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Second Grade Way Reading Comprehension Workbook 50 Stories 5 Questions per Story Answer Keys Included No) TT t= fecha Moe Copyright Notice Copyright © 2014 Have Fun Teaching, LLC As permitted herein, worksheets may be copied for personal classroom and personal home use, meaning you may copy and reproduce the worksheets for your own classroom or your own children. You may not share the worksheets with other teachers, school personnel or other educators. You may not reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, or utilized by any information storage or retrieval system for any other purpose, without express permission from Have Fun Teaching, LLC. You may contact Have Fun Teaching through the website www. Table of Contents Arnold the Anteater....c0 Benny the Bat. 7 Carl the Crocodile. Danny the Deer. Eric the Elephant, Frank the Fox.. Greta the Girafte.... Harry the Hippo. Ida the Iguana, Jake the Jaguar. Kara the Kangaroo. Leon the Lemur. Mindy the Mink.. Norm the Narwhal....... Oscar the Octopus. Peter the Pengui Quincy the Quail Rena the Reindeer. Sonny the Scorpion. 44 Tom the Turkey. 43 Uma the Umbrella Bird, 45 Velma the Vulture Wally the WaltUS....... Xavier the X-Ray Fish... Yana the Yak Zeke the Zebra.... Favorite Sports. First Train Ride... First Trip to the Denti Fish Tank... Five Little Elephants Fun Facts About Presidents. Going Bananas. Gray Skies. Greedy Bird Happy Birthday America......cecon. 75 Hello Barbara... Hero. House of Cards. Hunger Shakes... Little Bird Learns to Fly. Lone Star State. Mom's Garden. Monkey at the Zoo. Mother's Secret... Moving Boxes... New Bike... New House, New Town. 101 105 Answer Key. ©Have Fun Teaching This Is A Blank Page This Is A Blank Page 4 Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, Arnold the Anteater Story By: Andrew Frinkle Arnold was an anteater. He had a long nose. He had an even longer tongue. He had bushy, scratchy hair. It was rough and dusty. He was not a cute animal at all He liked to eat ants. He /oved to eat ants. They were his favorite food. He had tasted apples and apricots. He didn’t want those. He wanted to eat bugs, and ants were his favorite. Termites were tasty, too! Pe ~ He liked to walk up to ant hills. Then he’d scrape at them with his claws. He could bump them with his nose. The ants would get very angry. They would come outside their hills. They wanted to know why he was there. Why was he so mean? Arnold would just smile and stick out his tongue. Slurp! Slurp! His sticky tongue grabbed the ants. He ate them right up. He gobbled them down. He ate them by the dozen. He ate them by the hundred! Arnold was an anteater. He ate lots and lots of ants. © Skill Reading Comprehension Name, Arnold the Anteater Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about? A. bears B. lions C. cats D. anteaters 2. What kind of bug does the anteater like to eat? A. ants B. bees C. flies D. butterflies 3. Which of these foods does the anteater also like to eat? A. wasps B. termites C. beetles D. ladybugs 4. What part of his body does the anteater use to catch the ants? A. his claws B. his nose C. his tongue D. his tail 5, How many ants does the anteater eat in all? A. one B. two C. dozens D. hundreds © Skill Reading Comprehension. Name, Benny the Bat Story By: Andrew Frinkle Benny was a Bat. He had wings. He had small eyes. He could not see well, but he could hear very well. This helped him catch his food at night. That was when he was awake. Ay. x He liked to eat bugs. He ate moths. He ate mosquitoes. He ate all kinds of flying bugs. He swooped in and got them at night! During the day, he was busy sleeping. He liked dark places. He liked to sleep in big trees. He really liked to sleep in old barns. He liked places that were dark, dry, and warm. He slept hanging by his feet. He was upside down when he slept. Bats like to sleep that way. They are not like people. Benny was a fast flier. He flew everywhere. He was not a bird. He was a mammal. He was like a mouse with wings. He didn’t have feathers. He had fur. Benny was a Bat! © Skill Reading Comprehension. Name, Benny the Bat Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about? A. bears B. lions C. bats D. anteaters 2. What kind of bug does the bat like to eat? A. ants B. bees C. flies D. moths 3. Which of these foods does the anteater also like to eat? A, mosquitoes B. termites