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Rajal Anak

Our Child Health services include:

 Chronic health assessment and management

 Developmental and behavioural assessment and guidance

 Developmental screening

 Diagnosis and management of a wide range of allergic disorders

 General physical examination (i.e. for education enrolment purposes)

 Hearing and vision screening

 Laboratory testing

 Medication management

 Nutrition evaluation and counselling

 Parent education, support and guidance

 Referral services

 Regular health checks

 Sick visits

 STI testing and treatment

 Vaccinations/ Immunisations

 Well visits

 Young women’s health

Tests and Procedures

A variety of tests may take place in your pediatrician's office. These screening tests usually take place
during a routine well-child visit. Some are general screening tests, prescribed if there are certain risk
factors. These tests may include the following.

 Cholesterol
 Blood lead levels
 Scoliosis
 Tuberculosis
When your child is sick, if the doctor suspects a certain illness or condition, he or she may perform
one or more laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.

 Blood tests
 Allergy tests
 Throat culture
Some conditions, may require more intense testing. In these instances, your child's pediatrician might
refer you to a specialist.

Diagnostic tests available to pediatric patients includes:

o Allergen skin testing, including patch skin tests

o Auditory testing
o Autism spectrum evaluations and testing
o Capsule endoscopy or "pill camera"
o Colonoscopy
o CT scan (computed tomography)
o EEG (electroencephalogram)
o EMG (electromyogram)
o Epilepsy monitoring
o Extremity MRI
o Fluoroscopy
o MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
o Pap smear
o Pelvic exam
o Psychiatric or psychological assessment
o Ultrasound
o Upper endoscopy (endoscopic ultrasound)
o X-ray
Diagnostic Tests & Procedures

We view each organ system within your child’s body as a special and unique system. Some of the
advanced techniques we use to understand these systems are listed and described here.

 Angiography:
A procedure in which dye is injected into the patient prior to x-ray to produce a picture, also
called an angiogram. Using this picture, the physician can see obstructions within the arteries.
 Computed Tomography (CT or CAT scan):
Technology that involves moving x-ray beams across different areas of the body, resulting in
multiple views of the same organ or tissue. The physician sees the resulting image on a
monitor. CT scans are commonly used with infants and older children and can detect
numerous abnormalities and diseases inside the body.
 Fluoroscopy:
An x-ray technique that allows the physician to see “live” images inside a patient. Often used
to observe the digestive tract, fluoroscopy is common in many diagnostic and therapeutic
 Interventional Radiology:
A procedure that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat a number of disorders. The
process involves needle-placement, followed by possibly a wire or a catheter, into an organ or
hollow cavity to perform biopsies, treat tumors, drain fluids, and open narrowed arteries or
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
A noninvasive method that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce highly detailed
images of the body’s systems and organs. The physician uses MRI as a tool to see
abnormalities in the central nervous system, brain, eyes, reproductive system, bladder, blood
vessels, bones, and other areas within the body.
 Musculoskeletal Imaging:
Ultrasound technology that allows the physician to evaluate the body’s muscles, tendons,
ligaments, and soft tissues. The process is effective in revealing problems in a patient’s joints
and tendons as the examiner is able to see these systems in “real time” on a monitor.
 Nuclear Medicine:
A subspecialty within radiology that uses a radioactive substance to create images of organs
and other body systems and to show their function. The images produced allow the physician
to diagnose problems in the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, urinary tract, and other organs.
 Positron Emission Tomography (PET):
An imaging technique used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and many other
diseases. The physician is able to investigate the cellular function of the body to determine
the extent of disease and make an accurate diagnosis as well as monitor the progress of
 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT):
A nuclear imaging test that uses a radioactive substance and a special camera to take 3-D
pictures of the inside of your body to show how your internal organs are working. For
example, a SPECT scan can show how blood is flowing to your heart or which areas of your
brain are more or less active.
 Ultrasound (Sonography):
The use of high-frequency sound waves to obtain images from inside the body. This
technology is used frequently to evaluate abdominal pain and other conditions in children.
The echo of the waves is displayed on a monitor and shows the flow of blood and the
movement of internal tissues and organs, allowing accurate diagnosis of a variety of
MCU (Medical Check-up)

Jenis Medical Check Up

Dalam melakukan medical check up, terdapat beberapa jenis pemeriksaan yang dilakukan. Berikut ini
beberapa jenis pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilakukan.

