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IEEE - 49239

Numerical Study of Rectangular Air-Holes Based

Highly Dispersion Compensating Octagonal
Photonic Crystal Fiber: A Novel Approach
Delwar Hossain Himel, Md. Mostafa Faruk, Shovasis Kumar Biswas*
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering , Independent University, Bangladesh

Abstract— This paper proposed a single-mode octagonal We proposed a rectangle base airhole on an octagonal PCF
photonic crystal fiber (O-PCF) based on rectangular air holes to to achieve ultrahigh negative dispersion about -1822
achieve high nonlinearity with very high negative dispersion. ps/( and high nonlinearity 104 W-1km-1 at a
The full vector finite element method (FEM) incorporated with wavelength of 1.55µm which can be used in various
a circular, perfectly matched layer (PML) at the boundary is application like sensing and telecommunication system.
applied to investigate the different optical properties of the
proposed fiber. The numerical results show that our proposed II. GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION AND NUMERICAL
structure attains a dispersion of -1822 ps/( and MODELING
nonlinearity of 104 W-1km-1 at 1.55 µm wavelength. This O-PCF
can be used for various practical applications which includes Figure1 portrays the circulation of the air gaps on the
dispersion compensation and nonlinear optics application. cross-segment of the preferred single mode O-PCF. The
structural arrangement contains five octagonal rings with
Keywords—Octagonal PCF, Dispersion, Nonlinearity. rectangular air holes. The first ring shape is mutilated to
improve the desired dispersion value and to get better
I. INTRODUCTION confinement. For the first ring, eight small rectangles shaped
Dispersion compensator photonic crystal fiber is well airhole denoted as s with the length and width of each
known for dispersion compensator which is configured to rectangle airholes are 277.4µm and 252.2µm respectively and
have greater negative dispersion on the optical information four circles denoted as d1 and d2 with the radius of 163.2 µm
transmission system. During data transmission through a and 154.1 µm respectively. Those circles are placed to fill the
crystal fiber, the light pulses get enhanced throughout the gaps which give very high negative dispersion and
optical fiber this phenomenon is called dispersion, but this nonlinearity coefficient simultaneously where d1>d2. The
dispersion needs to reverse for long-distance other four octagonal shape rings have equal size rectangular
telecommunication communication by preventing light pulse airhole denoted as r. The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth
from spreading. To do that dispersion compensator optical ring contains 8, 16,24,32,40 total of 120 rectangular air holes,
fiber is used which has greater negative dispersion values. respectively except the first ring the length and width of each
This PCF has microscopic air holes that are adjustable in size rectangle airholes are 326.4µm and 252.2 µm respectively. the
and shape which provide large negative dispersion and material used to design this PCF is pure silica which reduces
nonlinearity values which can be used as a sensor and other the complicacy for fabrication.
telecommunication applications [1-3].
Presently PCF creates critical thoughtfulness due to its
incredible feathers like low confinement, high nonlinearity,
very high birefringence, and extremely high negative
dispersion values. M.R. Hasan design a squire lattice PCF and
the proposed dispersion is -1528.5 ps/( at 1.55µm
wavelength [4] and M.R. Hasan used ellipt ring and kept a
circle missing at the core to get this numerical output. M.I.
Islam also designed squared lattice and kept the core circular
to achieve ultrahigh negative dispersion of -1694.8
ps/( [5]. Biswas et. al showed the dispersion value of
-753.20 ps/( [6] by using hexagonal lattice with
circular air holes and keeping two airholes missing at the core
and making one airhole bit smaller to achieve confinement.
M.R. Hasan proposed a hybrid cladding missing two air holes
on the first ring to get the confinement with dispersion is -
578.50 ps/( [7]. Biswas proposed hexagonal lattice
with circular air holes with various diameter for the airholes
and also keeping one airhole missing on the first hexagonal
ring to get very high negative dispersion -1044 ps/(
with a nonlinearity of 77.85 W-1km-1.
Fig. 1. Cross section of the designed O-PCF.

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT- Kharagpur
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New South Wales. Downloaded India
on November 02,2020 at 19:42:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239


COMSOL Multi-physics and FEM have been used for full

vector to implement the proposed O-PCF analysis and for its
simulation. Some significant terms of planning the PCF will
be described in this portion. The best refractive index esteem
is found by tackling the Maxwell equation. This viable
refractive index is utilized to compute dispersion D by
utilizing the given underneath condition.

