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Differences between an Issue vs an Argument Essay

 The Issue Essay deals with your ability to present an argument with your views, your ability to
convince the reader to agree with your point of view. On the other hand, the Argument Essay
tests your ability to pick apart an argument written by another author, your ability to effectively
critique the argument by providing proof.
 In an Issue Essay, the debatable topic (is general in nature and can be from any field, does not
require complete knowledge to write about) is given as a statement. Your job is to choose a
side, stick to it and present it suitably. In an Argument essay, the author presents a case with his
supporting evidence in the form of a paragraph, and your task is to check the soundness of this
argument, to effectively critique it.
 The directions for answering these essays are also different.
 In an Issue Essay, you must introduce the issue at hand in your own words briefly whereas, in an
Argument essay, the given argument must be introduced from the author’s point of view using
his conclusion.
 The 2nd paragraph in the Issue Essay involves stating your chosen side and your reasons for
standing by it whereas in an Argument Essay, the flaws in the author’s presented argument
must be identified and how his conclusion overlooks these flaws must be discussed.
 In an Issue Essay, the body paragraphs involve relevant real world examples that support your
chosen claim whereas, in an Argument essay, the identified flaws must be stated with
explanations and solid proof.
 Conclusion in an Issue Essay involves agreeing with the opposing viewpoint in one or two
statements to show your emotional maturity level, whereas an Argument essay is concluded on
a note of doubt which claims that the argument may have one or more valid points but is
deprived of more plausible explanation, requires more proof to be valid.

Additional in-depth differences:

 The Argument Essay requires a critical analysis of the presented claim rather than your
perception as is the case of an Issue Essay where your opinions and views form the core of the
 In the Argument Essay, you should only prove that the evidence supporting the conclusion is
inadequate, not that the conclusion is wrong, unlike an Issue essay where you could use
anything and everything to support your claim.
 While the Issue Essay depends on outside, credible facts, the Argument Essay focuses on the
evidence provided in the paragraphs.
 The Issue Essay is always presented as a contestable topic like a coin with two sides where you
opt for the side you can present best. The Argument Essay does not have two sides from which
you could choose a side, but a single claim which must be analyzed and discussed upon.

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