MGT 199.1 - Research Design - Brosas & Cayaco

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Research Design

For the study to achieve its objectives, it has to have an in-depth knowledge of the

significant factors mentioned in Chapter 1. A descriptive qualitative design was utilized by the

researchers in this study to determine how online branding can be a strategic initiative for SMEs

in Tacloban City during the Covid 19 pandemic with regards to revenue generation. The

researchers chose this research design to know whether online branding is an effective strategic

initiative in increasing revenues of the SMEs amidst the restrictions and threats posed by the

pandemic. The research locale of this study is within Tacloban City, Leyte. The researchers have

chosen the SMEs in Tacloban City as these sectors are one of the economic drivers of the

Philippine economy that is affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The researchers also chose to

conduct the study in Tacloban City because this is where the researchers are studying, and

therefore, accessible.

The researchers interviewed selected participant SMEs using purposive sampling allowing

for the selection of ‘information-rich’ participants for the most effective use of limited resources

(Hutchinson, et al., 2015; see also: Cassell and Symon, 2004; Patton, 2002). In order to obtain a

trustful view of the study, it is necessary to design a questionnaire that extracts the information

from the interviewed participants. The researchers chose a semi-constructed interview so that the

participant SME owners will get the freedom to express their thoughts in their own terms.

Prior to the approval to conduct this study, the researchers asked permission to their

research adviser, Ms. Flordeliz Dacuyan to which she granted the permission to conduct the

research study. The researchers also sent letters to the selected SME participants to ask permission

to allow them to gather the necessary information they needed. The researchers also informed the
research participants of the purpose of the research undertakings and asked for their cooperation

in answering the interview through phone call, video conferencing platforms such as Google meet

and Zoom, or whichever is convenient for the interviewee.

The qualitative data will be identified and analyzed with the use of the Six Phases of

Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). This analytic method will follow a process which

consists of: familiarization, coding, generating themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming

themes, and writing up. Thematic Analysis is an excellent method to use in an intent to figure out

something about participants' ideas, beliefs, knowledge, experiences, or values, which in this

study’s case is a priority, especially with interview questions that fits the data collection method

of the study. An inductive approach is also partnered with thematic analysis with the intention to

develop the researchers’ own framework based on what the data contains.

The data gathered was utilized as the basis of the analysis of research. The collected data

was used to see how online branding a strategic initiative in terms of revenue generation for SMEs

in Tacloban City during the Covid 19 pandemic was. The said data was also used to determine

strategies for online branding as a marketing initiative for SMEs in Tacloban City during Covid

19 Pandemic.

Group of:

Cayaco, Rhendel Khey Cabug-os, Adrheyni Kyle Brosas, Kenette Joy

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