D( ) = − / c(d 2 Re[neff ] / d2 )

Where neff is the useful connection among material
dispersion and wavelength. neff can be acquired from
neff = β(λ,nm(λ))/k0
where k0 is the no. of wave in the free space (k0=2π/λ) and
β is constant of propagation.
In any case, nonlinear coefficient γ is determined utilizing Fig. 3: Dispersion characteristics for fast and slow axis.
the accompanying formula
2 n2
 =( )( )
 Aeff
However, effective area Aeff can be determined using the

Aeff = (  E dxdy) 2 /  E dxdy

2 4

Where, E represents the electric field.


Figure:2 deciphers the mode field appropriation of optical

fiber for both axis (fast and slow) which essentially works at
1.55μm wavelength and 0.76 µm pitch. this image shows that
the light is confined properly at the center of the optical fiber
for both polarizations and also shows ultra-high negative
dispersion which is around -1822 ps/(

Fig. 4: Effect of dispersion by varying Pitch.

Figure:4 shows that the dispersion coefficient can be

differed by alternating the geometrical size. By changing the
pitch value from Λ=0.76 μm to Λ=0.80 μm the dispersion
values vary at the controlled wavelength of 1.55µ the
(a) (b) pitch of Λ=0.76 μm the dispersion is about -1822 for the pitch
of Λ=0.78 μm the dispersion is about -1868 and for the pitch
Fig. 2: Distribution of optical field at 1.55µm for (a) fast axis and (b) slow
of Λ=0.80 μm the dispersion is about -1791. Figure 5 shows
dispersion data of the PCF varies by fluctuating the pitch
A. Influence of the fiber parameters on dispersion values at the point when limiting the resistance level from
Figure 3 represents the plots of both fast and slow axis for ±1% to ± 2 % which is appropriate for dispersion satisfaction
the study of dispersion mannerism of the abovementioned the dispersion varies from -1702 to -1869 for the change of
PCF. The simulation of proposed PCF y polarization shows pitch values from ±1% to ± 2 %.
the large negative dispersion about -1822 at the
controlled wavelength of 1.55µm, where the ideal pitch is

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT- Kharagpur
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New South Wales. Downloaded India
on November 02,2020 at 19:42:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE - 49239

nonlinearity at 1.55µm wavelength which clearly shows that

our proposed PCF shows far better result than [4],[5],[6],[7]
and it clearly exhibited the proposed PCF is more suitable to
use as a greater dispersion compensator application on
telecommunication system. The main challenge of any PCF
design is to ensure of the highest feasibility of the process of
fabrication. Drilling method is usually used for small
numbered air holes on PCF. Another challenge is noncircular
air holes fabrication, but Sol-gel casting methods provides
real opportunity to fabricate any kind of air-holes shape. Our
proposed PCF can be easily fabricated using well-known Sol-
gel casting method.

In conclusion, an ultrahigh negative dispersion-
compensating PCF in the octagonal lattice is proposed. This
Fig. 5: Dispersion properties with variations in ±1% and ±2% in pitch proposed octagonal photonic crystal fiber exhibits high
nonlinearity of 104 W-1KM-1 and high negative dispersion of -
1822 ps/( due to the use of rectangular air holes as
B. Influence of the fiber parameters on effective area and cladding and by keeping the core rectangular in shape.
nonlinearity Numerical results have been compared with several recent
works by taking dispersion and nonlinearity as a characteristic
Fig. 6 shows both effective area and nonlinearity parameter. We believe it would play an important role in
coefficient in the different pitch of Λ=0.76μm, Λ=0.78μm, dispersion compensation, nonlinear optics application, and
Λ=0.80μm of y polarization. An ideal pitch Λ=0.76μm extensive optical engineering.
and at the controlled wavelength of 1.55µm shows
nonlinearity which is about 104 W-1km-1. For Λ=0.78μm REFERENCES
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[5] −1694.80 92.83

[6] −753.20 96.51

[7] −578.50 53.10

Proposed PCF −1822 104

Finally, Table 1 displays the comparison between

different PCF which emphasize on negative dispersion and

11th ICCCNT 2020

July 1-3, 2020 - IIT- Kharagpur
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New South Wales. Downloaded India
on November 02,2020 at 19:42:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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