Pemeriksaan Tekanan Darah

Jenis medical check up yang pertama adalah pemeriksaan tekanan darah. Tekanan darah sangat penting untuk
diketahui untuk melihat status tekanan darah seseorang, apakah tinggi, rendah, atau normal. Tekanan darah
tinggi dapat merujuk ke berbagai penyakit seperti jantung, diabetes, kolesterol, hingga komplikasi. Sedangkan
tekanan darah yang rendah juga berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena dapat menyebabkan pusing, lemas, dan
lesu. Oleh karena itu, pemeriksaan tekanan darah saat pemeriksaan kesehatan penting untuk dilakukan.

Pemeriksaan Kolesterol dan Gula Darah

Jenis medical check up berikutnya adalah pemeriksaan kolesterol. Tanpa sadar, seseorang kerap mengonsumsi
berbagai makanan yang tinggi lemak seperti jeroan, gorengan, dan lain sebagainya. Lemak tersebut memicu
kenaikan kolesterol yang berpotensi menimbulkan penyakit jantung serta stroke. Perlu diketahui bahwa kadar
kolesterol normal pada orang dewasa adalah di bawah 200 mg/dL.

Selain itu, pemeriksaan gula darah juga perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah penyakit diabetes yang mematikan.
Kadar gula seseorang harus benar-benar diperhatikan agar tidak melonjak dan menimbulkan penyakit.
Sebelum menjalankan pemeriksaan ini, kamu harus berpuasa terlebih dahulu minimal selama 8 jam.
Normalnya, gula darah berada pada angka 700-100 mg/dL. Jika kamu memiliki gula darah sebesar 100-125
mg/dL, maka kamu perlu waspada karena telah memasuki fase pra diabetes. Semantara, seseorang dinyatakan
mengalami diabetes jika memiliki kadar gula lebih dari 126 mg/dL.

Tes Darah

Dalam paket medical check up juga terdapat pemeriksaan atau tes darah. Tes darah dilakukan dengan
mengambil sampel darah lengkap guna melihat kadar Hb, leukosit, trombosit, dan lainnya. Jika terdapat
kecurigaan terhadap adanya penyakit tertentu, tim pemeriksa akan melakukan pemeriksaan atau tes darah

Pemeriksaan Jantung

Berikutnya, ada juga jenis pemeriksaan jantung dengan menggunakan alat khusus atau EKG. Tes ini bertujuan
untuk melihat kondisi jantung seseorang, tak terkecuali struktur dan fungsinya. Dengan menggunakan
gelombang suara ultrasonik, dapat menghasilkan gambar yang menunjukkan kondisi jantung seseorang.
Dokter dapat melihat gerakan katup jantung, dinding jantung, serta aliran darah di bilik jantung.

Pemeriksaan Mata

Jenis medical check up berikutnya adalah pemeriksaan mata. Tes ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas
pandangan seseorang. Jika terdapat indikasi gangguan mata, dokter aan menegakkan diagnosa dan melakukan
penanganan. Umumnya gangguan mata ringan tidak menimbulkan gejala, oleh karena itu pemeriksaan mata
sangat penting untuk dilakukan mengingat mata merupakan organ vital dalam tubuh.
Berikut ini beberapa prosedur pemeriksaan kesehatan yang perlu kamu tahu.

1. Pemeriksaan Riwayat Medis

Prosedur medical check up yang pertama dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan medis atau kesehatan. Di awal,
dokter akan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan mengenai keluhan kesehatan serta riwayat penyakit dalam
keluarga. Dokter juga akan melakukan tanya jawab mengenai gaya hidup yang diterapkan selama ini, obat apa
saja yang dikonsumsi, pola makan, serta kebiasaan olahraga. Ketika proses wawancara ini dilakukan, pastikan
kamu menjawab dengan jujur agar proses pemeriksaan berjalan dengan lancar.

2. Pemeriksaan pada Tanda Vital Tubuh

Berikutnya, prosedur pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan memeriksa tanda vital tubuh. Terdapat beberapa tanda
vital tubuh yang wajib dilakukan monitoring, seperti:

Frekuensi denyut jantung

Dalam keadaan normal, frekuensi denyut jantung seseorang adalah 60-100 kali per menit.

Frekuensi pernapasan

Pernapasan dikatakan normal jika berada di angka 12-20 kali per menit.

