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A. Background of the problem

English is the most important language in the world. English used by many

people as a medium of communication and interactions who comes from different

countries. Moreover, in this era of globalization English is very important to be

mastered because English take in many areas and also English is as a foreign

language in this country. It also becomes one of the compulsory subjects that

should be taught in school.

Language consists of four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Beside those language skills, English language has several aspects to be

taught in the school such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. In order to

learn English well, both the language skills and language aspects are interrelated

each other. Both language skills and language aspect can’t be separated in

learning English. The student should be able to communicate by using good

structural pattern and also the grammar.

Grammar is a key to build the English sentences. Grammar is a model

(systemic description) of those linguistic abilities of a language which enable

them to communicate the meaning. Grammar includes phonological (sound),

morphology (word composition), and syntax (sentence composition). Grammar is

important in communication, the students should master it.

According to Permendikbud No. 22 year 2016, the learning process using

2013 Curriculum should touch the three domains of education; affection,


cognition, and psychomotor. The affective domain is developed with a focus on

the substantial transformation of the teaching materials so that the students

know about “why”. The psychomotoric domain focuses on the substantial

transformation of the teaching materials so that the students know about “how”.

Whereas, the cognitive domain emphasizes the substantial transformation of the

teaching materials so that the students know about “what”. The expected

outcome is the improvement and balance between the ability to be a good

person (soft skills) and the ability to be a capable and competent person to have a

good life (hard skills) which cover the three competency aspects. With such

learning processes, it can be expected that the learning result will yield learners

who are productive, creative, and affective, through an integrated reinforcement

on affective, cognitive, and psychometric aspects.

In Indonesia, English is the subject must be taught to the students including

grammar. Based on the curriculum, one of the goals of teaching grammar is to

enable the students to understanding the formulation of the sentences. In line with

the statement above, according to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (2006) “In

learning English, students should be able to use language to communicative

purpose, either in written or oral language in order to communicate in a global

era.” Especially in senior high school they learn English including grammar

(present continuous tense)

In Junior High School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang, based on

curriculum they learn English twice a week in duration 90 minutes in one

meeting. Actually, the teacher only focus to use LKS (lembar kerja siswa) as a

text book and to taught the English subject in the class. According to (Dhari and

Dharyono, 1988) LKS can be defined as a kind of student’s worksheets as

guidance for the students to do some activities. LKS consists of brief explanation,

the purpose of activities, exercises and final test for each competence. However,

the use of LKS in that English class shows that the students only had do the

exercise without get the feedback from the teacher explanation. There was no

practice for the students to develop their grammar ability.

Based on the pre-observation in Islamic Junior High School Mu’allimin

Muhammadiyah Bangkinang the researcher found that students get difficulty in

learning English especially on Grammar. They have problem about how to use

Present Continuous Tense. The researcher observed that the problem might be

caused by several factors:

a) Some of students not understanding well the use of subject, to be, verb, and

time in forming the present continuous tense.

b) Some of students not pay attention to the teacher explanation about the


c) Some of students feel bored in following teaching-learning activities.

Based on the pre-observation above then it is necessary to find out a way

to overcome the problem. The researcher assume that the problems is probably

about the way the teacher delivers the material. One solution to this problem is the

use of appropriate media in teaching grammar. There are many media that can be

used. One example is by implementation a particular media which is suitable for

the students.

There are many media that can be used to teach English such as song,

flashcard, newspaper, picture and others. (Hamalik, 1994, p. 42) states that using

media in the process of teaching and learning can increase willingness and new

interest, increase students motivation in the process teaching and learning and

even bring psychology effects for the students, such as visual media is one of

teaching media that can help to improve students understanding on grammar.

In this research the researcher considers to use Flashcard as a media to

improve students’ understanding about present continuous tense. The researcher

tries to propose an optional effective media for teaching present continuous tense

it is Flashcard. (Komachali & Khodareza, 2012, p. 137) explain that Flashcard is a

cardboard consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it. Flashcard is

very simple and suitable media for an individual to study a topic. It is two

dimensional card which contain element daily life like activity a human, animals,

events, places, etc. Usually the students are able to remember of English

occurrence easily if many teachers show cards that consist of words or pictures.

Based on explanation and the problem experienced by the students above,

the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled: “The Effect of Using

Flashcard to Improve Students’ Present Continuous Tense at Second Grade

of Islamic Junior High School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang”

B. Problem

1. Identification of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, the researcher identifies the problem as


1) Why are some of students not interest in grammar?

2) Why are some of students have low in present continuous tense mastery?

3) Why are some of students still confuse to construct subject, to be, verb,

and time in forming the present continuous tense?

4) Is the media used by the teacher not variety?

2.The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems above, the problem in this research

only focuses on Using Flashcard to Improve students’ Present Continuous


3.Formulation of the Problem

The problems of this research can be formulated in the following questions:

a. How is students’ present continuous tense taught by using flashcard?

b. How is students’ present continuous tense taught without using flashcard?

c. Is there any significant effect of using flashcard on present continuous


C. Objective and significant of the Research.

1. Objectives of the Research

a. To know how the students’ present continuous tense taught without using


b. To know how the students’ present continuous tense taught by using


c. To know there is any significant effect of using flashcard on present

continuous tense

2. Significance of the Research

This research gives several significant values for the students, teachers,

and researcher. This research provides new innovation for English language

teaching. The results of this research can be applied in the English teaching

learning process, especially in the teaching Present continuous tense. The

researcher hopes that this research is useful for:

a. Students

Student will get new effective way in learning English grammar,

especially about present continuous tense.

b. Teacher

By using this research, a teacher is able to use it as reflection tool

for knowing an effective media in teaching present continuous.

c. Researcher

The researcher can identify the actual problem in the classroom

and give suggestion in solving the problem. This is very helpful to

improve the researcher’s ability in doing a research. The other benefit for

the researcher would be a teacher in the future is hopefully this research

will be able to help the researcher in his future teaching process.

D. Reason for choosing the title.

There are some reason why the writer is interested in conducting the

research based on the following reasons:

a. The title of this research is relevant with the writer status as a student of

English Education.

b. Grammar was important to be learn because correct grammatical sentences

should used to communicate with other people in order to make the meaning


c. The location of the research facilitates the writer in conducting the research.

