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• ------------- production method is

used in the manufacture of
office pins
• (mass production method)
• Magnetite has the chemical formula -------------
• (Fe3O4)
• Forge welding temperature for
steel is----------------------
• (1275----------------------—1400ᵒC)
• Galvanising is the coating of steel
• Zinc
• Aluminium has----------------
• (good electrical conductivity)
• Aluminium is ---------------------
• (highly ductile)
Acid iron is impure iron of --------------
content, which may be refined to ----
------------ by an ----
• (low phosphorous, steel, acid
• Production factories have --------
number of layouts
• A robot is a machine capable of
performing a sequence of operations
without ----------
• (human control)
• ----------- is a common harmful gas in
an industry
• (carbon monoxide)
• The first step in the steel making
process is the removal of ----------
• (sulphur)
• Electrode is used in welding process
to ------------
• (stabilize the arc)
• In casting process cavities are
created using -----------
• (core)
• The most economical method of
production is ------- production
• (flow line)
• Pure aluminium has a ------------
• (very low strength)
• The air pressure (blast) at the hearth
in a blacksmith forge should be from
---to----water column
• (150 to 200mm)
• The length of the handle of a
blacksmith tong varies from ----to-----
• (475 to 650mm)
• In upsetting operation ----and ----
upsetting are sometimes called
• (head and central)
• The anvil has 4 feet at its base which
stand to secure it to its foundation
with the aid of -------or ----
• (straps or spikes)
• ----------- and ---------- are the two
types of chiselling processes
employed in hand forging
• (notching and cutting off)
• The meter is defined as equal to ------
• (1,650,763.73)
• The main joining processes are --------
• (brazing,
• soldering,
• welding,
• adhesive joining,
• mechanical joining)
• Soldering and brazing are examples
of ------- manufacturing process
• (permanent joining)
• The length of a sledge hammer
ranges from ---- to ----
• (700 to 900mm)
• The weight of a sledge hammer
varies from ----------to ----------
• (2kg to 10kg)
• Chisels for cutting hot metal are
ground to an angle of ------ while that
for cutting cold metals are ground to
an angle of -------
• (30 to 45ᵒC, 60 to 80ᵒC)
• In forge welding operation, the lower
the content of steel and alloying
element, the higher the ------and the
more ----------the metal
• (welding temperature, weldable)
• Welding processes are used to
produce joints which are at least
equal in -------to that of the material
from which the constituent parts are
made called the -----------
• (strenth, parent metals or materials)
• The hand hammers weigh from ----
to----, the handles have a length of ---
• (0.5kg to 1.5kg, 350 to 400mm)
• In solid phase welding, the
application of pressure to induce----is
usually necessary
• (plastic flow)
• In arc welding, the temperature in
the arc column may vary from----at
the outside surface to ------on the
inside or even higher depending on
the nature of the arc plasma and the
current flowing through it
• (5000ᵒC, 30,000ᵒC)
• Some welding machines have the
capability of using both a.c and d.c
currents by the use of a --------
• (selection switch)
• Arc blow is more prevalent in ------
and is generally absent in ----------
• (d.c welding, a.c welding)
• In d.c arc welding, when uncoated
electrode are used, there is difficulty
in maintaining a steady arc, the weld
is -------, possessing little or no
strength, and weld appearance ------
• (porous, is poor)
• Welding processes may be classified
• (Electyric arc welding,
• Electric resistance welding,
• Gas welding,
• Solid phase welding )
• --------------------is the coating of steel
with zinc
• (Galvanising)
• --------------is an impure iron of low
phosphorous content which may be
refined to steel by an acid process
• (Acid iron)
• --------------is a machine capable of
performing a sequence of operations
without human control
• (a robot)
• In --- molten filler metal is drawn by capillary
attraction into the space between the closely
adjascent surfaces of the parent metal
• brazing
• -----------is used in welding process to
stabilize the arc
• (electrode)
• In -----------process cavities are
created using core
• In ----- operation head and
central upsetting are
sometimes called heading
• (upsetting)
• The------- has 4 feet at its base which
stand to secure it to its foundation
with the aid of straps or spikes
• (anvil)
• notching and cutting off are the two
types of ----------processes employed
• (chiselling, hand forging )
• In ---- welding, the application of
pressure to induce plastic flow is
usually necessary
• (solid phase)
• ----------are used to produce joints
which are at least equal in strenth to
that of the material from which the
constituent parts are made called the
parent metals or materials
• (Welding processes)
• In --------, the temperature in the arc
column may vary from 5000ᵒC at the
outside surface to 30,000ᵒC on the
inside or even higher depending on
the nature of the arc plasma and the
current flowing through it
