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2 CBSE SaTyp Paper Duainsss u i s CcR erm

He dicuned this prublem with his clume triend wheo m te

appoint Ms. Suman as his manager Ms Suman after appointment, as manager and

cuntamer s tanie accorling to prebent trernd.

Ms, has falluwed?
w ee nanagewt San

e Managment of operations d ) Managemeni iw dynamic hinctian

S2. Manmeet has joined as a lroduction head in an autamobile company. 1fe always
divides tie wurk inlo snall arn mrtageabe actvites arnd aln group t e activates

in the abuve lines

1a) ldenitificatn and diviskori uf wirh Ib Departretalisatw


repuirements of the prevailing situatlon at a particular point of ime. Which feature of

wd etect relalioeahup d) Cereral guideln

4. in knurwn an the extended furm of delegation.

charge of running the day-to- business activities of the company At wh h el ol

level Nae of thee 60/1160

Super Fine Ricr Ltd. has the largest share 35% in the erarket. The compuiny n m

lso But the marnagern of Super Fire Rice Lid cuntinuerd to rely un it'n prrviounly tried
nd tested ucesatu plars which n wo Drcaue the envirnernt is r t satic

the abuve situation is indicating two "limitatiana at planning' which led to decline in it

c Planning invusves hur cR d a t guarantee sucoes

7. Assertion (A) In an organisatiun, coordination is required so that production and sales

g a grup etforts

a) oeh Aertn 1A) an e a n K) are coerex

Rea ( cTET enplaratiom


8. eha nsaTa

stitting and vthet accsrin und in the cantume. ldentity the factuE affecting pricing

(c) E s t t od aumpetithn in the market j4) e n g a e t i

9. Roban works as a productin marager in Global Enterprisa Liniti He has been

be must enure that

ure t
must e

0. An organisation PUR LId, help in provding b s to employrd eople and utilise

rrsoures to mavimum pnaible advantagr. Which objretive of managrrment is uued

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