Suhu tubuh

Suhu tubuh normal orang sehat adalah 36-37 derajat celcius.

Tekanan darah

Tekanan darah yang normal adalah 90/60 hingga 120/80 mmHg.

3. Pemeriksaan Fisik

Setelah tahap wawancara dan pemeriksaan tanda vital tubuh selesai dilakukan, berikutnya dokter akan
melakukan pemeriksaan fisik. Dalam hal ini bisa saja pasien diminta untuk berbaring, duduk, atau berdiri sesuai
dengan kebutuhan. Dimulai dari pemeriksaan tinggi badan dan berat badan, dokter akan memeriksa seluruh
kondisi fisik pasien. Dokter akan mulai mengamati rambut, kuku, serta kulit pasien. Jika terdapat kelainan,
dokter akan mencatatnya untuk dijadikan dasar pemeriksaan penunjang.

Pemeriksaan fisik juga dilakukan dengan menekan bagian tubuh tertentu, seperti perut, dada, atau lainnya.
Jika ada rasa nyeri saat ditekan, jangan ragu untuk memberitahu dokter. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan
pemeriksaan mata, tenggorokan, hidung dan telinga serta organ dalam. Dokter juga akan mengamati suara
denyut jantung, paru-paru, serta gerakan usus.

Kekuatan otot pasien juga akan diperiksa. Dokter mungkin akan meminta pasien untuk melakukan gerakan
tertentu guna mengecek kondisi otot dan tulang. Selain itu, kondisi kelamin juga masuk ke dalam pemeriksaan
fisik dalam medical check up. Untuk pasien laki-laki, dokter akan mengecek penis dan testis guna mengetahui
ada tidaknya kelainan, infeksi, peradangan, atau gangguan lain. Tes colok dubur juga dilakukan gina mengecek
kondisi prostat.

Sementara untuk pasien perempuan, beberapa organ kewanitaan vital seperti vagina, ovarium, vulva, serviks,
serta rahim akan diperiksa untuk mendeteksi ada tidaknya gangguan serta penyakit yang berhubungan dengan
organ intim. Payudara juga akan diperiksa untuk mendeteksi kanker payudara sejak dini. Selain itu,
pemeriksaan fisik juga dilakukan dengan melihat ada tidaknya benjolan di area kelenjar getah bening.

4. Pemeriksaan Penunjang Guna Memperkuat Diagnosis

Jika pemeriksaan fisik menyeluruh telah dilakukan dan dokter memerlukan tes lanjutan, maka pemeriksaan
penunjang akan dilakukan. Umumnya pemeriksaan penunjang dilakukan ketika dokter melihat adanya
kecurigaan terhadap penyakit tertentu. Tujuan pemeriksaan penunjang adalh untuk menegakkan dan
memperkuat diagnosis.

Pada medical check up, pemeriksaan penunjang dilakukan melalui beberapa cara, yaitu:

Cek Laboratorium

Cek laboratorium dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel darah, urin, maupun tinja. Tujuannya adalah untuk
mengecek sel darah, gula darah serta zat kimia yang terdapat pada organ tubuh. Jika terdapat kelainan pada
jumlah sel darah, urin serta tinja, maka dokter dapat dengan mudah menegakkan diagnosa yang ditunjang
dengan pemeriksaan fisik sebelumnya.

Pemeriksaan Pencitraan

Pemeriksaan penunjang berikutnya adalah pemeriksaan pencitraan yang dilakukan dengan foto rontgen atau
USG sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pemeriksaan ini bertujuan untuk melihat dengan jelas kondisi organ pasien.
Beberapa organ tubuh yang dapat diperiksa  melalui cara ini antara lain ginjal, rahim, kandung kemih, paru-
paru, hati, pankreas, serta prostat. Jika terdapat kecurigaan adanya tumor atau kanker pada payudara, dokter
juga akan melakukan USG payudara.

Pemeriksaan Rekam Jantung

Prosedur penunjang lainnya adalah pemeriksaan EKG atau rekam jantung guna melihat kondisi jantung pasien.
Cara ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat yang ditempelkan pada bagian tubuh seperti dada dan lengan.
Umumnya cek rekam jantung dilakukan dengan cara berbaring. Melalui cara ini, ada tidaknya kelainan
terhadap jantung pasien dapat terlihat dengan jelas.

