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Sta. Maria Compound, Marcos Highway, Santolan, Pasig City



This module uses Skills for a Lifetime in TLE by Virginia Esmilla-Sercado.
All rights reserves to the author. No copy right infringement intended.



Christian Louie S. Cuahong


2 | TLE 9
Components and Factors to Consider in Salad Preparation

3 | TLE 9

Learning how to prepare salad would not be complete without

understanding the basics in salad preparation. Today, our
lesson is about the different thing you should learn and apply
when preparing different variety of salads dishes. Let us go
along and learn something nice today!

When salad ingredients are assembled in a particular arrangement, the

finishes salad is called composite salad. Also known as plated salad, they are often
made up of more than simply greens. These salads are popular as main courses,
especially at lunch. A salad plate comprises of different components.

Preparing salad is like painting a masterpiece and like a masterpiece, planning

is very essential to create a one-of-a-kind art. Therefore, salads should be planned
to contrast color, flavor, texture, and shape. Salads are more appealing and
nutritious when there is a variety of an ingredient.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Classify the different components of salad; and

2. Identify the factors to consider in salad preparation.

If you will be tasked to plate and garnish your own salad,

how will you do it? Use the box below to share your thoughts and
ideas on how you will come up with a well presented and an
absolutely eye appealing salad. Random students will be called
to share their work in the class. You will be given a maximum of
5 minutes to gather your ideas. Start now!

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“One of the benefits of eating salad is that
you can eat tons of it and never be satisfied.”

-Jim Gaffigan

When picturing a salad, most people would probably envision a plate of lettuce,
a few other veggies and maybe a protein. But it is more than that, it should be a
complete set which compliments each part. Different complimentary ingredients
can be added to provide a more tasteful salad. So basically, a salad goes way
beyond a sad plate of raw vegetables. This is the reason why it is important to
know the components of salads. It gives us idea on how a plate of salad should
contain. Every component of salad plays an important role to make everything
organize and to add a visual appeal on the plating.

1. Base
It gives the definition to the salad’s
placement on the plate or platter.
Usually, lettuce leaves or a bed of
cut greens is used as the backdrop
for the other ingredients.

2. Body
It is the main ingredient of the
salad. This should be the focal point
of the presentation as it is set up on
top of the base. The main
ingredient of the salad might be
greens, a marinated or bound
salad, meat, fish, or poultry.

3. Dressing
It is used to enhance the flavor. Tossed with the body of the salad or served
on the side. Any dressing that is compatible with the other ingredients may
be used to add moisture and flavor to the salad.

4. Garnish
It adds texture, color, and form to the salad. Many different elements can be
used to add color and texture to the finished presentation.

5 | TLE 9
1. Color
Include ingredients of different colors for eye appeal, different nutrients, and
other healthful components. Example, in a tossed green salad, shredded
carrots, and red cabbage can be added to leaf lettuce, create colorful tossed
green salads by mixing ingredients.

2. Flavor
Balance strong and mild flavors. Example, a pre-plated salad could present
mild butter head lettuce with grapefruit selections and red onion rings.

3. Texture
Balance soft with crisp ingredients, juicy with crunchy, fibrous with smooth.
Example, a tossed green salad could include Romains’s lettuce, sunflower
seeds, raisins, and orange selections.

4. Shape
Cut ingredients in different shapes, such as cubes, julienne, slices, shredded
bits, and wedges.

We are finally here. There will be two activities for

this lesson but trust me, they are easy. Go ahead and start
now so you could finish and submit on time. Goodluck!

Look for a picture on the internet that illustrates the 4

components of salad. Identify each component from the picture
by putting a label on it. In 4-5 sentences, further discuss each
component on the space provided. Submit the accomplished
activity in our google classroom under Activity 4 with a file name:
Activity 4 + your last name, for example, Activity 4 Cruz.

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1. Base

2. Body

3. Dressing

4. Garnish

Examine the picture below, identify and discuss each factor that
needs to be consider in salad preparation. Write your
observations on the space provided. Submit the accomplished
activity in our google classroom under Activity 5 with a file name:
Activity 5 + your last name, for example, Activity 5 Cruz.