E. Definition of the terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpreting toward the term used in

the research, it needs some explanation and definition about the meaning of the

term which is used in this research:

a. Flashcard

According to (Harmer, 2002), (Komachali&Khodareza, 2012) & (Phillips,

2001), flashcards are Cards that used to drill toward simple sentence or

function of simple language if this cards consist about simple picture that also

can to help defined vocabulary and structure .

Flashcard are effective cards that contain pictures, text, or symbols used by

the teacher to help remind or direct students to something relates to images,

text, or symbols that are on cards, as well as stimulating students’ thoughts

and interests so that the process learning happens. Flashcards are used in the

classrooms as teaching media and can be found to give practice in most skills

and components and in most stages of teaching activity. Flashcards can

motivate students and nowadays, motivation is found to be an important factor

in learning everything.

b. Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense is also called Present Progressive Tense. (Azar


& Schramfer, 1989, p. 3) explains that Present Continuous Tenses is one of

tenses which give the idea that an action is in progress during particular time.

The Present Continuous Tense is called the Present Progressive. It

describes temporary action happening at the moment of speaking or over a

longer periode of time in the present. The Present Continuous Tense indicates

that an activity or situation when we talk about things happening in period

around now or talk about changes happening around now.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. Grammar

In this section, the researcher discusses about the Definition of grammar,

The Importance of grammar, and English grammar

a. Definition of Grammar

Grammar is a set of rules of a language which are used to put the

words together into meaningful larger units (Gerot and Wignell, 1995, p.

2, Lech, 1999, p. 3, Lynch and Anderson, 2013, p. 4) Similar to the

above ideas, (Thronbury, 1999, p. 13) adds that grammar, adds the

meanings that are not easily inferable from the immediate context.

(Hammer, 1999, p. 2) also emphasizes that with grammar, words can

change the language. In more detailed information, (Scriverner, 2010, p.

4) defines grammar in several points as below:

1) Rules about sentence formation, tenses, verb patterns, etc in

reference book.

2) The moment by moment structuring of what we say s it being


3) Exercises (fill in the gap, multiple choices, etc) about tenses, etc.

4) Our internal database as to what are possible or impossible


Many people think that grammar is a rather boring school subject

which has little use in a real life. Grammar is considered important,

because grammar is a basic knowledge of language to understand

English perfectly. It is important to know the definition what is grammar

before studying present continuous tense. We need a theory of grammar


or language which helps us understand how text works. English teacher

need to know how a text works so they can explicitly help learners learn

how to understand and produce text spoken and written in various

contexts for various purposes.

b. The Importance of Grammar

From several definitions about grammar above, we know that

grammar has significant roles in learning and teaching a certain

language, also understand how text works. Grammar is important,

because grammar is a basic knowledge of language tounderstand English

perfectly. English teacher need to know how a text works so they can

explicitly help learners learn how to understand and produce text spoken

and written in various contexts for various purposes (Gerot & Wignel,

1995, p. 3). Beside that there are several experts explain about the

importance of grammar as below:

1) Grammar is important to be thought because it affects student ‟

performance in all four skill reading, listening, speaking and writing

(Murcia & Freeman, 1983, p. 2).

2) Students are expected in comprehending English either writer and

spoken, for that reason, they must know the system rule of grammar

of a target language fluently and acceptably since grammar as a tool

for making meaning (Thronburry, 1999, p. 4).

However grammar is needed to study English language. Different

definition about grammar which have already been discussed above,


(Swan and Walter, 2002, p. 2), argue that grammar is not the most

important thing in the world. But if a student makes a lot of mistakes,

he/she may get difficulty to understand. Also hardly any people speaks

or writers a foreign language perfectly, but student will communicate

more successfully if student can make students ‟English reasonably

correct. So grammar is very important and very useful.

c. Type of Grammar

Grammar covers tenses, words order, modals, preposition, and

adjective and other structure items. There are 16 tenses in English. As

we know so far, each tense has rules of its own. It makes the students

confused and frustrated to use tenses correctly and also there are no

tenses in Indonesian language. It is one of difficulty problem in studying

English. There are four forms of tenses that indicate the certain time of

action. They are present, future, past, and perfect.

1) Present Tense

Present tense describes habitual action, routine or thing that are

generally or always true. Using time expression as follow: always,

often, sometimes, seldom, every day, every year, etc.

2) Future Tense

Future tense describes the action that happened in the futuretime.

Using time expression as follow: tomorrow, next week, next month,


3) Past Tense

Past tense is used to express actions that happened in the past. The

time signals which used in the past tense are; yesterday, ago, last week,

last month, for three years ago, etc.

4) Perfect Tense

Perfect tense is used to express actions that happened before

another time or even. As we know there are sixteen tenses in English.

But in this research, the researcher only investigate further about

Present Continuous Tense.

d. Type of Text

1. Descriptive Text:

Explain to the reader about a person, place, or thing in detail.

Structure: (Identification, Description.)

2. Recount Text:

Telling the reader about events that happened in the past.

Structure: (Orientation, Events, Conclusion.)

3. Narrative Text:

To entertain the readersand to tell stories.

Structure: (Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Reorientation.)

4. Report Text:

To convey information to the reader about something as result of


Structure: (General classification description.)

5. News Item Text:


Provide information to the reader about an event.

Structure: (Newsworthy events, Event background.)

6. Explanation Text:

Explain to the reader about the process of occurrence of natural


Structure: (General statement, Explanation, Closing.)

7. Analytical Exposition Text:

To notify the readers of important events/cases.

Structure: (Thesis, Arguments reiteration.)

8. Hortatory Exposition Text:

To persuade the reader how something can be done.

Structure: (Thesis, Arguments recommendation.)

9. Procedure Text:

Helping reader to make something .

Structure: (Goal, Materials/ Equipment step/ Method.

10. Discussion Text:

Submitting information and opinions on issues that occur.

Structure: (Issues arguments/ pros-cons, Conclusion.)

11. Review Text:

Provide criticism or evaluation of something to be conveyed to the


Structure: (Orientation, Evaluation, Interpretative.)

12. Anecdote Text:


Telling the reader of a pleasant or unusual event.

Structure: (Abstract, Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda.

13. Spoof Text:

Entertaint the readers with funny stories with unexpected endings.

