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University of zakho

College of engineering
Department Petroleum engineering



Homework using the internet

By: bejang aslan mhamdali

SUPERVISOR : Abbas ibrahim

Since the emergence of the Internet, it has become an
important medium of communication as well as a research
And leisure tool. The reason is that it provides many
opportunities to many people around the world in many
Different ways. Not only the Internet, but the other new
digital technologies also took their places in the daily life. The
wide access to these technologies improves people’s lives and
provides great opportunities. People have started To access
any kind of information easily on the Internet and also use it
for social, educational and entertainment Purposes. Basically,
the Internet offers two main benefits which are
communication and information (Warren et. Al., 1998). On a
more comprehensive basis, it can be pointed out that the
Internet has some functions, especially in Education, and
these can be listed as (i) storehouse of information, (ii)
communication without boundaries, (iii) Online interactive
learning, (iv) electronic/online research, (v) innovation in the
new world, (vi) improve interest in Learning, (vii) global
education, and (viii) information catalogues (Park, 2009). As
the Internet has many different Functions, it is important to
consider to what extent it is used by students in higher
education for academic purposes. When educational aspect of
the Internet use is considered, it is obvious that students, or
people in general, who Look for information can access it
easily and with low cost. It is evident that the Internet is a
source of enormous Information that anything can quickly and
easily be reached. Internet also provides students
asynchronous education Where they can reach any kind of
information anytime and anywhere. This widens the world of

Participants The participants of the study were 100 students
who studied in different levels at English Preparatory School,
Eastern Mediterranean University during Spring Semester of
2010 – 2011. In the study there were 80 male and 20 female
students. Nearly half of them were at the age of 19 and 20
and 32% of them were 21 and above. 50 of them were from
Turkey, 17 of them were from North Cyprus, 15 of them were
from Azerbaijan, 8 of them from Iran and there were 9
participants from other countries.
Use of Online Homework
Computers should not be viewed as a passive addition to any
classroom; they change the classroom environment and
learning atmosphere and are never neutral in effect.
Computer applications must have a purpose and be carefully
planned, given their effect. Similarly, the role of computer
technology must be purposeful. Requiring students to
complete homework online simply to aid in grading is not a
sufficient purpose, though this unfortunately is a prevalent
reason for doing so. Professors have a variety of competing
demands on their time, including committee assignments,
publication requirements, AACSB mandated faculty
involvements, recruiting and placement demands. However,
without proper planning, application of computer technology
may have dysfunctional consequences. The completion of
homework online, as an alternative or supplement to pen and
pencil assignments, must fulfill basic outcomes such as
• Generates efficiencies and productivity benefits to students
and faculty, by requiring less class content for the required
• Enables expansion of the curriculum to include new topic
areas not able to be covered with extant course time
• Facilitates student learning by understanding accounting
interrelationships and accounting concepts;

Why Online Homework Is The Worst

1. It is clunky and slow.
When students have a pen and paper, they can chug away at
their work with good pacing. Online materials, however, can
be delayed by slow internet connection, computer bugs, and
web browser woes. I cannot count how many damn times
Canvas has crashed my perfectly up-to-date computer. When
these issues come up, students are frustrated by the time they
actually get to the work. And that mindset is not going to help
master any material.

2. It is impersonal.
Often, online assignments are graded upon submission. You
turn in your work, and the website spits a grade out at you.
The instructor does not view your answers or good work;
instead, a machine assigns a letter. Thus, it is profoundly
aggravating to put much work into an assignment just for it to
instantly give you a low grade —and no comments on how to
improve or what went wrong.
3. Your grade can be wrong.
Say the assignment is to type words into boxes (i.e. “fill in the
blank”). Say your finger slips and you miss a letter. Or you
capitalize something by mistake. Or your professor doesn’t
anticipate a perfectly correct answer (this has happened in
multiple of my classes). If any of these scenarios come true,
you lose points off your grade. Worst of all, your score does
not accurately reflect your learning; it reflects a “glitch” in the
system or a small typo.

4. Or your grade can be lost.

If a grade book crashes but the professor collects your work on
paper, you can easily resubmit and recover your scores.
However, if all the work is stored online and the database
crashes, well, there’s no coming back from that. Storing data
online and online alone is a great risk. If instructors elect to
assign items electronically, the assignments should be at least
low stakes.

5. You don’t get to (physically) write your answers.

The act of writing (pen and paper) actually improves learning
and memory. Plus, it’s much easier to make a quick typo.
Often, writing out work can be helpful, especially if you’re in a
language or math class. Unfortunately, it is often these
subjects that end up having online submissions.

6. It encourages cheating.
Often, online work shows you which questions or problems
someone got wrong. With this information, they can easily
“help” someone else out with the assignment — AKA
cheating. Of course, students can share answers with paper
assignments — but no one can be certain if all the answer are
correct. If a professor goes as far to have an exam online, less-
than-honest students are bound to Google search more
Conclusion and Discussion
In general it was clear that the majority of the students
believed they can use the Internet as an educational tool.
Only a very small amount of participants stated that they
were not able to use it for educational purposes, which is very
promising for the future. There were certain areas that
students felt comfortable while using the Internet such as the
search engines on the Internet, which is easily and efficiently
used and preferred by 80% of the participants in this study.
Also, they stated that they used social websites to share
knowledge and talk about school subjects. They also claimed
that they could easily use the Internet to find sources of
information, download necessary files and pictures and so on.
Moreover, the participants stated that they used e-
dictionaries, e-encyclopedias and translation tools to help
them write their homework and do their projects. The only
problematic areas which seemed the participants are not very
good at were blogs, wikis and e-learning portals and the
reason might be neither students nor teachers could really
cope with them efficiently and appropriately. Both groups are
not very familiar with these Internet options as well as with
the educational journals and database programs.
Furthermore, educational journals could be another issue to
be considered. As the participants of this study were
preparatory school students, they might have not needed to
use educational journals in order to be successful in their.

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