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March 2018 - [on-Line Edition]

ELUMC is on the move

Lent, as a season of prepara on for Easter, is down-size our footprint and reduce the amount of empty
pew space. This may well be a liminal space between the
o en a me for taking on a challenge, le ng go “what was” and the “next.”
of a habit to unclu er your soul, and choosing a
spiritual discipline to build a be er rela onship Last Sunday a parent was excited about the possibility that
they might be able to see the kids (who sang up front but
with God. I get that. I’ve preached that. were barely visible over the modesty railing). A young adult
visitor men oned
But s ll, I prefer my challenges that it might be good
to be manageable, mely and to have a more
most of all – chosen. I’m not a informal space to
fan of the surprise kind of match the welcome
challenges at an inconvenient of our people (who
me. . . like a leak in the pipes were si ng at some
that brings heat to the distance from them
sanctuary just 3 weeks before on this par cular
Holy Week–requiring us to re- Sunday).
locate worship into the social
hall for the rest of the cold Someone’s Aunt
season. Barbara, visiting from
away, suggested this
So this Lent, we’re fas ng from might be a special
our sanctuary space. We’ll be opportunity to cherish
sharing space with the coffee – like when she was
sta on so if the sermon goes allowed to put a sheet
too long, a caffeine refill is only steps away. And while that may over the dining room table growing up and turn the room
be a bonus, I’m praying for a warmer than usual Holy Week into a cave or a fort. This special building behavior was
since it’s beyond my imagina on to envision the prayer vigil treasured precisely because it was out of the ordinary.
anywhere but the chapel and we don’t have enough chairs for
our Easter crowds. Given the science behind how our brains record memories
from a par cular vantage point–usually the regular pew we
Of course there are plenty of people trying to make the best of sit in–this will be a unique me for our brains to change
the change (I love all of them!). The Trustees say it’s a good perspec ves. They say such “brain effort” is a good
chance to get out of the pews. “It’s good prac ce” for when the workout for the brain – perhaps we can appreciate that.
carpet will be pulled up and we’ll have to be out of the
sanctuary for repain ng. Worship team members are thrilled to Con nued on page 7
2 T M M

Special health concerns: Bob & A reminder from the TRUSTEES,

Diane F__ , Hank & Bev K__ , Tom church members and teams should
R__ and Phyllis R__ . contact the office if they plan to use
any part of the building so as to
avoid conflicts and to help our
cleaning contractors plan their work.

Edie Buckley - Redstone

Marilyn Burns -LifeCare, Wilbraham
Dot Buzelle - Redstone UNDIES SUNDAY
Mary Haley The Reserve On all the Sundays in Lent we will
Joan Kearns Wells Country Village, be collec ng new children's and
Vernon CT adult's undies and socks to help sup-
Paul Willer - Reeds Landing port Gayle Lesure’s Open Hearts Min-
istries in West Virginia. We will also be
collec ng kids/adults pajamas any size.
Jesus said to visit the sick, care for the widow, the refugee, Please bring your dona ons in on any of the Sundays in
the orphan, for by doing so, you do so to him. Lent.
Help support Gayle’s great work with the rural poor.
– Make time to visit these people (drop by for no more
than 15 minutes).
– Listen or sit in silence.
– If they're too tired to talk tell them something about
what’s going on in your life.
– Thank them for spending time with you & tell them the
church continues to hold them in prayer. 2017 A R
– Let them get on with their day. Copies of the 2017 ELUMC Annual
Report are now available in the
church library.

