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Microcomputer & Interfacing

Lecture 1

 The 8086 Microprocessor

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 1

 Hardware Architecture
 Physical Address Generation

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 2
[Register Level]

 In general a microprocessor will have the following components

 Registers
 Decoder & Fetcher
 Data & Address Bus
 The 8086 microprocessor have two major parts
 The Execution Unit
 The Bus Interface Unit

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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[Register Level]

• 40 pins
• 16-bit architecture
• Clock Rate : 5Mhz-
10MHz max
• 20 bit address bus
BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
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[Register Level]

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)

 The Execution unit have the following components

 ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit) 16 bit
 Decoder
 Registers
 Control Circuitry
 ALU: Performs Arithmetic and Logical operations.
 Control Circuitry : Controls flow of operations
 Decoder : Interprets instruction fetched from memory and activate/
deactivate necessary components for the ALU to perform its action.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Registers: The EU have various registers to hold temporary
data, offset to an address & status of various operations.
Here are the list of registers within the EU.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Accumulator(AX): 16 bit general purpose register which can be used for
multiplication, division, adjustment instruction, I/0 or hold temporary

 Base Index (BX): 16 bit register which is used to hold temporary value or
offset address to memory location.

 Count (CX): 16 bit register which is used to hold temporary value or count
value for loop instructions.

 Data (DX): 16 bit register which is used to hold the result of multiplication
, part of dividend before division ,temporary data and port address for I/O.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 The above registers can operate in 16 bit or 8 bit mode. The 8
bit respective value will be AX=>AH+AL, BX=>BH+BL,

8 8

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Destination Index (DI): A 16 bit register containing destination
address offset of string instructions.
 Source Index (SI) : A 16 bit register containing Source address offset
of string instructions.
 Base Pointer (BP): A 16 bit register containing an offset that points
to memory location (stack).
 Stack Pointer (SP): A 16 bit register containing an offset that points
to a memory location called Stack.

Note: This registers can not be accessed as an eight bit register.

instructions performed on them will update the whole register .

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Flags : Flags indicate conditions of the processor and control
its operations.
 The flag contains 8 used bits with each bit representing a
certain condition.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Carry bit (C) : This bit will be set if there is a carry out of most
significant bit in unsigned addition or a borrow in unsigned

 Parity (P) : This bit will be set if the lower bytes of a result
contains an even number of ones.

 Auxiliary Carry (AC) : This bit will be set if there is a carry out or
borrow from the lower nibble of addition and subtraction

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)
 Zero (Z) : This bit will be set if an instruction results a zero.

 Sign flag (S) : This bit will be set if an arithmetic operation results in a
negative value.

 Over flow (O) : This bit will be set if an instruction produce a result that
can not be held by the available registers.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Execution Unit (EU)

 Interrupt (I) : This bit will be set if the processor acknowledges

a makeable interrupt.

 Direction (D) : If set strings are processed from higher to lower

bit other wise they are processed from low to higher bit.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Bus Interface Unit (BIU)

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
 The BIU have the main functionality of fetching instructions and generating

 The BIU unit is capable of fetching up to six instructions in its FIFO queue .
This is done while the EU is decoding and executing instruction i.e. where
the EU is not using the BUS.

 Hence when the EU finishes the execution of the current instruction it will
simply fetch the next instruction if the current executed instruction dose
not require a branch or jump (control transfer instruction in general).

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
 Registers
 Code Segment (CS)
 Data Segment (DS)
 Extra Segment (ES)
 Stack Segment (SS)
 20 bit address Bus which can address in a range of 1MB
20-bit Address
8086 Memory
. 16-bit Data

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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The Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
 8086 will support 1MB memory which is divided into 64KBs of
segments for various purposes.

 .Hence Memory is addressed as

Segment Registers + offset registers=Memory Address

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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BY: Tsegamlak Terefe
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How is address generated ?
 As mentioned earlier address is generated with the use of
segment and offset registers.

 Which segment is pointing to where ?

 Code segment (CS): This segment register is pointing to a

memory segment containing code (instruction).
 Data segment (DS) : This segment register is pointing to a
memory segment containing Data.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 21
How is address generated ?
 As mentioned earlier address is generated with the use of
segment and offset registers.

 Stack Segment (SS): This register points to a segment used as

stack. Stacks are memory locations where addresses and data
are stored while a sub program is being executed.
 Extra segment (ES) : This register points to a segment where
destination data could be stored in string manipulation

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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How is address generated ?
1. Segment Registers are shifted by four bits/ nibble to the left .
2. The value at the offset register is added to the shifted value in
the segment register.

(D,E,S,C)S<<4 + offset register => 20 bit memory


BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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How is address generated ?
E.g. If the segment address is 1005h and the offset is 5555h,
then the physical address is calculated as follows

Segment address --------- 1005h

Offset address------------- 5555h

Segment address--------- 1005h --------- 0001 0000 0000 0101

Shifted by 4 bit positions---------- 0001 0000 0000 0101 0000
Offset address----------------------- + 0101 0101 0101 0101

Physical address ------------------- 0001 0101 0101 1010 0101

1 5 5 A 5 h

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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How is address generated ?

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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 Each segment register is associated with its corresponding
offset register.

 CS:IP: The pair of code segment and Instruction pointer

will indicate the next instruction to be fetched.

 Here the CS will indicate the base address (starting

address)of the code in memory while IP will point the
offset from the base address.
E.g. CS:IP=>348A:4214 => 348A0+4214=38AB4

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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 SS:SP/BP:-These pair will indicate the base address of the
stack segment and the offset from the base address

 DS: SI/BX/DI :- These pairs will indicate the base address

of the data segment and the offset from the base address

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

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BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 29
 For further reference
 Dr. Manoj handout chapter one

 For testing
 EMU8086

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 30
Next Lecture
 Pin outs
 Interfacing the 8086

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe

10/21/2019 31

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