• (arc welding)
• -------is more prevalent in d.c welding
and is generally absent in a.c welding
• (Arc blow)
• In--------, when uncoated electrode
are used, there is difficulty in
maintaining a steady arc, the weld is
porous, possessing little or non
strength, and weld appearance is
• (d.c arc welding)
• A joining process involves bringing
two or more separate parts into ---
or --- in order to act as one member
• Permanent or temporary
• A.c welding transformers are either --- or ---
• Air cooled or oil cooled
• Arc welding machines deliver low voltage in
the range of about --- and high current of
about ---
• 20 ------100volts
• 50------500amps
• SMMAW electrodes are manufactured
principally by --- and ---is also used
• Extruding, dipping
• In gas welding, the flux acts as a --- which
improves the yield quality and makes welding
• Deoxidizer
• easier
• Rutile which is naturally ocuring metal is made
up of about ---
• 88 – 94% of titanium oxide (TiO2)
• The structure of the oxiacetylene flame
consist of essentially three zones, namely ---
• Inner
• Intermediate
• Forward zones
• Combustion gases are made up of ---
• Fuel gases and oxygen
• Two techniques of touch movement are used
in gas welding, these are the --- technique
• Leftward welding
• Rightward welding
• In brazing molten filler metal is drawn by ---
into the space between the closely adjascent
surfaces of the parent metal.
• Capillary attraction
• Soldering is a metal joining process in which
union is effected between the parent metal by
a layer of an ---at the filler/parent metal
• Intermetallic compound
• --- usually involve the use of elastrometric and
synthetic resin-based ---to join similar and
disimilar materials together
• Adhesive bonding
• adhesives
• --- is a metal joining process in which union is
effected between the parent metal by a layer
of an intermetallic compound at the
filler/parent metal interface
• --- are made by using fastners, folded joints
and forced fitting methods
• Mechanical joints
• Mechanical joints are made by using---,--- and
• fastners,
• folded joints and
• forced fitting methods
• A rivet is a fastening device which is secured
by distortion or upsetting of the --- and ---
• Shank and ends
• Industrial hygiene is concerned with ---, ---,
and ---
• Identification,
• Measurement
• evaluation
• --- is concerned with Identification,
Measurement and evaluation
• Industrial hygiene
• The normal body temp of the human body is -
-------at body temp...below...and die
• 37oc,32oc,42oc
• Transformer-rectifer-type wielding machines
also output dc voltage. A.C wielding
transformer are either air-cooled or oil-
cooled, oil cooling being used for-----------------
• Higher current ratings
• Tungsten- inert gas wielding
• Metal inert gas weilding
• ------- and ------up to about 0.5% carbon may
be wielded by heating the two surfaces to be
wielded to appropriate temp 1275-1400oc
• Wrought iron and steels
• Most accidents are preventable because they
are caused by people through faulty behaviour
or the creation
• Hazardous situation
• ---------is the comparison of the size of an
object or the feature in an object with a legally
defined unit or a standard value
• An engineering measurement
• The standard temp of measurement is
• 20oc
• The combination set is used for ------,----- and
can be used as a ------------
• Checking angles, squareness,.......Depth guage
• A copper sulphate solution called ---------- is
commonly used for coating iron and steel
• Blue Vitriol
• The dimensioning of a work-piece with
reference to a datum may be done in two
ways, which are by the --------- and the ---------
• Floating datum method and the fixed datum
• Surface plates come in various sizes. A
particular size is ----------- X ------- and --------
• 600mm X 600mm, 1300mm
• The --------- is used for producing long straight
lines which are beyond the scope of
conventional measuring equipment
• Chalkline
• The deviation from the required geometrical
from could be manifested by error of
straightness, ------------ or cylindricity,
concentricity, ------------ or squaredness,
parallelism or symmetry
• Circularity, Perpendicularity
• ------------- is a group of processes in which a
part is shaped by bulk plastic flow of material
• Metal forming process
• ------------- are used for cutting sheet metal
• Tinsnips
• The trend towards minimizing human effort by
mechanical means in all operations
concerning the production of a part of
product is ---------------
• Mechanization
• In ------------ production shop, manufacture is
carried out only when customers places an
• Jobbing
• ------------ Workshops are where essentially
repairs are carried out
• Maintenance
• ---------- and -------- are examples of foundary
• Tongs and furnaces
• The major drawback ------------ production
layout i.e. Its relative inflexibility
• Of flowline
• In ------ layout, the product is stationary while
the various production equipment
• Fixed position
• --------- ensure a limited number of grades,
types and sizes of the products
• Simplification
• ------------- processes are used to provide
protection to component surface against
environmental attack and also ...