Structure: (Orientation, Events, Twist)

2. Present Continuous Tense

In this section, the researcher discusses about General Concept of Present

Continuous Tense, The Pattern of Present Continuous tense, The Verbs are not

Used in Present Continuous Tense and Time signal of Present Continuous


1. General Concept of Present Continuous Tense

a. Definition of Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense is also called Present Progressive

Tense. (Azar & Schramfer, 1989, p. 3) explains that Present

Continuous Tenses is one of tenses which give the idea that an action

is in progress during particular time. The Present Continuous Tense

indicates that an activity or situation when we talk about things

happening in period around now or talk about changes happening

around now. The period of time of Present Continuous Tense is shows

in the table 2. 1.

Table 2.1: Period of Time

I am doing
Pas now Future

b. The Use of Present Continuous Tense for a Temporary


2. Temporary Action

Temporary action which began before the time of speaking, is

continuing across it, and is not yet complete : I am walking at this

moment. The Temporary action of Present Continouos Tense is shows in

the table 2.2

Table 2. 2: Temporary Action

3. Temporary course of action

Temporary course of action fairly recently begun. Currently

engaged in, but not expected to be permanent : I am living in London. The

Temporary course of action of Present Continuous Tense is shows in the

table 2.3.

Table 2. 3: Temporary Course of Action

4. Temporary Habit

Temporary habit not necessary engaged in at the moment of speech,

but temporarily constracted for : I am watering his plants while he is


away. The Temporary Habit of Present Continuous Tense is shows in the

table 2.4.

Table 2. 4: Temporary Habit

1. The Pattern of Present Continuous Tense:

Table 2.5: Pattern of Present Continuous Tense

Positive S + to be + Verb- Ex: We are going to Brunei

ing now
Negative S + to be + Not + We are not going to Brunei
Verb-ing now
Interrogative To be + S + Verb- Are we going to Brunei now?

Table 2.6: Pattern Nominal Sentence and Verbal Sentence

Nominal Sentence Verbal Sentence

S + to be (am, is, are) + being + C S + to be + V- ing + O
Ex: Melia is at school now Ex: I am studying
right now
2. Yes/ No Question and Short Answer

The pattern of present continuous tense for yes/ no question

and short answer is shows in the table 2.7.


Table 2. 7: Pattern Yes/ No Question and Short Answers

Is/Am/Are Subject Verb1+ing Yes No
Am I You are You are
Are you I am I am not
Is he/she/it He/she/it is He/she/it
is not
Are you We are We are not

we You are You are

they They are They are

3. WH- Question

The pattern of present continuous tense for wh-question is shows in

the table 2. 8.

Table 2. 8: Pattern WH- Question

Wh-word be Subject V1+ing

Where is Tony Working?

What are you Eating?

Why is Susan Studying?

When are they Coming?

Who Is ket Talking to?

How are you Feeling?

3. Flashcards

In this part the researcher discusses about Definitions of Flashcards,

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flashcards, Criteria a Good Flashcard, and

Teaching Present Continuous Tense by Using Flashcard.

a) Definition of Flashcards

Flashcard are effective cards that contain pictures, text, or symbols used

by the teacher to help remind or direct students to something relates to

images, text, or symbols that are on cards, as well as stimulating students’

thoughts and interests so that the process learning happens. To get more

understand about flashcards, the researcher would like to utter the

definition of flashcards. Flashcards are cards consist of number, picture,

word and sometimes it can stand alone of each. The size depends on the

maker. There are some definitions about flashcard. According to (Kasihani,

2007, p. 63), flashcards are cards have big size, usually it uses paper rather

thick, stiff, and the size is A4. It contains of picture and words. It is

classified based on kind and the class such as the flashcards of food, fruits,

vegetable, household, transportation and clothes. To avoid

misunderstanding on the pictures of flashcards, the teacher should try or

show the flashcards to others before it uses to teach the students.

Furthermore it used for all of class. Usually the teacher holds and moves

some flashcards is in a pile of flashcards to front side. The movement of

cards quickly, may be it is the reason, why does it called by flashcard.

Flash is quickly, or a flash, in Indonesia language means “sekilas”. For

certainly activities, for describing things, the flashcards can be stocked in


board by using blutack in order to not damage the picture. Picture’s colour

is more interesting because the student like to colourful picture. But,

(Azhar Arsyad, 2002) explained that Flashcards means small cards contain

picture, text or symbol to remind and to stimulate the students on certain

something. Based on the picture, flashcards usually have 8 x12 cm or it can

be adapt by big or small class such as alphabet can be used to practice

spelling (in Arabic or English). According to (Longman Dictionary, 1985),

in language teaching flashcards is a card with words, sentence, or pictures.

It used as an aid or cue in a language lesson. According to (Harmer, 2002),

(Komachali&Khodareza, 2012) & (Phillips, 2001), flashcards are Cards

that used to drill toward simple sentence or function of simple language if

this cards consist about simple picture that also can to help defined

vocabulary and structure. According to (Merriam and Webster, 2003),

flashcard is a card bearing words, number or pictures that briefly displayed

(as by a teacher to a class) use as a learning aid. In addition flashcards are

very simple but very effective way for an individual to study a particular

topic. This study focuses on flashcard as media in teaching Present

Continuous Tenses.

From some definition above, flashcard is card bearing picture and word

given by the teachers when they are explaining the material to their

students. It helps the teacher to handle and teach the material to the students

easily. Flashcards have various sizes based on student’s specific need. They

are colorful which is used to memorize and understand new vocabulary.


Beside it, flashcard is one of visual aids which are used to make the

students more interest and enjoy in teaching learning process and to

improve student’s understanding on the material given by the teacher.

Flashcards can motivate students and nowadays, motivation is found to

be an important factor in learning everything.

b) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Flashcards

There are several advantages and disadvantages of flashcards

1. Advantages of flashcards

According (Inayah, 2010, p. 24), there are some advantages of

flashcards as follow:

1) Flashcards are effective method to help students to study


2) Flashcards are easy to carry anywhere, so we do not need to carry

heavy books so much because it is really convenient.

3) Flashcards help in summarizing and memorizing, so by using

flashcard the students will not need to study from the book with

long pages and a lot of information which it makes the students

confused because students will be able to study from the flashcards

that contains very simple points.

