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Name: Shubham Bhutada

Roll No: 20MBAIB049

Subject: Project Management
Topic: Case Study 05- Managing Change at Global Green Books Publishing
Question and Answers:
A) Who are the stakeholders of this project? Who are the key stakeholders
of the project?
The project stakeholders in this study are the shareholders Green Books Publishing and the
senior professor, the supervisor,suppliers, creditors, Customer Service Representative, the
Publishers Liaison, the local college, the employees, and the students.
The key stakeholders would be the shareholders- Green Books Publishing and the senior
professor, the supervisor, suppliers, and theemployees.

B) What impacts could these requested changes have on the budget?

From each request comes a potential increase to the budget expenses as well as increase in
time that it would take to accomplish the project. The requested changes in this case study
could have seriousimplications on the budget.
 Budget alleviation.
 Clear difference in BAC and EAC.
 Cost over run.
 Utilization of Management Reserves.
 Increase in Administrative and Resource cost.

C) Could these requested changes also impact the schedule? If so, how?
These requested changes would impact the schedule by adding more value to the project initial
cost and also extending the time to complete the project itself. The communication process
would tedious and can end up being complicated with its new changes.
D) What is Global Green Book’s process for dealing with changes from
their customers? Do you see any possible issues with this process?
The customer service representative is in charge of communicating with the customers while
also relaying all the information to the project manager who then gives the concerns of the
customer to the rest of the individuals that are involved with the project. The issue that could
arise from this process is the time it takes to relay all of this information. This would result in
additional time the project would need to be accomplished. Another issue could be that
customers have conflicting requests for the same project.

E) How would you recommend that Global Green Books handle these
changes? Who should be involved?
Being that the problem comes from the college bookstore’s unwillingness to front the overhead
costs to stock the eBook, it would be advantageous of the Global Green Books Publishing
company to offer the eBook order on credit (on account, accounts receivable).

F) What should Global Green Books do about the conflicting inputs from
their customer–the bookstore manager who wants inexpensive
E-Books and the professor who wants the best and most up-to-date
collection of readings possible for her courses?
They should come in contact with both parties to find a negotiation point between the two, so
both can find the best deal, while still continuing the project. If no negotiation can be made,
then the school board should ultimately deal with the potentially superangered professor.

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