Pap Smear

Dokter dapat juga melakukan pemeriksaan pap smear untuk pasien wanita yang pernah menikah atau
berhubungan seksual. Pemeriksaan ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi kanker serviks sejak dini. Pemeriksaan pap
smear sebaiknya dilakukan secara rutin setiap 3 tahun sekali pada wanita berusia di bawah 30 tahun dan setiap
5 tahun sekali pada wanita diatas 30 tahun.

cellular and chemical analysis

 amniocentesis

 blood analysis

o blood count

o blood typing

o bone marrow aspiration

o cephalin-cholesterol flocculation

o enzyme analysis

o epinephrine tolerance test

o glucose tolerance test

o hematocrit

o immunologic blood test

o inulin clearance

o serological test

o thymol turbidity

 gastric fluid analysis

 kidney function test

 liver function test

 lumbar puncture

 malabsorption test

 Pap smear

 phenolsulfonphthalein test

 pregnancy test

 prenatal testing

 protein-bound iodine test

 syphilis test

 thoracentesis

 thyroid function test

 toxicology test

 urinalysis/uroscopy

diagnostic imaging
 angiocardiography

 angiography

o cerebral angiography

 brain scanning

o echoencephalography

o magnetoencephalography

o pneumoencephalography

 cholecystography

 echocardiography

 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatoscopy

 lung ventilation/perfusion scan

 magnetic resonance imaging

o cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

o functional magnetic resonance imaging

o magnetic resonance spectroscopy

 mammography

 myelography

 prenatal testing

 tomography

o computed tomography

o positron emission tomography

o single photon emission computed tomography

 ultrasound

 urography

genetic testing

 complementation test

 fluorescence in situ hybridization

 preimplantation genetic diagnosis


 ballistocardiography

 electrocardiography

 electroencephalography
 electromyography

 lumbar puncture

 magnetic resonance spectroscopy

 phonocardiography

 pulmonary function test

 semen analysis

physical and visual examination

 auscultation

 autopsy

 biopsy

 bronchoscopy

 cardiac catheterization

 colposcopy

 Dick test

 endoscopy

 esophagogastroduodenoscopy

 gynecological examination

 laparoscopy

 mediastinoscopy

 nasopharyngolaryngoscopy

 palpation

 percussion

 Rubin’s test

 semen analysis

 skin test

o patch test

o Schick test

o tuberculin test

 toxicological examination

 uroscopy

What does a physical exam entail?

An average physical exam may include the following:

Updated health history

Your doctor may ask for an update on new developments and changes in your health history. This may include
questions about your job and relationships, medications, allergies, supplements, or any recent surgeries.

Vital sign checks

This includes taking a blood pressure reading and checking your heart rate and respiratory rate. Your blood
pressure should be checked at least once every year to once every three years, depending on your history.

Visual exam

Your doctor will review your appearance for signs of any potential conditions. They’ll check the parts of your
body that could visually indicate any existing health issues. This includes examining the following:

 head
 eyes
 chest
 abdomen
 musculoskeletal system, such as your hands and wrists
 nervous system functions, such as speech and walking
Physical exams

As the physical exam continues, the doctor will use tools to look in your eyes, ears, nose, and throat. They’ll
listen to your heart and lungs. This exam also includes:

 touching, or “palpating,” parts of your body (like your abdomen) to feel for abnormalities
 checking skin, hair, and nails
 possibly examining your genitalia and rectum
 testing your motor functions and reflexes
Laboratory tests

To complete the physical, your doctor may draw blood for several laboratory tests. These can include
a complete blood count and a complete metabolic panel (also called a chemistry panel). The panel tests your
blood plasma and can indicate any issues that exist in your kidneys, liver, blood chemistry, and immune
system. This helps detect irregularities in your body that might indicate a larger problem. Your doctor may
request a diabetes screen and a thyroid screen. If you have an increased risk of heart attack, heart disease, or
stroke, they may also request a lipid panel (cholesterol test).

What screening tests might be performed?

Your doctor might request screening tests. These can differ based on your biological sex.