4) Students became motivated and interested in learning English,

understood the words easily and memorized the words faster

(Yusrika 2013, p.56).

2. Disadvantage of flashcard

According (Asnawir & Usman, 2002, p. 51), there are several

disadvantages of flashcard as follow:

1) If the picture of flashcards are not clear and big enough, the

students will misunderstanding about the teacher‟s explanation

when they see flashcards, so the goal that is planned cannot be


2) Need long time to make it and very expensive.

3) Usually the student who sit in behind can not see because the size

of flashcard not big enough

4) The price of flash cards are too expensive, if the teacher want make

flashcards itself, she or he need much time.

c) Criteria a Good Flashcard

According to (Kasihani, 2007, p.106), there are several criteria a

good flashcards as below:

a. Flashcard should be visible and is big and clear enough so that all of

students can see detail.

b. The picture on flashcard has to convey the message clearly, not

confuse or describe something that confuse.

c. Flashcards must be strong, not too bend and flop (Jannah, 2013, p.


d. Flashcards contain the element of daily life example humans, object,

animals, events, places and so on (Humaidah, 2000, p. 2).

e. It can moved quickly from back sideto front side In addition, in using

flashcard has to appropriated with material that will be given to

students and the teachers should check the exact before they give to

their student.

d) Teaching Present Continuous Tense by Using Flashcard.

Teaching is not an easy job, but it is necessary to see our students.

Progress and know that we have helped to make it happened. Teaching

tenses mastery seem so difficult and challenging for English teacher.

Grammar is one of component of language skill. That’s way teacher

have big challenge to enable their students to master English well,

especially tenses masteri in the class. There are 3 steps of procedures;

using flashcard in teaching present continuous such as: pre teaching, while

teaching , and post teaching . The more explanations follows :


Table 2.15: Procedure of using Flashcard

Procedure Teacher Activities Procedure of Student Activities

Teaching using Flashcard

Pre teaching -Teacher gives greeting Check student Students giving

to students grammar with response
- teacher check familiar. -students listening
attend list carefully
- teacher gives -student giving
explanation to responding
students about lesson teacher greeting
plan, standard down important
competence, and basic points to be
competence. presented so that
presentation. they can easily
-teacher command synthesize what
students to identifythe they discus.
present continuous
based on flashcard. -They come
Teacher ask the forward and
students to give a mark present the
in the flashcard based material of the
onpresent continuous results they
tense that have been discussed during
identified. the appointed

-Students look the

flashcard, then
students to answer
the present
continuous based
on flashcard.

Students give a
mark in the
flashcard based on
school activity
that have been

Post teaching -teacher opening -Know the winner -Students

question and answer students by using answering the
-giving positive flashcard. teachers questions
feedback and and feeldifficult in
reinforcement . understanding the
The students
listen and
understand the
positive feedback

B. Relevant Research

According to (Syafi’I, 2018, p.102), relevant research is required to

observe some of previous research conducted by other researchers in which they

research is relevant with our research. Relevant research help guided in selecting

and determining the fix design of our research, because we were got information

and ideas from the previous research. There is some relevant research following

this project:

a. The first thesis that relevant with this research is a research conducted by Siti



Action Research at the 7th Grade of MTs YAMIDA Grobogan in the

Academic Year of 2009/2010).” This research was conducted by using

classroom action research. This action research was done in four cycles. To

analyze the data, the researcher use descriptive quantitative analysis. The

result of the research concluded that the use of flashcard in teaching present

continuous tense at the seventh grade of MTs YAMIDA Grobogan in The

Academic Year of 2009/2010 can improve students’ understanding.


b. The second research that is relevant with this research was conducted by

Emmi Hayati (2018) entitles “ THE EFFECT OF FLASH CARD GAME



NATAL.” The researcher method in this study is experimental research. The

data was derived from pre-test and post-test. To analyze the data, the

researcher used t-test formula. After analyzing the data, the researcher found

that mean score of experimental class after flashcard game technique was

higher than control class . Mean score of experimental class before using

flashcard game technique 56.64 and mean score after using flashcard game

technique was 80.5. Meanwhile, the mean score of control class 47.75.

Besides it, the score of tcount was bigger than ttable (1.71>1.67). It means

that the hypothesis alternative (Ha) was accepted. It was concluded that there

was a significant of Flashcard Game Technique on Present Continuous Tense

Mastery at Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Siabu Mandailing Natal.

c. The third research that is relevant whit this research was conducted by

Hartono (2018) entitles “ THE USE OF FLASHCARD TO IMPROVE




was conducted by using classroom action research. This action research was

done with in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps, they were

planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher took role as an


observer who observed everything that happened in the class while the

teacher performed CAR for the students. The number of the students in this

research was 25 students. The researcher used test and observation checklist

to collect the data.

C. Operational Concept

According to (Syafi’I, 2018, p.103) “Operational concept are derived from

related theoretical concepts on all the variables that should be practically and

empirically in the research. In writing the research, operational concept must be

write clearly using simple word.” Operational concept which is used to avoid

misunderstanding and misinterpreting in scientific study. Therefore, there are two

variables that is used in this research. Using flashcard as independent variable (x)

and present continuous tense as dependent variable (y).

According to (Inayah, 2010), procedures of flashcard (variable x) as


1) Teacher used Drills to help the students' understand the new vocabulary. This

technique can be used frequently. Teacher print off the routine verb from

flashcard section. And then show your class the flashcards.

2) Teacher used Matching activity which is activity the students need to match

the written flashcards with the pictures in a face down memory game.

Teacher give flashcard to the students. Half the students has the pictures, the

other half has the words.

3) Teacher used Guess the card in which the students try to guess what the

picture it is. Teacher give flashcard. Don’t show the whole picture. Students

try to guess what the people are doing the card and after they guess the card,

show them the whole picture.

4) Teacher used The mime trick game is the game that teacher asks the students

to mime the action. Teacher give flashcard to students and ask them to mime

the action. The rest of the class try to guess “what she/he is doing?”

Present continuous tense (variable y) can be seen following indicators as follows:

1) The students are able to make verbal sentence in present continuous tense.

2) The students are able to make nominal sentence in present continuous tense.

3) The students are able to make positive sentence in present continuous tense.

