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Learner mode>>on Popular nuggets/recently added nudggets click on any course>>start the course we can see sound button
but that should be change as user cannot understandts its on mute

Learner Mode>>on course completion there should be button like return to home page or similar.

Learner Mode>> as user if one course is completed then again on the same page user can click on it and complete course
again which is incorrect

Learner Mode>> if user has already taken course and again start the course and completed the entire course audios. Now
after course completion the user gets a window that 'You have completed the course take assessment now' and we can see
Ready button. Since we have already completed course, on clicking on ready button nothing happens. In this case we should
add a pop up or message that you have already completed your self assessment you can revisit audio clips or go to home
page or something similar.

Learner mode>>My nuggets>>click on dropdown- remove the blank value.

Learner mode>> For every course opted the there are only 2 buttons click next and click back of the course. We should add
the button of exit course.

Learners mode>>Report>> This report only shows the completed status. It does not show incompleted or In progress status.

Learner Mode>> Report>> Completed name should be shown fully. As of now its showing in dots.

Learner Mode>> Report>>Download report options should be added.

Learner Mode>> Dashboard>>user should be able to click on each status and view it for completed, In completed and Total

Admin role>>Dashboard>>Total users>>create user>>organizational field is not editable we cannot enter into it anything
Admin role>>Dashboard>>Total users>>create user>>organizational field is not clickble but still we are getting error message
that organization name should not be empty

Admin role>>upload user>>on uploading csv file success or failure message should be shown and the tab should be open of now the user have to click on new user or error user tab to check wether the user have been added or not

Admin Role >>Upload user>>even though the email was valid but still got error message.

Admin Role>>User Management>>add nuggets>>The New Nuggets should be on right hand Side and Existing Nuggets
should on left. So as a user its is quite easier to add new courses to the existing courses. Initally I was confused which one is
the existing and which one is new.

Admin Role>>User Management>>add nuggets>>The text for the new nugget is going out of box, also we can scroll the
nugget. We can also see space betweeen the nugget box and the empty space

Admin Role>>User management>>Queries>>click on any edit query>> the candidate detail page is opened but we cannot
scroll down to see other information. After spening time found out there are 2 scroll bars one for page and one for pop up
window. We should keep onnly one scroll bar.

Admin Role>>Creating Quize for the Nugget>> if selected theme>>quiz basic question, then we can only add questions with
the answser to be selected. We should have number of options for the questions types to be added like open eneded text,
rating scale question etc

Admin Role>>Creating Quize for the Nugget>> if selected theme>>quiz basic question, then after adding question we get
option as select answer option. The message should be changed to select the correct answer option.
Admin Role>>Creating Quize for the Nugget>>the user should also be able to give marks for the question. As of now total no
of question quals toal marks.

Admin Role>>Report>>Nugget>> we do not have download report option on this page. Since feedback of the nuggets are
important for the admin to evaluate course feedback. Hence download report for this should also be shgown along with the
feedback for each nuggets.
Admin>>Notification>> we should be able to create a sample notification template and save it some where so that the
admin user don’t have to select users and type the notification text again and again for users.
Comments/Sugesstions Attachment Version Name

a cross mark should be added to the image so

that the user understands its on mute. As of
now user cant understands weather its on
mute or not.This should be applied across all
application wherever sound icon Is used. V1

As of now there is no such button for user to

go back to home page or dashboard. V2

User should get a pop up that do you want to

start the course again or go to home page. V3

we can also select that blank value in drop
down V5

if the user want to exit from course and

continue it later than this button should be
added. Also we can see the progress of the
report if we go to home page from current
course. So exit course should be added. V6

one course is in progress but still in reports its

showing only completed courses. V7 and V8

See attached image V7 complted status is in

dots. And it should be applied to all status V7

From the name of submenu >>Report >>but

we don’t have the option to download the
report. This will be helpful if the user has
more than 10 or more courses. So the user
will download the report in excel or pdf
format. V7
This functionality will enhance user
expericence V9

Organization filed should be enabled and we

should be able to type info into it V10
Organizational field is not clickable but still we
are getting error message V11

Pop up should be shown after uploading V12

Have use skillsurvey's malinator domain

account email but
still got invalid domain erro message V13

Filp the order as of now its quite confusing.

Please see attached image V14

We should remove scroll and correct UI of the

text os getting overlapped on nugget box.
Please see attched images. V15

We should remove one scroll bar since the

user is not able to unserstand how to scroll
down to see information. See attached image V16

as of now we have only one question type

which is single select. V17

after adding this message it would be more

clear to the user. V18
This functionality will enhance user

This will help admin user to use the already
created standard template V20

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