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RPH 1 MTH(12:00-1:30)
- What is Agrarian Reform and its objectives?
- The CARL Law
- The importance of the Agrarian Reform Law
- Comprises of land reform and development of complimentary
institutional framework such as administrative agencies of the
national government, rural education and social welfare

- It means remedying not only the defect in the distribution and

use of land but also and especially, the accompanying human
relations regarding lands, including economic, social and political
- Enhancing Agricultural Production and Productivity.
- Employment to Agricultural Workers
- Improve Capital Formation
- The agrarian reform law was implemented on the year 1988
- The agrarian reform law is founded for the right of farmers and
regular farmworkers, who are landless, to own directly or
collectively the lands they till or, in the case of other farm
workers, to receive a just share of the fruits thereof.
- Agricultural lessees and share tenants;
- Farmers
- Actual tillers/occupants of public lands;
- Collectives/cooperatives of the above beneficiaries
RPH 1 MTH(12:00-1:30)
-What is Pueblo Agriculture?
-What is the Encomienda System?
-What is the Hacienda System?
- Land was commonly owned by the community known
as barangay.
- Everyone in the barangay regardless of status had access
on the land and mutually shares resources and the fruits of
their labor
- They believed in and practiced the concept of ''stewardship"
where relationship between man and nature is important.
- The Maragtas Code seems to be the only recorded
transaction of land sale during this time. This tells us about
the selling of the Panay Island by the natives to the ten
Bornean datus in exchange of a golden salakot and a long
gold necklace.
-At the beginning of the 19th century, the Philippines as a
colony of Spain implemented policies that would mainstream the
country into the world of capitalism. The economy was opened to
the world market as exporter of raw materials and importer of
finished goods.
- introduced the pueblo agriculture and the encomienda and
hacienda system
- religious orders
- repartamientos for Spanish military as reward for their
service; and
- Spanish encomenderos, those mandated to manage the
encomienda or the lands given to them
- where rural communities, often dispersed and
scattered in nature, were organized into a pueblo and given land
to cultivate
- Families were not allowed to own their land--the King of Spain
owned the land, and Filipinos were assigned to these lands to
cultivate them, and they paid their colonial tributes to the Spanish
authorities in the form of agricultural products.
- Christianized native families are given a four to five hectares of
land to cultivate.
- Filipinos worked and paid their tributes to the encoriendero,
Mabinos. Filipinos does not have anyright to own land, and only
worked in them so that they might havo a share
- an unfair and abusive system known as "compras y vandalas"
-The system was designed to keep people that were in debt
working on a piece of land. People working on haciendas were
made to stay there as long as possible using various means. The
owners of haciendas were called hacendados, and they were able
to make huge amounts of money by exploiting these workers.
Haciendas during the spanish era:
Hacienda de Calamba Haciemda on Pampanga
- Since The Philippines is also known for its agriculture, The
agrarian reform law is very important to give justice to farmers
who are discriminated and receives almost nothing eventhough
they provide food and livestock to everyone. It also gives light to
what happened when spain colonized the country, wherein
farmers had their lands taken with no other choice while being
- Agriculture is one of the most prominent issue in the
Philippines. An Agrarian reform is important to farmers, rural
democratization and the land-dependent rural poor's enjoyment
of basic human rights.
- Under the spaniards farmers and landowners experienced
unfair laws which resulted in exploitation. Their lands were also
taken against their will in order to satissfy the colonizers.

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