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Second Semester

Theme: Fit and Healthy (unit 8)

Student’s name: Joel Daza Desolas

Second Semester Study Guide No 4

Period: Week 4 November 9th- 13th 2020 (Deadline to upload this evidence document:
Nov 13th)

Session One: Tuesday, November 10th

I. Look at the picture above and think about how it bears connections with your
personal, everyday life. Do you exercise at all? What do you do to stay fit? What
are your eating habits?
Sometimes I do exercises, but not at all, only occasionally, to keep fit I play soccer,
unconsciously that sport improves my life and about my eating habits I do not take
them into account, very little I eat fast food

II. Reading and listening activity: Sometimes it is not easy to be fit and healthy,
especially when something unexpected affects your health. Watch the following
video about Jonnie Peacock
III. /watch?v=tsPsDc3JPhI Then read the text below to complete this task.
Questions 1-5. Say whether the statement is true or false.
1. Meningitis changed Jonny Peacock’s life. T (X) F ( )
3. Jonnie Peacock’s favorite sport was football. T (X) F ( )
4. His parents were not surprised about what he could do. T (X) F ( )
5. In 2015 JP competed for the United Kingdom. T ( ) F (X)
6. Jonny did not retain his title in 2016. T ( ) F (X)
Questions 6-12. Complete the next statements according to the reading and the video
7. Jonnie Peacock’s mother had to carry him to school sometimes because his very
short stump was too are to wear is prosthesis
8. Something that happened to JP in 2013 was not being able to compete in Doha
9. Liam Malone has a physical deficiency. He’s an international debut nick rogers
from the united states a just 20 years old
10. The word used to name the artificial body part that Jonny uses prosthesis
11. The first three places in the 2016 Rio competition went to (1) Jonny Peacock (2)
Liam Malone (3) Felix Strengg from Germany
12. Liam Malone is the youngest of the Rio competitors.
13. The relationship between JP and Jarred Wallace is of a great rival and great friend
IV. Reading. How easy is it to get fit? Read the passage on page 82 and complete
exercises d and e.

Warm up 20 a 30 seconds of hard exercise few rest

How often?
Time: 5 minutes a day

Good for:
Getting fit, stopping diabetes and heart disease

Repeat 2 times
In your opinion what is the main difference between HIT and more traditional ways of
__ I think it is quite efficient, at one time I put this method to the test and it worked
wonders for me compared to the traditional one
Visit two other sites about HIT and tell us three new things you found that are not in
the textbook article. Remember to write down the titles of the articles and the links
where you found them.
1 HIIT Can Burn a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time
2 Blood Sugar Can Be Reduced by HIIT (
3 Strengthen your cardiovascular activity and boost your
endurance (

Session Two: Wednesday, November 11th

V. Grammar. Have to / don’t have to. Visit the following webpage http://www.english-

1. Read the explanations and then complete exercises A, B, C (page 82). Here is another
suggested page you could visit to practice: https://www.englisch-

2. Tell us about two things that you have to do at home every day.
_In my day I always have to organize my room, I also have to take my pet to the
park, then I have to fulfill my responsibilities at the U
3. Write two sentences about house chores that your mother/sister/brother does not
have to do this week.
_My mother doesn't have to go shopping this week
My sister this week does not have to paint her hair

VI. Vocabulary about health: visit the following link Study those expressions that are
new to you
VII. Listening and vocabulary: Go to the following link and watch the video: Saying you’re not feeling well. During
our next remote meeting, share with the class about words and expressions that you
learned from the video. Use them to talk about how you feel.
VIII. Pronunciation: complete the listening exercise on page 85. Practice joining words.

IX. Reading:
a. Read Dylan’s article for the company blog. Tick (√) what’s the same about Dylan’s
and Andy’s activities
1. They do their free time activities outdoors. (X )
2. They do their free time activities every day. ( )
3. They get fit doing their free-time activities. (X)
4. They hurt their foot recently. ( )
b. Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1. Three years ago, Dylan was lonely. (T )
2. He liked the idea of hiking immediately. (F)
3. Hiking was a bit difficult at first. (T)
4. He met his wife on hike (T)
5. It’s very difficult to learn how to go hiking. (F)
6. Hiking connects Dylan with nature. (T)
Session Three: Friday, June 5th

X. Think of something you do in your free time. Make notes about what the activity is,
when you started doing it, something important you did when you started, what you
normally do, and something important you did recently.
XI. Now use your answers above and write an article about your leisure-time activity.
make sure you include adverbs of manner, linking word: however. Before submitting
your writing you check spelling, vocabulary, and grammar; also, make sure you have
the required information. Your Article may have 4 paragraphs, each paragraph may
have between 5-7 sentences each.

In my free time I have to give priority to my responsibilities at the University, first of all
I always do my homework in order to organize other types of plans. Once I finish my
homework, I don't have to lie to my friends, I can take any plans with them.

Usually on weekends I have them free, because I do every week, I also have to visit my
sisters, I have two little nephews (Joshua and Sofia) I visit them occasionally, it is
exciting to see how they grow every day. When I go there my sister does not have to
be so aware of them because I take care of them.

On Sundays I take them to relax, watch series, movies with my parents, I always have
to put something that is to their liking to capture their attention, I like that they have
fun watching different types of movies a day.

Once the weekend is over, I have to rectify if I have all the lessons prepared for my
Monday at university, in this case the virtual classes, I also have to go to bed early to
get up with a lot of energy, I like to stay active and exercise, I do all this so as not to
have health problems later.

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