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Partition of Land

- Subdivision of land
- Dividing an Area into Two Parts by a Line between Two Points
- Dividing an Area by a Line Running through a Point in a given Direction

Subdivision of Land:

The subdivision of land is a usual task undertaken by surveyors and engineers in

property surveys. When tracts of land are sold or inherited it is often necessary to divide it into
smaller parcels or into areas having certain proportions to each other.

In this lesson and the succeeding lesson, four of the most common cases encountered in
the subdivision of land will be explained. These are:

1. Dividing an area into two parts by a line between two points.

2. Dividing an area by a line running through a point in a given direction.

3. To cut off a required area by a line through a given point.

4. To cut off a required area by a line running in a given direction.

Dividing an Area into Two Parts by a Line between Two Points:

In Fig. 47-1, ABCDEF represents an irregular parcel of land to be divided into two parts
(Tract ABCD and Tract DEFA) by a cut off line extending from D to A.

It is assumed that the length and direction of each course has been earlier determined,
the latitudes and departures computed and adjusted, and the area of the whole tract computed.

The solution here is to determine the length and direction of the dividing line DA by
computations, and calculate the area of each of the two tracts into which the parcel of land is

A B Fig. 47-1

Dividing an Area by a Line Running through a Point in a given Direction:

In Fig. 47-2, ABCDEF represents an irregular parcel of land to be subdivided into two
parts by a cut off line (BP) running in a given direction (indicated by Ɵ) which passes through
point B. Out of the desired division, tract BCDEP is formed on one side of the dividing line and
tract FABD on the other side.

It is assumed that the length and direction of each course are known, the latitudes and
departures computed and adjusted, and the area of the whole tract computed. The solution
will require the calculation of the lengths BP and FP and the area of each of the two tracts.

A B Fig. 47-2

Tract FABP Trial line


P E Dividing line with known direction

The computations are further checked by determining if the algebraic sums of the
latitudes and of the departures of AB, BP, PF and FA are equal to zero.

Illustrative Problem

1. Dividing a tract of land into two parts by a line between two points. Given the following data
of a tract of land, determine the area east of a line running from F to C and calculate the length
and bearing of FC. C

Course Adj. Lat. Adj. Dep.

AB 490.71 m. 47.27
BC 587.12 608.89 B D
CD -327.41 786.78
DE -1002.76 218.32
EF -122.67 -1116.62 A E
FA 375.01 -544.64
SUMS 0.00 0.00


A. Determining Area of Tract ABCDEF (Area of whole traverse):


AB 47.27 23,195.86
BC 703.43 412,997.82
CD 2099.10 -687, 266.33
DE 3104.20 -3,112,767.59
EF 2205.90 -270,597.75
FA 544.64 204,245.45
SUM -3,430,192.54

2 X Area = -3,430,192.54

Area = -1,715,096.27 Sq. m.

= - 171.5096 Hectares

B. Considering Tract CDEF (Area east of the dividing land).

Ʃlat = ƩNL+ ƩSL+ = latcd + latef + latfc =0.0

-327.41 – 1002.76 – 122.67 + latfc = 0.0

latfc= 1452.84 m. (latitude of line CF)

Ʃdep = ƩED + ƩWD = Depcd + Depde + Depef + Depfc = 0.0

Depfc = 111.52 m (Departure of line FC)

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