The Role of Geothermal Data Management: Errol Anderson September 2011 Errol - Anderson@gsds -

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The Role of Geothermal

Data Management

Errol Anderson September 2011
Course Contents
 Geothermal data - why it is important.
 The essential aspects of geothermal data
 Data management at each phase of
geothermal development.
 Description and evaluation of different data
management options.
 Demonstration of a geothermal data
management system.
What is Geothermal Data ?
 All physical measurements made during
the geothermal project,
 the interpretations and analyses of the
measured data,
 the various conceptual models of the
geothermal system, and
 the predictions of the future behaviour of
the resource.
Why is it Important ?
Geothermal data provides our only
view of the geothermal resource.
Why is it Important ?
Geothermal data provides our only
view of the geothermal resource.
Why Use Conceptual Models ?
- to bring the resource into focus.

 With a hidden resource, deep underground ...

 Many different disciplines involved ...
 Many types of measurements, each looking at
a different aspect …
 And specialised interpretations of each data
set, often made in isolation ...
A conceptual model uses all available data
to develop an integrated, well-constrained
and self-consistent picture of the resource.
 A hidden underground resource …
 Many different exploration techniques …
 Large amounts of complex data …
 Multiple interpretations of the “truth” …
 A constantly-changing target …
 Desperately-needed integration …

 What will provide the answers ???

Geothermal Data Management !
provides ...

 Good Data
 Secure Data
 Available Data
Elements of Data Management
Data Collection
including Contextual Data Data Filter


Data Transfer

Manipulation Interpretation and Models

Printed Reports Graphs, Contour Plots,

and 3D Plots
Ensure Good Data ...
- by addressing the following ...

 Metadata (what, where, when, how, why ?)

 Data entry, transfer and maintenance
 Data updates and recalculations
 Interpretation version control
Metadata - Essential Support
What has been measured,
What ? and in which units ?

Geographical position
Where ? and elevation ?

When ? date and time ?

Measurement conditions,
How ? equipment, personnel ?

Any other pertinent facts,

Why ? special information ?
- without it, your data is just numbers ...
 What quantity has been measured,
including the measurement units used ?
 Where was the measurement made -
latitude, longitude, elevation ?
 When was it made - date and time ?
 How was it made - equipment, conditions ?
 Why was it made - special circumstances ?
Data Entry, Transfer and Maintenance
Entry, transfer and maintenance
- where most data errors occur ...
 Provision to minimise “operator error”
 Data transfer directly from data sources
 Graphics to facilitate visual inspection
 Comparison with known reliable data sets
 A formal data validation process
 Procedures to maintain databases in
different locations - field and office
Updates, Recalculation
and Version Control
Data input ranges
Edit ? Graphical assistance

Global rename of
Rename ? all associated data

Controlled deletion
Delete ? if dependent data

Controlled copying
Duplicate ? Version control

Formal procedure
Validate ? for data acceptance
Data updates and recalculations
- data is a most inconstant thing ...

 Data revision made in an orderly manner

 Prevention of duplicate data versions
 Calculated data automatically updated

Interpretation version control

- different versions of the “truth” ...

 Interpretation linked to data sets

Ensure Secure Data ...
- by addressing the following ...

 Long-term data storage

 Centralised or disseminated
 Regular backups and archives
 Levels of authorised access
 Read-only, edit or administrative
 Data version control
 Duplication, deletion, change log
Ensure Available Data ...
- by addressing the following ...

 Flexible data retrieval methods

 Cross-discipline accessibility
 Cross-discipline data comparisons
 Data export to other applications
 Serving as a data management “backbone”
 Wide range of data transfer options
 Data import and export in all modules
 Data continuity (over many years)
Flexible data retrieval methods
Flexible data retrieval methods
- data is useful only if you can find it ...
 Browse tools to search the database
 Filters to reduce the data quantity
 Selection by range and wildcards
 Selection by graphical methods
 Individual item selection
 Data “groups” for repeat complex selection
Cross-discipline accessibility
Cross-discipline accessibility
- it all helps to understand ...
 Central or common database location
 Similar data selection style in all modules
 Well-described data to assist other users
 Concept of “good” or “typical” data
Cross-discipline comparisons
Cross-discipline comparisons
- different views of the same resource ...
 Summary graphs - comparison on common
axes such as depth or time.
 Comparison by contour plots
 Comparison on common profiles
 Integrated interpretations
 Geothermal development extends over
many years, and involves many different
people and many different techniques …
 Continuous collection and interpretation of
geothermal data is necessary to “see” or
understand the geothermal resource …
 Geothermal data management makes this
possible in an efficient and timely manner.

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