Theda & Laverne Cornbower

Planning an event or just want

to keep up to date with all SAVING TIME
that’s happening at ELUMC. Remember to set your
Check the church calendar at clocks ahead 1 hour
the ELUMC home page. on March 11th
Just click on What’s Happening
T M M 3

Dear Friends in Mission:

Thank you for partnering
with the United Methodist S T
Commi ee on Relief (UMCOR). Through your gi , you Saturday, March 10, 2018
are helping to provide humanitarian relief when war, con- 7:00 pm
flict, or natural disaster disrupts life to such an extent that
MassMutual Center
communi es are unable to recover on their own.
Tickets only $14 (adults & children)
Through the compassion and solidarity of faithful friends like
Springfield Thunderbirds versus U ca Comets.
you, UMCOR is able to provide comfort to those impacted
by disasters like earthquakes and storms, food for the hun- Order deadline is March 4.
gry, and healthcare to those who otherwise would have
none These are just a sampling of the good works that gi s If interested, please contact Gary Conz at 413-525-2301
like yours make possible. One hundred percent of your gi or e-mail at
through The Advance, the designated giving channel of the
United Methodist Church, will go directly to the people who
need it most. Thank you for giving so generously.
Project# Project/Missionary Name Amt. Date
982532 Living Gi s: Heifer Interntl. $38 12/18/17
901670 Disaster Response, U.S. $480 12/18/17
These gi s will bring hope to those who need it most.
Grace and Peace,
Richard Fernandes, Russell Pierce,
General Treasurer Exec. Dir of. Communica ons,
UMCOR Advance & Fundraising

This past fall Jared Coltey

took over the cleaning of the th
M 10
church for parents Leo and Wendy Coltey. Jared has been
doing a great job learning the ropes and keeping two steps
ahead of church schedules etc. His sister Michaela has also A Wrinkle in Time, a Newbery Medal
been seen helping out in various areas. Thanks Jared for award winner, has been called one
your work and presence in the building. of the most significant novels of our
me. This ground-breaking science-
fic on and fantasy story of darkness
and light, fear and friendship is a
A BIG THANK YOU to all who have donated
classic in children's literature.
dried pasta to Loaves and Fishes. The pan-
try's currently overflowing and all that will The book has been made into a movie so let's go see it together
be used over the next three months as part on March 10th, the first showing at Enfield Cinemas.
of the prepared lunches served at a local
A Smith College graduate and New England resident, Made-
soup kitchen in neighboring Springfield.
leine L'Engle has wri en many books full of wisdom and com-
The Loaves and Fishes team meets on the third Wednesday passion that help make the world a be er place. Several of
of each month from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. (or so) in the church her books have been used for church studies.
kitchen. Please contact Denise Forgue (413-231-0411) or
Vance Gagnon (413-209-4522) if you can assist with food
prepara on and/ or cleanup.
4 T M M

February 11th was a day of celebra on at
ELUMC. (from left to right) John Snyder, Pat Jerome
Dorothy Allain, Beverly Barre , and Brian Kingsley
were welcomed as new members of ELUMC. Dorothy
and Beverly come to us from Wachogue Congregational
Church in Springfield, Brian from Assumption Church in
Manchester CT, Pat comes to us from Vernon UMC in
Vernon CT and John from the Mar nsville Methodist
Church in Mar nsville, NJ.
Each of them have interes ng stories to tell, just ask
John & Pat found each other online after their spouses
died - they now share a large blended family who visits
their house across the town line in Somers.
Dorothy was a 3rd genera on member at Wachogue before the congrega on split. She a ends with husband Richard of 37
years and father-in-law Eddie.
Beverly served in many leadership roles at Wachogue. She is married to Dale and is a Supplier Quality Engineer at Belcon
Brian is a snappy dresser and newly single. He has two adult children, Jennifer & Steven and is SERV Safe Cer fied and
pitched in right away with snow removal and Loaves & Fishes.

A Big Thanks to Brian Kingsley, Paul Kinney, Sco
Grabowski, John Ketchum, Tom McGowan and everyone who
helped clear away the snow and ice this winter.

The crew, Brian, John & Paul made quick work of the walkways.
New member Brian Kingsley out early bea ng the plow
along with Tom McGowan, John Ketchum, Paul Kinney &
Sco Grabowski. Thanks guys!
T M M 5

Looking to give something up or take on a
healthy habit this Lent?
Why not try a technology fast?

