JOEL DAVID DAZA DE SOLAS - UA. Study Guide N0 3 Week 3

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Second Semester
By: Mercedes Castillo Barrios

Theme: Lessons 7C-D (Review)

Student’s name: Joel Daza Desolas

Second Semester Study Guide N0 3

Week 3 November 2nd - 6th (Deadline to upload this evidence document: November
6th 2020)

Session One: Tuesday, November 3rd

Practice saying Excuse and sorry.
Use linker (after, when, and while) to write an Email


1. Watch the following video, Pay attention to the intonation. Then practice the
uses of sorry and excuse me.
2. Now look at pictures a, b, and c and prepare a story and check your
predictions of what happened during the synchronous class.
A: Joel: Hi, sorry, I think I saw you in high school when we were teenagers.
What's your name??

Nohemi: Hello, I also think I reminded you, were you the popular boy?

B: Joel: Excuse me for what I'm going to tell you, but now that I see you well I
regret the opportunities I missed in not talking to you before. you are very

Nohemi: thank you very much, you are very considerate

C: Nohemi: you know, it's nice to talk to you, we can meet to talk another day,
if you want

Joel: Sounds perfect to me, I agree

3. Listen to the conversation between Ahmed and Finn, answer the questions
4, 5, 3, 7,6

4. Writing Activity
1. Read the following email.
2. Look for the word: after, when, and while on the text. Based on the context those
words are used. Complete the following chart.
1. We use when and _____while_________ to join two activities that
happen at the same time.
2. We use when and ______after_________ to join two activities that
happen in different times.
3. If the linking word is at the ___after_____ of the sentence, we use
a comma (,) between the two parts.

3. Imagine you have the opportunity for an interchange to your favorite foreign
country. You won’t have to pay for education fees, but you have to pay for
your accommodations and transport. After checking your finances, you noticed
that you don’t have enough money for both. But somebody told you about
homestay families. Read about homestay families on your book on page 76.
Now log in to the following link and choose a family. Now write an email to that family and upload
it to the following folder link.

Session Two: Wednesday, November 4th

Review vocabulary
Use the grammar of the unit to complete activities

1. Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses.
Normally we go to Spain for our vacation, but this year we did not go (not/go).
Instead, we decided (decide) to go somewhere different, and we chose
(choose) Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. We stayed (stay) at the Burj Al
Arab hotel—” The best hotel in the Middle East.” There are nine restaurants in
the hotel, but we did not eat (not/eat) in all the restaurants. And of course, the
shopping was fantastic. We bought (buy) lots of clothes and a few souvenirs.
We also rented (rent) a car and went (go) to the desert. It is really beautiful,
and we took (take) hundreds of photos. It (be) an excellent was vacation.
1.1 Go to the following links and practice grammar: SIMPLE PAST TENSE

1.2 Go to the following link and complete the listening Activity. Upload

2. Look at the following pictures and write down the story of what
happened during Kevin and Karol’s trip to Panama. (remember you
have to tell the story of what happened, so go through the pictures to
describe what happened in detail.
Write your story below (no more than 10 sentences):
January 15

During the flight, the flight attendant tripped and several drinks fell, then he felt
sorry and wanted to help us with the luggage, he left them in a place but they
were stolen, we entered the hotel room without our luggage. Then we went to
dinner, but nobody attended us, we felt that our experience during that trip was
a disaster, we will never return to that place

January 17 - 22
Two days after being at the hotel. we made the decision to have a little fun, I was
upset, but Kevin convinced me, we bathed in the pool, bought a lot of things at
the mall, played Golf that same day and attended a very beautiful dinner on the
seashore, our vacations were arranged that day, it was a wonderful thing, we
never forgot

Session three: Friday, November 6th


UNIT No 8 Introduction

SLO: Talk about the body and being fit and healthy

1. Have you ever asked yourself about how healthy you are? Do you
know what implies to be healthy?
Yes, I ask myself that question every day, I think I am very healthy,
because I have good habits, I also know that it implies being healthy,
it is having better living conditions in terms of health

2. Let’s watch the following video and compare the information in the
video with your opinion. Are you healthy? Do you follow a healthy

Starting with my diet, I don't take much care of it, I only eat small portions of
fast food, but the rest I do exercises, I think I have a somewhat healthy

3. Name all the as many body parts as you can in the following picture
4. Watch the following video and learn vocabulary about illnesses or
diseases. Create your own folder with vocabulary.

face = cara

ears = orejas

eyes = ojos

nose = nariz

mouth = boca

tooth / teeth = dientes

Head = cabeza

tongue = lengua

forehead = frente

cheeks = mejillas

scalp = cuero cabelludo

thigh = muslo

knee = rodilla

Legs = piernas

foot / feet = pie

toes = dedos del pie

ankle = tobillo

shin = espinilla

calf / calves = gemelo, pantorilla

forearm = antebrazo

elbow = codo
arms = brazos

shoulder = hombro

hand = mano

palm = la palma de la mano

finger = dedo

fingernail = uña

thumb = dedo pulgar

thumbnail = uña del pulgar

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