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Philippine Christian University

Sampaloc 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite 4114

S.Y. 2021-2022



1. Expound the idea “All existing organisms trace their beginnings to simple life forms”.
All the life forms on earth at this current moment, that we know of at least, works pretty much
the same way. These life forms don’t generate themselves out of thin air; they came from their
parents and ancestors. One new organism has to come from another one, or two, (or even more in
some weird cases but I digress) older, previous-generation organisms. We know that evolution
does happen as we can see the marks of it as it happens, and though we cannot prove for definite,
it is astronomically likely that all the life forms now evolved from previous generations of life
forms. And those will trace their lineages even further. And further. And further. And far enough
you start to find evidences that simpler organisms evolved into more complex ones. It’s quite
simple: if these things can’t create themselves out of thin air, they’d have to come from something
simpler. And the first life forms that has the ability to self-replicate is very simple.

Activity # 1 (Written Work 1)
Answer the question completely.

1. What makes “LIFE” interesting? (Scientific Perspective)

The most Interesting about Life is the Evolution, evolution is a change in the characteristics of living things
over time. As described by Some scientist, evolution occurs by a process called natural selection. In natural
selection, some members of a species, being better adapted or suited to their environment, produce more
offspring than others, so they pass "advantageous traits" to their offspring. Over many generations, this can
lead to major changes in the characteristics of the species. Evolution explains how living things are changing
today and how modern living things have descended from ancient life forms that no longer exist on Earth. As
living things evolve, they generally become better suited for their environment. This is because they evolve
adaptations. An adaptation is a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in a given environment.
scientists have gathered even more evidence to support the theory of evolution. Some of the evidence comes
from fossils, and some comes from studies that show how similar living things are to one another. By the
1930s, scientists had also learned about genes. As a result, they could finally explain how characteristics of
organisms could pass from one generation to the next and change over time.

Using modern technology, scientists can now directly compare the genes of living species. The more genes
different species share in common, the more closely related the species are presumed to be. Consider humans
and chimpanzees. They share about 98% of their genes. This means that they shared a common ancestor in
the not-too-distant past. This is just one of many pieces of evidence that show we are part of the evolution of
life on Earth. Today, evolution is still questioned by some people. Often, people who disagree with the theory
of evolution do not really understand it. For example, some people think that the theory of evolution explains
how life on Earth first began. In fact, the theory explains only how life changed after it first appeared. Some
people think the theory of evolution means that humans evolved from modern apes. In fact, the theory
suggests humans and modern apes have a common ancestor that lived several million years ago. These and
other misconceptions about evolution contribute to the controversy that still surrounds this fundamental
principle of biology.
Content & Relevance 20
Organization & Structure 10
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 10
Total 40

Activity # 2 (Performance task)

Name: _______________________________ Strand and Section: _______________
Date/Week No. _______________________ Score: ________/40______________

Title: Making a Collage

1. Show your artistry and imagination.
2. Create a collage showing the different (elements) topics about LIFE.
3. Choose one medium/ styles that you will use for your activity. (Drawing, Taking a photo with a
4. Use the elements provided
5. Take a screenshot and submit your output.
6. Rubrics will be provided for your grading
Elements: Fossils, Hierarchy, Cell s, evolution, Growth and development, Organisms, Ecosystem, Multicellular
Organisms and DNA

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