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Freeze, A. C., 1966, On the origin of the Sullivan orebody, Maruyama,S., 1967,Kurokogeology:World Mining,April,
Kimberly, B. C., in Tectonic History and Mineral Deposits p. 15-16.
of the Western.,Cordillera: Spec. v. No. 8, Can. Inst. Min. McCartney,W. D., and Potter, R. R., 1962,Mineralization
and Metall., Montreal, p. 263-294. as related to structural deformation,igneousactivity and
Garlick, W. G., 1964,Associationof mineralizationand algal sedimentationin folded geosynclines:Can. Min. Jour.,
reef structures on Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt, Ka- v. 83, n. 4, p. 83-87.
tanga and Australia: Ecoa. G•ot.., v. 59, p. 416-427. Miller, L. J., 1960,Massivesulfidedeposits
in eugeosynclinal
Gilluly, J., 1935, Keratophyresof Eastern Oregon and the belts: Eco•r. G•.o•..,v. 55, p. 1327-1328.
spilite problem: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 29, n. 2, p. 225-252. Neale,E. R. W., Beland,J., Potter, R. R., andPoole,W. H.,
Gilmour, P., 1962, Notes on a non-geneticclassificationof 1961,A preliminarytectonicmap of the CanadianAppala-
copper deposits: Eco•r. Gv.ot.., v. 57, p. 450-455. chian region basedon age of folding: Trans. Can. Inst.
, 1965,The origin of the massivesulphidemineralization Min. Metall., v. 64, p. 405-412.
in the Noranda district, Northwestern Quebec: Proc. Pye, E.G., 1957,Geologyof the Manitouwadgearea: Ont.
Geol. Assoc. Can., v. 16, p. 63-81. Dept. Min. 66th Ann. Rept., v. 66, pt. 8.
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Amer. Inst. Min. Metall., New York, p. 1238--1257. Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec,Canada: Can. Jour. Earth Sc.,
Gross,W. H., and Sijpkens,J.P., 1965,The cosmicorigin v. 6, n. 6, p. 1339-1345.
of mineral deposits:Trans. Can. Inst. Min. Metall., v. 68, Routhier, P., 1958, Sur la notion de "types" de gisement
p. 25-29. m•tallif•res: Bull. Soc. Geol. France, v. 6, pt. 8, p.
Horikoshi, E., 1969,Volcanic activity related to the forma- 237-242.
tion of the kuroko-type depositsin the Kosaka distrizt, , 1963,Les GisementsM•tallif•res: Masson,Paris.
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Hutchinson, R. W., 1965, Genesisof Canadian massive Semenov, A. I., and Serpukhov, V. I., 1957,Generalprin-
sulfides reconsideredby comparisonto Cyprus deposits: ciplesof regionalmetallogenetic analysis,and methodsof
Trans. Can. Inst. Min. Metall., v. 68, p. 286-300. compilingmetallogenetic mapsfor folded regions:Dept.
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John, T. U., 1963, Geologyand mineral depositsof East-
Central Balabac Island, Palawan Province, Philippines: Series, Issue 22, Gen. Ser., Moscow.
Ecoa. G•.o•..,v. 58, p. 107-130. Shatzki, N. S., and Bogdanoff,A. A., 1957, Explanatory
Katsuma,M.. 1967, "Harmonic mining" at Shakanimine: note• on the tectonicmap of the U.S.S.R. and adjoining
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Pap. 285. Chisel Lake map-area: Geol. Surv. Canada,Mem. 342.



