Faith Inspiring Stories of New Converts To Islam

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The Promised Messiah, peace be on him, in some of his books, announcing his bein

g the Messiah and Mahdi, has brought to the attention of the scholars, the pious
and the general public who are seeking truth that in place of issuing edicts of
infidelity without reason, or general public following their scholars without t
hought or understanding, help should be sought from Allah. … The Promised Messiah,
peace be on him, in one of his books, Heavenly Sign, has outlined the procedure
. …
Many pious-natured try this prescription. They sought guidance from Allah and Al
lah guided them. Allah also guides such pious-natured who are in the search of r
ighteousness and Allah guides them in that respect. In these times too, to prove
the truth of the Promised Messiah, Allah continues to guide those who are since
re in the search of truth. I will present a few of the examples of such people a
t this time.
… An Egyptian friend related: “I performed Istikhara in accordance with the procedur
e outlined by the promised Messiah, peace be on him, and prayed. … I saw the same
dream … that I am standing in front of the same relative, and waving the finger of
my hand, and say to him three times that by God, the Ahmadiyya Community is on
truth.” … Allah provided him the opportunity to pledge allegiance to the Khilafat.
… A missionary of ours in the US writes that Abdus-Saleem … was made aware of the tr
aditional procedure for the Istikhara Prayer. He offered the istikhara Prayer. H
e saw the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, in a dream. … He … saw the Promised Mes
siah, peace be on him, in a dream. … He … said that he had attained satisfaction … and
wanted to pledge himself to the Ahmadiyya Khilafat. He entered the Ahmadiyya Co
mmunity. The same night the promised Messiah, peace be on him, manifestly appear
ed in his dream and saluted him, shook hands with him, and congratulated him on
accepting Ahmadiyyat. …
The Shaikhs, the so-called scholars, have continued to deceive the Muslims and t
he general public for the last 120 years. Even today, the words of the Promised
Messiah, peace be on him, are being fulfilled with great splendor. He said, “I obs
erve, and you also see, that the ones who considered us infidel have disappeared
while Allah has kept me alive and has multiplied my Community.”
Though the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, is physically not present among us
, the increase in the Community and his appearance in dreams confirming his trut
h is a proof of his life.
The Amir of Indonesia writes about a member. … One day he was asked to consider pe
rforming the Istikhara Prayer. … He was shown a vision… A strong person was reciting
the words, “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and
I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger. Ahmadiyyat is true. You definite
ly attained the night of decree (Lailatul-Qadr). Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is th
e Mahdi.” He says that he saw this vision many times. Eventually, he accepted Ahma
diyyat in 2008 along with his spouse. He had to face many difficulties after tha
t. By the grace of Allah, he bore all difficulties with patience and steadfastne
The Amir of Canada writes, “Bill Robinson was a resident of St Thomas, Ontario. He
used to be an enthusiastic Christian. He became distanced from Christianity ove
r time and started praying to God, ‘O God, show me the right path.’ He says that one
night he prayed very fervently that if God exists then may He show him the righ
t path. In the morning he saw that there was a pamphlet from the Ahmadiyya Commu
nity in his e-mail inbox. Taking the e-mail as a heavenly sign, he contacted the
Community. He accepted Ahmadiyyat in March 2011. …
Our … Mu‘allam… from Kazakhstan writes that a lady entered pledge of allegiance with A
hmadiyya Community in 2010. … She saw a dream as if someone had written on a board
something in Arabic. She could not read it. She was told its meaning that Imam
Mahdi is present among you. About two weeks after this, she was much affected wh
en she saw me addressing on MTA during the German … Jalsa Salana… She says that she
had already been told that Imam Mahdi had come… She accepted Ahmadiyyat.
Our missionary-in-charge writes from Sierra Leone that … Dr Tamu … witnessed with th
e oath of God that Allah had disclosed the truth to him. …
Our friend Yasir Burhan from Syria says that he heard the mention of the Communi
ty from his cousin. The truth took root in his heart and he got ready for initia
tion. “I offered two Rak‘at Prayers two days before, and prayed, O Allah, disclose t
he truth on me clearly and then provide me the opportunity to follow it.” … “I saw in
a dream that someone is holding my hand and is dragging me along. I walked a lon
g way with him then I asked where was he taking me to. He said, ‘You will see all
by yourself in a while.’ I saw lofty flames and a multitude of people. Seeing this
I became scared and released his hand. A light descended from the heaven at tha
t moment. When I saw him, I told him that I will not go with him because I have
found comfort, satisfaction and tranquility on seeing this light. After this dre
am my heart opened up.” … He then entered the pledge of allegiance.
Ra‘na Muhammad is from Jordon. She says, “… I prayed to Allah for clarity of matters.
As a result, I saw many dreams. … I was convinced that what the Promised Messiah,
peace be on him, has explained is the beautiful and charming teaching of Islam.
I asked my spouse to convey my allegiance.”
