CEP Lesson Plan Form: Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. M Date: 10/5/2021

Grade Level: 9th Grade Content Area: English

Title: Characters and Perspective

Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: I am going to be teaching students how to do a

What are you going to teach and why is this character reflection. This is important and relevant as it
lesson important to these students? What helps them develop analysis skills and allows them to
has already happened in this classroom create a tool that will help them out with the final
surrounding the subject you will be assessment for this unit.
teaching? What do students already know?
Why are you going to teach this topic now
(how does it fit in the curricular sequence)?
What teaching methods/strategy will you
be use and why?

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (CCSS: RI.9-10.1)
 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over
the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific
details; provide an objective summary of the text. (CCSS: RL.9-10.2)

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

 A person’s point of view influences their perception of what is fair and just.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

 In what ways do the values and conflicts within a community shape and influence the values of
the individual?
 How is it possible to have a perspective that differs from the culture in which you live?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)- At least one LT should relate to literacy
or mathematics/numerousy – please provide an indication after the LT as to which one meets this

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

I can: Identify character traits and analyze textural evidence for these characters and their traits.

This means: There is textual evidence listed for the character you have chosen, and an explanation of
what this reveals about them that goes beyond the surface level understanding.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative and which LT each
assessment meets)

 Character Reflection assignment (formative)

Check those that apply:

This lesson: Engages and Extends learning

Engages learning

Enhances learning

Extends learning

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson
Should be a creative title for you and the students to Characters and Perspective
associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as
the mini-rationale for what you are trying to
accomplish through this lesson. What will answer
the “Why” are we doing this question?
Approx. Time and Materials
How long do you expect the activity to last and 90 Minutes
what materials will you need?
Anticipatory Set Alright class! Today we are going to be working on identifying characters in the book
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are and identifying some of their traits and what these reveal about them. Let’s take a
actions and statements by the teacher to relate the quick second to think of a character in the book that you really feel like you understand
experiences of the students to the objectives of the (this can be your favorite character, your most hated character, or just one that you
lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of feel like you understand really well). Think of some adjectives to describe them. Write
mind. them down on the top of your sheet. Once you have done that, turn and talk with a
 To focus student attention on the lesson. partner and tell them what character you chose and the adjectives you are choosing to
 To create an organizing framework for the use to describe them.
ideas, principles, or information that is to
follow (advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a different
activity or new concept is to be introduced.
How do you intend to engage your students in
thinking during the Anticipatory Set? The strategy I intend to use is __Think-Pair-Share__________

Why are you using it at this point in your lesson? I am using this strategy here because: It introduces the activity for the day and allows
them to get some peer feedback early on.

Procedures 8:55-9:00: Welcome students, attendance, display agenda on board

(Include a play-by-play account of what students 9:00-9:05: Pick a favorite character and write down 2-3 adjectives to describe them
and teacher will do from the minute they arrive to - Quick refresher on what adjectives are (Describing words)
the minute they leave your classroom. Indicate the - Teacher model: Boo—

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length of each segment of the lesson. List actual 9:05-9:07: Share out of characters and adjectives
minutes.) 9:07-9:09 Explain Hot Seat (Modelling)
Indicate whether each is: - Small groups
-teacher input - Small groups, assigned a character
-modeling - Respond to the questions from the perspective of your groups assigned
-questioning strategies character
-guided/unguided: - This will act as a sort of prep before we come together and do a whole class
-whole-class practice version of this
-group practice 9:09 – 9:24 Hot seat discussion in small groups (Group practice)
-individual practice - Groups of 3, two groups of 4
-check for understanding - 2 groups on Jem, 1 group Scout, 2 g Atticus, 1 g Bob Ewell, 1 g Tom Robinson, 1
-other g Dill
9:25 - 9:45 Whole group hot seat discussion (Whole-Class Practice)
- What did we learn about perspectives through the discussion?
9:45 – 9:47 Discussion Debrief
9:47- 9:50 Introduction to character assignment (Model)
- Emphasize purpose
9:50 - 10:20 Release class to work on character assignment (Individual Practice)
- Walk around and monitor work, check in, help students
10:20 – 10:25 Bring class back together for closing (Whole-class)
How do you intend to engage your students in
thinking during the PROCEDURE? The strategy I intend to use is ______Walking around and helping_____

Why are you using it at this point in your lesson? I am using this strategy here because: It allows me to notice where students may be
struggling a bit so that I can come back to the whole class and clarify directions. It also
helps me to build relationships with the students.

Closure Last 5 minutes of class

Those actions or statements by a teacher that are  Let’s have a couple of people share out their character that they chose and
designed to bring a lesson presentation to an what they discovered about them through this activity?
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring
things together in their own minds, to make sense
out of what has just been taught. “Any Questions?
No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. Closure is

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 To cue students to the fact that they have
arrived at an important point in the lesson
or the end of a lesson.
 To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate.
How do you intend to engage your students in
thinking during CLOSURE? The strategy I intend to use is ___Share out________

Why are you using it at this point in your lesson? I am using this strategy here because: It gives me an idea of where students are with
the activity, how they felt about it, and what sorts of things they were thinking about.

 Choice embedded in the assignment (Students choose a character to analyze)

 Combination of whole group practice, small group practice, and individual
Differentiation should be embedded
throughout your whole lesson!!
This is to make sure you have met the
needs of your students on IEP’S or 504’s
To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a child,
how will you modify it so that they can be
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child, how
will you extend it to develop their emerging skills?
Assessment Reflection: (data analysis)  There is expansion of ideas listed in the initial pre-assessment
How will you know if students met the learning - Students are able to take adjectives like “strong-willed”, and expand upon
targets? Write a description of what you were them providing evidence and reasoning.
looking for in each assessment.

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)
 I would say that the lesson objectives were achieved to a moderate degree. Every
student was able to come up with characters, adjectives, and textual evidence.
However, there were still a few students who were looking at surface level traits of
character or who were simply summarizing quotes rather than analyzing and really
drawing out what this quote revealed about the character.

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
 If I were to teach this lesson again, I think that I would add in some more discussion
questions for the activity and ground them a bit more. While this was certainly an
interesting way of looking at and discussing the book, I do think that it fell flat in some

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)
 I envision the next lesson being an extension of this activity. Students are getting ready
to work on character body assignments for their final assessment. I see this as a
steppingstone and a building block to help students begin to brainstorm for that next

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