delays can lose the entire project timeline. Since there is little room for review
once a phase has been completed, problems cannot be resolved until you get to the repair stage.
This model does not work well if flexibility is required or if the project is long and continuous.
(Robert Half, May 2019)

The Agile model has been around for almost a decade. But recently, it has been a major factor in
driving software development in many organizations. Some businesses value this Agile approach
so much that they now use it for other types of projects, including non-technical applications.

For the Agile model, “quick failure” is a good thing. This method produces continuous discharge
cycles, each with minor changes, growing from previous releases. In each iteration, the product
is tested. The Agile model helps teams identify and address minor issues in projects before they
turn into more important issues, and engage business stakeholders and get their feedback across
the development process.

As part of their acceptance of this approach, many teams also use an Agile framework known as
Scrum to help plan complex development projects. Scrum teams work in “sprints,” which
usually last two to four weeks, to complete tasks assigned to them. Daily Scrum meetings help
the whole team monitor progress throughout the project. And ScrumMaster is tasked with
keeping the team focused on its mission. (Robert Half, May 2019)

Iterative model is repetition performed on the body. Instead of starting with fully known needs,
project teams use a set of software requirements, and then test, evaluate and identify other needs.
A new type of software is developed for each phase, or iteration. Clean and repeat until the
complete system is ready.
The advantages of the Iterative model are that it is more common for SDLCs to produce an
effective type of project at the beginning of the process, and make it less expensive to make
changes. Disadvantage: Repeated processes can consume resources quickly.
(Robert Half, May 2019)


V-shape is a type of SDLC model in which the process operates sequentially in a V-shape. Also
known as the verification and validation model. Based on the organization of the test phase in
each parallel development phase. Development of each step directly related to the testing phase.
The next phase begins only after the completion of the previous phase which is, in each
development work, there is a corresponding assessment task.
(Dharmendra Kumar, May 21, 2019)


5.1 RISK Management OF WATERFALL

Waterfall risk are minimized and expired with the help of Waterfall risk management. It uses
many common Waterfall tools. Their main feature is the ability to create charts. Accidents at
Waterfall are also managed with the help of charts.
The risk chart starts when risk is identified. After that the management followed its development.
As the risk increases with the project, its line on the chart rises. In such cases engineers and
managers try to find product features that enhance the risk and reciprocate. If the risk line on the
chart goes down and the project progresses, the risk is considered as high as the priority.
The dangerous waterfall charts are divided into three categories. The first of these starts when
the danger is discovered and ends when the engineers begin to search for a solution. The second
stage lasts until a solution is found. The third stage is the risk removal phase. It expires on the
end of the risk period. Such model of risk management permits body of waterfall developers to
avoid several bugs in their production and improve its quality and client acceptance.
Alexander Sergev |Jul 9, 2016

5.2 Agile

Agile methods, when used properly, naturally reduce the risk to product growth. Progress in
sprints ensures a short period of time between project investment and proof of product viability.
Sprints also enable the project to generate revenue early. Sprint reviews, sprint retrospectives,
and product owner engagement during each sprint provide a consistent product response that
helps prevent deviations between product expectations and finished product.

Scrum teams use fast-moving art objects and meetings to manage the risk. The Scrum teams also
waited until the last minute to deal with the risk, when they became more aware of the project
and the potential problems. The table shows how the scrum teams can use different agile
management tools to manage risk in a timely manner.
By Mark C. Layton

5.3 Iterative
The recurring risk management process helps to identify high-risk risks at the beginning of the
design process. Effective controls can be incorporated into product design to ensure safety and
efficiency. Once these are controlled, low-level risks can be better managed. By adopting this
approach from the beginning of development, time is saved for something else if work can be done
to reconstruct, and product quality can be improved.

There Some key steps in the iterative risk management process

 Assessing product needs,

 scoring goals
 improving control,
5.3.1 Assessing product needs
Assessing Your Product Needs seems straightforward, but there are many tools and features
that can be played at this step in the process of repeated risk management. Performing tasks
such as an error tree analysis reveals details of what is required for a failure or error mode to
occur; meanwhile, risk analysis.

5.3.2 Scoring Risks

Risk comes in many forms and sizes. Many organizations, however, use a simple matrix that
assesses risk risk in relation to its probability of occurrence. Each of these items is assigned a
number of numbers, and when both are high, the most important risk management rises.

5.1.3 improving Risk control,

After assessing your product needs, scoring goals, and prioritizing accordingly, the next step is to
improve risk control and mitigation. There are five main ways to create risk controls:

 thinking,
 minimizing,
 avoiding
 transmitting
 monitoring.
By Cognition Corporation on March 26th, 2019

5.4 V-Method
Another variation of the waterfall model that came out to face by accident V-model. Model V is a test-
based testing process. It gives equality importance in all development and testing. Its symmetrical shape
allows the testing process to begin prematurely in development process, and in line with its diversity
categories. This can be achieved by designing test programs as well test cases at each stage of
development before the actual testing; this allows requirements and designs to be validated easily
during the corresponding test sections. In addition, the planning of the tests conducted in each phase
helps in the beginning identification of specific project risks and mitigation through an improved
management process.

4.0 Bibliography
Alexandria, Alvander., April 8,2019.
Robert Half. May 2019.
Dharmendra Kumar, May 21,2020
Rishabh Sinha, October 9,2020
(Cognition Corporation on March 26th, 2019
[ CITATION GTa \l 1033 ]

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