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Batch 2017-19
PG503: Corporate Communication
Time: 2 Hour Max Marks: 60
Date: 26/12/2018
Instructions to the Candidates:
1. All case studies are compulsory.
2. Each case study carries equal marks.
3. Do not write your Name on the Answer Sheet.

Q.1 (A) You have been busy getting your furniture warehouse ready for the annual summer sale, a
traditional event in the area. It attracts hundreds of local citizens. The prices are genuinely low, and the
quality is uniformily high.

But you get a sudden jolt when you receive the delivery of Apex Tea Tables from Apex Ltd., Assam. Out
of 200 Tables that you had ordered, 35 are broken and 25 have scratches. You think packaging is the
problem, but you cannot be certain. Already you have advertised the Tables for sale.

The Tables still form the part of your sale.

Write a Claim Letter to Apex Ltd., Seeking a rapid replacement. The sale is just nine days away. You will
return the damaged products, but you do not intend to pay transport charges. Invent other necessary

(B) Playing a role of Senior Sales Manager, Apex Ltd., Draft a suitable reply to this claim letter.

Q.2 (A) As the Sales Manager of Modern Electronics Ltd., Mumbai, write a Sales Letter to all the
Principals of Higher Secondary Schools in your town to promote the sale of a new film projector your
company has recently manaufactured. Point out its features and facilities.

(B) Workwell Industries Ltd. has observed that a sizeable number of employees take leave on certain
occasions such as mega music event, test cricket matches and international film fesivals. You as the Vice
President, Personnel feel that this hampers the smooth functionong of the industry and tells upon the
efficiency of the organization. Appealing to the divisional Heads of your organization to take suitable
action to prevent such mass absenteeism, draft a Memo and mark a copy of the same to your Managing

Q.3. The Haryana State Government had sanctioned Rs. 5 Crores on 15th April, 2003, for various self-
employment schemes for the educated unemployed in District Rohtak. This money has been spent on
setting up the following :

A small electronic components manufacturing industry

Five poultry farming units
A Vocational Training Programme
A primary health care unit
As Assistant Collector of Rohtak, Haryana, write a Report in the form of a memorandum, to be sent to
the District Collector, containing information on work done till date. Invent the necessary details.

Q.4 The Technical Writing Department of the Bell Educational Supplies and Technologies (BEST) needs
new computer equipments. Currently the department has outdated hardware, outdated word processing
software, an outdated printer and limited graphic capabilities.

Because of these problems, the company's user manuals, reports, and sales brochures are being poorly
reviewed by customers. Further, BEST has no web site for Product advertisement and/or company
recognition. All these factors have led to a decline in profits.

As Technical Writing Department Manager, you have consulted with your five staff members to correct
these problems. As a team, you have decided the company needs to purchase the following new
equipment :

Six new personal Computers

Two laser printers
Word processing software
Graphics software

Draft a technical Proposal to the CEO of BEST company for the purchase and installation of the
equipment. Invent all the necessary details.


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