• Surface finishing
• Turning, drilling, and milling are examples of --
----------- manufacturing processes
• Machining
• ------------ involves the production of bulk
quantities of material through chemical rather
than mechanical means.
• Process production
• Rolling and extrusion are examples of -----------
manufacturing process
• Metal Forming
• List any 2 examples of the principle of
• Interchangeability, simplicity and
• In ---------------layout, facilities are grouped
together according to activities of a similiar
• Function
• In---------- layout facilities are laid out
according to the operation sequence
• Flow line / Product
• Ladlers, crucibles and patterns are example of
------------- equipment
• Foundry
• Electroplating and horing are examples of ------
• Finishing
• Brazing and soldiering are examples of ---------
• Permanent joining
• --------- are usually made from either a rubber
or silicon base, and are far joining non-
metallic materials to metal surfaces
• Resin-Synthetic
• ------- is a magnetic phenomenon which result
in the distortion of the are shape or a
deflection of the are away from the point of
• Arc blow
• The complete combustion of acetylene
(ethene) with oxygen is described by the
following equation
• C2H2 + 5/2O2 = 2Co2 + H20
• The structure of the oxy-acetylene flame
consist of essentially 3 zones ------, -------, -------
• Inner, intermediate, and forward zones.
• The ----is obtained by burning one part
acetylene with excess or greater than one part
• Neutral flame or balanced flame
• Oxygen has a molecular weight of -------
density of ---------, specific gravity of -------
• 32g/mol, 1,43kg/m3, 1.1053
• Combustion gases are made up of ------ and ---
• Fuel gases and oxygen
• In the ------- the wielding rod precedes the
torch along the scam and weld travel from
right to left
• Leftward wielding
• Common solders are ---------with a
composition of 35% tin and melting 65% lead
being general purpose solder. Tin lead solder
have melting points in the range ------------
• Tin lead alloys, 175-400oc
• ----- is a forging operation in which the length
of a piece of metal is reduced and its cross-
section increased
• Upsetting
• The anvil has ------at its base, which serve to---
-- it to its foundation with the aid of strap and
• 4 feet, secure
• The blacksmith’s forge consists of platform
called ----,----- and ........