Introduction if not in mostporphyrydeposits, muchof the hypo-

genemineralizationis in fracturesor is fracturecon-
In recentyearstherehas beena reviewof the trolled,regardless
of whetheror not the mineraliza-
originof several typesof metalliferous deposits.In tion is in intrusive or other rocks. Furthermore, the
manyinstances it hasbeenconcluded thattheclassical superposition of extensive hydrothermal alterationon
concept of magmatically derivedhydrothermal fluids intrusive rocks is a clear indicationof major hydro-
assources of oreandganguemineralsis notin accord thermalactivitypost-dating magmaticactivity. In
with observedrelationships.This conclusion plus
many deposits there is little doubtthatmuchof the
the factthatthereare manybarrenor poorlymineral- mineralizationand associatedalteration post-dated
ized graniticterraneshave led many geologists to the host intrusionat its presentlevel of exposure;
question the importance of graniticmagmasin the thatis, the silicatemagmamusthavecrystallized and
formationof ore deposits.
fracturedpriorto thehydrothermal activitythat pro-
The well-established close spatialassociation of ducedthe ore depositand relatedalteration.
porphyritic felsicand intermediate intrusions with Many geologists, suchas 'Fournier(1967) and
porphyrymolybdenum and copperdeposits made Nielsen(1968), have builtup a greatbodyof cir-
themobviouschoices for testingthe widelyaccepted cumstantialgeologicalevidencein supportof a ge-
classical hydrothermal theoryof oreformation. neticrelationship of spatiallyassociated intrusions
Most geologists familiarwith porphyrydistricts
havelittle doubtof the geneticrelationshipof the and porphyry deposits. Considerable radiometric
deposits andintrusions.Butit hasbeenverydifficult datingof intrusiverocksandore deposits hasbeen
to proveconvincingly sucha relationship.In many, done that also supports a close temporal.relationship.
However,the accuracy of the methods is suchthat
ß Publicationauthorizedby the Director, GeologicalSur-
vey of Canada. thereis at leasta 1 or 2 million year error in reported

dates. Skepticswould point out that a great deal port the orthomagmatic modeldescribedearlier,al-
canhappenin a millionyearsand that in mostcases thoughthe natureof the dataand scalefactorsare
there is no absoluteguaranteethat the datesdo not not suchthat the problemscan be conculsively
representa coolingor "last heating" event. Never- solved." And Noble (1970) in his discussionof
andgeologists havepresented metalprovincesof the WesternUnited Statescon-
additionalbut moreindirectevidencesuggesting that cluded that the metals must have come from the
the datescan be taken as the agesof intrusionand mantle,and that the role of intrusionwas probably
hydrothermalactivity. For instance,for someareas that of a structural control rather than a source.
it has been demonstratedthat barren and "produc- Since field facts are so scarce there would seem to
tive" intrusionsare about the sameage; minor in- belittlehopeof resolving
theproblemor understand-
trusions give ages similar to major plutons; con- ing the complexseriesof magmaticeventsthat lead
cordant ages have been obtained from different to hydrothermalore deposition.
minerals and by different methods;and in most
districtsdates are on hypabyssalintrusionswhich Intermineral Intrusions
show no evidenceof deformationor metamorphism.
Intermineralintrusionsare simplyintrusionsthat
However, the paucity of concretegeologicalevi-
or duringperiodsof mineral-
dence of the co-existenceof magrnasand hydro- ization. The term "intra-mineral"was first usedby
thermal fluids has been most distressing. Without
Wallaceet al. (1960) to refer to dikesat Climax,
suchinformationtheoriesof ore genesishave had to
Coloradothat were emplacedbetweenperiods of
remainlargely conjectural. Krauskopf (1967), for
instance,in his summarypaper on sourcerocksfor
molybdenum mineralization.Sellmer(1964), Kirk-
metal-bearingfluids,impliedthat there is still a high
ham (1966 and 1969), Silversides(1968), Nielsen
(1968), Wallaceet al. (1968), and possiblyothers
degreeof speculationaboutthe importanceof granitic have also used the term "intra-mineral" to refer to
magnaasas sourcesof hydrothermalfluids. Lowell dikesand intrusivebreccias.Jonsonet al. (1969)
and Guilbert (1970, p. 403) in their generalpaper used the term "intermineral" instead of "intra-min-
on porphyrydepositsdiscussing the geneticrelation- eral" to refer to dikes and brecciasat Hudson Bay
ship of intrusions and associateddepositsstated: Mountain, British Columbia. Moreover, Wallace
"The data of Table 1 and the inferences drawn from et al. (1968,p. 632) for Climaxstated:"The dikes
them, from the field, and from the detailedgeology perhaps moreproperlyshouldbe labelledInter-min-
depositappearto sup- eral rather than Intra-mineral." This changewould
of the San Manuel-Kalamazoo

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FIG. 1. (A) Diagram of a simple intermineral dike. (B) Diagram of a simple intermineral breccia.