Lady Fateeha from Algeria says, “After watching many programs on the MTA, I prayed
to Allah. I saw in a dream that I am a part of a large community being guided b
y Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih V wearing his traditional garb. He is guiding towards
a mosque which has its doors open and there is light shining inside the mosque.
After this, I sent for allegiance…”
Muhammad Yahya from Algeria says, “I availed the opportunity to enter Ahmadiyyat a
few months ago. Credit for this goes to my son Saleem who likes to surf channel
s. He came across MTA during his searches where the program ‘al-Hiwar al-Mubashir
(Al-Hiwarul-Mubashir)’ was on. He watched numerous episodes and also called during
the programs. He also studied the material on the Arabic website. He pledged al
legiance as he did not see anything opposing Shari‘ah and heard clear arguments …”
Tahir Hani writes that Jamil pledged allegiance from Lebanon a little while ago.
He started communicating the message to his sister Yasmin but she was not convi
nced. Today she writes in her letter that on the basis of one of her dreams she
has decided to pledge allegiance.
Mahmud Yahya Ali from Yemen writes, “I performed Istikhara to discover the truth o
f the Promised Messiah, peace be on him. I saw him, peace be on him, in a dream …
I performed initiation along with my spouse and children.”
Respected Abdul-Qa’id Ahmad from Yemen writes, “I have been watching MTA for the las
t two years. I have found the answers to all those questions to which no one els
e had a rejoinder. My heart was satisfied on seeing the picture of the Promised
Messiah, peace be on him, the first time on the MTA. I felt that this person can
not be a liar. I saw numerous dreams after that which carried glad tidings.” … He en
tered the pledge of allegiance afterwards.
… Khaliq Shu’aib of Benue State … said, ‘I am now satisfied, and I have also seen a drea
m. [I saw that the dream that] the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, is address
ing a large gathering in Nigeria. I am translating his address in Hausa language
. At the end of the address, the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, gave me two
pens and a book. … I am satisfied and I have become an Ahmadi from my heart.’ …
Our missionary-in-charge in Burkina Faso writes, “… Zaila Abu Bakr … saw a dream. … Zail
a was shown pictures. He said, “It was the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, who
was in his dream and was calling us to believe.” Thereafter, he entered the pledge
of allegiance.
Mahmud Isa is from Syria. He says, “I was introduced to MTA … In the beginning I was
shocked and dismayed that the Imam Mahdi had come and gone and we did not come
to know while I was waiting …” He writes, “… Four years ago I saw in a dream the Holy Pr
ophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him. … Two years ago when I star
ted watching MTA, then I discovered that the face I had seen in the dream was of
Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, peace be on him…”
Our missionary in Kyrgyzstan writes that a young man … writes … “I … saw in a dream … it i
s written in Russian, ‘Islam, the true Faith,’ and a loud voice was proclaiming, ‘Ahma
diyyat, the True Islam.’ My heart was satisfied after this dream and I entered the
pledge of allegiance immediately.”
The Amir of Indonesia writes, “Goni Saroni … saw a bright person in white clothes in
a dream before he became Ahmadi. He was wearing a white turban on his head. … it
was … the Imam Mahdi, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the founder of the Ahmadi
yya Community. After this, Goni started reading the books of the community. … He p
ledged allegiance in 2008. He was one of the three martyrdoms which happened in
Indonesia recently.”
The Amir of Benin writes, “… On day in the morning the … Maulawi called, and requested
a visit to his village to see him. When we went to him, he said, ‘I saw your Imam
, Khalifatul-Masih V, in a dream and he said, “What are you waiting for? Enter the
Community.” He repeated these words many times. I could not respond to him due to
his awe. I have been made to understand through this sign that Ahmadiyyat is tr
ue and accept it.’ … Due to the ceasing of his opposition there have been conversion
s there and 51 conversions took place due to the said Imam.”
The Amir of Indonesia writes, “Ida Iskindiana… met the Imam Mahdi in many of her dre
ams. … In May 2007, their new neighbors invited them. … When Ida iskindriana entered
their home, she started trembling. MTA was on. The Khalifatul-Masih IV was in a
program. She confirmed that he was the person she used to see. She accepted Ahm
adiyyat on 24 May 2007.”
Salamt Ishtobol … joined the scheme of Wasiyyat after reading The Will, a book of
the promised Messiah, peace be on him, when it was translated in Kyrgyz. He says
, “The dream I saw two years ago has been fulfilled today. Allah had told me the t
ruth of Ahmadiyyat in advance that Wasiyyat is a heavenly scheme and it is a sou
rce of blessing to become a part of it.”
Abdul Qadir Haddad from Algeria says, “In 2004, I saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad, p
eace be on him, in two personalities. … Two months after I saw the picture of Imam
Mahdi, peace be on him, on MTA which was the likeness of the second personality
. After that I watched MTA programs at home continuously for the next 15-20 days
and accepted Ahmadiyyat.”
