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In answering your activities, carefully read what are found in your module. These will guide you in researching
information related to the topic.

Activity A . On Cognitive Processing:

Cognition refers to our mental abilities such as perceiving, attending, remembering, memorizing whenever learning
takes place (Woolfolk 2010). Thera are 5 cognitive processes.

Everyday our experiences vary from simple to complex events that call for cognitive processes. Research on these
5 processes listed below. Briefly explain EACH IN ONE TO TWO SENTENCES ONLY.

Thought Processes

Cognitive Process of Experts and Expert Systems

Key points according to Andrade and May (2004)

a) Special knowledge d) Expert systems

Domain specificity e) Creativity

Analogical reasoning

Basic Units of Cognition: (Bruning, Schraw, Norby and Ronning, 2004)

a) Concepts d) productions

b) Propositions e) Scripts

c) Schemata

Cognitive Strategies are mental plans that we apply to manage our thinking

a) Student-centered instruction d) Problem-solving

Activating prior knowledge e) Elaboration

Social interaction f) Concept learning

Strategic Demands ON Cognitive Processing: there are 3 demands on cognitive Processing;

a) Extraneous processing

b) Essential processing

c) Generative processing


1. How do you think your cognitive processes is influenced by heredity, maturation and
2. What cognitive strategies are taught in schools? What cognitive processes are activated in teaching content?

3. How can you structure and organize your own learning? Do you see the logic of what you are learning in school?

4. What activities do you do to monitor your learning? ______________________________

Activity B. On Metacognition Process

Cognition is an important part of metacognition. It is a way of thinking. It is a process through which we acquire
knowledge and skills. School learning provides abstract concepts and categories presented in symbolic forms. The
abstraction of such knowledge is facilitated by our ability to use cognition. It is our thought process that is responsible
for our attention, memory, language, reasoning, problem solving, and other cognitive functions. We are capable of
learning because of our ability to utilize our cognition. On the other hand, metacognition is an awareness of our own
thought processes. It is thinking about of our own thinking.

Metacognition refers to the learners’ understanding and control of their cognitive process. To further understand
metacognition, you have to research on the following 5 aspects or elements of metacognition listed below: Briefly
explain in one or two sentences only.

Types: a) Explicit metacognitive knowledge

b) Implicit metacognitive Knowledge

2. Essential Skills for Metacognition

a) Planning

b) Monitoring

c) Evaluating

3. Steps in Metacognitive Skills:

a) Diagnosis

b) Selection of appropriate strategies

c) monitoring

d) Evaluation

4. Stages of metacognition;

a) Developing a plan of action

b) Maintaining/monitoring the plan

c) Evaluating the plan

5. Strategies in Metacognition

a) Rehearsal

b) Clustering

c) Elaboration

d) Systematic searching

1. How can teaching a learning strategy be a powerful means of helping students construct their own learning?

2. The main reason for teaching a learning strategy is for students to learn on their own initiative. What are some
indicators that students foster autonomy and ownership of learning?

3. Are graphic organizers effective in leaning the content_________________________________

4. Are there differences between cognitive and metacognitive strategies? Or are they related?

5. Create your own productive strategies in learning?

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