• Heart, Hood and Chimney
• The blast furnace is a --- furnace made of thick
steel lined with -----bricks on the inside
• Shaft type, refractory
• -------, ------, and ---- are charged into the blast
furnance through the hopper at the top
• Iron ore, coke and limstone
• The chemical equation for the complete
burning of coke in the region of the tuyere is --
• C + O2 = Co2 + Heat (Exothermic)
• Co2 + C = 2Co – Heat (Endothermic)
• Fe2O3 + 3Co = 2Fe + 3Co2
• Always remember ---------in all you do in the
workshop because safety is the most
important thing
• Safety First
• Co contents of 0.06mg per litre of air results
in mild poisoning with symptoms of --------, ----
----- and --------
• Headache, dizziness, weakness in the knees
and nausea
• In general, conditions and working capacity of
man are affected by atmospheric conditions
such as -----------, ------- and ---------
• Temperature, humidity and air current
• Air velocities may be -------- for light work and
------- for hard work in the workshop
• 4m/s, 5m/s
• ------ helps to maintain a constant body
temperature in hot environment
• Sweating therefore
• Most of the large particles when inhaled will
be removed from the air by being trapped in
the --------- of the nose and throat
Moist mucus secretion
• Exposure of man to ------ relative humility at --
---- may lead to death
• 100%, 37%
• Sponge iron is the impure iron from the -------
which when cast into ingots is called
• Direct reduction process, Briquets
• The first step in the steel making process is the
removal of sulphur from molten iron from the
blast furnace by treating it with soda ash -------
--- the reaction equation is --------
• Fes + Na2Co3 = Feo + Na2s + Co2
• Plain carbon steel are alloys of ------- and ------
• Iron and carbon
• Commercial alluminium is made by an
electrolytic process from -----------
• Bauxite: A hydrated alumina
• Copper is produced principally from ores
which are complex mixtures of ------ and ------
by a smelting process similar to that of iron
and steel or by --------extraction
• Copper and iron sulphides, electrolytic
• --------- is produced from rod by redrawing
• Wire
• Sheet and strip are supplied in ------ and ------
from respectively
• Flat and strip
• PVC is made by the polymerization of -------- it
is stabilized with ----------
• Vinyl Chloride (CH2=CHCL), a lead salt
• ---------- are plastics which softens on heating
and harden on cooling in a reversible manner
• Thermoplastics
• Wood is highly ---------, ie its properties vary
with direction because of its -------- nature
• Arisotropic.........Fibrous
• A glass is the ---- or ----- form of complex
• Vitreous or complex
• Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral in the
form of a fibrous rock, it has the chemical
• (MgFe)7.(Si8022)-(OH2F)2
• The lower the carbon content of steel and
alloying elements the higher the ----------- and
the more willable the metal
• Wielding temperature
• COREN means
• Council for regulation of Engineering in
• Automation is the replacement of ---------- by
automatic controls
• Human control
• Another name for product layout is
• Flow line Layout
• ---------- is a material that will withstand high
• A Refractory
• FEPA- Regulate harmful substances discharged
in air
• Federal government protection agency
• High speed steel
• State the types of carbon steel and their
carbon composition
• 1. Low carbon steel --- 0.05 – 0.30%
• 2.Medium Carbon steel---0.30-0.45%
• 3.High carbon steel----- 0.45-1.0%
• Industrial radiography is used for ------- of
• Non destructive testing
• --------is used for aircraft landing wheels
• Mg
• The major constituent of glass is --------
• Silica Sand (Sio2)
• The polarity of the electrode may be--------
• Positive or straight
• A factory floor usually employs -----------
• Semi-Skilled Operatives
• The blacksmith anvil weighs ------------
• 80kg – 300kg
• ----------- is the impure product from the blast
• Pig iron
• ------- is the impure iron from the direct
reduction process
• Sponge Iron
• -------- is the purest commercial form of iron
• Ingot iron
• In brazing, the melting point of the filler metal
is atleast ----- than of the base metal
• 50oC Lower
• Production factories have ---------nuber of
basic layouts
• 4
• A robot is a machine capable of performing a
sequence of operation without -----------
• Human control
• ------------- is a common harmful gas in an
• Carbon Monoxide
• The 1st step in steel making process is the
removal of ------------
• Sulphur
• Electrode is used in wielding process to --------
• Stabilize the arc
• In casting process, cavities are created using
• Core
• The most economical method of production is
----------- production
• Flowline production
• Pure aluminium has a -----------
Very low strength
• ---------- production method is used at the
manufacture of office pins
• Mass Production
• Magnetite has the chemical formula
• Fe3O4
• Forge wielding temperature for steel is ----------
• 1275-1400oC
• Galvanizing is the coating of steel with ----------
• Zinc
• Aluminium is --------
• A good electrical conductivity
• Aluminium is ----------
• A highly ductile
• Acid iron is impure iron of -------- content,
which may be refined to ------- by an ----------
• Low phosphorous, steel, acid process

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