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The second significance of power for government is, they can implement and make new policies

based on the current situation or when needed. A policy outlines what a government is going to do
or not, in order to achieve certain objectives for society. Policies usually have been made to ensure
resolving issues that affect society and the broader public. In this way, the state will run smoothly
without having a crisis every time the state is having a new problem. Usually, It is made by elected
officials acting in concert with advisors from the higher levels of the administration, and also
members of Parliament (Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara) are selected as government ministers in
Malaysia, and they have the authority to formulate policy as well. There are many policies in
Malaysia that our government has made to curb a problem or to advance the country towards a
better way. For example, in 2018, after Tun Dr. Mahathir became a prime minister for the second
time in his life, he has made a new policy which is the National Anti-Corruption Policy (NACP)
because of the weakness of the policy before the NACP. This policy also has been made because of
corruption cases in Malaysia in that particular year which are 1MDB, FELDA, MARA, SRC
International, Sabah Water Department, and Tabung Haji and they are all mega-scandals (Prime
Minister’s Department, 2019). For the '1 Malaysia Development Corporation ‘, a state-owned
investment organization 1MDB case, during the years 2015–2016, the country's prime leader, Najib
Razak, who also served as finance minister, was beset by raging corruption scandal (Case,2017).
1MDB lost an estimated $7–10 billion under Najib's management. Bank transfer data suggest that
more than $1 billion was deposited in his personal bank accounts out of this total (Case,2017). This
case actually showed that the policy about corruption before NACP is very weak and not working
properly. That is one of the reasons why Tun Dr. Mahathir and other ministries decided to create this
policy to ensure integrity and transparency in the country. This has proved the point that with the
power government has in the meantime, they can create and plan a new policy for the country.
The Third significance of power for government is, they can make law, and implement the law for
the state that they govern. Now, what is law?, the law is a set of norms aimed at preventing or
resolving conflicts in a fair and orderly approach (Kantorowicz,2014). Laws are basically rules and
regulations, which were created and enforced by the government and it will be passed by the
legislature for implementation. In this part, there is no foreign intervention that can question the
government’s decision about the law. Furthermore, the law is usually made to protect moral agency
and freedom and to maintain order from the government in order to ensure that we will have a
harmonious country. The majority of Malaysian laws come from one of the three main sources of
law-making authority which is the Legislature, the Executive, or the Judiciary. By having power, the
government can make a new law if there are no cases that happened before in the country which
can be related to the existing laws. For example, in this covid-19 pandemic, the government has
made a new law which is Act 829, Temporary Measures For Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Act 2020, as in such a crucial circumstance, a proactive reaction is
required, as all infection risks from court officers and frontline employees must be avoided. This act
has provided the Chief Justice broad authority to make directives to ensure that court proceedings
are conducted in a timely and orderly manner in the interests of justice, public safety, security, and,
most importantly, public health (Zakariya,2020). Yet, if the case has already happened or is similar to
the past case, then the government will only use the existing law. In Addition, the government also
can implement the laws they made by giving orders to the public servant to ensure the public is
following the laws. This has proved that by having power, the government can actually make,
implement laws to curb the problem the state was facing.

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The fifth significance of power to the government is, it can ensure the safety of the state either in
the state itself or at the border of the state. Safety in the state can be guaranteed by laws, and the
implementation of laws that helped by civil servants as mentioned above. While state safety at the
territory will depend on the existing international law. Under contemporary international law, the
state territory includes air space, oceans, landmass, and also underground. There are limits for a
person or organization or country to cross other countries in order to avoid any international crisis
regarding external sovereignty. If the country is crossing the line or rules, then the government has
the power to ask the reason why they cross the line and get in their territory without informing. Only
government can do this task as it is an international case and it is one of the government’s power.
The government should ask the reason first before start attacking or shooting the foreign plane as it
is the protocol or procedure they should follow. For example, in Jun 2021, the Chinese aircraft were
"flying in tactical formation" at up to 27,000 feet (8.2 kilometers), according to the Malaysian air
force, and came within 60 nautical miles (110 kilometers) of Sarawak, a Malaysian state on the island
of Borneo (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2021). Furthermore, the attempts to contact them were
unsuccessful, according to a statement (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2021). Because of this
matter, Foreign Minister, Hishammudin Hussein stated that a complaint will surely lodged with
Beijing and the Chinese ambassador was asked to explain the "breach of Malaysian airspace and
sovereignty," according to the Malaysian government. Even though Malaysian have a diplomatic
relationship with China, it doesn’t mean Malaysia will neglect the state’s security. This has shown
that the government has the power to ensure the state’s safety.

Prime Minister’s Department. (2019, July 16). NATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION PLAN 2019–2023.
Prime Minister’s Office of Malaysia Official Website. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

Case, W. (2017). Stress testing leadership in Malaysia: the 1MDB scandal and Najib Tun Razak.
The Pacific Review, 30(5), 633-654.

Kantorowicz, H. (2014). The definition of law. Cambridge University Press.

Zakariya, N. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the administration of justice in

Malaysia. The Round Table, 109(6), 752-753.

British Broadcasting Corporation. (2021, June 2). South China sea dispute: Malaysia accuses
China of breaching airspace. British Broadcasting Corporation.

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