4) The students are able to make negative sentence in present continuous tense.

5) The students are able to make interogative sentence in present continuous


D. Assumption and Hypothesis

a) The Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that flashcard can improve students’

present continuous tense.

b) The Hypothesis

Based on assumption above, hypothesis of this study can forwarded as


Ho: There is no significant effect of using flashcard to improve students’

present continuous tense at Second Grade Islamic Junior High School

Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.

Ha : There is a significant effect of using flashcard to improve students’


present continuous tense at Second Grade Islamic Junior High School

Muallimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.




A. Research Design

This research was design by experimental research. According to

(Creswell, 2008), Experimental research is used when the researcher wants to

establish possible cause and effect between the independent and the dependent

variables. It means there are differences context that will produce cause and effect

result. The design of this research was a quasi-experiment design.

According to (Creswell, 2008), quasi-experiment design is tested and idea

(or practice or procedure) to find out whether its influence an outcome or

dependent variable. There are two variables: the first one is a dependent variable

that is observed to determine the effect if any and the second one is an

independent variable that is variables selected by the researcher to determine their

effect on the relationship with the dependent variable.

(Brown, 1988) stated that there are two variables in the research, the first

one is a dependent variable that is observed to determine what effect, if any, the

other types of variable may have on it and the second one is an independent

variable that is variables selected by the researcher to determine their effect on the

relationship with the dependent variable. It means that this research consist two

groups; they are an experimental and a control group. that is compared in order to

determine the effect of using flashcard to improve students’ present

continuous tense. According to (Creswell, 2012, p. 310), there are two groups of

this quantitative research by using experimental research that can be illustrated as



Table 3.1
Research Design of Experimental Research

Control group Pre-test No Treatment Post Test

Experimental group Pre test Experimental treatment Post Test
Adopted from: John Creswell (2011, p.310)

B. Time and Location

This research was conducted at Second Grade Islamic Junior High

School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang. It is located at Jl. Prof. M.

Yamin, SH NO. 53, Bangkinang, Riau Province. This research begins at 20

August 2021.

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the eight grade students of Islamic Junior

High School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.

D. Object of the Research

The object of the research is using flashcard to improve students’ present

continuous tense.

E. Population and Sample

1. Population

(Syafi’I, 2018, p.107) reveals population refers to total number of

subjects (source of data). The population of this research is students of

Islamic Junior High School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.Total

of students as follows:

Table 3.2 Population

No. Class Number of students

1 VIIIA 30
2 VIIIB 29
3 VIIIC 31
4 VIIID 30
5 VIIIE 30
6 VIIIF 30
7 VIIIG 30
8 VIIIH 30
Total 240

2. Sample

The population above is large enough to be all taken as sample of the research.

Based on population above, the researcher will take two classes as the sample by

using cluster random sampling. According to (Gay and Airasian, 2000, p.136) cluster

random sampling selected based on group not individually, all the members of

selected group have similar characteristics. It means that the subject of this research

has the same material, the same grade, and has the same teacher in teaching of these


Based on explanation above, to find out the sample of the research the

researcher will uses lottery by passing out small rolled paper marked by sequence

name of the class. The first paper that come out of the bottle will be the experimental

class and the second paper that come out of the bottle will be the control class. Then

after passing out the paper, the sample of the research are VII A (as control class) and

VII B (as experimental class).


1 VIIIA 30 Control class
2 VIIIB 29 Experimental class
Total 59

F. Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data the researcher will use test. According to (Brown,

2003, p. 3) test means that a method of measuring of a persons’ ability,

knowledge or performance in given domain. Therefore, the researcher will use

multiple choice test. The researcher used twenty (20) items to collect the data.

Every multiple choice consisted of four answer options (a, b, c, d and e).

Table 3.4
Blue Print of Present Continuous Tense
No Indicator of Variable Y Number of Items
Items Number

1 The students are able to make verbal 4 7, 8, 9, 14

sentence in present continuous tense

2 The students are able to make nominal 4 10, 12, 19, 20

sentence in present continuous tense
3 The students are able to make 4 13, 17, 18, 5
positive sentence in present
continuous tense

4 The students are able to make 4 1, 6, 11, 16

negative sentence in present
continuous tense

5 The students are able to make 4 2, 3, 4, 15

interogative sentence in present
continuous tense

Total 20 20

In this research, test is divided into two ways; pre-test and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test will be used to collect the data about using flashcard to improve students’

present continuous tense. The test will be administrated to experimental and control

groups before treatment conducted.

2. Post-test

This test will be administrated to experimental and control groups after treatment

conducted. Based on (Arikunto, 2006), the interpretation of the students score is

classified follow:

Table 3.5
The classification students’ score
No Score Categories

1. 80-100 Very Good

2. 66-79 Good

3. 56-65 Enough

4. 40-55 Less

5. 30-39 Fail

G. Validity and Reliability

The quality of instrument is very crucial. It should be valid and reliable. Thus,
the researcher uses some of procedures to measure the instrument. They are:

1) Validity

Validity is the most important characteristic of a test to measure

instrument. According to (Gay and Airasian, 2012, p. 160), validity concerned


with the appropriateness of the interpretations made from test scores. (Ary,

2013, p. 226) reveals that there are three kinds of validity. They are content

validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. In this research, the

researcher used content and construct validity. (Brown, 2003) described that a

construct is any theory, hypothesis, or models that attempts to explain

observed phenomena. Furthermore, construct validity means the validity that

relates to the ability of instrument to measure the concept of being measured.

Microsoft Excel program will be used to measure the tests.

Table 3.6
Test of Validity
Item r-item r-table Result
1 0.546911 0.367 Valid
2 0.395987 0.367 Valid
3 0.371339 0.367 Valid
4 0.443308 0.367 Valid
5 0.529028 0.367 Valid
6 0.407738 0.367 Valid
7 0.368969 0.367 Valid
8 0.529028 0.367 Valid
9 0.38472 0.367 Valid
10 0.371339 0.367 Valid
11 0.395987 0.367 Valid
12 0.644787 0.367 Valid
13 0.492759 0.367 Valid
14 0.407738 0.367 Valid
15 0.557274 0.367 Valid
16 0.644787 0.367 Valid
17 0.507049 0.367 Valid
18 0.514754 0.367 Valid
19 0.570761 0.367 Valid
20 0.604008 0.367 Valid

2) Reliability

(Gay and Airasian, 2012, p. 164) reveal that reliability is “the degree

to which a test consistently measures what it is measuring” it means reliability

relates to consistency of a measurement. The scores from an instrument are

stable and consistent. Scores should be nearly the same when researchers

administer the instrument multiple times at different times.

