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Compensation and benefits

Health Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance granted by Build Piece Architectural Firm at no expense to the
employee covers on-the-job injuries. Regardless of the severity of an on-the-job injury, the worker must
promptly notify his or her supervisor. If there is anything that might lead to or contribute to an
employee accident, we please request in informing management.

It is mandatory to report any and all work-related injuries or illnesses to your supervisor promptly,
despite of their severity. An employee's reporting responsibility shall be postponed until such time as
the situations reasonably allow a report to be made in the case of serious damage. Failure to disclose an
accident or sickness may result in the denial or postponement of any benefits due to the employee, as
well as the imposition of fines and penalties on Build Piece Architectural Firm and their clients.

Employees who meet the eligibility requirements may enroll in our medical insurance plan. When a full-
time employee is hired, they have the option of enrolling in a single or a family contract on the first day
of the month following their hiring date. Human Resources can provide you with more information and
application forms.


Build Piece Architectural Firm has the option of providing non-taxable allowances to its regular workers
at their discretion based on their position.

13th Month Pay

The 13th month pay (an accrual of 1/12 of the monthly basic pay) is given to Global Officeworks
employees who have worked for at least one (1) month throughout the calendar year. Applicants for
this benefit must have been recruited before December 1st of any calendar year in order to be eligible.
When an employee leaves or is dismissed, he or she is entitled to a prorated 13th month's salary.\

Incentive Leaves

 Emergency, Vacation Leaves

 Unused Emergency & Vacation Leaves
 Sick Leaves
 Right to Use Sick Leave
 Maternity Leave
 Paternity Leave

Release of Salary

On the 15th and 30th of each month, using an ATM card issued by the company. In order to calculate
the wage, we will use the following cutoff dates:

15th = from the 15th of the month to the 10th of the following month

30th = the last day of the month up to and including the 25th
e. Standards of conduct

Employees are expected to abide by the company's rules and conduct themselves in a professional way
at all times, regardless of their position. Disciplinary action will be taken if the company's order and
efficiency are violated by an employee's behaviour. Creating an environment that encourages teamwork
is vital for both personal and professional success. prioritizes the provision of a safe working
environment, and the responsibility for creating a safe and healthy workplace rests with all of its
employees. Build Piece Architectural Firm will make every effort within its power to offer a secure
environment and to adhere to the following national, regional, and legislation regarding workplace

 Theft, fraud, gambling, and the use of firearms or explosives in the workplace or while executing
your employment duties for the company are all prohibited.
 In the workplace, the use of threatening, intimidating, coercive, or abusive language is
 Unprofessional or obscene behavior in the workplace.
 Forgery or falsification of firm documents, including but not limited to job applications and time
reports, is strictly prohibited.
 Fighting, horseplay, and practical jokes are examples of threats or intimidating behavior that
might negatively impact operations, cause property damage to the Firm's property, or put
people on the Firm's premises in risk.
 Failure to provide performance that is commensurate with the job description
 Infringing on the Firm's Alcohol policy by posing with, distributing, selling, transferring, using, or
being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
 Prolonged absences from work or leaving the firm's grounds during working hours without
authorization from the Office/Department Manager are prohibited.

At Build Piece Architectural Firm, we care about the well-being of our staff and our clients. This might
include a warning letter, a suspension, or even removal from the firm. The best line of action will be
decided by the firm.
f. Workplace policies and expenses

 Employees are required to maintain the highest levels of personal cleanliness and to present
themselves in a tidy and professional manner. Fridays are designated as "casual dress" days.
These recommendations can assist you in determining what attire is acceptable for the
workplace. Dressing for the beach, yard work, dancing clubs, workout sessions, and sports
competitions is not suited for this field. It is recommended that clothing be ironed and not
wrinkled, damaged, unclean, or overly worn.
 Tobacco items such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and "spit-tobacco" shall not be permitted at any
time while on the grounds of Build Piece Architectural Firm. Smoking are only allowed outside
the building's entrance, a minimum of 25 feet away from the building.
 When utilizing the company's property and equipment, employees are required to use
precaution. No property may be taken from the facilities unless the appropriate permission has
been obtained from the management. If an employee misplaces, breaks, or destroys any
company resources, the incident must be reported to the employee's supervisor / manager.
 It is fundamental that every employee understands the significance of delivering polite behavior
in all working situations.
 Employee’s expense will not be reimbursed for any travel expenditures incurred between your
home and allocated work location. The firm will compensate an employee for the difference
between the distance the employee ordinarily travels to work and the total mileage travelled for
business reasons if an employee is obliged to travel from home straight to a third-party site on
company business and then back to the office.
 Identity Architects requires a minimum of two weeks' notice before terminating an employee's
contract. Upon termination, all firm assets must be returned. As a result, if necessary, the
corporation may pursue legal action to retrieve any replacement expenses and/or reclaim the
firm's property.
 For telephone usage, the number and duration of personal phone conversations must be
restricted in order to guarantee that the phone is accessible for customers' business reasons.
g. Acknowledgment of receipt of employee handbook

The Build Piece Architectural Firm's employee handbook explains the company's policies and
procedures, and I have agreed to work for the firm on a voluntary basis and understand that there is no
guarantee of employment. If there is no violation of relevant federal or state law, either I or Build Piece
Architectural Firm may end the agreement at any time, with or without reason.

The terms and conditions of your employment at Build Piece Architectural Firm are outlined in this
handbook, which supersedes any and all past practices, oral or written claims, or declarations. We have
rescinded any prior rules and practices that are inconsistent with those in this handbook by
disseminating this document.

That Build Piece Architectural Firm's employment at-will, which may be terminated at any time by either
Build Piece Architectural Firm or myself, is not a guarantee or representation of ongoing service in the
Employee Handbook. I understand and accept that my job and remuneration might be terminated at
any moment by Build Piece Architectural Firm or myself, with or without reason and notice.

Now that I've obtained a copy of the manual, I recognize that it's my job to familiarize myself with its
policies and any updates that may have been made.


Employee's Signature


Employee's Printed Name



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