Science says a technology detox could help reduce stress,

anxiety and depression. If just the idea of choosing to re-
duce screen me makes you nervous, try a progressive fast,
star ng with a small fast and adding on a discipline each march 25
week: 10:00 a.m.
distribu on of Palms.
– Start a technology Sabbath -- pu ng away smart
phone from sundown Saturday to sundown Sunday.

– Turn off all no fica ons on smart phone to avoid be-

coming a "Pavlov dog" March 29
7:00 p.m.
– Add a 15 minute posi ve rela onship break on-line Service of Shadows
where you reach out to folks you fallen out of contact ending with the
with, offer encouragement through social media, be a traditional stripping of the sanctuary.
posi ve online force.

– Add a commitment to a daily meal me without

screen- me (don't just turn it over on the table -- March 29 -30
don't bring it to the table) 8:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sign-up sheet on bulle n board
– Add an evening me-out an hour before bed put the for a prayer shi in chapel.
smartphone away --science says put it in another

– Holy Week -- share your experience of a technology March 31

detox with someone. What has it been like? What 5:30 the rotary
have your learned? Joint ligh ng of the new fire with
Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant
Weekly Discussion on what it means to be white congrega ons coming
Join the Sunday morning class as we develop white racial together on the Easter vigil to light the fire of
literacy and take an honest look at how we can move beyond resurrection.
being well-inten oned white people to those commi ed to
racial equality. Sundays 8:45ish in parlor or brief discussion
on March 22nd, 6:30 p.m. at the parsonage.
April 1
Wednesday evening medita ve services 10:00 a.m
Each Wednesday the community of faith gathers at a differ- Invite your friends.
ent church each week for a brief, chant service in the tradi- Greet everyone.
on of the interna onal Taizé community in France. Come early & park in the back
3/7 - St. Paul Lutheran Church located at 181 Elm St. to leave room
3/14 - St. Mark’s Episcopal Church located at 1 Porter Rd. for visitors up front.
3/21 - First Congrega onal Church located on the Rotary.
3/28 - St. Luke's Greek Orthodox tradi onal liturgy with
Greek prayers & meal to follow 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
6 T M M

F M D The Singles and More

Hi everyone, group con nues to meet
The Chancel Choir had a number the second Tuesday of
of guest performers at our each month for a potluck
February 4 rendi on of
dinner. For the March
“Seasons of Love” from the
Broadway Musical, Rent. I mee ng, we will be having Corned Beef and Cabbage to
think we may have had more if celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The group does not typically
that pesky football game was on a different weekend, ask for RSVPs for the monthly potluck. However, it will be
but I was very pleased with how it came out! Thanks important for the March 13 th get together to have a
to Kelly, Vera and Ellen.
count so that we have ample corned beef. If you intend
We have tried to expand outside our comfort zones, on a ending the March get together, please let Joan
with small solos by various choir members and a sig- Clark or Kelly Greene know.
nificant one by Mallory on “Rise Up” on the Sunday
where the Scripture was about Lazarus being raised
from the dead by Jesus.
The Bell Choir con nues to rehearse weekly and will
keep on performing at significant services.
As we journey through Lent together, let us an cipate
the victory of the light and life of Christ over the dark-
ness of sin and death.
Grace and Peace,

EASTER ONLY CHOIR -- please note rehearsal mes for

you. I have not actually picked the music for Easter
yet, but it would help if you could come 03/15 and
03/22 at 7:45pm. Maundy Thursday is 03/29 at 7 pm
and I ask the choir arrive by 6:00 to rehearse.

Best chocolate cake ever
--made by Vance to support
Mission Shares and the
pastor's chocolate habit.

You, too, can support

your sugar needs and
global missions by ordering a cake from Vance. Yummy
for you, doing good for others.
Don’t miss out on any important church e-mails.
Please see Vance Gagnon or email: Please no fy the church office if you change for more informa on your e-mail address.
and to place an order.

Con nued from front cover

Last month, I discussed how the formal space of some O
sanctuaries with front-facing, sta onary sea ng (including
ours) favors clerical authority and traditional communication Sunday School aid or substitute
styles. At ELUMC, we try hard not to let our inflexible architecture – help our li lest disciples love
get in the way of honoring the crea vity of our people God and one another by being
and the sharing of our experiences with one another. the second person in the room.