(Creswell, 2008, p. 160) states that there are five types of reliability,

they are test-retest reliability, alternate forms reliability, Alternate forms and

test–retest reliability, Inter-ratter reliability, Internal consistency reliability. In

this research the researcher will use Inter-ratter reliability because Inter-ratter

reliability refers to the consistency of two or more independent scores, ratters

or observers. Then, the researcher will use the reliability’s table by (Cohen,

2007, p. 506) as follow:

Table 3.7
Level of Reliability
No Reliability Level of Reliability
1 >0.90 Very High
2 0.80-0.90 High
3 0.70-0.79 Reliable
4 0.60-0.69 Marginally/Minimally
5 <0.60 Unacceptable Low

To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher used SPSS 16 program

to find out wheather the test is reliable or not.


Table 3.8
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.829 20

3) Normality

Test normality is used to know the normality of data that is going to be analysed

whether have normal distribution or not. The normality of the data is important

because the data can be considered to represent the population when it is normal

distribution. In this research, the researcher will use test with Shapiro-Wilk by using

SPSS 23 version. It can be interpreted follows:

Ha: population with normal distribution

Ho: population with not normal distribution

If the P-value (Sig.) >0.05 = the data is normal distribution

If the P-Value (Sig.) <0.05 = the data is not in normal distribution

H. Technique of Analysing Data

To analyse the data the researcher will use score of post-test of

Experimental class and control class. These scores will be analysed by using

statistical analysis. Then, the data will be analysed by using T-test (Independent

sample t-test) from 16 version.

The independent sample T-test is used to find out the significant Effect of

Using Flashcard to Improve Students’ Present Continuous Tense at Second

Grade of Islamic Junior High School Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.

According to (Cohen, 2018, p. 777), the T-test is employed to see whether there is

significant effect on the mean score of both experimental class and control class.

To know is there any significant difference between experimental class and

control class, it is necessary to calculate the difference size by using eta squared

formula. (Pallant, 2010, p.247) mentions the formula of eta square as presented


(𝑛2) 𝑡²

𝑛2 : Eta square
𝑡 : 𝑡 obtained
𝑛ˡ : The number of experimental class
𝑛2 : The number of control class

(Pallant, 2010, p. 210) added the guidelines for interpreting this value as
Table 3.9
Effect size guidelines

0.01 Small effect

0.06 Moderate effect
0.14 Large effect



A. The Description of Research Procedures

In this research, using flashcard is an independent variable (X) and

students’ present continuous tense is a dependent variable (Y). The purposes of

this research were to find out the students’ present continuous tense taught by

using flashcard, students’ present continuous tense taught without using flashcard

and to find out there is any significant effect of using flashcard on present

continuous tense. The all data were gotten from the students’ pre-test and post-test

of control class and experiment classes. Before the treatment (especially for

experimental class), the researcher gave the pre-test for VIII A and VIII B (no

treatment). The researcher gave it for 3 meetings.

Categorization (Passed/ Failed)
No Class Passed
1 VII 70
2 VIII 72
3 IX 75

B. Data Presentation

1. Student Present Continuous Tense Taught without Using Flashcard

The data of student’s present continuous tense taught without using

flashcard were gotten from pre-test and post-test of VIII A as Control class

taken sample from this class (30 students). The data can be seen from the table



Control Class
No Students Standard Standard
Pre-Test Post-Test
Passing Score Passing Score

1 Student1 60 Failed 35 Failed

2 student2 50 Failed 60 Failed
3 Student3 55 Failed 60 Failed
4 Student4 60 Failed 50 Failed
5 Student5 65 Failed 70 Failed
6 Student6 70 Failed 55 Failed
7 Student7 55 Failed 80 Passed
8 Student8 60 Failed 65 Failed
9 Student9 55 Failed 75 Failed
10 Student10 50 Failed 45 Failed
11 Student11 45 Failed 50 Failed
12 Student12 65 Failed 55 Failed
13 Student13 45 Failed 85 Passed
14 Student14 55 Failed 60 Failed
15 Student15 60 Failed 55 Failed
16 Student16 55 Failed 50 Failed
17 Student17 65 Failed 45 Failed
18 Student18 65 Failed 70 Failed
19 Student19 70 Failed 55 Failed
20 Student20 75 Passed 60 Failed
21 Student21 60 Failed 60 Failed
22 Student22 60 Failed 55 Failed
23 Student23 70 Failed 65 Failed
24 Student24 65 Failed 50 Failed
25 Student25 65 Failed 65 Failed

26 Student26 55 Failed 45 Failed

27 Studen27 75 Passed 60 Failed
28 Student28 70 Failed 75 Passed
29 Student29 60 Failed 60 Failed
30 Student30 60 Failed 70 Failed
Total 1820 1785
Mean 60.66 59.5

From the table 4.1, found the total score of pre-test in control class was

1820 and the mean score was 60.66, the highest score was 75 and the lowest

was 45. And the total score of post-test control class was 1785 and the mean

score was 59.5, the highest score was 85, and the lowest was 35.

