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UFMFW7-15-3 CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN Academic Year 2021/2022


Module Details
Module Code Run Module Title

Module Leader Module Tutors

Mohammad Mohatram Mohammad Mohatram

Component and Element Number Weighting: (% of the Module's assessment)

Component: CW1 Element B 25%

Element Description Total Assignment time

COURSEWORK REPORT (Coursework Report)

Date Issued to Students Date to be Returned to Students

Submission Place: Submission Date

Electronic submission/ via email
Submission Time
Before 4:00 pm

Attached sheet details deliverables.

All parts of report must be typed. The assessment will be based on:

1) Achieving the aims and objectives.

2) Quality, format, and content of report.
3) Oral explanation on report if required.

Module Leader Signature

Mohammad Mohatram

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UFMFW7-15-3 CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN Academic Year 2021/2022

Control System Design

1.1 Description of Course Work

In this coursework assignment, students are expected to produce a coursework report.

This course work aims to develop students’ broad understanding of control system design
techniques which are commonly used to design, analyse and simulate control. It provides
an opportunity for students to:

1. Show a detailed knowledge and understanding of analysis and design techniques for
both analogue and digital control systems.

2. Demonstrate subject specific skills with respect to operation and use of suitable
computer based simulation software package, and the design and simulation of
analogue and digital control systems.

3. Show cognitive skills with respect to selection and application of suitable techniques for
the analysis and design of automatic control systems with regard to engineering

4. Demonstrate key transferable skills in problem formulation and decision making, and IT
skills in context.

1.2 Coursework Objectives

To present a consultant report for designing and simulating a control system, providing all the
necessary calculations and simulations to support your report.

1.3 Submission

The assignment submission should include: a written report, MATLAB script files (.m file)
and/or SIMULINK file (.slx file) with your overall system (including controller implementation).

All calculations must be presented within the report. The report should include an
introduction, method, addressing the objectives, a discussion of findings, concluding
statements and references. For each task, a proper description of the methodology is

Page Limit 18-25 A4 Pages (single sided), with a minimum of 11 point font size.

Your report should be in a .pdf format as well as .doc format and should include the cover
page as a first page, followed by safe assign report (check with library on how to do this or
watch the video available on shared folder).

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UFMFW7-15-3 CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN Academic Year 2021/2022

You need to compress all the files into a folder (.zip) and name the folder with your name
followed by your UWE ID (example: and submit your
work on Moodle.

Your submission may not be accepted if you do not follow the submission guidelines stated

1.3.1 Submission deadlines

Submission deadline: 4:00 pm Local Oman time on the 31/12/2021.

Please note: Whilst flexibility has been embedded with your learning programme, the
submission deadlines are fixed. You are strongly advised to submit your work well ahead of
the deadline dates to any avoid penalties being incurred.

 Work submitted up to and including 24 hours after the deadline will incur a penalty
and the highest mark you can receive will be a Pass (providing the criteria has been
 Work submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline will not be accepted.

Do not leave submission to the very last minute. Always allow time and plan ahead.

1.4 Marking Scheme and Objectives

Coursework tasks along with marks distribution are presented below.

1.4.1 Plant Description

A system plant is described as follows:

C (s ) 1
=G p ( s )= 2
U (s ) s +0.8 s+20

Students, assumed to act as the control-engineering consultants, will be expected to work

alone and each will submit a formal report including the following key points.

1) Define a practical engineering plant, which would feature similar dynamical behavior to
the theoretical dynamics given in the plant description above. Briefly describe the
operation of the plant.

2) Draw two equivalent control system block diagrams, which features the output feedback
and the state feedback respectively. Compare the similarity and difference.

3) Analyse the plant performance in terms of stability, observability, controllability, and time
response to a unit step reference input.
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UFMFW7-15-3 CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN Academic Year 2021/2022

4) Design a state feedback controller (the reasonable design criteria specification is up to


5) Design a corresponding observer and explain when it will be used.


6) Provide relevant performance data from your simulated studies.


7) Discuss the importance of computational experiments (simulation studies).


8) Formality of report (Abstract, introduction, calculations, description and references)


4.4.2 Assessment

All reports must be typed. The assessment will be based on

1) Achieving the aims and objectives.
2) Quality, format, and content of report.
3) Oral explanation on report, if required.

If you have any query regarding your project, please talk to your module tutor or otherwise
send me an email at:

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