FIG. 2. Intermineral dike that cuts magnetite- and chalcopyrite-bearingquartz veins and is cut
by chalcopyrite-bearingquartz veins. GranisleMine, B.C.

emphasizethe fact that these dikes at Climax were the term "intermineral" shouldbe kept broad enoug
emplacedbetweendistinctperiodsof mineralization to coverboth possibilities.
rather than during a singleperiod of mineralization. In this communication the term "intermineral"
It would servealsoto give the term a broadermean- used to refer to dikes and breccias. Such brecci•
ing and emphasizetime rather than spacerelation- couldhavea varietyof originsbut in the geneticdi:
ships. The writer believesthat "intermineral" is a cussionsof this communicationthe term refers sp,
very good term and its general usage to describe cifically to "intermineral" breccias with igneot
phenomenathat have occurredbetweenor during matrices. Igneousintrusive brecciascan be expecte
periodsof mineralizationshouldbe continued. How- to grade to igneousrocks with abundantzenolit}
ever, at sometime in the future it might be desirable or inclusions. For this reason no distinction betwee
to separatephenomena that occurredduring a single the two is made.
period of mineralizationfrom those that occurred Figure 1 showsdiagramsof a simpleinterminer.
betweendistinctperiodsof mineralization. Wallace dike and breccia. Through-goingveinsthat bothpr,
(personal communication)has suggestedthat it date and post-datethe dike or brecciaare the mo
might be possibleto identify dikes of both types at convincingevidencethat an intrusionis "intermi•
Climax, Colorado and that the term "intramineral" eral." Vein fragments,alteration,and otherfeatur,
should be retained for those dikes which were em- could also be of value in determiningwhether •
placed within a single period of mineralization. not an intrusion is intermineral. Fournier (1962
Nevertheless,in most depositscriteria necessaryto and Bray (1969), for instance,haveusedthe degn
separatethe two types of phenomenaare probably and type of alterationto infer the relativeages ,
lacking. The writer feels that if any doubt exists various intrusive bodies.
the term "intermineral" instead of "intramineral" Figures2 to 8 showa variety of intermineraldik,
should be used. Until we have a much better under- and breccias from the Granisle Mine in centr
standingof the processes
involvedthe meaningof British Columbia. These figuresserveto illustra

someof the commonvein-intrusionrelationshipsof

intermineral dikes and breccias.


Intermineral intrusionshave been recognizedin

molybdenumdepositsat Climax, Colorado; Urad,
Colorado (Muncaster and Wallace, personalcom-
munication;and Mayers,1969); HudsonBay Moun-
tain, British Columbia; Serb Creek, British Columbia
(Sellmet, 1964), and Morice Lake, British Columbia
(Silversides,1968). On the other hand,despiteex-
tensivestudy,there hasbeenrelativelylittle mention
of themin the literatureof porphyrycopperdeposits. Fro. 4. Chilled intermineral dike cuts magnetite-quartz
This apparentpattern of occurrencemight lead one and irregular magnetiteveins and associatedpotassicalter-
to suspectthat porphyry molybdenumdepositsare ation and is cut by bornire- and chalcopyrite-bearingquartz
veins. Granisle Mine, B.C.
more closelyrelatedin time to magmaticactivity than
porphyry copperdeposits. The distinction,however,
is probablynot real. Becauseof pervasivealteration, descriptionsof Braden, Toquepala, and Cananea
age rdations are probablymore obscurein many of (Howell and Molloy, 1960; Kenyonand Courtright,
the extensively studied porphyry copper deposits, 1958; Velasco, 1966; and Perry, 1961) imply the
especiallyin parts that havebeensubjectedto super- presenceof intermineral intrusions even though
gene processes.Many original featureshave been they are not explicitlydescribedas such. 'For exam-
completelyobliteratedincluding probably many of ple, Perry (1961) in referenceto themineralized 301
Breccia at Cananea stated: "... there is an excel-
the vein-intrusionrelationships.Moreover, accord-
lent exposureof later porphyry dike cutting the
ing to O. R. Eckstrand (personal communication)
Anacondageologistshave known for sometime that
intermineralintrusionsare presentat E1 Salvadorin
Chile; Rose and Baltosser (1966) and Nielsen
(1968) refer to minor intermineraldikes at Santa
Rita, New Mexico; and the writer has found a
variety of intermineralintrusionsin the centralpart
of the Granisleporphyry copperdepositin British
Columbia(Figs. 2 to 7). Furthermore,published

. . .i ":*

Fro. 3. Intermineral dike wi$ dark, fine-grained border FIG. 5. Two intermineral porphyry intrusions. (a) and
zone cuts quar• and magnetite veins and is cut by quartz (b) are chalcopyrite-bearing quartz veins. Veins that the
veins and bornite- and chalcopyrite-coatedfractures. Gran- oldest porphyry truncates are not shown. Granisle Mine,
isle Mine, B.C. B.C.