7 | TLE 9
1. Color

2. Flavor

3. Texture

4. Shape

It is truly an amazing day. Did you enjoyed the

activity? Do not worry a have more stored just for you.
Let us see each other again next meeting.
Have a great day ahead

8 | TLE 9
Guidelines and Precautions in Preparing Simple Salads

9 | TLE 9

Good day Grade 9! Today is a brand-new day. A new day for

new learnings and adventure. Join me as we learn things
about preparing simple salads. Though this topic may seem
simple, but this is worth it. Enjoy!

Remember it is your responsibility to ensure that the food served to your

customers is safe. If you prepare or sell any food, including salad, which is not safe
to eat then you will be breaking the law and could face severe penalties. It is very
important to prepare food safely to help stop harmful bacteria from spreading and
growing. You can take some steps to help protect yourself and your family from the
spread of harmful bacteria.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Identify guidelines for preparation of simple salads; and

2. Perform proper precautions in preparing simple salads.

We are down to the last 2 modules in the 2nd grading period.

I want you to share with the class what you have learned so far
that really caught your mind. Use the lines below to organize your
thoughts. Random students will be called to share their thoughts
in the class. You will be given 4-5 minutes to gather your ideas.

Mindful eating is about awareness.

When you eat mindfully, you slow
down, pay attention to the food you
are eating and savor every bite.

10 | T L E 9
A salad is a serving in a meal that includes leaf
vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, or arugula.
Uncooked or cold cooked vegetables that are sliced
into small pieces for example tomato or onion are
then mixed with the leafy vegetables.

A Simple Salad usually consists of a single

kind of vegetable, fruit, meat etc. tossed in a
dressing as a base with one or two ingredients, in
small quantities are used for decoration or as a
garnish. For example, Cucumber salad, coleslaw
salad, tomato salad, green salad, Waldorf salad,
Russian salad, Caesar salad etc.


1. Wash vegetables/fruits in cold water. Hold by roots end plunging in water to

force water to center, thus removing dirt and grit.

2. Cut vegetables as per the requirement. (Cubes, threads, strips etc.)

3. Keep in a cool place until required. Refrigerate greens in a colander covered

with damp towel or in perforated storage bin to allow air circulation & complete
drainage. This helps to keep the greens crisp.

4. When required mix all the ingredients with dressing.

5. Served neatly in China, glass, or wooden bowls. Garnish as required. Serve

dressing apart. Always keep cool.


1. Wash all ingredients like fruits and vegetable thoroughly (as it can be a good
source of contamination) pat it dry as it may result in final product to be

2. Keep all ingredients ready before preparing the salad as this ensures freshness
and crunchy-ness in salad.

3. Utilize the freshest ingredients and especially those in season as this will keep
nutrients intact.

4. Light leafy vegetables should be torn into bite size pieces and never cut the
greens tossed gently in a dressing just before the service to avoid wilting of

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5. Pour enough dressing to season; not drown the main ingredient as it will result
in wilting of salad and overpowering the taste.

6. Use a suitable container to present the salad garnish with edible ingredient to
give it eye appeal.

7. Never overcrowd the salad plate.

8. Accommodate the salad within the dish and not on or over the edge.

Since you learned so much today, we will test your

understanding with this activity. You can start now!

Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. You have

to construct your own wordings. Do not copy from the module or
from the internet. Submit the accomplished activity in our google
classroom under Activity 6 with a file name: Activity 6 + your last
name, for example, Activity 6 Cruz.

1. How important it is to select a perfect plate in plating salad? How does it affect
the presentation of the salad?

2. Why it is important that ingredients should be identifiable?

3. Why is it a must to keep the salad off the rim of a plate? What makes it

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4. Why is washing of ingredients important especially when preparing salads?

5. They say that dressing should never be folded into the salad until time for
serving. What does this imply?

That was fantastic! You indeed learned a lot from

today’s discussion. Let us see each other again next
meeting. Have a great day ahead

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