Apparently, this Lent, we’ll have the opportunity to move Endowment Team – Most work done not through
around, to renovate our sense of sacred space – and it mee ngs but through PR, policy development, individual
will likely smell like coffee. advising, and online resources.
Shalom, Pastor Kelly
Outreach/Stewardship – The craziest hybrid team of
mission interests and making sure the church has the
funds to fulfill its mission. They meet on Thursday nights
p.s. While lots of people complain about how uncomfortable every 6 weeks or so, August through June.
the pews are, the folding chairs in the hall are no be er,
so feel free to bring your stadium cushion. Reconciling – Spearheading our efforts to draw the circle
wider within our community and the larger denomination.
This is a wide open team willing to determine the work
structure based on its newest members.

Worship – Time-intensive but well worth the effort to

create MM-good worship (meaningful and memorable).
This team allows for maximum crea vity and the most
flexibility in scheduling with set-up efforts at off- mes and
Sunday mornings.

It's almost spring in East Media Team – Runs the media board and sound for
Longmeadow and that can only worship services. Also develops ar ul, crea ve themes for
mean one thing … the Carrington slides and video resources. No mee ngs. Work done on-
Scholarship applica ons will soon be line and through email on your own me.
available!! Those who received a schol-
Trustees – monthly meetings on 2nd Mondays addressing
arship last year and our church member
building concerns.
graduates from this year will be sent e-mails with the appli-
ca on and instruc ons a ached. If you are a member of
Finance –no mee ngs with work done through email
ELUMC and a ending college next year, we encourage you
and online databases.
to send in an applica on.
Applica ons can be obtained by contac ng the church Staff Parish Rela ons –meets irregularly 6 mes a year
office ( or 413-525-7416) and reques ng to func on as the Human Resources team and supervise
one be e-mailed or snail-mailed to you. and support the staff.
Applica ons can also be downloaded and printed from our
“forms” web page ( and are
Church Council –made up of team chairs and three at-
available for pick up on Sundays as well. large members. Determines direc on of the church.

The deadline for submi ng the Carrington Scholarship Please share your interest in any of these teams with Lay
applica on is May 5, 2018. Leaders Rick or Chris Hutchinson or the pastor.
Scholarships will be delivered Sunday June 2, 2018
East Longmeadow United Methodist Church
215 Somers Road, STE 2
East Longmeadow, MA 01028-2998
413-525-7416 • a reconciling congrega on
Address Service Requested



8:30 a.m. – Bible Study for Jr./Sr. High & Adults
10:00 a.m. – Worship & Church School
(pre-schoolers through Grade 5)
Professional child care is provided for
“Cribs & Creepers”/“Toddlers & Twos.”
11:15 a.m. – Fellowship Time For the on-line church calendar
follow this link:
The Methodist Messenger is a journal of the ministry of The East Longmeadow United Methodist Church. Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

Green-N-Fit Neighborhood Rebuild 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018
8:00 AM — 2:00 PM
ONE Block on ONE Street all on ONE Day with
1,000 Volunteers!
At our 26th Annual #GreenNFit Neighborhood Rebuild, over 1,000 volunteers will help
repair and renovate homes on Manha an Street, the block from Eastern Avenue to
Walnut Street on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Revitalize CDC is focused on making homes
energy efficient, safe and healthy.

Pastor Kelly Registra on at :

Or contact Tom McGowan at
Advance Course Opportunity
April/May 2018
Saturday, April 14th and Saturday, May 5th, 2018
Time: 9:30AM - 3:00PM
Leader: Rev. Joy Toll-Chandler
Location: Hope UMC, 31 Main St., Belchertown, MA 01007


This course gives participants and overview of the structure and organization of
the United Methodist Church.

For more information and the registration form please contact the church office.
Registration deadline: April 1, 2018

For further questions or information on the upcoming classes, contact

Stephanie Cyr (District Director, Lay Servant Ministries) (860) 375-9760 or

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