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Gong 1

Lise Gong


EXCI 202 Group 2

Case Study

Jacinthe’s overall metabolic health status can be assessed as high risk. In her profile, it is

stated that she has little time outside of work and school to focus on her physical and mental

health. The lack of daily physical activity and attentiveness to her physical well-being can

negatively affect bone health. Since Jacinthe does not participate in daily activities, this will

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increase her risk for impact and trauma or wear and tear. Jacinthe’s profile indicates that she has

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poor bone health, with a bone density T score of -1.25. Additionally, her prominent habit of

smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol contribute significantly towards high blood pressure,
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high blood cholesterol levels, and respiratory problems. Cigarette smoke has more than 5000

chemical components, hundreds of which are harmful to human health. As it is, cigarette
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smoking is a powerful independent factor for risk of coronary heart disease, but interacting with
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other risk factors like drinking alcohol and lack of exercise can greatly increase this risk.

Jacinthe’s blood pressure is 134/89 mg Hg and has 167 mg/dl levels of LDL cholesterol, these
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numbers well support the lack of attentiveness to her cardiovascular health. Lastly, it seems like

Jacinthe has a lot on her plate and trouble managing it all. Working 25-30 hours a week and

studying as an undergraduate student are huge stress factors in Jacinthe’s life, the amount of

work and stress she puts on herself can negatively impact her metabolic health. Chronic stress in

current research shows that it contributes to high blood pressure, obesity, and the formation of

artery-clogging deposits.

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Gong 2

One aspect of Jacinthe’s diet that concerns me is the frequent consumption of fast food.

Fast food is known to contain high levels of LDL Cholesterol, a diet high in saturated and trans

fat, which can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. A modification that can help lower her

risk of high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease is to eat at home. Her profile

indicates that she lives at home to keep down her expenses, which means that her parents must

cook every day. Eating food at home not only saves money but most likely is a much healthier

alternative to eating at fast food restaurants. Home cooked meals often have fewer calories, more

protein, and more nutrients than if she were to eat out. This will help boost her average daily

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protein, calcium, and iron intake, which in turn will improve her quality of life. Another aspect

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of her diet that concerns me is her drinking habit. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption

is a major contributor to elevated blood pressure. It can also increase the risk of cardiomyopathy,
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stroke cancer, and other diseases. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to obesity,

alcoholism, suicide, and accidents. I recommend that in place of drinking socially on the
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weekends, Jacinthe should join a weekly sports club. Participating in clubs that engage in weekly
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recreational exercise is a good way to not only socialize and hang out with friends, but it also

helps individuals engage in exercise. This will introduce Jacinthe to regularly engaging in
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physical activity and is a gentler approach in a way that can be a healthy habit and not a chore .

One wellness domain that needs improvement is environmental. Jacinthe’s lifestyle


habits and her routine of work and school do not pertain towards environmental wellness at all.

She does not live a lifestyle that is respectful to her surroundings nor does she have interactions

with her personal environment. Jacinthe can improve her environmental well-being by raising

her awareness to her surroundings and nature, specifically spending time outdoors. I recommend

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Gong 3

that she take outdoor walks more often, riding a bike to work or using public transportation, and

using recycled bags when shopping.

Jacinthe’s cardiovascular system is most likely a health concern in the long run.

Jacinthe’s lifestyle habits of smoking and drinking are significant factors that contribute to her

risk of coronary heart disease. A steady diet of fast food meals and smoking regularly can

influence blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The nicotine that Jacinthe regularly consumes

causes an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and flow of blood to the heart. Her statistics

indicate that she is at high risk for both LDL and HDL cholesterol, further putting her at a higher

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risk for heart disease. Almost every lifestyle habit Jacinthe participates in puts her at risk of heart

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disease, in which narrowed/blocked blood vessels lead to chest pain, heart attack, or stroke. Her

muscular-skeletal system is least likely to be a health concern. The most significant risk factor
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for skeletal health is age, and Jacinthe is still young (27), which means she has full range of

motion in her joints and full elasticity of connective tissue. Although her lack of exercise will
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still negatively impact her muscular strength and fitness in the long-term, it is the least at risk
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system given Jacinthe’s lack of congenital disease or conditions and age.

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Publishing, Harvard Health. “Get Cooking at Home.” ​Harvard Health​,

“Environmental Wellness.” ​Environmental Wellness | Student Health and Counseling


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