 Mammogram: In women with low or average risk for breast cancer, a mammogram is recommended
every two years between the ages of 50 and 74. Earlier and more frequent testing may be
recommended based on your personal history and family history of breast cancer.
 Breast exam: A breast exam can be used to check for abnormal lumps or signs of breast cancer.
 Pap smear: The pap smear is a screening for cervical cancer. Women should begin screening at age
21. After that, subsequent screenings are recommended every three years, as long as the woman has
a healthy immune system. After 30 years old, pap smears are recommended once every five years,
until the age of 65. After age 65, the majority of women no longer require a pap smear.
 Pelvic exam: This can be done with or without a pap smear. A pelvic exam includes examining the
vagina, cervix, and vulva for signs of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or other conditions.
 Cholesterol test: Most women should begin regular cholesterol checks at age 45. If you have a history
of or genetic predisposition to diabetes or heart disease, you may need to begin cholesterol checks as
early as age 20.
 Osteoporosis screening: Bone density scans should begin around age 65. They may begin sooner in
certain medical conditions.

 Cholesterol test: Most men are advised to begin regular cholesterol checks at age 35. If you have a
history of or genetic predisposition to diabetes or heart disease, you may need to begin cholesterol
checks as early as age 20.
 Prostate cancer screening: In general, using the prostate-specific antigen test and digital rectal exam
for prostate cancer screening is not recommended, so talk to your doctor. Screening may be advised
for some men starting at age 50. It may start as early as age 40 for those with a strong family history.
 Testicular exam: Your doctor may wish to check each testicle for signs of a problem, including lumps,
changes in size, and tenderness.
 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening: This is a one-time screening test done with an ultrasound. It is
recommended for all men ages 65-75 who have ever smoked.
Both men and women:

 Colon (colorectal) cancer test: Tests for this cancer usually begin at age 50. It may be sooner based on
personal health conditions and family history.
 Lung cancer screening: An annual low-dose CT scan of the lungs is recommended for both men and
women ages 55-80 who have smoked for a significant period of time or who are currently smoking.
Talk to your doctor to see if your smoking history warrants a lung cancer screen.
 Depression: Many people aren’t aware of possible symptoms of depression because they can be
easily attributed to other things. However, a depression screening at each checkup can help your
doctor to see if your symptoms are a result of depression.
 Diabetes: If you have a family history or risk factors for diabetes — such as being overweight or having
high blood pressure or high cholesterol — you should be screened for diabetes. Your doctor may use
the fasting blood sugar test or the A1C test.
 Hepatitis C: All individuals born between 1945 and 1965 are recommended to have a one-time blood
test to screen for hepatitis C.
 Vaccinations: All adults continue to need vaccinations throughout their lifetime. Talk to your doctor
about which vaccinations are recommended based on your age.
 STI screening: Based on your personal sexual history, regular STI screenings during each routine
physical exam may be suggested. This can include HIV and syphilis testing.
 HIV test: Your doctor may recommend taking a one-time HIV test for preventive purposes, or having it
done more than once if you regularly have unprotected sex.
 Syphilis test: You may need to take this test if you’re pregnant or at risk for syphilis.
If your doctor believes that a specific part of your body requires closer examination, you may receive what’s
known as a focused physical exam. In this type of exam, your doctor may only look at a certain part of your
body to confirm their suspected diagnosis.

What are the tests included in Full Body Checkup?

In a complete health checkup, Indus Health Plus offers you more than 60 tests with expert counseling by
Doctor. It also contains gynaecology & fitness Consultation (exclusively for females).

Following are the tests that are performed in full body screening:

 Blood and urine tests

 Lipid Profile Test
 cardiac system: Chest X-Ray, ECG & 2D Echo Cardiography
 Vitamin Check
 Abdominal Check: Ultrasonography of abdomen & pelvis
 Thyroid Function Tests: TSH, T3, T4
 Kidney Function: Blood Urea, Uric Acid, Serum Creatinine
 Liver Function tests: SGPT, SGOT, Serum Bilirubin
 Pulmonary Lung Function tests
 Diabetes tests: Blood Sugar Fasting, Blood Sugar PP
 Hepatitis B tests
 CT Calcium Scoring
 Total body fat percentage
 Eye Checkup
 CT Coronary Angiography (Heart)
 CT Screening of Neck Vessels (Carotid)
 Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)
 Sono-mammography & Pap smear

Regular health check-ups can identify any early signs of health issues. Finding problems early means that your
chances for effective treatment are increased. Many factors, such as your age, health, family history and
lifestyle choices, impact on how often you need check-ups.

Why regular health checks are important

It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:

 check for current or emerging medical problems

 assess your risk of future medical issues
 prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle
 update vaccinations.