C. beetles D. ladybugs 4. YES OR NO: Does Benny the Bat have feathers? A. YES B. NO 5. Benny the Bat is nota bird. He is a what? A. reptile 8, mammal C. bird D. amphibian © Skill Reading Comprehension. Name, Carl the Crocodile Story By: Andrew Frinkle Carl was a great big old Crocodile. He was very long, longer than many cars! He had thick green skin. It was hard and bumpy, like tree bark. He had a long snout and many teeth. He was very large. a He liked to eat lots of stuff. He wasn’t picky. He would eat fish or turtles. He would eat rabbits or birds. He would eat just about anything. If it came close to the water, he would eat it. He liked wet and hot places. He was always by the water. He liked mud and dirty water. It was easy to hide. That helped him catch food. He was not the nicest animal. He was greedy about food. Carl liked to sit around. He was actually very fast! He waited and waited. Then something came by and SNAP! He would grab it with his jaws. Carl was a great big old Crocodile! © Skill Reading Comprehension. Name, Carl the Crocodile Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about? A. fish B. dogs C. crocodiles D. sheep 2. What kind of animals does the Crocodile like to eat? A. bugs B. fish C. mice D. cookies 3. Which of these foods does the Crocodile NOT like to eat? A. fish B. turtles C. bears D. birds 4, What size is Carl the Crocodile? A. Small B. Tiny C. Gigantic D. Very Large 5. What does Carl's skin feel like? A. hard and bumpy B. smooth C. slimy D. cold © Skill-Reading Comprehension Name, Favorite Sports Story By: Andrew Frinkle “What's your favorite sport, Nick?” Ms. Rodgers asked. Nick thought for a moment. Everyone in the class was looking at him. He was nervous. He needed a good answer. "I like soccer.” Everyone smiled. A few people said, “I like soccer, too!” That was a safe answer. Nick really liked Ice Hockey, but no one else in class liked it. He wished he could be honest, but he worried about what they would say. They would say things like, “Ice Hockey? Why?” or “What is that?” They didn’t know about it. Nick came from Maryland. Up North, all the kids liked hockey. Down in Florida, kids loved soccer. He didn’t really understand why they didn’t like hockey He asked his dad when he got home. “Why don’t the kids here like ice hockey?” His dad smiled. “Their families grew up watching soccer. They like soccer. We grew up watching hockey, so we like hockey.” “They are so similar.” “You're right. They both have goalies. They both have nets. The scoring and penalties are nearly the same, too.” “Hockey is inside in a cool arena. Soccer is hot and sweaty.” Nick sighed. “Why don’t you invite a couple kids to the next game?” Dad suggested. “We will take them with us.” Nick did that. He asked his friends Dave and Tommy. They did not know about ice hockey. They had never been to a game before. They were excited to see At the game, they had hot dogs and soda. They watched the game. Dave and Tommy asked Nick many questions about the rules and the teams. They watched with great interest. All of them had fun. The next time at school when Ms. Rodgers asked Nick what his favorite sport was, he said, “Ice hockey.” Dave and Tommy grinned and said, “We like hockey, too!” Nick was happy. He liked it when other people liked the things he liked. It made him feel like he had friends who understood him. : © Skill-Reading Comprehension Name. Favorite Sports Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. Why does Nick not tell the truth about his favorite sport? A. He doesn’t want people to not like his answer. B. He hates sports. C. He doesn’t have a favorite sport. D. He doesn’t remember which sport is his favorite. 2. What is Nick’s real favorite sport? A. Baseball B. Basketball C. Soccer D. Ice Hockey 3. What does Nick's dad suggest? A. Pretend to like soccer B. Learn to like soccer more. C. Bring some friends to a game. D. Ignore his friends. 