An Introduction To A Successful Start of University

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An introduction to a successful

start of university life
Class, study, major and regulations
By ZHANG, Yue (张越)
2 1. Degree plan of computer science
and technology
 Source:
 Compulsory courses and selective courses
 Each semester, students should double check on their degree plan
 General Education + Major Preparatory Courses + Major Core Courses +
Major Extended Electives + Practice Courses
3 1.1 Compulsory courses in Fall 2021

 Chinese I
 Advanced Mathematics B (I)
 Introduction to Computer Science
 C Programming
 Linear Algebra
 Introduction To The Major (replaced by Introduction to Computer Science)

Questions: Have you selected all of the above courses?

Have you joined in the class contact groups according to your course selection?
How to find QR code of course contact groups?

Remark: P.E. courses are not available to online students. You may make up after
you are on campus.
4 1.1 (cont’d)

 DingTalk app and WeChat app

 Class group of computer science and technology English 211
 Answer to the previous QR CODE question:
Check group files
5 1.2 Class requirement

 Class attendance is required. Ask for course syllabus from the instructor:
Grade policy? Midterm? Homework? Final Exam?
 Textbook (Online resource?)
 Class time (Check your course schedule in system, convert time)
6 1.2 (cont’d)

 Absence from class

 University approved excused absence (health issues, family member emergency,
etc) is validated
 Otherwise, non-validated.
 Source of regulations:
 “If a student is absent from class for more than 1/3 of the total credit hours,
his/her grade of this course is zero point (letter grade is F).
If class teacher takes attendance and a student is absent (non-validated
absence) from that for THREE times in total, then his/her grade of this course is
also zero point (letter grade is F).”
7 1.3 Exam Requirement

 Close-book test: No book or any other materials is allowed. Individual work.

 Open-book test: textbook and notebook are allowed. But, individual work.
 Discussion project: collaborate work with other students

If the test is held in class, it is (by default) prohibiting students communicating

with each other, unless the instructor makes an exception.
 Source of regulations:
Cheating: communicating with others, copying work from others, using cell
phone in test
Cheating results in expulsion from university under most cases in the past!
8 2. Study

 For mathematics, pre-calculus text may be useful:
“Precalculus-Mathematics for Calculus(2006 5th Ed)”
 Be responsible to yourself (degree plan? Course selection? Course
 Be independent in homework assignment
 Be collaborative in discussion
Useful sources:
Free online resource (how to search on the internet?)
And your instructor of the course!
9 2. (cont’d)

 How many hours after class should I spend on this course?

Each week, you should spend 1 X credit hours of course
E.g. Linear algebra is 4 credit hours (4 classes in each week), then each week
you should spend 1X4=4 hours after class to study linear algebra.

 University VPN
Use this VPN to access to your course selection system, library or any other
campus websites. CAS account and password.
10 3. Life

 Be familiar with university facilities

Useful sources: (International Students Office)

Explorer the website

11 3. Life

 Campus map: full size download at

 Further information (from class advisors?)

 Food? Local traffic tools? Covid-19 concern? Cell phone service? Internet?
12 3. Life

 Emergency numbers:
Fire: 119
Police Station: 110
Emergency Ambulance: 120
(Dial from any phone in China)

 International Student Office, Room 401, 403 of Northern Administration

Building, Zhejiang Normal University
Telephone: +86-579-82283155
13 4. Classmates and class advisors

 Class advisors:
1. Nze Avomo Zenovio NDONG (安东). Responsibility: daily contact, local
student administration, visa affairs.
2. Adinkrah James ANTWI (詹姆斯). Responsibility is the same as Ndong.
3. CHEN, Tianle (陈天乐). Responsibility: major degree affairs, course enrollment,
student ID card management.
4. LIN, Zhihong (林志鸿). Responsibility is the same as Chen.
Contact them by add them friend in the DingTalk app.

 Class teacher: ZHANG, Yue (张越). Local phone number: 19548879374

@me in the DingTalk class group if class advisors are not able to aid you.
14 4. (cont’d)

 Need: 1 class leader and 1 associate class leader from new students.
Preferably one is on campus, and the other is oversea (online student).

 Class advisors may recruit more for help from new students.
(class advisors’ help in selection)
Thank you!

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