DB Testin Interwiew Ques

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Database Testing Interview Questions

1. How to Test database in Manually? Explain with an example

2. What is way of writing testcases for database testing?

3. What are the steps that must be included in testing guideline document for database testing?

4. Testing using SQL queries

5. How do you connect to the database from application?

6. how can we write testcases from Requirements..?Do the Requirements represent exact Functionality of AUT

7. What steps does a tester take in testingStored Procedures?

8. How can we test the correctness of data in our report with database(oracle) in our application when user do not have any knowledge about
database testing or sql queries?

9. What is the difference between functions & procedures?

10. What is Database testing?

11. Write a query to find the second largest value in a given column of a table

12. what SQL statements have you used in Database Testing?

13. How to find which Database is connected to an application while testing the application?

14. How to test a SQL Query in Winrunner?without using DataBase CheckPoints?

15. What we normally check for in the Database Testing?

16. This is regarding security of a Database ...How can i test the security of a DB written using Stored Procedures....1.Can I do SQl Injection attacks..If
notwhat else are the methods 

17. Hi ,How to do negative testing for database testing ?andWhat is mean by internal quality auditing ?Please explain if u have any related document
please forward it.Thanks & Best Regards.ZahirHussainCELL : 9382899885CHENNAI

18. How to verify build instructions.Mention steps.

19. Now suppose i have 50 records of employee table.1) I want to find the person who is having 22nd highest salary.2)i want to delete a person with
postion number 39 with comminsion < 1003) Update rec no 45records are not shown.how do i do it.

20. How a trigger can help in improving performance? How many types of triggers are there and What do they do?

21. how do you test whether the database is updated as and when an information are added in the front end?Give me an example?

22. How to test data loading in Data base testing

23. Database Testing

24. How to check for correct stored procedures and how to check if the triggers are fired or not in Db testing?

25. How to check a trigger is fired or not,while doing Database testing?

26. what is database testing and what we test in database testing

27. How to extract data from different datasource

28. What is join and explain about types of joins?

29. Is there any Freeware Tool to do Database Testing, frequently used in I.T. industry

30. How do you test Oracle database in LoadRunner please response with a real time work experience example
31. In Database testing What will you keep in consideration and Why. Explain.

32. How do you test oracle e business suit manually

33. How to Test Database Procedures and Triggers?

34. How to mount the Database?

35. Is a "A fast database retrieval rate" a testable requirement? 

36. What are the different stages involved in Database Testing

37. what is datadriven test?

38. how do you test whether a database in updated when information is entered in the front end?

39. How to use sql queries in WinRunner/QTP

40. How to test a DTS package created for data insert update and delete? What should be considered in the above case while testing it?What
conditions are to be checked if the data is inserted, updated or deleted using a text files?

41. How to test a DTS package created for data insert update and delete? What should be considered in the above case while testing it?What
conditions are to be checked if the data is inserted, updated or deleted using a text files?

Read more: http://www.placementpapers.us/automated_testing_tools/103-database_testing_interview_questions.html#ixzz1Kj24eYPo 
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