Sr. Quratulain - Middle School ELA Class Syllabus 2021-2022

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100/0 Head Your Paper

Contact Information #
100% Responsibility of
Teacher: Sr. Quratulain
your OWN success Name Date
Phone: 407-888-1000
0% Excuses

Grading Information Supplies Attendance Policy

100-90% - A Daily Supplies *Attendance is an important part of a
89-80% - B  1 durable plastic folder student’s success at Ibn Seena Academy.
 Paper
79-70% - C  Parents must inform the front office
 3 sharpened pencils (daily)
69-60% - D  colored pens by 9:00 AM if their child will be absent
59% and below – F  notebook that day.
 Webster's Dictionary/Thesaurus  An excuse note from a parent or
doctor is required for each absence.
You will earn grades in the Class Rules  More than 20 unexcused absences
following areas: 1. Respect teachers, classmates, and may lead to retention (repeating the
 Participation (3 times per belongings.
class)  Students must check the portal to see
2. Follow directions quickly the first what they missed whenever they are
 Class work time they are given. absent. Copies of handouts will be
 Tests/Quizzes 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to made available in class and on the
 Homework yourself.
 Students have as many days as they
 Projects 4. Use good, appropriate words or were absent to make up work. It is
Daily participation is important to remain silent. the student’s responsibility to find out
your success in this class and your 5. Raise your hand for permission to what he/she missed and make it up on
future. time. Failure to do so will result in
speak or leave your seat (unless grade reduction.
otherwise instructed).

 1st offense: Verbal warning and redo or fix
 2nd offense: Discipline log
 Homework is graded for completion and effort.
 3rd offense: Behavior Reflection Form  Homework MUST be submitted on the portal
 4th offense: Snack/Lunch Detention every night before 10 PM (write answers in
 5th Offense: Parent Contact notebook, take a clear picture displaying all your
 6th Offense: Referral to Principal
answers, and upload on the portal under the right
**Consequences may not follow this progression and may vary
depending on the offense. assignment).
 Homework MUST also be brought to school for
What We Do In Class  Homework must be corrected using a colored pen
 Bellwork (Grammar and Language Skills) in class. Refusal to correct homework will result in
 Vocabulary Lessons a grade of zero.
 Reading Lessons (short stories, informational  Late homework will be accepted for half credit.
text, articles, novels, etc.)
 Grammar Lessons
I believe in you, and I know you’ll
 Writing Lessons succeed if you put in the effort! I’m on
 Class Discussions your team and I’m rooting for you, so
 Class Plays please don’t hesitate to reach out to me
if you need any help at all. You can
 Group Work request help in person or by sending me a
 Projects private message on the portal!
 You will read, write, speak, listen, and view
every day in class.
Sr. Quratulain’s Syllabus

Policies and Procedures

All school policies will be enforced in this class.
Restroom Policy?
 Try to use the restroom between classes, before or after school, or during snack/lunch to avoid missing instruction.
 Only one student (one boy and one girl) at a time will be excused to use the restroom (during class).
 Do not ask to use the restroom during class instruction (unless it’s an emergency). Wait until independent work time.

Entering the room/beginning of each class?

 You are to come prepared for class and ready to work. Paper, 3 sharpened pencils, pens, textbooks, dictionaries etc.
should be brought to class each day, unless you are instructed to do otherwise by the teacher.
 You start the class. At the beginning of the class period quietly begin working on the bell work.

Throwing things away?

 You don’t have to ask.
 Please quietly get up, one at a time, and if the teacher is talking to the class wait until finished.
 Please do not throw things across the room.
 Make sure all trash lands firmly inside the trashcan. If it looks too full, use your foot to push down the trash before
throwing away your own trash.

Sharpening your pencil?

 Please make sure you have at least 3 sharpened pencils for the start of class.
 Try to sharpen all pencils before the morning assembly or during class transitions.
 If the teacher or other students are talking to the class, please wait until they are finished.
 Pencils are not allowed to be sharpened during the class period, so make sure you prepare in the morning.

Eating and drinking in class?

 No eating in class unless it’s time for snack or lunch.
 You MUST use a placemat when eating.
 Be careful about crumbs. Make sure they don’t land on the floor.
 Each student is responsible for cleaning up before the end of snack or lunch time. Leave at least 2 minutes for clean
 The only drink permitted in class is a bottle of water with a twist on lid. Plastic water bottles are recommended. If
you know your water bottle will keep falling off the desk, keep it in your bin.

Participation in Class?
 Students may not place their head on their desk for any reason…student participation is mandatory and GRADED…NO
EXCEPTIONS. If you are not feeling well, let the teacher know right away so you can get the proper care at the front
office. Remember: You don’t have to KNOW, you just have to TRY!
 Respect the ideas of teachers and other students during group work. Do NOT make mean comments for ANY

Your desk area?

 You are responsible for keeping your desk area and surroundings clean and organized.
 Make sure all belongings are neatly placed in bin under desk (during day). No extra/unnecessary items are allowed to
be kept in classroom because we simply don’t have the space. Stack your chair and place bin on desk before leaving
for the day.
 You may ONLY keep the following items on your desk during class time: planner, soft pencil pouch, one plastic water
bottle with your NAME on it, and materials needed for that class.

When the teacher is busy with a phone call from school staff or a guest enters the room?
 Please respect all guests in our room.
 If the phone rings or a guest comes to speak with teacher, keep working QUIETLY.

 Just smile and keep working.

Asking questions?
Parent and Student Contract:

Parent: Please sign showing you have read and understand the class policies and
procedures on theprevious pages. On a daily or regular schedule, try to ask what
your son/daughter learned in class and to see their writing and homework.

Print Name: _______________________________________


Contact Number: ( ) ___________ - __________________

Contact Number: ( ) ___________ - __________________



Student: I have read and understand the class policies and procedures onthe
previous pages. I promise to abide by these guidelines and to provide writing, and
homework to my parent(s) or guardian(s) on a regular basis and discuss the lesson
from class when asked.

Print name: _______________________________________

Sign: _______________________________________________

Portal Login:_________________________________________@____________

Please keep your copy of the syllabus in your class folder to refer to.
If you are overwhelmed or are having trouble, talk to me immediately. It is better to
approach me for extra help than to wait until work is late or not to do it at all. I am
here to help you any way I can.
Success takes TEAMWORK!

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