Amir of Congo Kinshasa writes, “Didi Kangala … saw a dream one night that many dange
rous and vicious wild animals attack him. He could not come up with anything exc
ept for that he beat them while pronouncing the word Allah, and the animals fell
. … He came to the mission house as the morning dawned. … He was telling the dream w
ith great excitement to the people who were present there. He started attesting
that Islam is a true religion and the Ahmadiyya Community is on the truth. He ac
cepted Ahmadiyyat the same day and entered the Community. … ”
Salih Muhammad Iraqi writes from Egypt, “Three years ago I used to hear the attack
s of a known priest on Islam and disrespect to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace
and blessings of Allah be on him, and was at pain in my heart as I found myself
unable to respond. … When I conducted a research on the internet in this respect,
I reached the conclusion that the commentaries of the scholars of the past and t
heir approaches were unable to counter these allegations but rather because of t
hem the priest found courage to object. … As I studied further, and watched MTA pr
ograms, I was convinced that these exegeses could not be the result of the perso
nal efforts of someone. … I benefitted for two years with the conclusion that I ha
d discovered the Holy Qur’an. I saw the Mahdi, peace be on him, in a dream. He hel
d my hand and took me to a place where brothers Hani Tahir, Tamim …, Tahir Nadim w
ere sitting around a table cloth. He had me sit down with them. Allah opened my
heart to accept Ahmadiyyat after this dream.”
A Russian lady … was introduced to Ahmadiyyat... She was surprised to know that Im
am Mahdi had appeared in India and that she was shown in her dream the sun shini
ng in India. She accepted Ahmadiyyat.
I chose these few incidents from many. The Promised Messiah, peace be on him, sa
“Time has come now that the grandeur and greatness of Islam be manifested again. I
have appeared with this purpose. Muslims should appreciate the light and blessi
ngs which are descending from heaven, and thank Allah the Almighty that they wer
e helped on time, and Allah according to His promise had supported them at the t
ime of distress. But if they will not appreciate this blessing from Allah, Allah
will not care about them a bit. He will have his objective achieved but there w
ill be sorrow concerning them.”
May Allah open the hearts of the Muslims. May they be the seekers of help from A
llah in recognizing the reality. May Allah continue to strengthen our faiths as
After the Friday Prayers, I will lead some funeral services.
One of them is our brother from Syria, Ahmad Baqir. … He performed Istikhara and s
aw in a dream that the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, went to a famous Salaf
i Maulawi and the Maulawi disappeared when he approached the place. The Promised
Messiah, peace be on him, directed his attention towards this young man and sai
d, “The Maulawi has been distanced.” This young man was quite affected by the dream.
He accepted Ahmadiyyat on 15 July 2009 at the age of just 17. Despite that he w
as a cancer patient, he was quite enthusiastic about spreading the message. Any
Maulawi who came to revert him could not stand before him. He used to see true d
reams. Some friends related that on the basis of a dream, he had informed some f
riends beforehand about the current conditions in Syria. His will be one of the
funeral services.
The second service will be of Kamil Rasheed Rashid who passed away on 8 April 20
11 in Hims, Syria. … His brother relates, “I was outside the house at the time of th
e firing. My brother went out to search for me on hearing the sound of firing. H
e spotted me and asked me to hurry home. As he turned after directing me, he bec
ame a target of a bullet which hit his heart and he passed away immediately.” Inna
Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un (Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we re
turn [2:157].).
From the sermon I delivered on 1 April, he had understood the matter. There was
no question of taking part in strikes. He just got out of the house and became a
target of a bullet in the firing which was taking place there. … He was just 31 y
ears old. Before accepting Ahmadiyyat, he was a follower of Shaikh Abdul-Hadi Al
bani who claims that he is the Mahdi and that Isa will descend in his mosque in
Damascus. After hearing the arguments for the death of the Jesus, he accepted Ah
madiyyat in 2008.
The third funeral service is for Muhammad Mustafa Rab of Syria. He was resting o
n the rooftop of his house after offering the Friday Prayers. People were demons
trating in the street below. His son went near the parapet to see. He went to pu
ll him back. A bullet came in the meanwhile and hit his eye. He passed away righ
t there. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un (Surely, to Allah we belong and to Hi
m shall we return. [2:157]). … He was introduced to Ahmadiyyat through MTA. …
A funeral is of our Lutfur-Rahman Shakir who has passed away on April 27 after l
ong illness. … He was the eldest son of Maulana Abdur-Rahman Anwar who was the pri
vate secretary of the Khalifaul Masih II and the Khalifatul-Masih III, and was o
ne of the initial members of Tahrik Jadid.
He had devoted his life. He was affiliated with Fazl-i-Umar Hospital as a dispen
ser. He worked with Dr Mirza Munawwar Ahmad. He had the opportunity to travel wi
th the Khalifatul-Masih III to Africa and Europe. He had a strong relationship w
ith Khilafat. He served the people of Rabwah. He had the opportunity to serve Ha
drat Amma Jan, the Khalifatul-Masih II and the Khalifatul-Masih III. He had coll
ected the needles as a source of blessing which he used for Hadrat Amma jan, the
Khalifatul-Masih II and the Khalifatul-Masih III.
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