A. Listen To The Monolog and Complete The Missing Words

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A. Listen to the monolog and complete the missing words.

There seems to be so many social issues these days. I‟m sure the list of issues is
ten times bigger(1) than it was a few years ago. I just Googled „social issues‟ and
found (2) a list of 33 different issues. I suppose (3) that‟s not a huge (4) amount.
One thing that surprised me looking at the list is how common they are. Pretty
much all of them appear (5) on the news (6) most days. A few of them weren‟t
really in the news when I was growing (7) up. I can‟t remember hearing (8)
about drug abuse (9), pollution and immigration (10) years ago. I hope that the
number of social (11) issues on this list goes (12) down and not up, although I
suspect (13) there will be more problems in the future (14). I think there‟ll be
problems about things we don‟t even know (15) about today.

B. Answer the questions based on the monologue above.

1. What does the monologue tell us about?
Answer : It is tell us about social issues.
2. Why does the writer think that the number of social issues is getting bigger?
Answer : The writer thinks that the number of social issues is getting bigger
cause he or she googled it.
3. What kinds of social issues are mentioned in the text?
Answer : There are drug abuse, pollution, and immigration.
4. Due to the social issues, what are the effects to our society?
Answer : There effect to our society :
a. Loss employment
b. Relationship loss
c. Financial trouble
d. Homelessness
5. Many social issues happen because of….
Answer : Drug abuse, pollution, and immigration
6. “One thing that surprised me looking at the list is how common they are”.
The underline word is closest meaning to ….
Answer : General.
7. “…., although I suspect there will be more problems in the future.” What
does the statement imply?
Answer : The writer thinks that in the future will be more problems.

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8. Thanks to the social problem of immigration which happens to our country,
what do you recommend to tackle the problem?
Answer : I recommend to tackle down the immigration problem by boost
legal migration, reduce disease fears, and recognize migrant’s
9. The conjunctions of due to, because of and thanks to in the sentences
Answer : Cause of something.

C. Write the cause and effect for each sentence.

1. Fajar forgot his math book, so he was unable to complete his homework.
Cause : Fajar forgot his math book
Effect : He was unable to complete his homework
2. Laras was hungry because she skipped lunch.
Cause : She skipped lunch
Effect : Laras was hungry
3. Adit‟s car had a flat tire, so he called a tow truck.
Cause : Adit‟s car had a flat tire
Effect : He called a tow truck
4. Thanks to the beautiful bouquet which I left for my mom on the table, she
was surprised.
Cause : The beautiful bouquet which I left for my mom on the table
Effect : She was surprised
5. I gave my mom a big hug because she bought me my favourite ice cream
Cause : She bought me my favourite ice cream treat
Effect : I gave my mom a big hug

D. Complete the sentences below using the suitable conjunctions to show the
cause and effect.
1. The orange juice spilled on Laras‟s shirt this morning because Adit bumped
the table and knocked it off.
2. Because I picked the flowers for my mom, she took me for some ice cream.
3. I and my friends sang all the way home for our happiness.
4. The firemen rushed to their trucks because hearing of the fire alarm.

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5. Since nobody who ate at the Burger Hut, it went out of business.

E. Write a paragraph to explain causes and effects of Corona Virus.

This year, corona virus is the popular topic around the world. This virus causes
so many effect to body. Because of this virus, a lot of people died. This virus
spread fastly, so a lot of schools are closed. The student get so many online
assignments. They become stress. Now, so many students are sick.

=== Good Luck ===

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