Genesisof Porphyry Deposits

The presenceof intermineral intrusionsindicat.
that in someporphyrydepositsmagmaticand hydr,
thermal activity overlappedto some degree. Sm
evidenceshouldleavelittle doubtof the geneticrel
tionshipof porphyrydepositsand the spatiallyrelat{
porphyritic intrusions.
Veins that have been used to define interminer
intrusionsare integralpartsof the porphyrydeposi
involved. They containthe usual spectrumor o'
and gangueminerals. Hence, whatever the time i•
tervalswere betweenthe variousigneousand hydr,
thermal eventsthey were not greater than the tin
Fro. 6. Intermineral intrusive breccia containing numer- necessary to form the entire deposit. As indicated
ous magnetite-bearing quartz vein fragments (a) and con- Figures2 to 7 there are a numberof typesof inte
siderable disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite in matrix. mineral intrusions at Granisle, some of which a'
Breccia is cut by bornite- and chalcopyrite-coatedfractures.
Note heterogeneous•ature of the matrix. It was probably very similar to the main biotite feldsparporphy•
a mixture of partially assimilated cataclastic debris and bodiesin the area (Carter, 1965). Suchinterminer
magma. Granisle Mine, B.C.
intrusions indicate that at least for this depot,
magmaticand hydrothermalactivity overlappedto
brecciaand indicatinglate-stagemagmaticactivity," large degree.
and in referenceto Toquepala stated: "An overall
concentricpatternis accentuatedby the arcuatestrike Conclusions
of severaldaciteporphyrydikeswhichare associated
both in time and spacewith coppermineralization," Intermineral intrusionsare very convincinge•
and "The many chapters of the Toquepala story dence of the geneticrelationshipof porphyrydeposi
add up to a complex sequenceof events around a
northerlymigratingdeep,verticalaxis whichlocalized
successive phasesof intrusion,brecciation,mineral-
ization, post-mineralbrecciation,and final end-stage
intrusive activity." Therefore, it is reasonableto
conclude that intermineral intrusions are characteris-
tic featuresof bothcertainporphyrymolybdenum
and copperdeposits.

Fro. 7. Intermineral (?) intrusivebrecciawith abundant

disseminated chalcopyrite.No veinscut this specimen but
thematrixporphyryis very similarto theyoungest porphyry ! IE 3 CM
in Figure 5 which is cut by chalcopyrite-bearing quartz ! , i ,,I
veins. (a) A partly digestedchalcopyrite fragment. (b)
Highly altered porphyry fragment with considerabledis- Fro. 8. Intermineral breccia with a comminuted cat:
seminatedmagnetitecut by magnetiteand quartz veins. clasticmatrix. Cut by fracturescoatedwith pyrite, chalc{
(c) A chalcopyrite-bearing quartzvein fragment. Granisle pyrite, and molybdenite. (a) Chalcopyrite-bearingquar•
Mine, B.C. vein fragments. GranisleMine, B.C.