4. Do Tommy and Dave enjoy the ice hockey game? A. No B. Yes 5. TRUE OR FALSE: The next time Ms. Rodgers asked Nick what his favorite sport is, he tells the truth. A. True B. False © Skill - Reading Comprehension Name First Train Ride Story By: Judie Eberhardt Twins, Laura and Lilly, were ten years old. Their mom had passed away last year, and dad was left to raise the girls alone. Some days being both mom and dad were a breeze, but there were days when dad would say to himself, how do | handle this? Then, the unthinkable happened. Dad lost his job at the factory. He didn’t know what he was going to do, and he didn’t know what to tell the twins. Dad called his older sister who lived out of state. “What am | going to do with the girls being home all summer from school?” he asked his sister. “I can’t leave them alone, and | need to spend all my time trying to get work.” His sister said, “Why don’t you send the girls to my house for the summer?” “I can spend time with them, and you can spend time finding a job.” “Gee, | don’t know,” said dad. “The whole summer away from Laura and Lilly will be tough.” “Let me ask the girls, and I'll call you back.” That night, Dad told the twins about his job, and that Aunt Nancy invited them to spend the summer at her house in Michigan. “Wow,” said Lilly. “At least it will be warm there this time of year.” “We will miss you dad,” said Laura. “I will miss you both too,” said dad. "I can’t leave you alone, and daddy needs to find work in order to take care of you both.” “We understand,” said the girls. That night the girls spoke to Aunt Nancy on the phone, and it was all settled. They would spend the summer with her. There was one thing exciting for them They were going to take their first train ride Two days later, dad took the girls to the train station and spoke to the people in charge of the train ride to Michigan. They said they would take good care of the girls on the trip. When they arrived, Aunt Nancy was there to pick them up. They called dad that night to let him know they were okay. “We miss you!” said the girls. One month passed, and dad called Aunt Nancy with fantastic news. He had found a job and would be starting in two weeks. “I think I'll come and visit since | have two weeks until the new job,” said dad. They were finally all together before it was time to return home. “What a wonderful summer it turned out to be!” said dad. “It sure is,” said the girls hugging dad. © Skill - Reading Comprehension Name First Train Ride Story By: Judie Eberhardt Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. How old were the twins? A. Six B. Eight C.Ten D. Twelve 2. Where did dad work? A. A factory B. Aschool C. An office D. Ona farm 3. Who were the twins going to visit? A. Uncle Jim B. Aunt Helen C. Aunt Nancy D. Grandma 4, What state were the twins going to? A. Minnesota B. Montana C. Missouri D. Michigan 5. Why were the twins excited about their trip? A. They were going on a bus for the first time. B. They were going on a train for the first time. C. They were going on an airplane for the first time D. The story doesn’t tell why they were excited. © Second Grade 9 Answer Key Second Grade Way ARNOLD THE ANTEATER PAGE 5 1.D CARL THE CROCODILE PAGES c DANNY THE DEER PAGE 11 1B 2c 3.4 4c 5.B ERIC THE ELEPHANT PAGE 13 1A 2c 3.8 4.D 5c Have Fun Teaching FRANK THE FOX PAGE 15 1D PAGE 17 HARRY THE HIPPO. PAGE 19 1.B 2c 3B 4B 5A IDA THE IGUANA PAGE 21 28 3.c 4A 5.D JAKE THE JAGUAR PAGE 23 2A 3B 4A 5.D Reading Comprehension Workbook Second Grade Way KARA THE KANGAROO PAGE 25 PETER THE PENGUIN PAGE 35 1.8 B PAGE 27 PAGE 37 PAGE 29 RENA THE REINDEER PAGE 39 1.0 2A B.A 4B 5.C NORM THE NARWHAL PAGE 31 SONNY THE SCORPION PAGE 41 1A : 2D 2A 3B 3.c 4c 4A 5.B 5.D OSCAR THE OCTOPUS PAGE 33 TOM THE TURKEY PAGE 43 1D 2A 2A 3.c 3.D 4.D 4A 5B 5.C Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook 07 Second Grade Way UMA THE UMBRELLA BIRD 1.C XAVIER THE X-RAY FISH 1A 2c 3.D 4A 5.c YANA THE YAK 2B 3.D 4A 5D Have Fun Teaching PAGE 45 PAGE 47 PAGE 49 PAGE 51 PAGE 53 ZEKE THE ZEBRA PAGE 55 1B PAGE 57 PAGE 59 FIRST TRIP TO THE DENTIST PAGE 61 2A 3.4 4.0 5.C FISH TANK. PAGE 63 1B 2A 3A 4c 5.D Reading Comprehension Workbook Second Grade Way FIVE LITTLE ELEPHANTS PAGE 65 1.D GOING BANANAS. PAGE 69 1B 20 3.D 4A 5.B GRAY SKIES PAGE 71 1A 2c 3.D 4A 5A THE GREEDY BIRD PAGE 73 A 2D 3.A 4.D 5c Have Fun Teaching HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA = PAGE 75 1B HOUSE OF CARDS PAGE 81 1B 2A 3.D 4B 5.D HUNGER SHAKES PAGE 83 B 2A 3B 4.D 5A Reading Comprehension Workbook Second Grade Way LITTLE BIRD LEARNS TO FLY PAGE 85 1.8 MEMORIAL DAY 2A 3.D 4B 5.D MOM'S GARDEN 1A 2B 3.c 4B 5.D Have Fun Teaching PAGE 87 PAGE 89 PAGE 91 PAGE 93 v0 THE MONKEY AT THE ZOO. PAGE 95 1A PAGE 97 ANEW BIKE PAGE 101 1B 2c 3.c 4B 5A NEW HOUSE, NEW TOWN PAGE 103 B 2A 3.c 4D 5A Reading Comprehension Workbook

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