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8:30 - 8:40 Morning Entry

- Students will transition into the classroom from outside, place their backpacks
and coats in the designated spaces, and make their way to the carpet.

8:40 - 8:45 Attendance

- We will take attendance as a class by calling out each student’s name and
having them orally respond.

8:45 - 9:00 Question of the Day

- What is your favourite fall food?

- The question of the day is presented to students while they’re still on the carpet
and acts as a way to engage students in a larger topic of study for the day.
Today, students will work at the art center to convey their answer to this

9:00 - 10:00  Literacy Centers

As described by the Balanced Literacy Diet, literacy centres help provide “hands-on
practice in literacy” by incorporating differentiated literacy instruction in mixed group
models ( By having a
variety of instruction styles, both direct, independent work, and guided instruction,
students will experience a gradual release of responsibility and become independent
literacy learners throughout the programming. We will split students in groups of 5-6
and have each station run for 15 minutes.

1. Apple Letter-Sound Correspondence

- To coincide with our fall theme, this activity will connect capital and lowercase
letters with sounds. This will connect oral language and reading abilities. This
activity will highlight the “letter sounds & phonics” portion of the balanced
literacy diet for Stage 0 (OISE, 2021).
- Students will work with a teacher at the writing Math Centre table for this.

2. Tracing Fall Letters

- This center will be done independently at the Writing Centre for this.
- Students will trace the uppercase letters from this worksheet.
- It has been proven that uppercase letters should be taught first (Cunningham &
Allington, 2016).
- Worksheet:
- This activity falls under the “spelling and word study” portion of the Balanced
Literacy Diet for Stage 0 (OISE, 2021).

3. Illustrate Your Answer

- Based on the morning question, students will illustrate their answer.
- Activity comes from:
- Students will use markers, pencil crayons, or crayons at the Art Centre is
illustrate their answer to the question: “What is your favourite fall food?”
- Because we discussed this question in the morning question of the day, students
will have examples in their mind to draw.
- This is an independent station.
- This will fall under the “letter-sound & phonics” as well as “writing
conventions” portion of the Balanced Literacy Diet for Stage 0 (OISE, 2021).

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