2. Student Present Continuous Tense Taught by Using Flashcard

The data of student present continuous tense taught without using

flashcard were gotten from pre-test and post-test of VIII B as Experimental

class taken sample from this class (29 students). The data can be seen from the

table below:


Experimental Class
No Students
Pre-Test Standard Passing Score Post-Test Standard Passing Score

1 Student1 50 Failed 85 Passed

2 student2 60 Failed 55 Failed
3 Student3 50 Failed 75 Passed

4 Student4 45 Failed 45 Failed

5 Student5 55 Failed 60 Passed
6 Student6 65 Failed 50 Failed
7 Student7 55 Failed 55 Failed
8 Student8 50 Failed 70 Passed
9 Student9 55 Failed 75 Passed
10 Student10 50 Failed 35 Failed
11 Student11 45 Failed 75 Passed
12 Student12 65 Failed 80 Passed
13 Student13 60 Failed 55 Failed
14 Student14 55 Failed 60 Failed
15 Student15 75 Passed 70 Passed
16 Student16 60 Failed 65 Failed
17 Student17 60 Failed 55 Failed
18 Student18 75 Passed 60 Passed
19 Student19 70 Passed 85 Passed
20 Student20 65 Failed 85 Passed
21 Student21 65 Failed 60 Failed
22 Student22 55 Failed 80 Passed
23 Student23 60 Failed 55 Failed
24 Student24 60 Failed 75 Passed
25 Student25 75 Passed 70 Passed
26 Student26 75 Passed 60 Failed
27 Studen27 70 Passed 45 Failed
28 Student28 85 Passed 85 Passed
29 Student29 55 Failed 75 Passed
Total 1765 1900
Mean 60.86 65.51

From the table 4.2 the researcher found the total score of pre-test in

experimental class was 1765 and the mean score was 60.86, the highest

score was 85 and the lowest was 45. And the total score of post-test

experimental class was 1900 and the mean score was 65.51, the highest

score was 85, and the lowest was 35.

C. Descriptive Analysis

1. The Description of Students’ Pre-test Scores of Experiment Class

Table 4.3
The Frequency Distribution of Student’s Pre-test Score of
Experimental Class

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 45 2 6.9 6.9 6.9
50 4 13.8 13.8 20.7
55 6 20.7 20.7 41.4
60 6 20.7 20.7 62.1
65 4 13.8 13.8 75.9
70 2 6.9 6.9 82.8
75 4 13.8 13.8 96.6
85 1 3.4 3.4 100.0
Total 29 100.0 100.0

Based on the table 4.3, it can be seen that in pre-test, 2 students got score

45 (6.9%), 4 student got score 50 (13.8%), 6 student got score 55 (20.7%), 6

student got score 60 (20.7%), 4 student got score 65 (13.8%), 2 student got score

70 (6.9%) 4 student got score 75 (13.8%), and 1 student got score 85 (3.4%).

So, the high frequency was 2 at the score of 55 and 60. Then the high

score was 85 and the total of frequency was 29.


Table 4.4
Percentage Experimental Class Pre-Test

No Categories Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very Good 1 3.44%
2 Good 66-79 6 20.68%
3 Enough 56-65 10 34.48%
4 Less 40-55 12 41.37%
5 Fail 30-39 0 0.00%
Total 29 100%

The table 4.4 shows that the category of very good got the frequency 1

(3.44%), the category of good got the frequency 6 (20.68%), the category of

enough got the frequency 10 (34.48%). The category of less got the frequency 12

(41.37%), and for the fail category got the frequency 0 (0.00%) Then; the highest

percentage was 12 (41.37%).

Table 4.5
Statistical Description of Students’ Pre-test Scores

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
PRETEST 29 45 85 60.86 10.006
Valid N

From the table above, the researcher found that the mean score was 60.86,

standard deviation score was 10.006, minimum score was 45, and maximum score

was 85.

2. The Description of Students’ Post-test Scores of Experimental Clas

Table 4.6
The Frequency Distribution of Students’ Post-test Scores
Post Test Score

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 35 1 3.4 3.4 3.4
45 2 6.9 6.9 10.3
50 1 3.4 3.4 13.8
55 5 17.2 17.2 31.0
60 5 17.2 17.2 48.3
65 1 3.4 3.4 51.7
70 3 10.3 10.3 62.1
75 5 17.2 17.2 79.3
80 2 6.9 6.9 86.2
85 4 13.8 13.8 100.0
Total 29 100.0 100.0

Based on the table 4.6, it can be seen that in post-test, 1 students got 35

(3.4%), 2 students got score 45 (6.9%), 1 student got score 50 (3.4%), 5 student

got score 55 (17.2%), 5 student got score 60 (17.2%), 1 student got score 65

(3.4%), and 3 student got score 70 (10.3%), 5 student got score 75 (17.2%), 2

student got score 80 (6.9%) and 4 student got score 85 (13.8%).


Table 4.7
Statistical Description of Students’ Post-test Scores

Experimental Class

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
experimentalclass 29 35 85 65.52 13.585
Valid N (listwise) 29

From the table above, the researcher found that the mean score was 65.52,

standard deviation score was 13.585, minimum score was 35, and maximum score

was 85.

Table 4.8
Percentage Experimental Class Post-Test

No Categories Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very Good 6 20.68%
2 Good 66-79 8 27.58%
3 Enough 56-65 6 20.68%
4 Less 40-55 8 27.58%
5 Fail 30-39 1 3.44%
Total 29 100%

The table 4.8 shows that the category of very good got the frequency 6

(20.68%), the category of good got the frequency 8 (27.58%), the category of

enough got the frequency 6 (20.68%). The category of less got the frequency 8

(27.58%), and for the fail category got the frequency 1 (3.44%) Then; the highest

percentage was 8 (27.58%).


3. The Description of Students’ Pre-test Scores of Control Class

Table 4.9

The Frequency Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Scores

Pre-Test Score Control Class

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 45 2 6.7 6.7 6.7
50 2 6.7 6.7 13.3
55 6 20.0 20.0 33.3
60 8 26.7 26.7 60.0
65 6 20.0 20.0 80.0
70 4 13.3 13.3 93.3
75 2 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Based on the table 4.9, it can be seen that in pre-test, 2 students got

score 45 (6.7%), 2 student got score 50 (6.7%), 6 student got score 55

(20.0%), 8 student got score 60 (26.7%), 6 student got score 65 (20.0%), 4

student got score 70 (13.3%) and 2 student got score 75 (6.7%).

Table 4.10
Percentage Control Class Pre-Test

No Categories Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very Good 0 0.00%
2 Good 66-79 6 20.00%
3 Enough 56-65 14 46.66%
4 Less 40-55 10 33.33%
5 Fail 30-39 0 0.00%
Total 30 100%

The table 4.10 shows that the category of very good got the

frequency 0 (0.00%), the category of good got the frequency 6 (20.00%),

the category of enough got the frequency 14 (46.66%). The category of

less got the frequency 10 (33.33%), and for the fail category got the

frequency 0 (0.00%) Then; the highest percentage was 14 (46.66%).