and associatedporphyritic intrusions. Becauseof Kenyon, R., and Courtright, J. H., 1958, Geology of Toque-
pala, Peru: Min. Engr., v. 10, p. 262-266.
their closetemporalrelationshipwith the ore forma- Kirkham, R. V., 1966, Glacier Gulch molybdenum deposit:
tion, thesebodiesshouldprove to be very usefulin Minister of Mines, B.C., Ann. Rept., p. 86-91.
unravellingthe complexmagmaticand hydrothermal --, 1969, A mineralogical and geochemical study of the
zonal distribution of ores in the Hudson Bay Range,
historiesof porphyrydeposits.Wallaceet al. (1968) British Columbia: Unpub. Ph.D. thesis,University of Wis-
in their excellentpaperon Climax haveamplydemon- consin, 152 p.
stratedhow fruitful a study of suchintrusionscan Krauskopf, Konrad B., 1967, Source rocks for metal-bearing
fluids, in Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits:
be. The writer is confidentthat investigationsof Ed. by H. L. Barnes: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New
suchbodiescombinedwith other aspectsof porphyry York, p. 1-33.
geologyand experimentaland isotopestudieswill Lowell, J. D., and Guilbert, J. M., 1970, Lateral and vertical
alteration-mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits:
lead to a much better understandingof porphyry EcoN. GeoI..,v. 65, p. 373-408.
depositsand of the relationshipof hydrothermalfluids Mayers, D., 1969, The Henderson (Colorado Molybdenum)
mine: Min. Mag. London, v. 121, No. 4, Oct., p. 306-307.
to magmas. Nielsen, R. L., 1968, Hypogene texture and mineral zoning
in a copper-bearing granodiorite porphyry stock, Santa
Acknowledgments Rita, New Mexico: Ecoa. GeoI.., v. 63, p. 37-50.
Noble, J. A., 1970, Metal provincesof the western United
F. J. Cookeof the GeologicalSurvey of Canada States: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 81, p. 1607-1624.
Perry, V. D., 1961, The significanceof mineralized breccia
kindly providedphotographsof the hand specimens. pipes: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 220, p. 216-226.
O. R. Eckstrand and S. R. Wallace reviewed the Rose, A. W., and Baltosser, W. W., 1966, The porphyry
copper deposit at Santa Rita, New Mexico, in Geology
manuscript andmadeseveral hell•fulsuggestions. of the Porphyry Copper Deposits, Southwestern North
America: Ed. by S. R. Titley and C. L. Hicks: Univ. of
Arizona Press, Tucson, p. 205-220.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEYOF CANADA, Sellmer, H. W., 1964, Geology and petrogenesisof the
601 Booa:H ST., Serb Creek intrusive complex near Smithers, British
OTTAWA, ONTAmO, K1A OE8, Columbia: Unpub. M. Sc. thesis, University of British
Columbia, 89 p.
February 9; June 14, 1971 Silversides, D. A., 1968, Petrology and molybdenummin-
eralization of the Lucky Ship igneouscomplex: Unpub.
REFERENCES M.Sc. thesis, University of Manitoba, 88 p.
Velasco,J. R., 1966, Geologyof the Cananeadistrict, Mex-
Bray, R. E., 1969, Igneous rocks and hydrothermal alter- ico, in Geology of the Porphyry Copper Deposits, South-
ation at Bingham, Utah: EcoN. GEoI.., v. 64, p. 34-49. western North America: Ed. by S. R. Titley and C. L.
Carter, N. C., 1965, Northern Babine Lake area: Minister of Hicks: Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, p. 245-249.
Mines, B.C., Ann. Rept., p. 90-104. Wallace, S. R., Baker, R. C., Jonson,D.C., and Mac-
Fournier, R. O., 1967, The porphyry copperdepositexposed kenzie, W. B., 1960, Geology of the Climax molybdenum
in the Liberty open-pit mine near Ely, Nevada. Part 1. deposit: a progress report: Geol. Soc. Amer. Guidebook
Syngeneticformation: EcoN. GEot..,v. 62, p. 57-81. for Field Trips (Guide to the geology of Colorado),
Howell, F. H., and Molloy, J. S., 1960, Geology of the Field Trip B3, p. 238-252.
Braden orebody,Chile, South America: Ecoa. G•.or..,v. ---, Munchaster,N. K., Jonson,D.C., Mackenzie,W. B.,
55, p. 863-905. Bookstrom,A. A., and Surface,V. E., 1968, Multiple in-
Jonson,D.C., Davidson,D. A., and Daughtrey, K. L., trusion and mineralizationat Climax, Colorado,in Ore
1969, The Hudson Bay Mountain molybdenumdeposit, Deposits of the United States, 1933-1967 (Graton-Sales
Smithers, British Columbia (abst.): Geol. Soc. Amer., Volume): Ed. by John D. Ridge, Vol. 1: New York, p.
Abstractswith Programsfor 1969,Part VII, p. 117-118. 605-640.

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