Health checks are usually incorporated into routine medical care. Your doctor will often perform these checks
when you are visiting for another condition, such as a cold or another problem. Your doctor will then tell you
how often you need to have a health check.

Having a health check is also a time to examine your lifestyle to see what improvements can be made. This
may be something you regularly do yourself or discuss with a healthcare professional.

Health checks at home

You can do a basic health check at home to review your health in relation to:

 Alcohol – people who have at least two alcohol-free days per week and stick to no more than two
standard drinks per drinking day have better long-term health. 
 Dental care – cleaning your teeth regularly and eating a low-sugar diet can reduce your risk of tooth
decay, gum disease and tooth loss. Visit a dentist or other oral health professional at least once a year
for a dental examination and professional cleaning, or more frequently as advised by your dentist.
 Diet – a healthy diet improves your general health and wellbeing. Have at least two serves of fruit and
five serves of vegetables each day. 
 Physical activity – regular physical activity is good for your mental health, heart and bones, and can
prevent many diseases. Aim for 30 minutes to an hour of moderate physical activity a day. Moderate
physical activity takes some effort, but still allows a conversation to be held (for example, brisk
walking, gentle swimming, social tennis).
 Skin checks – check your skin regularly for unusual moles or freckles, and see your doctor if you notice
anything unusual. People who work outdoors need a yearly examination by their doctor or a
 Smoking – smoking increases your risk of many diseases, including heart disease, stroke, lung disease
and thin bones. If you smoke, quitting as soon as possible helps reduce the harm. 
 Weight – maintaining a healthy weight range helps prevent longer-term diseases, such as diabetes
and arthritis. 

Regular health checks for adults

Regular health checks can help to identify early warning signs of disease or illness. Heart disease, diabetes and
some cancers can often be picked up in their early stages, when treatment may be more successful.

When you have a check, your doctor will talk to you about your medical history, your family’s history of
disease and your lifestyle. Your diet, weight, how much you exercise, and whether or not you smoke and drink
alcohol or take illegal drugs will also be discussed.
If you have high-risk factors, such as a family history of a condition, it may be more likely that you will develop
a particular disease. Regular checks may help your doctor pick up early warning signs.

If you have a high risk of a particular health condition, your doctor may recommend more frequent health
checks at an earlier age. 

These are some common tests, but your doctor may recommend others according to your situation.

Health checks for your heart

Health check-ups for heart disease may include: 

 Blood pressure – have your blood pressure checked every two years if it is normal, you are aged
under 40 years, and there is no family history of high blood pressure. Have it checked yearly if you are
over 40, your blood pressure is on the high side, or you have a personal or family history of high blood
pressure, stroke or heart attack. Be advised by your doctor. 
 Blood tests – check cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides, among other things. High levels may
indicate an increased risk of various health problems, including heart disease. If you are over 45, you
should have these blood tests once every five years. If you are at high risk of heart disease and have a
family history, you should be tested every year from the age of 40. 
 Electrocardiogram (ECG) – this is a non-invasive and painless medical test that detects cardiac (heart)
abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it contracts.
 Obesity tests – being overweight is a significant risk factor for many health conditions, including
cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Ask your doctor to check your body mass index (BMI) and waist
measurement every two years. If you are at a higher risk, you should have your weight checked more

Health checks for diabetes

Tests for diabetes include a fasting blood sugar level test, which measures the amount of glucose in the blood
after fasting (not eating for an amount of time). It is usually done before you have breakfast. Depending on
your risk level, you will need to be tested annually or once every three years. 

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include: 

 family history of diabetes 

 pre-diabetes (slightly elevated blood glucose levels) 
 age over 45 years 
 overweight or obesity 
 high blood pressure 
 high blood cholesterol 
 smoking 
 inactive lifestyle 
 history of angina (chest pain), heart attack or stroke 
 belonging to certain ethnic groups, including Pacific Islander and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
 in women, a history of gestational diabetes in pregnancy
 in women, a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Health checks for bowel cancer

The faecal occult blood test (FOBT) uses chemicals to check a bowel motion sample for blood, which may be a
sign of bowel cancer. If you are over 50, you should have this test once every two years, or after you turn 40 if
you have a family history.
People at high risk of bowel cancer may need a colonoscopy every five years. During this test, the doctor
inserts a slender instrument called a colonoscope through the anus to visually check the rectum and large
bowel for any abnormalities. 

Health checks for eye conditions

Eyesight tends to deteriorate with age. Serious eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic
retinopathy and macular degeneration are more common with age.

