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PHY 214 Test 2019/2020. Answer all questions. Time: 45 minutes ‘wtonian mechanies. ..” 100 g sliding down aifinelined po 8 down gd inclined plane as shown in figure 1.0, If the partic s without friction dow : a fii sla an s i aie eae dow 1a fixed in ila -d-lane with an angle 8, (a) obtain an expression for the sensation, vel city and positon, (b) Caleulate the acceleration of the box ifthe coefficient of (sli¢ing) friction is 0.3 and the angle 8 i given as 30° Figure 1.0 ste iscosity, n, and state its unit flow rate of blood in a coronary artery has been reduced to haiffits normal value by plaque deposits. By what factor has the radius of the artery been reduced, assuming no turbulence occurs? ¢. Suppose your 60.0 L (15.9 gal) stec! gasoline tank is full of gas, so pote tank and the gasoline have 2 a temperature of 15.0°C. How much gasoline has spilled by the time they warm to'35.0 °C? Take Yga, = 950 «191°C and 7,= 35*1071°C. 4, Differentiate between Primitive and Non-Primitive Cells using the lattice points array. : its Sn. Please DO NOT write anything on your Question Paper. UNIVERSITY OF LOR DEPARTMENT OF -NIGERIA, IYSICS B.Sc Se. (FA) Degree Examination 0 May, 2021 endemic Year 2019/20120 Rain Semester. PY 214 teehaies an properties of mater No.of Crest Credit Pine 2 Hrs Instruction: Anne Qu 1 One (1)-Two @)and any he one 1a, State the Ki epler's laws of planetary motion, (i) Using the Newton's law of gravitation and the centripetal Force equation, show dt 7? CS)P, where all symbols have their usual meaning, bp Write down the mathematical expressions fora force Held t be conservative, henee determine i the Ftlowin: Force field ave conservative or not or it) F ie jp Gi) Fisy + ye hor ake + yf Bact +) i, Obtain the fore fe ofthe following potential fanstions (9 7 saytse (i F=an*? Gi) = 92 «Write down the mathematical expression ofthe following moment of inertial for the following objects () Annular ylinder about central axis (i) Solid sphere about any iamtetical axis (i) Reetangular slab about perpendicular axis through cette (iv) Thin od about ais ough conte perpendicular to length (v) Hoop (Ring) bor central axis 2a, Differentiate between Primitive and Non-rimitive Cells using the latee point ary. '. Highlgit seven erystal systems and sketch the thes posible Bravis lates of a cube unit cell indicating its ‘axial Lengths and angles.

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