Table 4.11
Statistical Description of Students’ Pre-test Scores
Control Class

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
PRETEST 30 45 75 60.67 7.849
Valid N

From the table above, the researcher found that the mean score was

60.67, standard deviation score was 7.849, minimum score was 45, and

maximum score was 75.

4. The Description of Students’ Post-test Scores of Control Class

Table 4.12
The Frequency Distribution of Students’ Post-test Scores
Control Class
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 35 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
45 3 10.0 10.0 13.3
50 4 13.3 13.3 26.7
55 5 16.7 16.7 43.3
60 7 23.3 23.3 66.7
65 3 10.0 10.0 76.7

70 3 10.0 10.0 86.7

75 2 6.7 6.7 93.3
80 1 3.3 3.3 96.7
85 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Based on the table 4.12, it can be seen that in post-test, 1 students

got score 35 (3.3%), 3 student got score 45 (10.0%), 4 student got score 50

(13.3%), 5 student got score 55 (16.7%), 7 student got score 60 (23.3%), 3

student got score 65 (10.0%), 3 student got score 70 (10.0%), 2 student got

score 75 (6.7%), 1 student got score 80 (3.3%), and 1 student got score 85


So, the high frequency was score 60 (23.3%)

Table 4.13
Statistical Description of Students’ Post-test Scores
Control Class

N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
Controlclass 30 35 85 59.50 11.246
Valid N

From the table above, the researcher found that the mean score was

59.50, standard deviation score was 11.246, minimum score was 35, and

maximum score was 85.


Table 4.14
Percentage Control Class Post-Test

No Categories Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very Good 2 6.66%
2 Good 66-79 5 16.66%
3 Enough 56-65 10 33.33%
4 Less 40-55 12 40%
5 Fail 30-39 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

The table 4.14 shows that the category of very good got the

frequency 2 (6.66%), the category of good got the frequency 5 (16.66%),

the category of enough got the frequency 10 (33.33%). The category of

less got the frequency 12 (40%), and for the fail category got the

frequency 1 (1%) Then; the highest percentage was 12 (40%).

D. Inferential Analysis

1. Normality of The Data

The normality test was used to know whether the distribution of the data

is normal or not. In analyzing the data, the researcher used SPSS 16.

Table 5.1

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
control class .159 29 .058 .972 29 .610
experiment class .148 29 .107 .956 29 .255
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
If sig value > 0.05 : Normal
If sig value < 0.05 : Not Normal

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
control class .159 29 .058 .972 29 .610
experiment class .148 29 .107 .956 29 .255

Experimental Class 0.107> 0.05 normal

Control Class 0.058 > 0.05 normal
Assuming that both of variables are normally distributed, therefore parametric test
is applied ( Independent Sample T-Test)

Based on the Table 5.1 above, it can be seen that the sig. value

>0.05 it means the data is normal, and if sig value < 0.05 it means the data

is not normal. It can be seen at if sig value of experimental class 0.107 >

0.05, it means the data of experimental class is normal, and for the control

class, the sig value is 0.058, it means the data of control class is normal.

2. The Effect of Students’ Present Continuous Tense taught by using and

without using Flashcard

Table 5.2
Independent Sample T- Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Std. Interval of the
(2- Mean Error Difference
tail Differ Diffe Uppe
F Sig. t Df ed) ence rence Lower r

2.75 - .06
Ees .102 57 -6.017 3.242 -12.509 .475
5 1.856 9
es not
U - .07
54.354 -6.017 3.253 -12.537 .503
O 1.850 0


if sig value < 0.05 : Ha

if sig value > 0.05 : Ho
it concludes that there is no significant difference between Control class and
Based on The table 5.2 above, independent sample t-test shows that sig
(2-tailed) value was .069 and .070. it can be stated that 0.69 > 0.05 hypothesis
(Ha) is rejected. It can be concluded that tobtained= -1.856, df = 57, mean
difference was -6.017, and standard error difference was 3.242. Thus, to
interpret tobserved is by comparing it with ttable in line with the degree of freedom.
It can be interpreted that the alternative hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and null
hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is no significant difference on

students’ present continuous tense taught by using flashcard at second grade of

Islamic junior high school Mu;allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang.
3. The Significant Effect of Taught by Using Flashcard on Present

Continuous Tense.

According to (Pallant, 2010) stated that effect size statistics provides an

indication of the magnitude of the differences between your groups. To

identify the level of the effect of using flashcard to improve students’ present

continuous tense at second grade of Islamic junior high school Mu’allimin

Muhammadiyah Bangkinang, it was calculated by using eta square formula:

𝑡 (𝑛 𝑛 )

( )

(Pallant, 2010, p. 210) added the guidelines for interpreting this value
as follows:

Table IV.16
Effect Size
0.01 Small effect

0.06 Moderate effect

0.14 Large effect

Based on calculating above, eta square was 0.05 referring to the table of

effect size guidelines above, the effect of using flashcard to improve students’

present continuous tense was 0.05 categorized as small effect.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis explained in chapter IV, finally, the researcher

would like to expose the conclusion as follows:

The score of students’ present continuous tense taught by using flashcard

at Islamic junior high school Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang was getting

mean score 59.5. It concluded that the students’ present contiunuous tense taught

by using flashcard was categorized “Low”.

The score of students’ present continuous tense taught without using

flashcard at Islamic junior high school Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang

was getting mean score 65.51. It concluded that the students’ present continuous

tense taught without using flashcard was categorized “Low”.

From the analytical formula of Independent sample T-test, it was found

that sig. value for control class was .069 and for experimental class was .070. it

can be stated that 0.69>0.05. It means the null hypothesis (H o) was rejected, while

the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In other words, there was not any

significant difference of using Flashcard to improve students’present continuous

tense at second grade Islamic junior high school Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah


B. Suggestion

After finding the result of the effect of using flashcard to improve students

present continuous tense at second grade of Islamic junior high school Mu’allimin

Muhammadiyah Bangkinang. The researcher would like to give some suggestion:

1. For the students, they have to be interested in present continuous tense. The

students are hoped to be brave, confident, and more creative in learning


2. For the readers are recommended to use this thesis as one of the references to

find out information about using flashcard to improve students’ present

continuous tense.

3. For the next researcher, there are many other media to make teaching and

learning process more effective. The researcher is expected to find new

media, method, techniques, and approache



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