People older than 65 years should have an annual examination. However, more frequent testing may be
recommended for those with certain risk factors, such as: 

 a family history of eye disease 

 a personal history of eye disease or injury 
 certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes 
 taking certain medications. 

If you already wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, you should have your eyes tested every year. Adults
who do not wear prescription glasses or contact lenses should have an eye test every two years. 

Health checks for your bones

Advancing age is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis in both men and women. A bone density test helps to
determine the health of your bones. Generally speaking, people over the age of 50 should be assessed for the
need to have a bone density test. 

Health checks for women

In order to stay in good health and identify possible health issues at an early stage, it is important for women
to have regular health checks. There are a number of specific tests that you should make part of your regular

Breast cancer screening

It’s recommended that women between the ages of 50–69 years attend the Breast Screen Australia Program
every two years for screening mammograms. There is no evidence that clinical examination or self-
examination offers any health benefits to women.

Cervical Screening Test

The Pap test has been replaced with a new Cervical Screening Test (CST) every five years. The CST is safe, more
accurate and detects human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, the main cause of cervical cancer.Your first CST is
due at 25 years of age or two years after your last Pap test. If your result is normal you will be due in five years
to have your next test. Even if you have been vaccinated against HPV, you should continue to have regular
screening as the vaccine doesn't protect against all types of HPV infection known to cause cervical cancer.
Have any questions? We recommend speaking to your healthcare provider.

For more details, you can call 13 15 56 or visit the Cancer Screening website.

STI screening

If you are sexually active, you should get tested for chlamydia every year between the ages of 15 and 29, using
a simple urine test. Chlamydia is very common and does not always show symptoms. If you are at risk of other
sexually transmissible infections, such as HIV/AIDS or herpes, ask your doctor about further testing.

You should have a general check-up before becoming pregnant to discuss any health risks during pregnancy.
Once you are pregnant, regular antenatal checks help monitor your baby’s development, pick up abnormalities
and assess your health.

Tests related to pregnancy may include ultrasound scans, urine tests, blood tests and genetic testing. Some
antenatal tests are recommended for all pregnant women, while others are only necessary for women at
increased risk of complications. Be advised by your doctor.

Health checks for men

It's a good idea to make regular health checks part of your regular routine. This will help you stay healthy and
pick up potential problems early. 

Health checks for prostate cancer

Discuss testing with your doctor. It is not recommended that all men are routinely tested for prostate cancer.
You will need to consider the benefits, risks and uncertainties of testing, as well as your risk of developing the

Health checks for older people

As you get older, keeping an eye on your health becomes more important. Speak to your doctor about:

 abdominal aortic aneurysm screening – former and current smokers (particularly older men) can
consider having an ultrasound to screen for abdominal aortic aneurysms, a blood-filled bulge in a
major blood vessel in your abdomen called the aorta
 blood pressure screening – every year. If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or
certain other conditions, you may need to be checked more often
 bowel cancer screening – a simple test for signs of bowel cancer is recommended once every two
years if you are over 50
 cholesterol screening and heart disease prevention – every five years if levels are normal. If you have
high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems or certain other conditions, you may need
to be checked more often
 diabetes screening – every three years. If you are overweight and have other risk factors for diabetes,
ask your doctor if you should be screened more often
 lung cancer screening – for current smokers and those who have quit within the past 15 years
 osteoporosis screening – if you have risk factors for osteoporosis, you should check with your doctor
about screening. Risk factors can include long-term steroid use, low body weight, smoking, heavy
alcohol use or a family history of osteoporosis
 a physical exam – every year or as recommended by your doctor. Your doctor will check and record
your weight, height and body mass index (BMI).

You should also speak with your doctor about immunisation, in particular:

 a pneumococcal vaccine if you have never had one, or if it has been more than five years since you
had the vaccine 
 an annual flu shot
 a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis booster every 10 years
 a shingles or herpes zoster vaccine.

Check-ups with other health professionals may include:

 a dental exam – every year or so, or more often if recommended by your dentist.
 an eye test – every one to two years if you have vision problems or glaucoma risk
 a hearing test – if you have symptoms of hearing loss.

Other health checks

Your GP may also recommend other tests based on your family history, your medical history or current
symptoms. Depending on the results of those tests, your doctor may then want to provide a course of
treatment, investigate further or refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

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